any other over 35 first time mums?

aye nappy changes are getting more problematic - martha uses a potty mostly which helps and sometimes i resort to changing her standing up (her not me lol)

Can you explain Rowan how you started the potty process? It is just amazing:)!! I would love for thiago to be off diapers by the age of 2 :haha::.
aye nappy changes are getting more problematic - martha uses a potty mostly which helps and sometimes i resort to changing her standing up (her not me lol)

Okay, how is this possible, other than EC? And EC actually works? I pinned J to the ground this morning to change his diaper and then to get him into a sleeper. It wasn't very successful, though. He screamed bloody murder and then I felt horrible. Which meant I relaxed my grip and he ran off.

guilty mother here
gael just licked the wheel of the stroller :nope:
how can i be so stupid! :dohh:
expect to have an ill baby later on

Kosh, I ultimately gave J my slipper to chew on to keep him relatively still. I wear this slipper OUTSIDE because it's quicker than shoes. Haven't you ever heard that old adage: "children need a pound of dirt a year to keep healthy"? You just gave him some extra dirt, which takes some of the pressure off of getting the rest of the pound of dirt down him at the end of the year.

Clio, nappy changes are, excuse the pun, a pain in the bum!! Babies crawling off with poo up their leg while you chase them isn't my idea of a good time! (funny enough!!)

Since I try to avoid all poopy diaper changes by being conveniently busy when they happen (the tell-tale "ppppfffffttttt!!!!" gives me ample warning to suddenly need to check on the laundry), I have yet to deal with this nightmare. My husband probably gives J my slipper to help keep him still.

Kosh - :haha: You FELL ASLEEP? :haha::hugs:

yup, I fell asleep, only woke up when they called my name!:dohh:

Does your DH at least get up, change his nappy & bring him to you to feed at night? Or, is it ALL you, ALL the time.

'at least'...:haha: yes, he does, although we don't change his nappy during the night anymore, but he brings him to me and also burps him, etc. but more importantly we are now really trying to get LO to settle with him at night

Smart! Do you express so he can get him to settle? Or is he able to settle without milk? (Are you laughing at the ridiculousity of that last question?)

Oh, I so wish I had had my iPhone with me for what just happened. You see, my husband and I have differing philosophies about how J and the cat should learn to get along. I believe that if you don't freak out when they're together, then the cat won't freak out. My husband believes in freaking out and separating them. Thing is, they already adore each other. The cat has been trying to be J's friend since birth. See, look:

J learned to crawl because he was chasing the cat. The cat still loves to hang around J, and J can often be caught playing with the cat's tail. And the cat just sits there and purrs and purrs and purrs. But, okay, my husband is correct, you can't trust an animal, and if the cat does anything to J... So, I sit by them and watch them very carefully, and usually separate them. But just now I looked up and saw J draped across the cat, sucking on her fur and bouncing on her. And the cat was purring and purring and purring. And I did nothing but smile. See kosh, I think that was a worse example of parenting than "the licking incident."

According to my husband, once J learns to walk, then I can stop policing them.

Anyone else have a pet/baby relationship to mediate?
let's see if i remember all i wanted to say...

kizzy - thanks, i know it'll get worse once he gets more mobile, i'm dreading it!

rowan - potty already? are you doing EC?

indigo - how are N nights and days now?

borboleta -
1- STTN! :thumbup:
2- did he actually swallow the paper?
3- oh, and forgot to ask you, are you into football?

clio -
1- from the CSI kleenex box can't really tell either if that is 2 or 3 teeth,sorry
2- music: i usually dislike the typical baby's music/lullabies. don't know what sort of music are you into, but there is a collection called 'rock baby' (or something like that, will have to look it up): lullaby versions of rock classics :thumbup:

how's everyone else?

No sttn last night. The poor little man is having a terrible time with his tooth. He managed to sleep until almost 5am though and them hubby feed him and brought him to bed and he slept until almost 8am:).

And I think he did swallow the paper because I did not find it in his mouth :haha:. A little paper here and there won't kill him:).

