any other over 35 first time mums?

That's a sad yet lovely story about your cat, Kosh. Sorry I've not posted much but Kia and I have both got a nasty sickness and diarrhoea bug. So sad to see her be violently sick and then get so upset about it. Very tough day for us today. Sorry I've not been very good at following posts or joining in discussions etc. You lot move so quickly! I'll try to remember what I can. Clio, what a result to get STTN - long may it last! Storm, Kia's nappy changes are definitely becoming a battle. So much so that we stopped using the changing table yesterday because she tried to fling herself off it. Very scary moment, I was shaking afterwards. Re usernames, my name is actually Lisa but it's pronounced like Leeza like Lisa in Mona Lisa.
We had normal sstn last night! 9.20pm to..........7.20AM! There was some fussiness around midnight, but after putting the dummy back in and stroking his cheek, he did fall back asleep, and then I was awake from about 5am (dozing), but LO woke up around 7ish - now, I'm more tired than if I had had broken sleep (why?).....

Leeze - sorry to hear about you and Kia.:hugs:

kosh - sad story about your kitty-cat, but glad you had such a good friend for so long! I have two (Sabrina, who is 12 and her daughter, Daphne, who is 11) and LO is getting to know them (he doesn't seem to be scared of them anymore and even smiles at them now!)

off to do some housework....nope...think I'll go back to bed! Ever since having LO, my AF seems to be worse on days 2 and 3? very odd.!

Morning ladies! Kosh that is a sad yet beautiful story about your cat and 16 is a good age. My 2 male cats are 9 (Storm and Jet) and my female is 7 (Lily) - I think! How bad is it I can't remember what age one of my cats is!

Last night was an odd one, Lyds slept for an hour and a half in the afternoon - very unusual so when it came to bed time 8pm ish she wasn't overy tired. We have bath at 7.15 then bottle and bed. Well last night she had other plans. My dad was here as DH was at work, he works 12 hour shifts, so I left my dad watching tv while I tried to settle her. She didn't. I left her in her cot and we were listening on the monitor, not that we need it as her bedroom is above the living room and there was the weird clunking noise - it was just a constant clunk - went to check and she was on her knees at the end of the cot, had managed to stretch out and grab the angelcare monitor and was bashing the unit off the little unit it sits on. It never crossed my mind she would do that - doh! Anyway I couldn't get her settled, my dad headed off as my brother was going to his house. I tried comforting her, I tried letting her cry - until she went hysterical! I mean tears, snot running down her face, big gulpy sobs inbetween the screams. SO I lifted her and yup she wanted to go to bed with mummy, By this stage it's 9pm she is wide awake so I brought her into bed with me (bad me) and she watched tv for ten minutes, settles herself down and went to sleep. She squiggled and squirmed and I lost count of the number of times I was hanging off the end of the bed and had to remove her head from my butt but no crying and she slept til 8.10am! From 7am she slept up against me clinging on to my pjs..... so what on earth do I do??? I don't so much mind her coming in with me in the middle of the night but I don't want to have to go to bed at 8pm every night - I won't get any time to do anything or any baby free time - arrghhh

Other than that she has started torturing the dog now she can get across the room by herself - poor dog!

Clio - thats good about Jonahs sleeping and the housework will still be there when you have had a nap :)

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Kosh--what a bittersweet story. I hope that J has a similar relationship with Morgan (the cat). She's a Manx, which is a one-person cat. That person used to be my husband, but she's been relegated to the sidelines since J's birth. But she is so intrigued by the boy, and he by her, that I hope that allegiance transfers to him.

Well, we had a second STTN! I feel badly, because it is the result of a CIO episode that I never intended to do, but I then found out that my husband has been jumping out of bed and running to feed him at the slightest sound. So, when I took over half the nights, J fully expected this treatment and wouldn't take no for an answer. So, he probably would have been STTN for a while if OH hadn't been so quick of the mark each time.

