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any other over 35 first time mums?

just a quick one -- kosh, mentioned on fb (sorry), but it wasn't great as they (the tenants) did a character assassination on me and I kept trying to bring the hearing back to the issues (and specifically the boom-boom noise), but they kept interupting, etc. We did reach a resolution, e.g. to be more considerate (ha), but after a bit of tears, it dawned on me at 4am (LO woke me up), that if I have to behave, SO DO THEY and if this starts up again, I can refer back to the tenancy board, but it was an awful experience and to be honest, and although I did mention on fb that I might see a lawyer, I just want to be left alone. (not by you guys! them - the evil ones....)They kept arguing that they had rights, but I said it was a quality of life issue and just because their behaviour wasn't 'illegal' per se, it didn't mean it was acceptable. No more on it, guys - want to just forget about it and cross fingers....

not much here - spent hours today and yesterday preparing for interview/lesson tomorrow and to be honest, I don't think my Latin is great, BUT (and fortunately the gods must be smiling?), the lesson I have to do is very easy and me thinks that they want me to show my teaching skills rather than technical latin?)

anyway, OH is yawning (not sure why as HE didn't have LO last night!)

Clio: do you sleep well when you sleep with your OH? I think Sabrina has her own room too and so as storm. How is it when you sleep in the same room? Am I being to nosey :haha:? Apologies if yes :winkwink:.

Charlie: I had no idea about how stressed animals can be around kids. Sorry to hear that. Hope some alone time will help Charlie :thumbup:.

Today we went to a play group and we were the first to get there and thiago was doing great with the other little boy ( great for thiago :dohh:!) but than when two other kids came in you can totally see him getting overwhelmed by the whole situation and decided to just stick by be the rest of the time we were there.
I am now doing little preparations for thiago's birthday party. We picked the cake, cookies and the food so now just need to finish the goodie bags and finish to send out the rest of the invites. I will see if I can post a picture of the cake.

Kosh: I have been meaning to ask you how is G's arm doing after the fracture?
Storm, that cat sounds nuts! Poor thing and getting sprayed on :sick:
I have used feliway before with Charlie, she's not nuts though and I think it helped, I just didn't think about it again.

Borboleta, sounds like you need to find a little play mate for T.

SK is this the interview in Manchester tomorrow?? Or one in Belfast?

Clio and Angel hope both your boys are enjoying some grandma time.

So Charlie's blood work, not great but not dire, renal function is slightly worse but not end stage, but her glucose was slightly raised, not diabetes, but this happens when people/ pets are stressed. I really think this is the problem and I think the vet does too. Charlie is such a human centred cat, she just loves cuddles and more cuddles, all day long if she could. Before Sophia she got a lot! I think she dealt ok with baby Sophia as I could give her more attention them and also a baby is not really in your face. But now Sophia is! I just think I have been too preoccupied with Sophia, my mum and my aunt and going back to work I just neglected Charlie, :cry: I feel so so guilty as she is such a warm, loving cat, I am a bad cat mum :nope: so now lots of cuddles, treats and fresh fish and chicken to get some weight back on, she is so skinny :nope: and feliway. Mum moves next door next week, so she'll be over here a lot. When my mum comes over, it takes Charlie a nano second to get on my mums lap, so she'll get lots of cuddles with mum. And if need be if I think Charlie is not happy here and not improving I may move her in with mum, to a nice peaceful home. She's got a little better each day since Sunday so we shall see.
interview near Manchester, but am flying in and out tomorrow. Up at 4.30am and before LO, would have been grouchy, now with LO, it's almost a lie-in (not quite, hahaha!)...

SabrinaCAT has diabetes and gets two small injections a day (OH does) and keep a close eye on her. It was diagnosed back in October 2009 when we had returned from a trip from Portugal and a few months after the mc, so I wasn't paying as much attention to kitty as I should and felt so guilty, but she is very healthy and although a bit lethargic (she moves fast around food and now, Finn!), has been okay for the last 4 years+.....

and OH and I almost never stay the night in the other's bedroom as his is a pig-style and smells and if we DTD (hahahaha!), it's in my bedroom...LO has a cot or travel cot in each room, but seems to end up on the BIG BED most nights.

Sabrina - thanks for the posting here too. It sounds terribly stressing and I can totally understand why you want to be left alone! Hopefullyh thjis will be the end of it?

Angel - no, havent been on that work trip yet. Its on the 22 feb. Not looking forward to it.

