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any other over 35 first time mums?

Sk hope it went well at the hearing? Been thinking about you this am!

Charlie hope you get some answers at the vets :( it's awful when a much loved pet is poorly!

Thanks everyone for your congratulations, little LJ is doing well, so far she's easier than L ever was but then again with L I was beyond stressed, thankfully this is a happy time and no major tragedies going on.

L is at nursery today, I left LJ with dh and took her although she wasn't keen, will probably pick her up early.

I had a complete meltdown last night because I feel so bad about L not being my little baby anymore. She is fine and happy but I miss her in my bed and not having as much time for one on one with my first little princess.

Not much else to report, hopefully pop to Tesco later... How exciting... Lol
Thanks Storm.

Glad to hear that you are enjoying little LJ and that she is easy for you. How is the breastfeeding going? I have heard about mummy guilt when number 2 arrives and I totally get it....I feel guilty about how little attention I give Charlie since Sophia arrived, god know how is must feel with your 1st born! I'm sure it's all part of adjusting to life as a family of 4.

How did it go SK?
Aw Storm I can imagine! But soon LJ will need you a little less and then you can have dedicated L time again! But I am so glad that LJ seems a little easier. How is the BF going?

Charlie when are you going to the vet? I am thinking of you and crossing fingers and toes for your fur baby!

Sabrina how did it go? Was thinking of you this lunch time and hoping all went smoothly.
The Bfing is so so, she's keen but doesn't feed that often and my milk isn't in yet, she's pooping like nobody's business so it's hard to see how much wee she is generating. I can't get her properly latched on one side though and then she gets frustrated so one boob is getting a hammering. Hoping my milk is on it's way as my boobs are getting bigger. I'm not sure how it's going to go tbh but hey we are both trying! L was never interested, at least LJ is helping mummy by being keen, bless her.

And as a totally tmi update I've just been to the 'toilet' for the first time, ouch ouch ouch...
Forgot to say that dh has been amazing since Saturday, I really couldn't ask for more, I'm sure it won't last but so far he's really stepped up to the mark... I'm impressed!
Aw I am glad Storm! I shall think of him as Storm's DH now ;)
Sorry the loo was so owie though! Did you have a bad tear? I cannot even imagine the pain of that! :hugs:
As for the latching, could you ask a LLL consultant? I have heard they are good?
It's only a second degree tear and tbh I have no intention of looking lol, I think it's fear that makes it worse at first too!

I must look in to getting some advice, the mw is out tomorrow so will ask her too. Stupid awkward nipples lol

LJ is sleep on dhs chest at the moment, she's a little sleepy bug.. hope she sleeps tonight. She hasn't been too bad mind you..
Storm--I think it's about time that you had a sleeper! Baby asleep on OH's chest--awwwwww! (I am NOT broody!) And even if LJ's a bad sleeper, you'd be up anyway attending to little Miss L.

So do you say the "Julia" part of the name? And is it "Lee" or "Lay-ah" or "Lee-ah"?

I'm glad your DH is stepping up to the plate this time! I hope it stays that way!
My mother is coming today, and I'm overwhelmed by the mess of our house. We don't do much for when she comes; she knows what we're like and that it would probably kill us to try to get the entire house clean and tidied. We don't even have "proper" places for a third of the junk we have. We try to throw it out all the time, but OH, actually, is the problem. He never throws out ANY student exams. He's required to keep them for a year, but he never throws them out after a year; he just piles the new set of written exams on top of the old ones. And years and years of research piled into big tubs and laundry baskets.

AAARRRGGGHHHH! I hate my house.

I'm also giving my mum my room (it was originally the guest bedroom), so I'm stuck dragging the entire contents of my room into OH's. This happens every time she comes, but our house gets fuller and fuller as the years go by, as well.

Grrrr. Now I'm all made at OH for the exams.

Anyway, SK, I hope it went well today! I see that it is 4:20 over there, so I assume it's all done?
Clio we just call her Leah as in Lee-ah but I wanted her to have some pretty middle names incase she doesnt like Leah when she is older. Also now we have an LJAB and LJEB, heehee.

Dh is away to get miss L, I missed her today!
Storm, is this your second official day as a mother of two? Do you practice that? Go around, whispering under your breath: "Hello there! I'm a mother of two." or "Nice to meet you and your two children. I'm a mother of two, as well."

I had to practice calling OH my "husband" for a long time. I loved it when he called me his "wife." Back then, that is.
Clio my mum is coming tomorrow :) But not staying with us of course.
And I still say to myself, I am a mother of two... mum of twin boys... my two sons... I am a mummy... and it still knocks me over! :cloud9: lol
Okay, my house and my room are as ready as they are ever going to get. I vacuumed and cleaned two bathrooms. Kitchen table is cleared, wiped down and polished. I'm now having a cup of coffee, checkin' in on my ladies (that's you all, of course), and will soon go pick J up from the Day Home. :coffee: Lunch, then off to pick up my mum!