And teething is a b!tch. The poor boy. Yesterday, I gave him some Advil mid-day, because it was clear he was uncomfortable. Turns out, he was more than uncomfortable. When I had him in my arms, rocking him to sleep after the Advil, he actually moaned and whimpered into my shoulder. My heart broke. I just sat there, repeating: "I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry." These two top teeth won't break through though! Apparently my husband had the same problem. My MIL has no recollection of her other two sons having teething problems, but OH was miserable, especially with those two teeth. It seems like we have a pair of honking big teeth coming in...

StormJet--Oh lord I laughed so hard at your story about Lydia and the monitor! Funny smart little cookie! And what a bizarre night. It sure doesn't sound comfortable. I hope things go back to normal tonight. I wish I could get J to co-sleep; at least we'd be guaranteed naps (I assume). But he will sleep on no one but my mother and Oma. Maybe because I didn't/don't BF?

SabrinaKat--oh, I hope that one day soon I can say "it was a normal STTN." Lucky you...except for the being exhausted anyway. I hope you had a great nap!

Leeze--are things better today? I can't imagine trying to take care of myself and an utterly miserable LO while sick. But I guess it's inevitable, and I'll have to be brave like you to survive when it happens.

kosh--any poo yet?
Leeze: hope you and LO feel better soon. Do you have anyone to help out? I cannot imagine being this sick and have to take care of a child!!

Clio and Sabrina: yeah for Sttn!!!! This will be part of you routine now:)!!!

Storm: I too sometimes feel bad about taking naps with thiago or bringing him to bad at 6am ( and kicking hubby to another room) so I can sleep a little longer. I am a big believer of CIO but never done it with my own son :wacko:! Maybe because my husband is at home and he can help out. But anyways , you LO will go back to sleep in her bed you will see:). Sometimes I think if I am doing the wrong thing for thiago and he will get used to sleeping with us ( although he sleeps in his bed most of the time), but them I think that soon enough he will not want to have anything to do with us , no more snuggling in bed or wake up in the morning and seeing his cute little face smiling at you (sigh) ... Then I just enjoy it as much as I can :kiss::haha::)! Same thing with wanting to be held most of the time. Soon enough he will want to explore because he is crawling and no more holding little man :cry:. Sometimes they just want some loving and so do we :haha:! Specially for us that are thinking about just having one baby. If you want more than one than it is a different story :haha: !
Nearly time for baby bedtime routine! The monitor has been moved out of the way, she didn't have a mammoth afternoon nap, back to the usual 30 mins, she's been in her walker, playing with me and had a wee jump in her jumparoo and crawled after the dog - we have one leg in action now but its still mostly dragging by her hands - surely she has to be tired! Oh and we went to the park earlier to walk the dog too...

I'm hoping to get her down in her cot tonight, fingers crossed! Hubby is at work so it's just us and the tribe of animals - I'm ever hopeful she will sleep in her cot... honest :)
Forgot to say Clio that Jonah was top of my boys name list by the time we found out LO was a girl - love it! Started off with Isaac moved on to Jonah and then found out she was a girl so gave up on boys names :)
Hi all. Thanks for your kind words and thoughts. We're both a lot better today although Kia had quite bad diarrhoea this morning. Yesterday was one of the most difficult day I've had since becoming a Mum and made me realise what little support I've got - in terms of anyone available during weekdays. OH came home from work for about 2.5 hours in the middle of the day, which really helped. But it was such a struggle. I had no energy and kept having to run to the bathroom and make a very quick decision about whether to bring her with me or pop her in the playpen. I hope not to have to go through that again!
this is us 36 years ago :cloud9:


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Sabrina - that's an amazing STTN! Well done Finn. Now you just need to work on you being able to go back to sleep too! Great idea to go back to bed and catch up with some sleep. What are your cats like with Finn? Our cat (Milo, who is aged about 13-14 - rescue cat so not exactly sure of his age) is quite cautious with Kia, although is getting better. Kia gets really excited whenever he comes near and squeals with delight whilst waving her arms in the air!!

