any other over 35 first time mums?

Oh, and SK--have you tried having him sit on the floor, surrounded by pillows, instead of the couch? A floor is more stable than a couch, so he wouldn't have to worry about the extra balance it takes to sit on something relatively soft. Also, I think bum shuffling is nothing to sneeze at. As long as he's mobile, then I think you're fine.
Rowan she is sooo cute! Love her laughing pic especially and how cute is she in her dungarees?! Hope sleep is going better? How long does it usually take for her teeth to break through? I hope the worst of the pain is over, poor little sweetie.
How are you feeling on the whole? Hope not too much pain?

Leeze I agree with clio about your avvie! Froom being on there as this cute lil sleeping baby to a real little girl all of a sudden! And what a sweetie too! So soo cute! :D
I wish I could have seen the pics a lil bigger but for some reason I couldn't click them?
I am glad Kia is sleeping better again too. Especially if she can do 6 hours on a stretch that does sound lovely. Hope it continues :)
As for Dom, last night was OH's night and he reported Dom woke at 1:30 and 5 again but hey that is still awesome compared to how it used to be! Sadly however we mostly have to put him in the woombie again cause he fidgets so much with his arms and knocks out his dummy and hits himself in the face that he wakes himself up. I never thought he'd still need it at 7 months but I guess anything that makes him sleep well is good for us :/
The kitten is somewhat better. I spoke to the rehoming centre and they agree that maybe it would be best to take her back. I am not ready to give up on her yet though. She was better today but then OH was just stroking her neck and discovered that one of her lymph nodes next to her gurgly thing is swollen. I hope she isn't ill but maybe that was why she was calmer today, poor lil girl :( I am calling the vet first thing Monday.

Sabrina yeah that is the same procedure in Switzerland too. And while it is a pain to have to take all those lessons, I think you will like the independence it will give you once you do have a car :)
The xmas ornament is really sweet indeed! I'd get it too but I think if we are going to Switzerland for xmas it might be better not to put up a tree, especially also if we still have out mad kitten girl then :/
Oh and also Happy 9 months Finn :D

Clio Sorry your back is hurting so much. Are you getting any physio or regular massages? Sorry if you said and I forgot. I know my back isn't as bad as yours but oh how I long for a good massage!
Yay for the new words! I am so amazed on how many he already speaks. For some reason I always thought babies start talking after a year of age. Considering that my boys are 7 month old, it seems that there is a heck of a lot of development crammed into the last third of a baby's first year, doesn't it?
Btw I had no idea sodium was bad for babies! My golly I feel so ill informed lately. :( Which reminds me of another thing. Maybe you could help me with a question I have? I am reading this book by Annabel Karmel who is sort of a baby food guru. She has meal planners set out as examples and from 7 months on she suggests weetabix with milk for breakfast and says that cow's milk with cereal or for cooking is now ok. But I thought we were not supposed to give cow's milk till a year old? What do you think? And if it is ok, what sort would be best? Creatingpeace, who used to post here too, gives her boy homogenised milk (I follow her journal). I am not sure we have this in normal supermarkets over here. Would normal whole milk be ok too?
And as for your earlier post about having to wear J, I realise my boys are younger than yours and this might therefore not apply but I'll give my observations anyway. I don't wear my boys cause I am too weak/my back hurts too much too soon but I do have them sit on my lap a lot of course. Sebastian is my more whiney baby. Or rather he does that annoying Hnnnhnnnnhnn noise a lot. He will stop if we pick him up and sit with him on our lap. When they aren't in their playpen (which luckily Seb will really enjoy for up to 20 minutes and Dom up to 40 in the morning and again for shorter periods sometimes in the afternoon) or on the playmat on the floor with me, my boys sit in their bouncers. We recently bought these new ones as they were outgrowing their old ones. But we cannot leave them in there on their own for long. Even when we give them a toy, they want me or OH to sit in front of them in the armchair and talk to them. So mostly I only go to another room for a few minutes and then come back to sit in the chair. Doesn't matter if I call and sing to them from the other room. I have to be in front of them so that they can see me easily. (Of course OH will do just as well). Otherwise they will both whine and then cry. They nap in their bouncers but somehow they sense it when I leave the room and will wake up :( So sadly I am just as stumped as you :( And even though I have OH most of the time to help, I just don't get much housework done :blush:. I sort out my washing in that chair in front of them and can only quickly go and put stuff away. My mother is coming for a weekend soon though and that means I will clean like a mad woman lol.
Btw I totally love your idea of reading books to his toys, that is so clever. I don't see why this is bad parenting? It is creative and might well work! I really hope it does :D

