any other over 35 first time mums?

Morning ladies, Sorry I've been MIA - work has been crazy hectic with trying to get new teacher settled and sorted (he is seriously clueless) and trying to keep the house looking half decent!
I will have to try catch up on all I have missed in the passed week sometime soon.
Well just 7 weeks to go here! Can't believe how time has flown by!
Furniture has just arrived but will have to wait to be unpacked for now - unless Df is an absolute sweetie and builds it all while I'm out shopping with my mother. (HELP - apparently we are shopping for her wedding out fit for next April) I keep telling her its a bit early to be looking for it now. Should wait till all the wedding stuff comes out in November but there is just no telling my mother what to do! She is the most stubborn person I have ever come across!
Have to go Mother has just arrived
just a quick check-in, LO did wake up around 1am, but went back to sleep about 1/2 hour later, and then until 7am....

I'm tired and cranky (AF seems very annoying this month!)

off to do some shopping (e.g nappies, wet wipes and baby food!)

Sabrina - so sorry to hear AF taking its toll on you this month!
Hope your shopping trip was fruitfull.
Well, I'm finally home from the shopping trip followed by - as I suspected - my baby shower! It was great!! a few old and new friends as well as my MIL and SIL with her son! Was really glad seeing my old friends of which I haven't seen in almost 2 years!
I was horribly spoiled!
But right now I am absolutely shattered!! Going to see how long I can keep my eyes open before I crash!
Hello ladies,

I have been enjoying my dad here although sometimes he makes me crazy!! But the worst is that I realize that I am just like him now!!!!:dohh: I asked my husband how can you live with me :haha:!

Thiago has been doing a lot better the past couple of days from his teething. The teeth is almost thru his gum and his nose has stopped running :happydance:!!! The whole family thinks he is a sweetheart ( which he is :kiss:) and everyone loves him.

Now I cannot wait to have my sister joining us From brazil oct. 5th:)!! She will love thiago:)! She is single and has no boyfriend so I think he will be the only grandkid my dad will have. She is 37 going to 38 in December.

Kosh: Gael is gorgeous:)!

Now where is everyone's personal pictures? We saw me and my hubby, a part of skewer :haha:, angel and her hubby, who is next:)?
Borboleta, I really relate to what you're saying about sometimes wondering what I'm like to live with and how OH puts up with me! I can see aspects of both of my parents in myself too - some positive ones about being loving and loyal but also some where I can be quite critical and want to get my own way! That will be lovely when your sister comes and gets to bond with Thiago. Are you so sure that she won't have children herself one day? I was 39 when I got pregnant with Kia. She's still got a little time yet! I'll find some photos when I get my next chance on the laptop. Kia has been so difficult to settle this evening, it's almost midnight and she's only just falling asleep now.
Skweek, how lovely to have a baby shower. Great that you felt spoiled too. No wonder you feel tired, you're growing a little person inside you and it's hard work! 33 weeks. How exciting! Have you written your birthplan yet? Got anything ready for your hospital bag? Have you any thoughts about whether you'll breast feed or formula feed? One of the best late pregnancy purchases I made was a pair of maternity/nursing pyjamas. They were so comfy for the last couple of months of the pregnancy then great for the first few months of Kia's life. In fact, I loved them so much I got 2 pairs in the end!
Storm, that's really hard when they start biting, isn't it? Kia has done it a few times on my arms or hands - apart from my nipples but luckily she's been doing that less often recently. I normally assume it's related to teething and give her some teething gel. Not sure what to suggest otherwise. She's also started pulling my hair and my OH's arm hair. Ouch. It's so hard to know what to do, isn't it? And sometimes we can't help our immediate reaction! And re settling, i'm the only one who can settle Kia at the moment because I breastfeed her to sleep. We quite often have an evening like tonight where instead of settling at bedtime she'll sleep for about 30 mins or so instead then be full of beans again and not settle for ages. We'll try every trick we know to try to get her to sleep then a few hours later she'll feed to sleep again because all else has failed. I'm just hoping she grows out of it! Right, i'm exhausted now so am going to try to put her in her cot. Goodnight all xx
Oh leeze, so sorry you have to be awake for so long. How long does she sleeps when she is out at night time? And I would love for my sister to find mister right but she doesn't look that interested or she just doesn't care if she will be single for the rest of her life. Kind of sad but there is always a chance that she will stumble on the right guy;)!

Skeewer: you will enjoy the last month returning or getting the baby stuff you got so when your LO is here everything is ready for him. Are you planning to have him naturally?

Sabrina: I have no idea of how to give you any advice on biting. I still think is odd that thiago does not put a lot of things on his mouth even while teething! I am the one that shoves something in his mouth to see if he bites it :wacko:! One lady told me that some babies do like bitting on everything and some don't.
:hugs: to all those who had a bad nights sleep!

Borboleta - Hope Thiago's teeth come through soon!