Storm - it's incredible when they start to get a bit mobile, isn't it? They get into EVERYTHING!! Sounds like Lydia was having great fun playing with her monitor. I find with Kia that her main way of playing with things tends to be to either shake it, bash it about or put it in her mouth! Not sure what to suggest about the co-sleeping - except whether it's possible for you to move her to her cot once she's got into a deep sleep?

Clio - It's hard to know when to get up in the night for the LO's, isn't it? I used to always get Kia up quickly in the night if she started making a noise because I thought she would go back to sleep more easily but now I've realised if I wait a minute or two then I can get a better idea if she's going to settle again or not. And - teething - is such a bitch. So hard on them and especially that they don't really understand what's going on. And those little teeth seem to take a long time coming in!

Borboleta - you're so right about them being this small for such a short time. I often remind myself of this when Kia won't settle or wants to be fed to sleep (most nights) or wakes up 2-3 times a night.

We've actually had a record this week - one night this week Kia slept 12 hours solidly!!!! From 8pm to 8am. I think it was a fluke though as she hasn't done it since then!! She seems to have 2-3 nights in a row where she's either difficult to settle before 11pm or wakes up during the night and then have a better night (maybe through exhaustion rather than anything we're doing!!)

She's also gone down at 8.30pm tonight which is a rare occasion, hence why I'm getting to do this on the laptop and not my phone! We're thinking of watching a film - what a treat!!!! Mind you, she quite likely will wake up again in the next hour or so.

Hi to everyone else :hi: xx
was looking for pictures to post and found this one, it's very old (he must be 3-4 months) but it always makes me smile :cloud9:

oh, btw gael is 8 months today!!


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hey, what's going on with all these babies STTN!! congratulations to all of you!! :thumbup:

leeze - hope you're feeling better soon, it's absolutely horrible to have to look after LO while being ill. it happened to me once, and all i wanted to do was cry! :hugs:

storm - the story about the monitor is hilarious!
re. sleeping arrangements - do you want her to sleep in her cot? :winkwink: don't know what to suggest as we do co-sleep. are we the only ones? there is no way I'd survive otherwise!

clio - we're fine on re. poo (?!) thanks, I think I posted about it a few pages ago. In fact he pooed right after I posted my question! :haha:

borboleta, leeze - yes, they are small for such a short time...:cry::cloud9:

I'm sure I must be forgetting somehitng...
What I like about our LOs is that they are small enough for a proper cuddle with mummy! My OH is very good with Finn, but LO will still look over at mummy and smile such big smiles and when he is teething (it breaks my heart!), he still wants mummy's arms and cuddles!

The cats are pretty good with LO; the smaller cat (Daphne) is the daughter of my older cat, Sabrina, and I have had S since she was 10 wks and D since the day she was born, and she (D) is my baby -- she sleeps on the bed and curls up on me and/or under my left arm, so I was worried when LO was born. However, since OH has LO twice a week, Daphne can still come in and cuddle twice a week, AND although LO's cot is in our room, neither cat has ever shown an interest in the moses basket or cot (e.g. jumping in), so in the morning, I do open the door (myself dozing) and D will come and jump on my bed for a cuddle, but aside from staring at LO in the beginning, no problems (not at night, tho -- just because I couldn't 'see' if anything was about to happen!). Finn loves the smaller cat, but only now, is smiling at the big cat. I will hold him to 'pet' the cats, but he tries to grab, so the big cat will move away, I do show 'gentle, gentle' petting, but better to not allow the attack of the baby (he grabs my hair, my glasses, etc.).

