any other over 35 first time mums?

Clio: how about Canada? Was your birth free of charge? My emergency c-section total here in the us including doctors appointment and the whole ordial was about $20.000,00!! So glad we have insurance otherwise you cannot afford to have a baby down here! I know that most insurance here don't pay for fertility treatments. How is it in the uk and Canada?

Yup. Totally free of charge. All doctor's app'ts free of charge. Midwives are covered here, too, so you don't have to pay for a private midwife either. I went to L&D four times during my pregnancy because of suspected problems, and wasn't charged a dime (nor did I have to wait). I went to the ER twice--never charged. I also had an EMCS and no charge. I then didn't have to pay for the three extra days I then had to stay in the hospital. Of course, we do pay for it in our taxes, but not an exorbitant amount. I think if you ask any Canadian if they wanted to get rid of our Universal Health Insurance, they'd tell you no.

I'm actually quite shocked by the premiums and deductibles you guys have to pay. I've heard of people paying $1,200 a month. And I know someone else who has an $8,000 deductible (she lives in Cali--I think this makes a difference?)

ETA: Oh, and about the fertility treatments, my husband's insurance covered the entire cost of the extremely expensive injectables we used to finally get pregnant. But I think I'm a rare case. We had to pay for the IUIs (and the IVF we had already set to go), but other provinces like Ontario or Quebec either pay for IVF completely, or subsidize it. This will never happen in my province, however. I live in a very conservative province.
ah sorry must have not read you asking lol theres always so much to read lol! I started outting her on her (little) potty when she was 4 months and starting to sit up - mainly due to her reflux being a massive prob when she needed a poo mid feed or shortly after a feed - she shes now v used to it (she sits and "reads" or plays with a toy) - i pop her on every time i change her and if she needs a wee she will do one and then gets up when shes done - when i pick up on her needing a poo (we had a hit and miss day yesterday as she didnt poo at her usual times) i take her up to the bathroom and she poos on the potty and gets up when shes done - she loves to see what shes done :) - who knows how it'll go - my mam says thats how they potty trained me and my sister and how it was done back in the 70's - i was reading about potty training and mostif not all of the advice to potty train later (2 or 3) is based on the same research from the 60's which was carried out by a dr paid for guessed it = pampers!! so thats led me to being a bit cynical abut its validity lol

time will tell how it goes tho - shes v interested in me going to the loo - we have a loo seat that has a mini loo seat in it already so we're good to go for when shea older - her cousin loves it and always goes to the lo in uor house so she can use the special seat!

i havent said to friends she uses the potty tho cos i cant be bothered to listen to their views lol
ah sorry must have not read you asking lol theres always so much to read lol! I started outting her on her (little) potty when she was 4 months and starting to sit up - mainly due to her reflux being a massive prob when she needed a poo mid feed or shortly after a feed - she shes now v used to it (she sits and "reads" or plays with a toy) - i pop her on every time i change her and if she needs a wee she will do one and then gets up when shes done - when i pick up on her needing a poo (we had a hit and miss day yesterday as she didnt poo at her usual times) i take her up to the bathroom and she poos on the potty and gets up when shes done - she loves to see what shes done :) - who knows how it'll go - my mam says thats how they potty trained me and my sister and how it was done back in the 70's - i was reading about potty training and mostif not all of the advice to potty train later (2 or 3) is based on the same research from the 60's which was carried out by a dr paid for guessed it = pampers!! so thats led me to being a bit cynical abut its validity lol

time will tell how it goes tho - shes v interested in me going to the loo - we have a loo seat that has a mini loo seat in it already so we're good to go for when shea older - her cousin loves it and always goes to the lo in uor house so she can use the special seat!

i havent said to friends she uses the potty tho cos i cant be bothered to listen to their views lol

No way! There's a very interesting piece of history there. And that is quite amazing what you've done with Martha. I love that she reads on the potty!
Clio: can I moving with you :haha::). Free care what a wonderful thing:)! And yes we had to had $1300 hundred a month for our insurance ( me/ hubby and baby)!!! Now we went on our own private insurance but we still pay about( $650.00) and no maternity is covered! So no pregnancy for me or we go bankrupt!!!

