any other over 35 first time mums?

Sabrina, I love ebay too. I love getting bundles of clothes of there. I've got loads of lovely stuff that feels like it's practically new and it works out so much cheaper than buying everything new. Funny about your OH and the baby clothes. Sounds a bit like my OH. When Kia was born she was even too small for newborn and we needed tiny baby size. I sent OH to get some stuff because we'd mainly brought 0 to 3 months to the hospital. Firstly he came back with more stuff in 0 - 3 then he went to matalan and got some things that looked cute but were really stiff material that I didn't really ever like! Next have some lovely things though, don't they? I'd love to get all her stuff from there but it would get so expensive.

I LOVE Next and bought loads of stuff when I was getting maternity pay (and in sizes 6-9 months and 9-12 months) and loads (mostly on sale, tho) from babyGap, but we also have stuff from Tesco/Penneys(Primark in UK). In fact, there is a babygro with little rabbits on it on sale from babyGap, which with reduced postage to Ireland, is less than the regular price, so got my OH to buy last night. I know that when I go back to work, I'll be spending money on LO on-line (oh, well)....!
:hi: hi ladies
sorry i haven't read all the recent posts, been feeling down (again!) today. on the positive side,I think Gael is almost crawling! he's been swinging back and forth in all fours and he managed one tiny step today. he seemed spproud and happy! :cloud9:
hope everybody is doing well :hugs:

We DO understand, honey -- I couldn't get to sleep last night until about 1-2am (and LO slept from 9.30 to 6 am (but was fussy throughout, tho)), just tossing and turning (I think I'm too anxious about returning to work, particularly as I dislike my immediate boss a lot), but am just trying to relax a bit today.

Morning ladies - just had a quick read through there - Clio the chest hair comment made me laugh - brilliant. Kosh we all feel down at times, sometimes it helps to unload other times you are just too tired - we are all here and as someone else said, never to judge only to help!

L has taken her dislike of the cot to a whole new level - bearing in mind this has only really started the last couple of weeks. Last night I was trying to get her down, singing her to sleep (poor kid) and rocking her, she was out cold until I put her in the cot then she was WIDE AWAKE! I left her playing with her toys and then I could hear her kicking the cot quite hard. Then she started to cry..... I said to DH, I'm going to let her cry for a few minutes and she is she settles, I said I would give her ten minutes and check on her, so she cried for 5 minutes then she settles a little and then she started crying again, I let her cry for a few minutes and then went up to her as she started crying really loudly. I went into the room and the first thing that hit me was the smell of vomit - yup she had emptied her stomach ALL over herself and the cot. She was covered from head to toe, her sheets and blankets were covered, there was vomit everywhere. So obviously I lifted her, stripped her (crying) and she only stopped crying in my arms and when I carried her into my room where she started playing on the bed, in her nappy and let DH dress her again in clean clothes. I couldn't put her back in her cot, the mattress protector had done its job but was soaking in vomit so I had to get changed and take her to bed with me. She messed around like a squirmy wormy for an hour while I watched tv, had another half bottle as she was empty and fell asleep - happy she was in with me!

Now I have an issue, I can't let her cry for even 5 minutes on her own incase she is sick and she REALLY wants to sleep with me! I don't so much mind her sleeping with me but I really don't want to go to bed at 8pm every night! Anyone else co-sleeping? What do you do? HELP!

Ps LO vomiting is such a common thing with us, she can laugh herself sick - but this was a first for crying!
bless - martha projectile voms for all sorts of randomness - reflux is bonkers!

dont know the answer hon - just keep going with it maybe and she'll come round - is the matress comfy? is anything scary looking? is there enough light in her room? will she settle if you maybe read to her? have never co-slept

were having a major teething day - martha does not want to eat - have given her calpol, bongela, teethers from fridge and just now calprofen...last line of defence is teething powders but really she just wants to march up and down the room and chew on metal while shouting....

ive done a bit of pilates to save my sanity....while she tried to pull apart the dvd speakers....was going to go to park for a change of sceneery but its rainging v heavily off and on...gah

had a great holiday - was fab to have 4 people to help :) playgroup tmro....and thursday and meeting friends friday so stuff to look forward to :) one of those days......
StormJet--oh my lord. I think I would have cried having to deal with that. You poor thing. I hope your LO is okay now. I wish I had an answer re: co-sleeping, but 1) I don't co-sleep, and 2) I'm currently up since 4:30 am because J wouldn't go back to sleep either after a teething episode. It's become pretty clear that renewed absence of pain is ALWAYS a call to party. So, I'm downstairs, against all my determination not to let J party at 4 am, but I gave in. At least the cat is entertaining him.