Skweek, how lovely to have a baby shower. Great that you felt spoiled too. No wonder you feel tired, you're growing a little person inside you and it's hard work! 33 weeks. How exciting! Have you written your birthplan yet? Got anything ready for your hospital bag? Have you any thoughts about whether you'll breast feed or formula feed? One of the best late pregnancy purchases I made was a pair of maternity/nursing pyjamas. They were so comfy for the last couple of months of the pregnancy then great for the first few months of Kia's life. In fact, I loved them so much I got 2 pairs in the end!
We started NCT classes this last week and while there we started writing down a few bits for the birth plan, but I think I know what I want. I have told DF that if they are not listening to me, he is to tell them where to get off!
Hospital bag - one of today's tasks. I have been throwing bits and bobs into the bag as I got them but now I seriously need to sit down and gather the other bits for the bags. Have been thinking of having 2 bags - one for labour and a hospital bag.
Feeding - I will definitely be giving breastfeeding a go. I really want and need to get my figure back in time for my first wedding dress fitting in January so every day I can feed will be a bonus!

Skeewer: you will enjoy the last month returning or getting the baby stuff you got so when your LO is here everything is ready for him. Are you planning to have him naturally?
Skeewer - that made me giggle!! I love it!!
As I have coccydenia I have no idea if I will be allowed to go natural. If it is up to me I would love to have a water birth. Anything to avoid having an epidural that will have me lying on my back attempting to push.

Have a really busy day ahead - building furniture, packing hospital bags and doing some school work!
Hope you all have a really good Sunday!
OK I have been summoned to help with furniture building! YAY YAY!!!
Pics to follow
Well, Finn slept from 9.30ish to 7.30 am, so am very proud of my LO. I find that if the teething isn't too bad, he will sleep through, but if it's bad, then all of us have a restless night!

Barboleta -- I was 43 when I conceived LO (44 when he arrived), so your sister has plenty of time! Don't let the statistics worry you or her (it might be harder, but it IS possible); we were pre-IVF when I got pregnant naturally and I wonder if I had known about my underactive thyroid before, Finn might have had an older sister or brother (the mc in 2009), but without the mc, I wouldn't have known that I DID want a child, and therefore, Finn wouldn't be here!

Leeze: I'm sorry to hear of Kia's pulling; my LO does the same (I got my long-ish hair cut to a chin-length bob last week (long enough to put in a pontail for mornings, pre-shower, etc) and Finn STILL tries to grab the stray bits and of course, my glasses are fair game. And the lack of sleep....yawn....:hugs:

skweek: so the looking for wedding clothes was just an excuse to get you out of the house for the baby shower? We didn't have a birth plan (knew we were going to a c-section, but it became an emergency one when I was diagnosed with severe pre-eclampsia!) my advice to add into a hospital bag is: EAR-PLUGS and a sleeping mask -- you might be driven crazy by the noise!

Storm: hope you got some decent sleep last night?
Clio: any teeth?

and other ladies (kosh, indigo, rowan, etc) good morning!

best wishes
Hi guys! Sorry I've been MIA. My mum and I have been taking J on the town to buy him things. Can anything be cooler than that? Mums. You gotta love them.

Borboleta--I agree, don't count your sis out yet. My sister has the most bizarre story; she's 37 (38 in Oct.), and after being single for a long, long time, she met a man around 7 months ago and is now over 20 weeks pregnant. It would be a more bizarre story if we didn't like the guy, but he's perfect for her, and a fantastic man. And it all happened out of the blue. I got pregnant at 38, too, and was 39 when J was born.

I'm glad that you're time with your dad has been so nice. How many of us have parents visiting???

SabrinaKat--yay for Finn! I can totally relate to the teething vs. non-teething nights. We've found that if he's teething, forget it. If he's not, then he STTN. And yes, I think we're nearing the end of at least one tooth. I can see the white of the bottom ridge and that grey line where it begins to break through. But then we have the other top tooth to go through, and who knows how long that will take? :shrug:

Leeze--I HATE the hair pulling. My hair is quite long, and if I don't put it up before picking him up, I'm in for a world of hurt. He's also been grabbing his grandfather's chest hairs, but he views anything J does as the act of a genius, so this is no different. "Look! Look! He's found my chest hair! What a smart little guy!"

And I'm sorry about the non-sleeping. When J teeths, after we give him the painkiller, he's ready to PAR-TAY. The rule is, he is still not allowed to leave his room during this time, but turns out, he can party in his room just as well as downstairs with his toys. My husband and I tag-team getting him back to bed because it is so frickin' hard. And annoying.

skweek--yes, I would strongly suggest getting that bag in order. I didn't until the last minute, and my waters went two weeks early. I still had J's coming-home clothes to pack, so before I woke my husband, I was doubled over with contractions, going through his dresser, trying to figure out what to bring for him.