Glad to hear about poop-age, kosh -- now that Lo is weaning and we've stopped colief, LO's poos are almost like adult poops (much easier to clean, but so much smeller!)

we're hopeful that Lo will sttn from about 8pm to?, but as he is teething, we are prepared for a 12am/1am wake-up, but to be fair to LO, he does sleep for another few hours after a mid-sleep for me, I used to take medication for depression, which was mainly sleeping tablets, and as I want to be alert just in case for Lo, I only take a half-dose (it relaxes me and sometimes that is enough), but with the bright mornings, I wake up when the sun comes up. In Ireland, we have long summer days (4am-10pm sunlight), but the reverse in winter (8am-4pm sunlight) and even though I have lived here (UK since 1994) since 1999, I still can't get used to such extremes (born and raised east coast of USA); in fact, my GP thinks my depression (worse in winter) is more seasonal adjustment disorder than pure depression, so have to do light therapy in the winter - LOL! My depression is also somewhat linked to events, e.g. death in the family, mc, etc., -- it just takes me longer to 'get happy' again, if that makes sense. The first few months after LO was born were hard, but it was hormonal and sleep deprivation, and feel fine mainly now (yeah!)

anyway, enough for me! off to read Vogue and relax a little as it's OH's night with LO!

best wishes
Happy 8 months Gael! Wow. Two-thirds of a year!
Sabrina, that sounds really tough for you. Whether it's depression or seasonal affective disorder. I sometimes get days or nights of racing thoughts where I don't seem to be able to switch off. If this happens in the middle of the night or early mornings it can be really hard to get back to sleep. I find it difficult to sleep with any light too so have blackout blinds and an eye mask!
Kosh, re co-sleeping we do it a little bit but it tends to be if there's any early morning wake-ups or sometimes I do it for naps. But I don't fully sleep as I'm always aware that she's there. And, for a very small person, she's very good at taking up most of the bed!
Oh, and I meant to say - Sabrina - your cats sound adorable. Well done that they haven't slept in Finn's cot or moses basket. Our cat has done it twice. Both times we've been away for the weekend and forgotten to put the cat net on. We've come back to find he's obviously made himself a lovely bed out of her cot as it's covered in cat hairs!
Morning everyone - what a night - Lyds was bouncing off the walls at usual bed time - didn't want her bottle, didn't want to sleep and went full on hysterical when I took her into her room and she saw her cot! She's so obsessed with this new 'crawling' - still mostly using her arms but one leg is getting on on the action now - that she just won't settle! I eventually got her bottle into her and then she bit me in the face! I screamed and put her on the bed cause it hurt and she went hysterical - so I picked her up and calmed her down and she pretty much fell asleep so I walked to her room and popped her in her cot - she lasted 2 hours then woke up and realised she was in the cot so back in with me - sigh.

Kosh - love the photo - and on the co-sleeping, it's not that I mind her being in bed with me sometimes but I can't bear the thought of having to go to bed with her every night. She already won't go to bed for anyone apart from me and as much as I love her I also loved those 2 hours to get sorted while she was asleep before I went to bed and had to deal with her nightime oddities! That and she snores and squeaks and squiggles and squirms and sleeps diagonally across the bed with her head in my butt no matter now many times I turn her round :)

Leeze its awful being sick with a LO, had my first episode last week, Monday was the worst and I just wanted to die. DH was just back from night shift and I had to wake him after 2 hours so I could go to the drs and then after he had another 2 hours I had to wake him as I lying on the floor wanting to die with LO pulling my hair. I don't have much support during the day either, my dad tries to help but he's wild for falling asleep! My SIL offered to take her in the afternoon (she works mornings) but she would have had to take her to 3 school runs as 3 of her kids get out at different times so how would she get her bottle and nap? I think I need to relax and realise she will sleep during the day when she's tired... that said I'm currently waiting for her to wake up so I can go to my dads as DH is off nightshift again and sleeping.

Sabrina, I was born and bred in Northern Ireland and I get fed up in the winter - it is depressing! I hate going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark and I'm starting back to work in January.... no idea how I'm going to do that.

Clio - no sign of those top two teeth? Lyds had a terrible 'cold' when the top two were coming through, full on snot - I was sure she had the cold. She also had a UTI so that was a fun time and now she has 4 teeth she bites all the time. How do you get a baby to stop biting!

Hope everyone else is well and having a good weekend!

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