I love soccer!!!! Soo mad brazil lost to Mexico st the Olympics!!! But that is okay the world cup is coming and it is going to be in brazil so they better win it:)! Sorry Argentina but you can be second place :haha:!!!
No sttn last night. The poor little man is having a terrible time with his tooth. He managed to sleep until almost 5am though and them hubby feed him and brought him to bed and he slept until almost 8am:).

And I think he did swallow the paper because I did not find it in his mouth :haha:. A little paper here and there won't kill him:).
I love soccer!!!! Soo mad brazil lost to Mexico st the Olympics!!! But that is okay the world cup is coming and it is going to be in brazil so they better win it:)! Sorry Argentina but you can be second place :haha:!!!

my DH is Mexican, I don't think I've ever seen him so happy in my life!!:haha::winkwink:
No sttn last night. The poor little man is having a terrible time with his tooth. He managed to sleep until almost 5am though and them hubby feed him and brought him to bed and he slept until almost 8am:).

And I think he did swallow the paper because I did not find it in his mouth :haha:. A little paper here and there won't kill him:).
I love soccer!!!! Soo mad brazil lost to Mexico st the Olympics!!! But that is okay the world cup is coming and it is going to be in brazil so they better win it:)! Sorry Argentina but you can be second place :haha:!!!

my DH is Mexican, I don't think I've ever seen him so happy in my life!!:haha::winkwink:

Okay now this relationship is getting difficult! You are from Argentina and your husband is Mexican!!!! :growlmad: not good:)!:haha: telling that revenge will be sweet and the right time comes:)!:haha:
Clio - to answer your question...



That is hilarious!!!! :haha: you might beat Clio on the animal photo :haha::haha::haha:!
Clio - to answer your question...



LOL!!!!!! What a wonderful picture! I just showed it to my husband. He now knows what happened because I had to explain why J had fur encrusted on his cheeks (he still has a runny nose). And why the hair on the cat's back had hardened (from snot).

So no worries from you or DH about the cat? Did your cat put him/herself there? And what a gorgeous cat!
Love the kitties with the babies! So so sweet. :D Sorry have no time yet soon to put babies to bed and then hopefully :haha:
Question to the uk ladies:

How many times the midwife comes to your house to check on you and your LO? Because here on the states I think most of us have a obgyn and we go see him at 6 weeks after birth. So I am just curious to know why:)?
Ours came 3 times cause she was trying to help me with breastfeeding and I was having the baby blues rather so she was a lil concerned. Otherwise I think she would have come twice only. But the Health-visitors are meant to come more often. Ours came twice and hopefully won't any more cause I thought her rubbish lol.
Ours came 3 times cause she was trying to help me with breastfeeding and I was having the baby blues rather so she was a lil concerned. Otherwise I think she would have come twice only. But the Health-visitors are meant to come more often. Ours came twice and hopefully won't any more cause I thought her rubbish lol.

These midwives and HVs sound so menacing after what I've read in BC. It seems like a lot of them don't know what they're talking about (i.e. milk spots need to be seen by a doctor...), and needlessly frighten new mothers. I'm kind of glad that I was ignored apart from my 6 week pp OB visit...

Why did you think yours was rubbish, Angel?
She came round when my boys were 5 days old and I was 2 days out of hospital. I was tired, in pain and wanted to nap. Instead I had to talk to the HV who took down my details for about 2 hours! Seriously! Ok she was only 6 months out of training but cmon! She wanted to weigh the boys, even though the Midwife had been round the day before and weighed them and I had noted down their weights. Then, instead of helping me, she let me do all of it even setting up the scales, which were hers! And when Seb peed, which he always used to do when his nappy was off, do you think she helped me mop it up? Nah-huh! She stood there and sipped her coffee while I was kneeling on the floor and cleaned her scales and my floor. I didn't get any useful tips or advice from her at all and wondered why she had come over at all. Not that I would have followed any tips she had. :growlmad: She actually said that really, I should make up the boys feed 30 mins before they eat cause the guidelines for formula said that I should boil the water, wait 20 minutes, add the formula and then give the bottle a cool bath till it's the right temperature for feeding and only then give it to the boys. And at night? Well just get up in time and prepare it dontcha know! Cow.
lol angel I know!! cant imagine with twins - we make marthas fresh and until we started using gavsicon i used cartons at night - much easier!

