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any other over 35 first time mums?

Kitty--now I really think that you are more sensitive than others! Have you ever felt anything like that before or since?
Morning ladies, still nothing happening here, more bhs and pain last night, I was seriously cracking up at one stage and them bam nothing.. so annoying and tiring! L was ok, usual nappy and bottle routine but I did get some sleep! Dh is away to work..

Sk I don't know about the pgce for school teaching up here but if you don't try...

Borboleta I totally agree that some sort of discipline is required, the one girl I know who doesn't seem to provide any boundaries has the worst behavior I have ever seen. I know it's horrible but everything talks about her and everyone dreads having her son around, he's 3 1/2. I know he is only a child but wow is he hard work!

It's a nursery day, hopefully my last child free day so better get ready!
not much here....am in a good mood as the tenants delivered their 'pictures', e.g. focusing on trampolines and taking illegal pictures of other neighbours' private gardens. I've never mentioned their trampoline as a problem, so me thinks, they are a bit confused? and....they gave photos of their full bins as evidence of what? that the bin men leave the already emptied bins wherever, if so, why did you include a picture of your full bin in front of my house? This is getting funny now, which I think is a good response -- hehehe!

Finn is okay spirits-wise, a bit whiney (sp?) and me thinks that toilet training might be a good idea soonish as somebody is announcing when he has gone to the toilet, but if we could get him to say beforehand, it might be better?

hugs to all!

ps. storm - I will apply for the job in Belfast, then I can come and stay with you! (hehehe!)
N is napping upstairs & I should be cleaning or something good-wifey like that, but I came here instead...

No one is here to play w me?
SK, they sound very confused...all good for you so :thumbup:

Indigo I see your friend got a BFP, I don't know her but sounds like it was long awaited so :happydance:

Oh and indigo I remember you mentioning a wonder week a while back, was it when N was around 15 months?? The reason I ask is OMG Sophia at the moment, she is like a different girl! Wants me ALL the time, daddy will not do ever! Hates baths all of a sudden, is taking 2 hours to go to sleep every night and waking up early, 5am! She is a very grisly, not her normal happy self, well unless she has me all to herself! :dohh: this has been going on about a week now and I am exhausted, just wondering if it was around this age when you mentioned the wonder week? I know she is teething, but she has never been like this before with just teething, my poor bubba :nope:
Yes, that was the worst one by far & the fact that he was cutting canines & molars at the same time didn't help. :nope:

You are in for quite a ride.....

Mental leap 9 – Wonder Week 64
From Theatricism to Temper Tantrums

For the first time, your child is now able to change programs he’s learned so far. And he loves playing with this. You can see how he varies the programs endlessly and studies all consequences of this. You can see how he does all kinds of “physical antics,” gets acquainted with the outdoors, starts to be more skillful with things and language, imitates others, role-plays daily life, practices emotions, starts to think ahead, starts nagging to get his way, starts to put on drama-play, starts to “demand” a vote, starts to be “aggressive,” can distinguish between mine and yours, starts being nice and placating to get on mom’s good side, starts to make jokes to get around the rules, starts negotiating and bargaining, starts experimenting with “yes” and “no,” starts to know how to get someone to do something for him, learns to do something together, wants to help in the household, and experiments with “thoughtless” vs. “careful.”

Tries to Get His Way
Adults have years of experience with “principles.” With trial and error, we’ve mastered the skills belonging to principles. We know what justice, friendliness, humanity, helpfulness, and cooperation mean. We also know how we can get another person to do something by altering our own behavior. These are things learned over time.

Your toddler, on the other hand, still has to learn all these things. Like you in the past, he does so by trying and experimentation. Eventually, he will learn that with nice behavior, he can achieve a great deal. In the meantime, by making the most of his big eyes and a very sweet voice, he plays you to get his way. If you think about it, it’s very smart!

The examples of principles given above are mainly moral principles, which deal with norms and values. They are all about things that you either do or don’t do. Things that are good or bad. But there are other types of principles that concern the way we do things. For example, while making a puzzle, a principle can be to construct the borders first. Another principle under this banner can be to eat the things you like least first and save the best things – like dessert! – for last.

But, be aware: scientific laws also belong to the non-moral principles and your toddler now starts to discover them! He learns that to build a tower of bricks, the biggest brick has to be on the bottom and that all blocks should be aligned properly in order for them not to fall. If he doesn’t construct his tower in this way, the tower will collapse and he will get frustrated. All very logical. And some toddlers spend all day playing with toy cars, watching them descend an incline.
& yes, she's pregnant! :wohoo:

She waited for a long time, tried countless strategies, including 2 IVFs & 2 DE IVFs, 1 in S. Africa, one in Czech Republic...she has been trying for years & has a few medical issues....but she walked through all this so gracefully & positive...I'm thrilled for her! :cry:
I'm listening to N & DH thru the monitor singing & dancing to Violent Femmes....:rofl:

I hear the rain
I hear the rain...