She spent forever texting me yesterday about what his "airport present" should be. (He gets something small when my mum comes through the gate, then a bigger present from her suitcase.) She wanted to give him a foot long fire truck. I told her to go return this HUGE airport gift and just get a little plastic dinosaur.
Storm, glad to hear DH is been helpful and I do hope it continues! With your milk, it takes a few days anyway and sounds like it's coming in, mine took a week, but with Sophia she didn't feed a huge amount until day 3, before it was sleep, sleep, sleep. The only thing about the latch that I can suggest is always offer that boob first, when she's hungry it may make her latch better. Sophia has always been a lefty! She never really liked my right boob, so I have wonky boobs now :shrug:

Clio and Angel, hope you have a lovely time with you mums.

Well took Charlie to the vet today, not a uti, as I had kind of hoped. She has lost a fair bit of weight, which I knew, but it was more than I thought :nope: the vet thinks either end stage renal failure, which I dread, or just an off couple of days. When I mentioned Sophia to her, as a now loud, quick and random toddler, she did agree that this could be stress too. Charlie got use to baby Sophia and actually really liked the attention, but now, not so much and you can see it in Charlie's eyes, also, which I totally forgot about, Charlie has been peeing in random places, ie bathmat, clothes recently, she only does this when stressed. So bloods done, will know results tomorrow. She has eaten a small amount today, peed some more and seems a bit better, but not totally. I also got another pheromone plug in, have any of you used felaway? And from now on, Charlie will spend the day in our bedroom as this is the only room that is off limits to Sophia. I will have to be more strict about keeping Sophia away from her, as one way or another end stage renal failure or not, I am positive Charlie is stressed with Sophia and I feel awful about that :cry:

Anyway enough of my jabber!

Night x
Clio I still haven't got used to mother of one never mind mother of two! I can't even say my husband without giggling!

Charlie I used feliway for ages when I had Jazzpurr, he was my nightmare retarted cat from hell I had for 5 years, I eventually had to get him put to sleep (yes me, never thought I could) when he started attacking me and spraying me in the face in my sleep.. I was scared of that cat in the end and the vet was horrified I'd kept him so long. But anyway the feliway is worth a shot but get the plugin not the spray, it's not a miracle cure but it might calm her a little.

Thanks for the boob advice, my milk is on it's way, I have mahoosive boobs and cleavage, very entertaining, like a sneak preview of a boob job! I ended up expressing from the reject boob to ease the pain, I probably shouldn't have but too late now..

Did anyone else hate the midwives calling? I do! I hate the fact they can't even give you a vague time! 9 to 5, how rubbish is that, I might go out just to spite them... Surely they could at least give you a 2 hour slot?

Angel and Clio I hope you both have fun with your mums. I had a little cry tonight that my mum never got to meet LJ, she would have loved my 2 girls..

Oh you have to laugh I've just come to bed and LJ has started crying, she does not like her crib! Got to go..
Charlie- I hope Charlie cat feels better with a bit of Sophia rest! Stress in elderly animals can give rise to what you have described.
My mum has tried the plug ins with her nervous dogs, but I'm not sure it did too much for them, but they are a bit neurotic! Lol
Don't feel bad, you have done nothing wrong.
I hope the bloods don't show anything.

Storm- I'm impressed you are even managing to log on let alone post!! Hats of to you, super mum!
I remember being super nervous about the 1st #2 but it was ok really as it just rushed out. Not sure if they inserted some sort of pessary?? I was cut and had stiches,which I think is preferable to tearing for healing purposes? I hope you heal well and I didn't want to look either:wacko: I had a feel and that scared me enough! Lol
I hope you don't give yourself too much of a hard time about splitting your time with L and LJ.:hugs::hugs:

Hugs to everyone else.
Storm- we crossed posts!
Don't worry about having expressed from that boob. It wouldn't be good to get too engorged as it's bloody painful. I'm sure LJ will get the idea soon enough. I would say most babies have a favourite boob. Lucy always liked my right one, but nowadays (yes at age 2!lol) she seems to prefer the left. Tbh, she just likes whatever she can get her hands on, left or right! Boob,boob,boob!:haha:
Yes a bit crap the midwife can't give a better idea of time! Anyway, what does it matter? You don't have anything else to do,right??! Lol yeah right!
Its good to let out your emotions and this is a very emotional time for you right now. Your mum would be so proud of you:hugs:
Storm- I'm impressed you are even managing to log on let alone post!! Hats of to you, super mum!


This ^^!! How do you do it woman?? :shrug::thumbup:

and lots of :hugs: to you re. splitting your time with L. I know it must be hard but hopefully you will find the balance soon!
storm - re. preferred boobs, you can also try the 'football' hold to trick her to think it's the preferred one! :winkwink:

sabrina - how did the hearing go?

everyone else - :hugs:
Hey! Grandma arrived, gave J the plastic dinosaur (phew!), and J is in Grandma heaven. And Grandma is in J heaven. And I'm in someone-else-playing-with-J-before-6 am heaven.

Charlie--I really hope your Charlie's blood work comes back clean. :hugs:

Storm--so what are your sleeping arrangements now? Is LJ in a crib? Does L still try and get in your bed?

Angel--I hope you have a good time with your mum!

ETA: wanted to add that all this boobie stuff is so foreign to me! I can't even conceive of breast feeding!

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