Rowan75: it is amazing what you do to your LO:)!!! When thiago starts sitting on his own I might try it and see how it goes:). I know they say boys are potty trained later than girls but it doesn't cost to try:).
I have a friend that has a boy and he told me to potty train thiago sitting in a toilet and not standing. He says he is sick of cleaning the floor and walls full of pee because his son does not want to hold his penis while peeing :haha:. I might take on the advice.
I have a friend that has a boy and he told me to potty train thiago sitting in a toilet and not standing. He says he is sick of cleaning the floor and walls full of pee because his son does not want to hold his penis while peeing :haha:. I might take on the advice.

I think this is very, very good advice. Also, no lid to put down.

That's crazy about the premium. I read about these debates over on other forums about how Americans would still rather keep their private insurance than have the big bad gov't take over. And how our Universal Health Care is not really free and we have to pay much more in taxes than Americans, and I just scratch my head. $1,300 a month is about the amount of our mortgage payment. Multiply it by 12, and how on earth are Canadians paying more in taxes than Americans if you were to lump your premiums in with your own taxes? (Did that make any sense?)

Growing up with Universal Health Care is also why most Canadians will tell you that Health Care is a right, not a privilege. Most of us would think that denying anyone health care is criminal.

And I can't believe that another baby would be impossible.

How long have you lived in the States?

And absolutely! Come live with me and bring that adorable Thiago with you! J and T can be the best of friends. And the cat. Apparently my husband found J hugging the cat and sucking on her fur again, and just now, when I went to get J up from his nap, the cat came running out of the room, too. I think they are going to be very, very close.
I have a friend that has a boy and he told me to potty train thiago sitting in a toilet and not standing. He says he is sick of cleaning the floor and walls full of pee because his son does not want to hold his penis while peeing :haha:. I might take on the advice.

I think this is very, very good advice. Also, no lid to put down.

That's crazy about the premium. I read about these debates over on other forums about how Americans would still rather keep their private insurance than have the big bad gov't take over. And how our Universal Health Care is not really free and we have to pay much more in taxes than Americans, and I just scratch my head. $1,300 a month is about the amount of our mortgage payment. Multiply it by 12, and how on earth are Canadians paying more in taxes than Americans if you were to lump your premiums in with your own taxes? (Did that make any sense?)

Growing up with Universal Health Care is also why most Canadians will tell you that Health Care is a right, not a privilege. Most of us would think that denying anyone health care is criminal.

And I can't believe that another baby would be impossible.

I totally agree with you! Insurance companies here are like a mafia!! And it is funny to hear than saying what you just mention about how Canadians pay more in taxes ... Blablabla.... But like you said if I were a canadian i would not want to change a thing:)! Totally agree that health care is a right and not a privilege. But most people here dont see it that way unfortunelly.

How long have you lived in the States?

And absolutely! Come live with me and bring that adorable Thiago with you! J and T can be the best of friends. And the cat. Apparently my husband found J hugging the cat and sucking on her fur again, and just now, when I went to get J up from his nap, the cat came running out of the room, too. I think they are going to be very, very close.

I've been here for almost 12 years. Met my husband after a week from my arrival and we are together since:).
Clio: somehow I got my iPad all messed up here and part of my response ended up inserted to your previous response. So it is there:). And thank you for the offer I wish we could just move down there but I don't think I would like the cold weather:)!!
ahve lots of thing to comment ladies, but i'm too tired now
speak to you tomorrow! :flower:
I've been here for almost 12 years. Met my husband after a week from my arrival and we are together since:).
That is so romantic! Were you there on vacation, or had you moved to the States?

And thank you for the offer I wish we could just move down there but I don't think I would like the cold weather:)!!