Whoops! I have to go out with my mum right now, so I'll respond to the rest later.
Hi ladies. We've had a quiet day at home today nesting and doing chores. OH has come down with our bug too. Kia's still got a bit of diarrhoea but she's got her appetite back a little bit so that's a relief. We've been such a sick household. Even the cat has been sick and off his food today!
Skweek, that's so exciting you've started on your hospital bag. We ended up with loads of bags and I didn't regret any of it. The only thing I didn't use was the old nightie I brought to give birth in. I was too preoccupied with everything going on and just ended up being in the vest I was wearing on the day! I echo the advice about an eyemask and earplugs. I normally wear them but didn't take with me because I was worried about not hearing LO but the reality is you hear your baby even if wearing them and the wards are often noisy day and night. Got to go. Kia not settling again
skweek - We had NOTHING for LO! I had a bag packed for myself, as had been admitted for observation the week before (and begged to go home and promised to come in every day for blood pressure checks, etc), but we honestly thought we had a little more time! I called my OH at 12 on the Friday to say we were having the baby that day (I was 36wks) and to get some clothes -- he went to penneys/primark and bought an outfit for 0-3 months and 3-6 months, and the ob/gyn had to send him out again, where the girls at Next took pity on him and he came back with newborn clothes (a little set of babygro, hat, vest, etc.)....I was relaxed myself as LO was moving around okay (the night before I had had a terrible headache (although had had headaches all through, this one wouldn't shift even with pain-killers) and felt 'off', so my ob/gyn decided LO was coming that day -- fine with me!

(I was very superstitious, due to previous mc, so we only had a travel system (bought on sale, still in the box, and with the receipt attached!). After I got out of hospital (I was in for five days, but was in ICU myself), we went mad buying things!)

Leeze - sorry to hear even the poor cat isn't well. We've been lucky -- my OH brought a cold home a few months ago, which I got, and LO only slightly, but am dreading when he goes to creche....

Nothing else. We put LO down at 9.30, and cross fingers....he did a monster poopie and we had to give him a bath-- but the funny thing is -- my OH had a terrible hangover and guess who had to change him? HAHAHAHA!

oh, and I bid and bought some 6-18 month old sleeping bags on ebay -- we got some 0-6 when LO was younger, but he's only started using in the last month or so, so when we went to Tesco and Penneys/Primark to get bigger ones, they either looked too girly or were white (getting for creche) or too expensive - growl! oh, well - I LOVE ebay!

Sabrina, I love ebay too. I love getting bundles of clothes of there. I've got loads of lovely stuff that feels like it's practically new and it works out so much cheaper than buying everything new. Funny about your OH and the baby clothes. Sounds a bit like my OH. When Kia was born she was even too small for newborn and we needed tiny baby size. I sent OH to get some stuff because we'd mainly brought 0 to 3 months to the hospital. Firstly he came back with more stuff in 0 - 3 then he went to matalan and got some things that looked cute but were really stiff material that I didn't really ever like! Next have some lovely things though, don't they? I'd love to get all her stuff from there but it would get so expensive.
Clio, that sounds like great fun shopping with your Mum. Did she get Jonah some nice things then? Oh, I can't remember what else I was going to say. I need to post this then re-read ...
So ... hurrying back after re-reading ... Clio - that's very cute about Jonah's grandfather and the chest hair. When we saw my dad recently he was getting Kia to pat his pot belly and thought she was a genius because of it. And he was too, for teaching her! It's so hard with teething, isn't it? Kia has totally lost the ability to self settle and I have to admit we've given in to her evening partying a bit! I've even given her the nickname Beanie recently because she's so full of beans at bedtime and shows no signs of sleeping!
Borboleta, you asked about what we're doing with Kia in the evening when she's not sleeping and how long she sleeps for when she does sleep ... Well, because I feed her to sleep at the moment then she'll either settle for the night around 8-9pm after her bath etc and then she will sometimes STTN till 8am or so but more often will wake once or twice in the night. When she's up late she's normally fallen asleep at the same time again but then woken when we put her in the cot. She's suddenly refreshed and raring to go. Quite happy unless we try to put her back go the cot go which case she screams and sobs. So we normally either try for about 2 hours or so to settle her again either rocking, singing, stories, lying on bed beside her etc or take her into the living room again for a while and try to bring her back to bed at regular intervals. Whichever way, it will inevitably lead to feeding her to sleep about 2 hour later. On the late nights the upside is she will then mostly STTN from say 11 till 8.30. One thing we've learnt and unfortunately don't always stick to is that if we start bathtime and bedtime routine earlier so around 6.30 to 7.00 and give her lots of wind-down time then she is more likely to settle earlier. It's just not always possible though. I'm hoping it's all just a phase and that soon she will self-settle again. Ideally before I go back to work! Wow, that was a long explanation. X
:hi: hi ladies
sorry i haven't read all the recent posts, been feeling down (again!) today. on the positive side,I think Gael is almost crawling! he's been swinging back and forth in all fours and he managed one tiny step today. he seemed spproud and happy! :cloud9:
hope everybody is doing well :hugs:
:hi: hi ladies
sorry i haven't read all the recent posts, been feeling down (again!) today. on the positive side,I think Gael is almost crawling! he's been swinging back and forth in all fours and he managed one tiny step today. he seemed spproud and happy! :cloud9:
hope everybody is doing well :hugs:
Hi kosh,

Remember you can talk to us:). We are here for you and we will not judge you in any way :) :hugs:. I feel like I made friends in here even though I don't know you girls in person. But I care for all of you:) :hugs: and your LOs:).

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