Still pregnant... Bah... And had one of those rubbish nights with L.... Zzz
but storm -- you're on maternity leave, you've nothing to do! (said to me when I was on maternity leave by OH)...

not much here -- I've noticed that you guys are talking about a language explosion with sentences, but we are still at the many words and phrases rather than complete sentences, but Finn seems very good with his hands, e.g he can use the sky plus (similar to TIVO) to get a programme he wants and will use the remote for the DVD player and actually turn on, etc. He has also figured out the stair gates work, but fortunately, he can't use both hands at the same time, so we are safe for the moment....

anyway, hugs and must go back to teaching....!

hi ladies, mini post from me as usual
work is still mega stressful and Gael has been ill with a temp of 39.3 which wouldn't go down. got very worried, called emergency etc but it seems that's nothing serious

any news storm?
my friend who was due on the 28/1 is still waiting!

hope you are well :flower:
Thanks Indigo for that, it sure is a tough ride at the mo especially with diarrhoea and teething on top, poor bubs :( today we went out to the library where I thought she would love to find some more books, nope, we will just run everywhere and scream as loud as we can! The dirty looks I got, mainly from older people! Well now I actually have to chase Sophia I may well loose some of this weight! On tye way home she fell asleep in the buggy, I cannot remember the last time that happened, maybe when she was 6 months old!

Sorry baby is staying put Storm, am still hoping she's here before Tuesday. I work with 2 girls who are also due on the 11th, one with her first, the other her second. Both are still pregnant!

Kosh, sorry G is poorly and work is still stressful :hugs:
Oh and Clio, I got the book you recommended "Up and Down" love it!
Sorry Storm that your baby is still not here and you had another horrible night. Hopefully your second girl will be a wonderful sleeper. Some babies are, apparently!

Kosh oh your poor boy! Is he better now or still feverish?
So sorry work is still so stressful! Have you gone on that business trip already that you mentioned a while ago? If so, how did it go?

Sabrina Dominic is still only making tiny sentences IF two (sometimes three) words strung together even count. They are certainly not complete sentences yet.

Charlie oh dear, I hope Sophia gets better soon, poor little one! But by the sound of her running through the library, the diarrhoea isn't slowing her down?!

Indigo yay for your friend's BFP! :D
What you posted about the wonder-week was very interesting. No idea if that actually applied to my boys back then but I should check out that chart thing again cause right after posting that my boys don't have meltdowns yet, Sebastian seems to have started trantrumming a lot. Sigh. Mind you mostly it is cause he wants the tv on and we do not. It is difficult not to give in when he screams all morning and throws himself on the floor and starts banging his head when daddy leaves the room etc. But if it was up to him, it would be on all day and he would be glued to it. :(

All ok here ladies but constantly soooo tired that I haven't the energy to post here much but can just about manage a sentence or two on FB. Bad me. I almost hope the blood tests they did on Wednesday will find something wrong so that would explain it. I sleep at least 6 hours every night if not more so there is no reason why I am soooo tired. Unless it is just cause I am so unfit. I slept till 9:30 today and wanted to go back to bed by 10 lol.
We have gymbo this afternoon though so it will be nice to get out of the house. I hope. Also my friend Beau is finally coming back to London after more than a month in Spain and I might have coffee with him this weekend. SO looking forward to some toddler free time. How horrible of me. Sigh.
well, there was a biting today in creche....Finn was bit! Another child wanted the toy Finn was playing with and the other child bit him! Now, he might remember how it feels? but we have such a drama queen in little MR. FINN -- about six months ago, he cut his finger and it healed nicely, but he still points out his 'sore finger;, so I expect that Finn will gently nurse his now-bitten finger (just red, no blood!) and use it to his advantage...

storm -- my friend who was due last week went into labour today, so maybe....?

hugs and bye!
I'm hoping something is going to happen, all of a sudden I'm irrationally weepy and want dh home :(

So not like me.... Arghhh im probably just tired!
Angel--I hadn't realized that you were feeling so poorly! I hope the doctors can come up with an explanation.

I just put J down for a nap at 10 am, and am praying that I'll still get an afternoon nap out of him. I think I am quite delusional to even think there is a hope, but still... He's sick, the poor thing. I was playing with him and he was looking off into space, just saying random words like "penguin," or "backhoe." I asked him he wanted a bottle, and at first he said no, then a little later he sat in my lap. Since he never does that, down he went.

Charlie--Isn't "Up and Down" wonderful? They even made a short film out it, apparently. If S likes Up and Down, try "Lost and Found." It's about how the boy met the penguin to begin with.

I would like to recommend, for all those whose little ones are obsessed with robots: "Robots, Robots, Everywhere." It's currently in the number one spot for favourite books.

I was painting with J at 8 am this morning. Which may seem early, but when you have a kid who gets up at 5 am, it's actually the middle of the morning for us. What's even worse is that it's just starting to get light out. I wonder if I'll ever get used to this province. It's -23 C right now!

Maybe I'll see if I can get some sleep, too, while J is napping.
Sk L had the teeny tiniest little cut on her knee and we had to put cream on it for weeks, she still talks about her sore leg lol.

I hope F is ok after the bite, not nice for him to be on the other end!

Clio what time does J go to bed at? 5am is just brutal!

2 or so hours until dh gets home...
Storm :hugs:. Hope it does mean the start of something or at least that you feel strong and fit again soon :hugs:

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