We tried letting him cry till he settled--because he does do that--but nope. He just got more and more hysterical. But when I go in to calm him, he sat in my lap going "ba ba ba, mmmmm, woowaw wooowaw!!!" Tried crib again. Hysterics. Quiet. Hysterics. Quiet. Hysterics. Mummy gives in and takes him downstairs. Oh, my will is so weak... Or his is so strong...


Okay, back after...oh...3 hours. J showed signs of great exhaustion, so I took him up. He still wouldn't settle, and that's when I clued in that he still had pain. Gave him some Tylenol, finally got him asleep, went back to bed, and demanded a medal from my husband.

I assume that others have since posted, so I will post this and then read the other posts. Oh, my mum is going home today. She's been a great help and a great shopping partner; I will miss her.
Oh, Clio -- I so feel your pain! My day wasn't great with LO and his teeth, but fortunately and even though I have a headache, managed to survive- LOL! He was restless most of the night and I didn't sleep well, but thought I'd get some nap time in when he napped....his three naps so far today? Only 1/2 hour each, so by the time I would get settled back into bed, he would be waking (usually, I/we get one nap that's at least an hour long, but not today)....!Plus, we (him) had the crying screams and I gave some calpol and some teething gel, then a good hour of him in his activity centre, very happy and screaming with joy (I guess at not having any teething pains for a little while?).....

My OH is home now, with flowers and wine (it's our anniversary) and we're ordering take-away and...LO is awake after, yes, half an hour!

oh, and he's started pulling his willy over the last day or two whenever we change him, so we've joined the rest of your LOs....

and I have that type of headache right behind the eyes....growl....

hope all others are well..................

Sabrina I get that too when I haven't drunk enough liquids during the day and I have certainly noticed that I drink less than I used to. Not healthy but I was in the habit of drinking at least half if not the whole 2 litre bottle of diet coke before pregnancy. Now mostly I drink coffee in the morning in the hope to replace the need for sleep. Somehow I don't think it quite works ;)

Last night was back to hourly wakings but I am not feeling too bad today. I think it makes all the difference that I left the house today to go shopping. I only went to Asda to get some more nappies and some groceries but I had my boys with me and left OH to do his own thing for that time. My boys are usually very well behaved when we are out and about and they even fell asleep in the pram eventually. So this little outing was somewhat refreshing to us :) But I am hoping to go tomorrow and buy a suit for the christening. I loooove Massimo Dutti and hopefully I still look ok in one of their trouser suits and maybe a nice silky blouse underneath?
Re: Horrible Unrelenting Headache Behind the Eyes--OMG, I had this for so long. Daily, for around a year. Then I saw a chiropractor who couldn't fix it, but did tell me to lie with an ice pack behind the neck, right where the head meets the spine. Not over the eyes as I had been doing. It actually works. In the end, an acupuncturist helped fix it. It only came back during my pregnancy.

Okay, have to go. My husband just tried to put J down, and failed. He's going to nap now to make up for the incredibly draining one hour lecture he gave, so I must go. He at least gave me the courtesy of finishing this post. What a prince. :wacko:

Oh, and J's nine month b-day was yesterday! And I missed saying happy b-day to Gael. Happy birthday Gael! :wohoo: :yipee: :loopy:
ETA: I started writing this post at lunch time, it's 8pm now :wacko:
omg, storm, I've heard of babies vomiting while crying, poor Lydia and poor you :hugs:
we do co-sleep, well, sort of - we have a side cot where Gael used to sleep but for some reason I found it very difficult to lift him to BF and I would end up getting out of bed to feed him anyway, so it defeated the point really :dohh:
but what we do now is that he sleeps in his cot but sideways, with his feet on my chest/tummy, if that makes any sense. it works great for us, as I can BF and rock/wriggle him during the night but he can also toss and turn without taking all the bed.
I don't think he needs ME there to sleep, so it's a bit different to your situation. In fact I sometimes think he actually wakes up more when I am there, but there is no way I can move him to his room yet as I wouldn't cope with the 1000s waking per night
but re. your question - maybe you can try laying down with her at the beginning of the night until she's asleep and then get up?:shrug:
clio/jonah - happy bday!! :cake:

angel - didn't realise the christening was tomorrow! good luck!
ETA: sorry, read that wrong!:dohh:

sabrina - hope your feeling better, I had a crap day too, but feeling slightly better now.

oh and we're also having middle of the night par-tays here!:sleep:
Christening is on the 29th. Family and friends start descending upon me from this week onwards. Thank golly no one can stay with us lol
Christening is on the 29th. Family and friends start descending upon me from this week onwards. Thank golly no one can stay with us lol

so what have you decided re. godparents in the end?
My friend Beau (godfather to Seb) came up with the solution. One of his best friends is a girl who studied with him at uni and they, with another friend, shared a house during that time too. She is Greek and when he told her about our difficulty she immediately offered to help out by being proxy (though this is on the hush hush). I know her a little too and always liked her and OH met her last Saturday and liked her too so we are all set, phew!
My friend Beau (godfather to Seb) came up with the solution. One of his best friends is a girl who studied with him at uni and they, with another friend, shared a house during that time too. She is Greek and when he told her about our difficulty she immediately offered to help out by being proxy (though this is on the hush hush). I know her a little too and always liked her and OH met her last Saturday and liked her too so we are all set, phew!

glad is all sorted! :thumbup:
I think the headache is both tension AND lack of food/water, so the take-away was good, and am now, crawling into bed (I drink loads of water every day, but today, not so much). I used to get migranes in the front, but after a long-haul to OZ (our honeymoon four years ago tomorrow), I now get them in the back and neck -- had an MRI or CAT-scan (can't remember) afterwards and GP/doctors all said more tension than migrane - so helpful, NOT!

LO has now decided that his willy is the best thing to play with when changing dirty nappies! But, fortunately, he has gone off to sleep (around 9.30pm, so cross fingers, we BOTH get some decent sleep tonight - it could go either way, due to teething!)....

Angel- glad to hear you've sorted out godparents -- we still haven't had a christening (the protestant v. catholic thing), so may let LO decide when he gets older!

hope everybody else is okay - clio, your poor OH must have been so tired after teaching for an hour, sigh!

am exhausted....

Wow. This is the thread that has no time. Or is out of time. Or whatever. But it's weird having us in different time zones. Now, if we just could get Indigo out to play again, Borboleta and I would have more N. Ami numbers...

SabrinaKat--thank you for your sympathies re: my has-no-right-to-complain husband. But he did just take care of the kid while I went to the chiropractor, and then has now taken him off shopping as I lie here with an ice pack. Apparently pregnancy really f*cks up your back. I had this one crick that wouldn't go away, so I made an app't. She cracked my back and said that almost every part of my spine was out of place. This would explain a lot.

Angel--I have absolutely no understanding of what you finally figured out (it's all Greek to me! :rofl:), but I'm glad you did. And I hope you will still have time next week to talk with us!

Re: PAR-TAYS--time to play hardball. When J is old enough, I'm going to forbid him from going to or hosting any par-tays. Karma's a bitch, J.
Well, we had a party ourselves at 4am, but I asked OH to deal with as my headache wasn't great...then, at 6.20am, my OH came into the bedroom to close the curtains and woke up LO, so I figured I might as well get up. Fortunately, LO did take a longish (1 hour+) nap this morning, so at least I was able to crawl back into bed and some more sleep and my headache is gone (can't take the usual meds at night as it contains caffeine), but took some this am and feel better.

LO is now in his jumperoo and every time I turn from the computer to look at him, I get a huge smile, so this will be short as LO is just too cute and sweet this morning, so must go and play with him!



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I like the last one -- she looks very mischievous, e.g. 'caught in the act'!

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