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any other over 35 first time mums?

Storm I hope you got some sleep last night eventually and that your new little girl is the sleeper you deserve! :hugs:

Sabrina I meant to ask, is your LO still in that extra long Moses basket or did you switch to a cot bed in your room now?

Do your LOs also like to point out dirt to you around the house? Dominic likes to grab me by my trousers and to drag me to marks on furnitures and walls and point at it and say dirt and then expect me to clean it up and then saying a satisfied Clean! The other day Sebastian was walking around with a carrot and tomato rice cake and smeared some on the back of their cots. Dominic later led me to it, pointed and said Cake Dirt! lol
Lol angel! Sophia picks up dirt from the floor and gives it to me and she was attempting to sweep the other day...I suppose at least she is trying to clean not telling me too!
Finn still sleeps in the extra long basket in the living room for naps, we move him into the cot for night-time (and then, usually onto the bed when there are early morning wake-ups)....

neighbours are really having a last hurrah - have parked their car in front since Friday afternoon, even to forcing the neighbours on the other side of us to have to cross the street to get to their car (with four small children); they have been blasting music on and off all morning and all the other 'complaints' -- thankfully, I was already up at 8-9am, so it's all just so funny, which I think is the right attitude.

not much else, LO went down for a nap (in the living room, naturally) and I've been doing housework, quite boring in fact!

hugs to all!
Sabrina--how do you manage not to wake F if you're doing housework while he naps in the living room? And does he still sleep in the basket in his cot, or do you put him straight down into the cot now?

J had a meltdown at 6:30 am. He had been up since 4 am, really, babbling, but OH left him until 6 am. Since then, all he's been doing is crying. So, at 7 am, I put him back upstairs, and we're holding our breath, hoping with all of our might that he'll go back to sleep again! I can't deal with this whining and demanding and crying all day long!

Oh, and J has stopped eating, period. We've gone back to bottles at nap and bedtime to get something in him, and he won't finish those either. He's had a cold, but that started a few days ago. Why would he stop eating now? Well, I hope the cold and the not eating are related, because it's really worrisome!

Darnit, fool boy!!!! Go. To. SLEEP! He's stopped crying, but is banging his legs against the wall mightily loudly!
clio - we're having the same issue regarding food, so I am just leaving a bowl of food in the living room, but that means we must be very careful with the cats...sigh...and so much pee-pee.....AND we also had a 4am-wake up, too, but he did go back to sleep around 5ish....maybe J and F are telepathic?

Angel...N does the same thing...& if something is on the floor, he'll pick it up & throw it in the trash bin himself & then applaud himself. Lol

Clio...Is his nose stuffed up? If it's really stuffed up & he can't smell or taste food, it makes sense that he won't eat.
Bah. He's up.

But we just measured him, and he's 92.71 inches. I don't believe it, though, because that puts him on the 86.4 percentile, and whenever he's measured by the doc, he's never been higher than the 75th.

We're hand feeding J bits of salami. That's how far we've fallen. He's currently insisting that "Daddy eat it!"
clio - we're having the same issue regarding food, so I am just leaving a bowl of food in the living room, but that means we must be very careful with the cats...sigh...and so much pee-pee.....AND we also had a 4am-wake up, too, but he did go back to sleep around 5ish....maybe J and F are telepathic?


Probably. Our cats, too. We've got bowls out in the living room right now, too, and I'm knocking Cleo back right left and centre so she gets the message! J has gotten annoying with any eating he does do. Much to my relief, he'll put an orange slice in his mouth, chew it, then spit it out in its entirety back onto the plate. GGRRRRRRRR!!!!

ETA: Indigo--good point about the stuffed up nose! That started after the cough.
kosh -- we have a name (Leah Julia Eden B..... (last name))!

and we had an almost catastrophy today. OH saw Sabrina come into the living room towards food (as usual) and somehow, Finn had S cornered and was holding onto her tail with his mouth ready to bite...........fortunately, OH saw and escorted S quickly out...whatever happened to 'gentle, gentle'?

and clio -- 92 inches?

am all prepared for tomorrow's hearing, I counted and I have almost 90 pages of photos, a log and supplemental documentation, so nothing left to prepare, except myself, e.g. to RELAX and remember I am in the right here....

Did he have a fever?

Poor baby....:(

No--no fever. He sat really well for the under the arm thing. He actually powerhouses through a cold. He just sleeps his way through it, and when he's up, it's as if he weren't sick! Today is an exception, so he must be bottoming out, the poor thing, but he just let us put him down for a nap.
Hi ladies,

Thiago woke up early too 6am all covered in pee :growlmad:!! Two diapers! Number 6 size night diapers here I come! And he was so grumpy this morning!!! So at 12pm go put him down for a nap and he throws up all his lunch and milk while rocking him :nope:!! So give him to OH and clean the vomit from his rug and back he goes for a nap. Hopefully he will sleep for 3 hours at least :thumbup:.
Doing taxes today so hoping for some money back :thumbup:.
Yesterday we had 3 little kids that I love them very much here at the house ( they are 10, 8 and 3 years old) and thiago did great with all the talking and laughing and screaming that they were doing:).
I bought thiago playdough and he doesn't want to get near the thing :dohh:!! He likes me to mold letters and numbers and laughs when I squish everything together and he won't touch it. Oh well, I guess I just have to try to show him that is okay to touch it and one day he will :shrug:.

Angel: how cute the story about Dom:). Isn't funny how kids do the weirdest things? No wonder we worry about them sometimes :haha:.

Clio: poor J. Sorry he is not eating, but we could be a mix of cold and teething.

Sabrina: you need to become a lawyer. Please really think about it :thumbup:!!

Storm: how cute that Lydia really likes Leah:). My friend that has two little girls too said that the first week was hard because the older one was so jealous of the baby. But than it got better. Hope Lydia is more nurturing of the baby than my friend's little girl was :thumbup:.

Hugs everyone:).
Clio- Lucy's is very hit and miss with her food too.
She isn't eating great ATM, but she has just got over a cold.
You worry, but I think at this age it's quite normal?
very normal, clairey! try not to worry too much unless she has a fever or seems lethargic...

must go, LO is destroying the house and OH is off to ring his mother...sigh!

Your hearing is tomorrow, right Sabrina? What time is it? Morning or afternoon? I am wishing you all the best luck and hopefully something can be done against them!
thanks, angel -- it's at 11.30am. I found out today that if it is determined that they are anti-social, their contract with the council will be cancelled and they will lose any rights to 'social housing' or 'rent allowance'. I think I will present the facts (and evidence) and then ask why they can't compromise, etc....at least, if it goes against them or they start talking about racism, at least then, I won't have a guilty conscience....sigh.

LO very interested in all sorts of babies, but daddy kept showing him my pregnancy books (they were all in the ottoman storage thing in the living room) and telling him that mommies eat babies....um...no? I mentioned that daddies just drink lots of wine while mommies 'nurture the baby'...

sigh...and hugs to all!
so this is where the party is at! Congrats Storm!!!!! you have two now!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME! So happy for you XOXOX

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