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any other over 35 first time mums?

:hugs: to SK & Storm....

Not much to report here except that I'm ovulating...

N is very into his stuffed animals now. They are all named & he drags them around all over the house. It's sooo cute. He hugs them, puts them down for naps, makes ' hot tea' for them, gives them bottles, puts band aids on their knees, brushes their fur, feeds them w a spoon, pushes them down the slide, reads them books & takes them for walks in the stroller. Who is this kid? Lol
:hugs: to SK & Storm....

Not much to report here except that I'm ovulating...

N is very into his stuffed animals now. They are all named & he drags them around all over the house. It's sooo cute. He hugs them, puts them down for naps, makes ' hot tea' for them, gives them bottles, puts band aids on their knees, brushes their fur, feeds them w a spoon, pushes them down the slide, reads them books & takes them for walks in the stroller. Who is this kid? Lol

That is crazy cute. :kiss:
Oh, & he's finally REALLY into his books! :wohoo:

It took forever with J, too. I used to speak about J's impending illiteracy on here. And then, suddenly, books were all he wanted.
Indigo--Well, just after one year, but it was exactly how you described it--he suddenly was REALLY in his books. Then, a few months ago, he stopped bringing us books every second of the day, so I guess it waxes and wanes.

I just gave J the "If You Give a Moose a Muffin," and now he is running around saying, "Want a muffin! Jonah wants a muffin! Want A MUUUFFFF-FIN!!!"

We really need a "roll your eyes" smilie. Or at least, a better one--there's one that looks nothing like a smilie rolling its eyes.

Today I'm taking J swimming, and then to the soft play. Then he's off to the Day Home, and I have to go see my pain doctor. The past week has been really painful, but at least the pain happened now, just before this appointment, because it would take months to get another one. I'm hoping the doc can help me without turning to morphine as the next step. The current pain pills are entirely ineffective by now.

I took J to music class on Monday, and he was better; he joined the circle around one third of the time we were there, which, for J, is nothing short of miraculous. But when I told the woman running the program that J had never participated so much before, and thank you, she said nothing and looked at me in such a strange, tight lipped way that I realized that participation of even 1/3rd of the class wasn't really appreciated. I don't blame her for her reaction; I'd hate to have J in my class, too. But we're going to keep on going because J is getting better at group stuff.

Okay, now I will end this entirely self-centred post and go get ready. We have some rubber duckies to "swim" after!
SK - SO ridiculous, they're just trying to gt you riled up I'm sure. Good oh is going, just try to be very calm during the hearing and don't let them or their crazy accusations get to you. :hugs:
And the Imperial War Museum freaks me out! We went there as a class when I studied in London, and I had to leave, felt bad vibes and started feeling really funny (bad funny). My professor completely understood, was so kind and let me leave, told me to go take a walk in the park and relax. Later, he told me it was built on the former site of old Bedlam, and that he's known others to feel unexplained terror there!

Indigo - wow, how cute is N with his stuffed animals!!! Adorable! And glad he's liking books with your huge collection. I counted our board books after you said you had 100+...I thought we had a bunch, but really it's only about 30 of the board book type.

Clio - good luck at the dr, hope they truly listen to you and don't just try to push drugs at you.

Claire - I love the natural history building so much, too! Outside and inside! Carvings are so beautiful! One of my fav things in London! Love love the dinosaur exhibit after the refurb, can't wait until we get to take Blake there and show him someday! Oh, I also love the "Earth" section with the escalator, the planets, and the earthquake sim.

Storm - thinking of you and sending lots of :hugs: Any day now!!!
Hi ladies,

Having another one of those days!! Today I gave thiago his first time out from mommy:(. I had to hold him in the corner while he cried and screamed wanting to turn to me:(. I felt horrible doing it but I kept saying to myself "you need to start discipline him. It is the best for him". After holding him for almost 2 min I told him that he needs to listen to mommy and he kept crying and throwing a fit so I left him in the living room and went to the laundry room and he came after me. I went down his level and told him that he needed to say sorry and give mommy a hug. He than throw himself in the floor again and I left again and came back to the living room and I could hear him crying in the laundry room but kind of calming himself down a little. He than came to me and I told him give mommy a hug and he gave me a nice big hug and we stayed hugging each other for a while. After that he was his happy old self Again. It was like he need to scream and cry and get some of that anger out. I felt terrible and told OH about it but we both agreed that one of our most important missions as parents is to discipline our child and I would hate to have my son later on suffer because he doesn't know his boundaries. So time out will be our discipline choice. I want thiago to know that I am his mother and not his friend. And as he gets older I am becoming more aware of how much responsibility we have in our hands. I love him with all my heart :kiss:.