Good point. Of course it depends where you live. In my city, however, it gets very, very cold. And you moving somewhere else in Canada sort of defeats the idea of living with me.

ahve lots of thing to comment ladies, but i'm too tired now
speak to you tomorrow! :flower:
I hope the night/Gael is good to you!

Question for all who have started weaning:
J has been taking far less from his bottle. I thought it was because he was sick, but that's basically passed, and he's still only taking half, or two thirds. We've stepped it up with the weaning (I'm actually cooking stuff); could that be the reason? I'm doing BLW, so it's hard to tell how much he's taken in (or even if he is taking anything in), but can it make that much of a difference?

Or do you think it's still because he was sick?
Clio, how many bottles does he have and how much food? He might be ready to to drop a bottle if he's not finishing them as he could be getting more full up than you realise xx
I've been here for almost 12 years. Met my husband after a week from my arrival and we are together since:).
That is so romantic! Were you there on vacation, or had you moved to the States?

And thank you for the offer I wish we could just move down there but I don't think I would like the cold weather:)!!

Good point. Of course it depends where you live. In my city, however, it gets very, very cold. And you moving somewhere else in Canada sort of defeats the idea of living with me.

ahve lots of thing to comment ladies, but i'm too tired now
speak to you tomorrow! :flower:
I hope the night/Gael is good to you!

Question for all who have started weaning:
J has been taking far less from his bottle. I thought it was because he was sick, but that's basically passed, and he's still only taking half, or two thirds. We've stepped it up with the weaning (I'm actually cooking stuff); could that be the reason? I'm doing BLW, so it's hard to tell how much he's taken in (or even if he is taking anything in), but can it make that much of a difference?

Or do you think it's still because he was sick?

Could he have some teeth coming in? I haven't had that problem yet, but I know some have complained of not taking the bottle before teeth come in. Hope he is feeling better!

You guys talking about potty training is scaring me!!! I forgot about that! Yikes, I feel like I can't keep up!! Does anyone else feel like babies just grow too fast. I feel like I never get to relax and enjoy where she is at because after a week she is doing something different.

Is anyone else having a hard time with the weather? I know I can't complain as the weather here is mild compared to other places, but I honestly feel like I am melting and poor dd is constantly all sweaty!!!
Oh yes! We are definitely melting in our house! Just filled up georgie's paddling pool for later :)
Clio, how many bottles does he have and how much food? He might be ready to to drop a bottle if he's not finishing them as he could be getting more full up than you realise xx

Good question--we rarely count exactly how many bottles he has. Let's see, he has one before bedtime and nap times (twice a day). And one in the middle of the night. They are all 8 oz, and he used to finish them all. So that's 32 oz. He's 8 months.

As for food, he's actually been increasing the amount of real food he's taking in, and I've been giving him one meal a day that consists of protein. Could that make that much of a difference? The protein one is typically the meal that he'll eat the most of.

Maybe we should start decreasing the amount in his bottles...

Could he have some teeth coming in? I haven't had that problem yet, but I know some have complained of not taking the bottle before teeth come in. Hope he is feeling better!

You guys talking about potty training is scaring me!!! I forgot about that! Yikes, I feel like I can't keep up!! Does anyone else feel like babies just grow too fast. I feel like I never get to relax and enjoy where she is at because after a week she is doing something different.

Re: teeth. It's a good question, but his teething "days" typically last a day long. Then we're back to normal. It could still be his cold. I guess time will tell...