i have only met one nice mw in my 3 pgs
Thing is, the boys didn't have a routine back then. I never knew when they wanted to eat. It could be anything from between 2 to almost 4 hours. So her advice really was totally useless. The MW said to prepare several bottles as recommended, cool them down in a waterbath and then pop them in the fridge, heating them in a bottle warmer when they were needed. This is what we still do. But at night we still use the tetra packs cause Dominic is very loud and has no patience whatsover!
She came round when my boys were 5 days old and I was 2 days out of hospital. I was tired, in pain and wanted to nap. Instead I had to talk to the HV who took down my details for about 2 hours! Seriously! Ok she was only 6 months out of training but cmon! She wanted to weigh the boys, even though the Midwife had been round the day before and weighed them and I had noted down their weights. Then, instead of helping me, she let me do all of it even setting up the scales, which were hers! And when Seb peed, which he always used to do when his nappy was off, do you think she helped me mop it up? Nah-huh! She stood there and sipped her coffee while I was kneeling on the floor and cleaned her scales and my floor. I didn't get any useful tips or advice from her at all and wondered why she had come over at all. Not that I would have followed any tips she had. :growlmad: She actually said that really, I should make up the boys feed 30 mins before they eat cause the guidelines for formula said that I should boil the water, wait 20 minutes, add the formula and then give the bottle a cool bath till it's the right temperature for feeding and only then give it to the boys. And at night? Well just get up in time and prepare it dontcha know! Cow.

:saywhat: That's just insane. I've heard so many bizarre stories about these HVs.

And that method of making up formula is ridiculous at night. Especially with how you guys make formula in the UK. (We just mix and shake here. Probably a reflection of how impatient North Americans are... Or lazy. Could be lazy.)

kosh--I saw those CDs at the library. I'll have to take them out. Apart from the Indian Elephant Tea one, I can't stand any other the other "traditional" ones I got.

Rowan--you still have to tell us how Martha can use the potty at such a young age!
So no worries from you or DH about the cat?
Did your cat put him/herself there?

My cat, AC (Alley Cat), thinks it's her duty to keep N warm. My DH thinks it's funny. We're not worried about it. AC hates everyone except him. I actually worried that we might have an issue.
She came round when my boys were 5 days old and I was 2 days out of hospital. I was tired, in pain and wanted to nap. Instead I had to talk to the HV who took down my details for about 2 hours! Seriously! Ok she was only 6 months out of training but cmon! She wanted to weigh the boys, even though the Midwife had been round the day before and weighed them and I had noted down their weights. Then, instead of helping me, she let me do all of it even setting up the scales, which were hers! And when Seb peed, which he always used to do when his nappy was off, do you think she helped me mop it up? Nah-huh! She stood there and sipped her coffee while I was kneeling on the floor and cleaned her scales and my floor. I didn't get any useful tips or advice from her at all and wondered why she had come over at all. Not that I would have followed any tips she had. :growlmad: She actually said that really, I should make up the boys feed 30 mins before they eat cause the guidelines for formula said that I should boil the water, wait 20 minutes, add the formula and then give the bottle a cool bath till it's the right temperature for feeding and only then give it to the boys. And at night? Well just get up in time and prepare it dontcha know! Cow.

AngelK: it sounds terrible and useless! I wonder why do they need to come see you? I know Conina had trouble with her MW too.

Clio: how about Canada? Was your birth free of charge? My emergency c-section total here in the us including doctors appointment and the whole ordial was about $20.000,00!! So glad we have insurance otherwise you cannot afford to have a baby down here! I know that most insurance here don't pay for fertility treatments. How is it in the uk and Canada?

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