I took J to music class on Monday, and he was better; he joined the circle around one third of the time we were there, which, for J, is nothing short of miraculous. But when I told the woman running the program that J had never participated so much before, and thank you, she said nothing and looked at me in such a strange, tight lipped way that I realized that participation of even 1/3rd of the class wasn't really appreciated. I don't blame her for her reaction; I'd hate to have J in my class, too. But we're going to keep on going because J is getting better at group stuff.

I do blame her for her reaction! How rude and patronising!


but yes, I agree that getting our LOs better at group stuff is important, but there should be basic understanding about the individual within the child!
Hi ladies,

Having another one of those days!! Today I gave thiago his first time out from mommy:(. I had to hold him in the corner while he cried and screamed wanting to turn to me:(. I felt horrible doing it but I kept saying to myself "you need to start discipline him. It is the best for him". After holding him for almost 2 min I told him that he needs to listen to mommy and he kept crying and throwing a fit so I left him in the living room and went to the laundry room and he came after me. I went down his level and told him that he needed to say sorry and give mommy a hug. He than throw himself in the floor again and I left again and came back to the living room and I could hear him crying in the laundry room but kind of calming himself down a little. He than came to me and I told him give mommy a hug and he gave me a nice big hug and we stayed hugging each other for a while. After that he was his happy old self Again. It was like he need to scream and cry and get some of that anger out. I felt terrible and told OH about it but we both agreed that one of our most important missions as parents is to discipline our child and I would hate to have my son later on suffer because he doesn't know his boundaries. So time out will be our discipline choice. I want thiago to know that I am his mother and not his friend. And as he gets older I am becoming more aware of how much responsibility we have in our hands. I love him with all my heart :kiss:.

I agree - we had lots of stroppiness today and hair pulling and attempts to smack me, and we tried a bit of time out (didn't work, but we did get an apology and kiss)....

I think I am better understanding why many women cut their hair short when LOs are born -- it's for survival!

now, a bit of news....I finally got the tenants' names and I looked on-line and on FB, and she had posted on her public page pictures of her Christmas tree (in the front window) and in another picture (the tree can be seen to one side) and guess what was against the party wall (against our master bedroom/bath) - a huge stereo surround system and TV. I guess that might make a little noise especially if you want to annoy a neighbour (me)....the housing board accepted my letter contesting their 'defence' today and I emailed again and said that I would be bringing photographic evidence to the hearing on Monday regarding the 'noise' and that if the stereo and TV weren't moved to an interior wall by 6pm on Monday, I would be seeking an ASBO (it's like a restraining order). It essentially means that I now have proof of everthing, rather than the arbitrary-ness of noise (is that a word?)

I finally asked a school who replied they weren't interested to ask them 'why', but phrased it as 'any advice', and they said that I really should get the proper teaching qualification or get some more secondary experience. I agree, sigh. aaargh...so maybe it's time to write a proper novel or do a website called 'hats for cats' with quirky hand-knit items (not for cats!), but I thought it was catchy...?

LO is now a Shaun the Sheep addict and playing with his leapfrog laptop, but it has the funniest British accent, very squeaky and almost cockney and needless to say, very annoying (nothing against cockneys)!

It amazes me how you are so knowledgeable about all this tenatr thing :thumbup:!! I wouldn't know where to start :dohh:!!
Ah don't you love how our LOs obsess with technology?
Great detective work SK....I am sure photographic evidence of a huge sound system will help your case no end. Hope this all ends well for you.

Indigo, so you are ovulating....how many steaks have you eaten then? :haha:

Sophia has become nuts about books, well she has always liked them, but now she just constantly brings books to me all day long, even at the play group, she found the books!

Clio, I agree with SK, that's rude! I can't imagine how anyone can expect any 2 yr old to sit still and give total participation for anything, it's in their natures to play, be creative and explore and that should be nurtured, not frowned upon that he engaged for only 1/3 of it. :nope: but I hope your appointment with your pain doc goes well.