Borboleta - Gael's arm is absolutely fine, he never had any problem with it. Thanks for asking.


Can I crawl into a corner here an cry? Can't take it anymore :cry:
Arrhhhhh lost a post!
Just wanted to say Charlie- glad Charlie isn't as bad a a expected and hopefully with lots of cuddles and less stress she will bounce back!

Kosh - hugs

Hugs to all :hugs:
Charlie - sorry I only now read your post about charlie properly. :hugs: I can totally understand how you feel about her being stressed around sophia, etc. Hopefully with a bit more attention she'll feel better soon :hugs:
Aww kosh I am sorry you are so exhausted! I know you need the money etc but this sounds more like torture than life. I hope you can find something else. Poor woman! :hugs:

Charlie I am so glad it isn't as dire as you thought! What a relief. After all, cats can live to into their 20s. I knew several that did and not all of them Persians (who I think often are longer living than other breeds?) but one who was a non breed cat. She actually was 25!
But I think maybe Charlie might indeed be happier with your mum? I know she is yours and she loves you but if she is next door you'd see her loads but maybe Sophia not as much? I can totally understand how she is stressed, not only by Sophia's attentions but getting less from you. If she loves your mum as you say then maybe it would be best for her?

As for us, my shy little Sebastian cried not at all. He hid at first but only for maybe a minute but then, when mum sat on the sofa, he smiled shyly at her and then he obviously set out to charm and enchant her! The smiles he gave her while hiding his hands and then playing with his fingers and then going up to her and putting his hands on her knees smiling into her eyes and then leaning on her legs and playing with her pendent and then her earrings. And all the time that sweet enchanting smile! My shy boy really has come along! He used to have a crying fit! But I am sure he does remember her too as it has been only 6 weeks since she was here last. :) And my Dominic shouting Emi Emi! And immediately going up to her and wanting to examine her earrings! And I am so in love with them and I think so is my mum :cloud9:
Would your mother happily take Charlie? It sounds like the perfect solution. :cat:

What a lovely thing to witness! :cloud9:

I'm sorry you are having a difficult time. Is it work? DH? Both? :hugs:

Hopefully you'll get this gig, move & not have to ever see your neighbors again. :grr:
Good luck tomorrow! :thumbup:

Play groups aren't for everyone. It seems as though he's ready for some 1 on 1 time w another! :) :happydance:

N had an early nap today...I guess dancing naked to an entire album wore him out...
I have no energy today. DH came home to leftovers & a mess. Oh well...
We are crossing our fingers for another ice day tomorrow. :)
1am and still wide awake?!

Sorry Kosh that things are so rough for you, it really doesn't sound like much of a life. Are there any other options for you guys financially?

Angel, awwww that's a lovely story about your boys and mum. I'm sure your mum totally adores them both!

What album was N dancing naked to indigo? How cute! I love lo's running around naked.

Yep it may be a wonderful solution with Charlie and mum, oh she would love to have Charlie. She does have an old dog, but Charlie and Zoe have known each other since they were 8 weeks old. And Zoe is so dappy and old now, she would pay no notice to Charlie. We will see, I feel I don't want Charlie to feel pushed out by me and also going to a new home is stressful, so for the moment lots of Tlc from me until she's a fair bit better, then I will see. The only problem I worry about is that Charlie really is my fur baby, and I know they say cats don't get attached to a person, but that's not the case with Charlie at all, she is such a softy. I think I will know the right thing to do in a couple of weeks.

Oh and best of luck at tye interview SK.

Night x
I couldn't decide where to post this, on secret FB or BnB but I got a :bfp: this morning! Still not quite believing it but :yipee:
Oh my god Charlie!! I am SOO happy for you!! :happydance: This is soooo wonderful! YAY! Congratulations! :hugs: :hugs:
Wow, wow, wow!!! Charlie wow! :happydance:
I'll have to catch you up ! Lol
I couldn't decide where to post this, on secret FB or BnB but I got a :bfp: this morning! Still not quite believing it but :yipee:


I have the biggest smile on my face right now! Congratulations!!!!!!!!

:wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo:
Ohhhhhh Charlie YES YES YES! I'm soooooooooo happy for you, I actually squealed with delight! Hurrah xxxxx
So I just came home from a trip to IKEA with my mother and J, when I remembered again that Charlie is pregnant!!!

:wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo:
I know! I just told my mum again how happy I am for charlie :D

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