Re: potty training. Not even entering my head right now. That'll be a few years for me. And yes--time is going way too fast. And sometimes, one skill leads to a host of others all one after the other. Once J had learned how to sit, that was it. He went from sitting to crawling to cruising in the blink of an eye. At least we have some time before he starts walking. But I look at my ticker and get very nervous when I see how close he is to one year old. :nope:
You could probably cut down the ones before naps, maybe 5 ounces instead of 8 and see how he goes? They need 20 ounces so he would still be getting plenty :)
You could probably cut down the ones before naps, maybe 5 ounces instead of 8 and see how he goes? They need 20 ounces so he would still be getting plenty :)

Oh my, you'd think he'd be a little porker with all that formula! I think you're right--5 oz would be a goodly amount. Though he's typically finishing only 4 ozs these days. But, I always like to have a little extra just in case... We'll try that today and see how it goes. Thanks!
I agree with you ladies. Time is going by so fast :cry:. Thiago is getting to be sooo much fun lately :kiss:. I am in love with this fase that he is in. Although I am already planning his first year birthday party :haha:. It is never too early to plan ahead:).
Hubby and I went to talk to a financial planner to save money for college for him !!!! Now that was strange since we are talking 18 years down the road!
morning ladies! how's everyone? (hahaha I started writing this this morning!)

we've had a surprisingly good night :thumbup: Gael still woke many many times (haven't really counted them) but a) we found a way of co-sleeping that works for us and b) it seems that he's turning into a proper thumb-sucker and is managing to self-settle 1/2 of the times! :happydance: I didn't have much sleep anyway as I was still awake looking at him in disbelieve! :dohh: now the problem is - I'm already worried about the thumb-sucking and being bullied etc etc etc - can't win, can I? I guess we'll have to deal with one thing at a time.

see if I can catch up with what happened yesterday....

MW & HV - I was actually very glad that the MWs came to see us at home. We left hospital after 4 days but had lots of problems BFing. I felt very supported. We left hospital on a Thursday and they came Fri, Sat, Sun and a couple of days during the week! In hindsight I can't believe no one spot that Gael was TT, but that's a different issue and I still think that the way they look after you during pregnancy is really good. On the other side, HVs :dohh: I've seen 3 so far, all useless! :growlmad: Their advise is inconsistent and rubish, I get more support and better advise here in BnB!
I can't believe what that HV did to you Angel! what a cow!

Weaning - Clio I think we're going through the same. I don't know how much less Gael is taking as he's BF, but my boobs feel fuller all the time, so he must be taking less. I too thought it was because he was ill but I'm starting to think it's weaning-related. ETA - could be teething too

oh, and today we've had the first, excuse my language, sh*t smelling poop :sick:

Potty training - Rowan, I wasn't aware that the study was done by Pampers! very interesting and I think you're right, I'm v cynical too.Do you leave Martha without nappies at all, like EC, or just take her to the loo when she wants to go? When I first read about EC I htought it was crazy,but the more I think about it the more sense it makes. I read that babies have sphincter control and they have to loose it to get used to wearing nappies, only to then have to gain it again! Anyway, unfortunately,I think I still could not do EC as I think it takes a lot of commitment.

Music - Clio, there are actually two collections one is called Rockabye baby, which is good but to me still has a little bit of 'fisher price' sound :winkwink:. The other one,which I like better, is called 'Baby Go'. see what you think,here are two examples:

food is ready - talk to you later!
In relation to milk/weaning, I was told about 500-600ml was fine, e.g. I think it's about 15-20 oz, but my LO is drinking a bit more as today, we didn't do too much food as he was pretty fussy most of the day (and daddy was home from work, it's soooooo much easier when my OH is at work to feed LO food)...also, I was recommended to have cool, boiled water available to make sure LO is getting the hydration necessary. I asked my HV about how much food and she recommended 12 spoonfuls (baby spoonfuls, not tea or tablespoons) per 'meal', so if your LOs are 'drinking less', they are probably eating alot more...

My LO still has something to eat/drink every 2-3 hours (except at night, sleeping about 6-8 hours, not sttn per se, but that's fine with me!) as he has a reflux problem, so I give some milk and then an hour later, a few spoonfuls of food, and usually he has 12+ spoonfuls if he's hungry or likes (hates peas and spit those everywhere!) reading through previous posts, I wouldn't worry too much....

Am off to look at a creche tomorrow - cross fingers it is as good as it appears/friend's recommendation....kinda want to go back to work in October (only 3 mornings a week) as am tired of asking OH for money and of being broke!


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