I too love the natural history museum, my favourite museum in London followed by the science museum. I have actually never been to the imperial war museum at all, I have no idea why as I love history, especially modern history and I studied it for years :shrug:

AFU I am full of this cold throat virus that just won't budge for 10 days now :cry: Sophia is taking up to 2 hours to get to sleep every night! And she has become Velcro mummy's girl at the moment. But on the positive side, we have got mum the flat next door, so that will be great.... A few years ago I would have gone nuts with mum next door, but now it's the perfect compromise and will make life a lot easier :thumbup:, I have put mums flat on the market and we are getting some details about doing some building work on our flat as we will probably stay put for the next few years, until Sophia hopefully gets into the good school nearby. Oh and I have reduced my hours at work again, will be a financial strain but I can do locum shifts to give us extra, and I am in control of when and what I do, so much better than the stress I been having with work schedules! :thumbup:

:hugs: Storm, hopefully not much longer x
Clio I was horrified by the ladies reaction, she needs to lighten up!

Charlie that's fantastic about the flat for your mum! I wish my dad was next door.

SK you detective, go you!

Sorry for the lack of posting, I am beyond fed up. Every aches and I want the baby OUT .... I'm grumpy, tired, sore and grumpy.... Bah!
charlie -- it took me ages to get over the throat thing (finally back to normal, but about to get AF so a little cranky) -- I'd advise loads of tea with honey, halls (mint ones) and loads of water. I also used codeine cough-syrup (I know Boots does at a reasonable price) and an electric blanket (so it gets the aches out) and I know it's hard, as much 'rest' as possible. But really it wrecked me for about three weeks...!

um...that said, I'm going to trot off to bed myself. I only got about 3 hours last night (1.30am up as was 'reading'/trying to distract (I tend to obsess about things, but writing the letter did help!) on my lighted kobo reader (I love it!) and then LO woke up around 4.30 (he went back to sleep almost immediately when he was pulled onto the bed), but I couldn't settle back to sleep, so am exhausted.

hugs to all and to all, a GOOD night.

storm - a friend of mine down here is also waiting to deliver (she was due on the 31st Jan), and we bet that it would be tomorrow, so maybe both of you tomorrow? and I will still apply for job in Belfast, maybe my lack of PGCE won't matter?

Hi ladies,

Having another one of those days!! Today I gave thiago his first time out from mommy:(. I had to hold him in the corner while he cried and screamed wanting to turn to me:(. I felt horrible doing it but I kept saying to myself "you need to start discipline him. It is the best for him". After holding him for almost 2 min I told him that he needs to listen to mommy and he kept crying and throwing a fit so I left him in the living room and went to the laundry room and he came after me. I went down his level and told him that he needed to say sorry and give mommy a hug. He than throw himself in the floor again and I left again and came back to the living room and I could hear him crying in the laundry room but kind of calming himself down a little. He than came to me and I told him give mommy a hug and he gave me a nice big hug and we stayed hugging each other for a while. After that he was his happy old self Again. It was like he need to scream and cry and get some of that anger out. I felt terrible and told OH about it but we both agreed that one of our most important missions as parents is to discipline our child and I would hate to have my son later on suffer because he doesn't know his boundaries. So time out will be our discipline choice. I want thiago to know that I am his mother and not his friend. And as he gets older I am becoming more aware of how much responsibility we have in our hands. I love him with all my heart :kiss:.


This almost made me cry. I don't know why.

Charlie...the new work plan sounds perfect....hope you feel better....

SK...you should just fling a few of F's diapers at them....might make you feel better...

Clio....sorry, but that woman was a jerk....:growlmad:

Kitty...I've had bad vibes like that before...:nope:
SK--I'm very impressed! Silly people--they provided you with the biggest piece of evidence!

Charlie--I'm sorry you're still so sick!

Re: discipline--looks like many of us are dealing with similar issues! J won't listen to "no," you have to pry everything out of his fingers, and if he knows he can't have it, he goes straight for it. And I suspect as this terrible 2s and 3s go on, we're going to complaining a lot! Borboleta, it sounds awful what you had to do! My heart would have broken, too! :hugs::hugs:

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