Skweek I must agree with the other ladies! No way would I willingly have my cervix checked by a midwife! lol But I do totally understand how anxious you are to evict your lil one soon. You must really be so uncomfy now. :hugs:
Congrats on the birth of your niece :D How great that both of you are going to have babies so close in age! Hopefully they will be great friends growing up.
Are you keeping the names you have picked quiet or will you share? I suppose it isn't much longer now till we find out anyway but I am extremely nosy always lol

Borboleta aw I bet you miss your family already. Brazil is just so far way :( How long does it take to fly there from where you are?
Thank you for your compliments about my boys :D
And yes they are really so different from each other both in looks and in character. But I love that :D
I looooove Thiago's pics! He looks so adorable in that bat outfit and even his little unhappy face is just soo sweet! :D
Any idea why he is not sleeping so well? Is he going through a growth spurt and that is why he wanted the extra milk or is it just teeth again? Poor baby!
Glad your Halloween was good and that you got some candy! It really pays having a cute child hehe.

Storm I hope today and last night was better with L? Does she still have the runs? Any idea what caused it? Oh and today was the party wasn't it? I really hope it was great fun :)

As for us, nothing much to report. My painting is coming along I guess. I don't like it much but then I hardly ever do like my work in progress. I call it the pain barrier. I know I have to push through it to produce something ok but meh I don't like it much. I picked this picture as I thought it would be easy and quick but turns out I forgot how multi coloured a snow covered fir tree at night actually is, sigh.
I am not sure how much I will get done tomorrow as OH is away till the afternoon as every Sunday and I am hoping to meet a friend for coffee afterwards. He is actually Seb's godfather and I wonder if he will mind if I turn up without the boys again. It will be the second time but although I am ashamed to admit it, I sometimes really long for hour or two away from them. I feel horrible now. :blush:

Right, it is my night tonight and I want to go bed now so that I an get some sleep in before midnight cause after is always a bit of a gamble of whether I will get any at all lol. Night night ladies. xxx
Thanks ladies!
Yes its really frustrating for me today. Baby is still really high and trying everything to get her to move southwards. My back is killing me tonight and can't seem to find a comfy position to sit and watch tellie.
Sorry I haven't done personal replies but not in a good place at the mo. Really teary and emotional. Will try catch up with personals another day.
Clio: I got thiago's bat outfit T party city. If you go online and type baby Halloween costumes there are a lot of websites out there. They are just adorable. My mil and I went to babies r' us and she got thiago his next Halloween costume for next year :haha:, he will be a dragon :haha:. Couldn't pass $7.00 costume after Halloween. And the downdog position is the one that I kept talking about:). He still loves it so I could see that he will be doing what J does now:). And don't worry if he does not like books. He has smart mommy and daddy so he must have that on his genes :thumbup:.

Sabrina: I did what Clio told me to put thiago between my legs on the floor and he got better and better with his sitting. Then at about 3 weeks ago it is like all of a sudden he has abs of steel :haha:!! He sits so well al by himself. Maybe something to try. He is doing really good with his attempts to crawl too. He will sit, them go on his fours and move his arms a couple of times them sit and do his downdog position ... Anyways he finds his way of going places. And that just started about 1 week ago ( the " crawling"). But my nephew never did crawl, he started walking when he was about 9 months. Every baby is different. Oh, and when thiago's little friend came over and he started crawling we noticed thiago really looking at him and from that they is like he got in his head that he was going to do the same thing :haha:.

Angel: I think thiago's sleeping issues are due to teething. I can see the top side ones coming. The little suckers!!! I cannot wait for them to come out! It has been over a month that they are in the process of showing up, but until now nothing or better saying almost nothing :growlmad:!

Today we got thiago a Sit that you put on your bike. We just need to get the helmet and he will be ready to go:)! Will post a picture of him when we get that set up:).
Hubby had 3 interviews last week and they all went well. He has another one next week too and a 2 interview already set up for the next couple of weeks:)! So excited:)!!!!!
Miss my family though. I haven't gone to Brasil in 6 years but hopefully next year we will go. And angel it takes about 9 to 10 hours to get there.

I really need to try all these recipes that you guys are talking. I am still making purée food for thiago but I am trying to feed some pieces of food to him so he will start to get used to. Hubby is petrified of him chocking!!
Thanks ladies!
Yes its really frustrating for me today. Baby is still really high and trying everything to get her to move southwards. My back is killing me tonight and can't seem to find a comfy position to sit and watch tellie.
Sorry I haven't done personal replies but not in a good place at the mo. Really teary and emotional. Will try catch up with personals another day.

I remember that feeling so well. Like it was yesterday, when it was actually a year ago! There's not much I can say to make you feel better. Only that what you're experiencing are very normal feelings to have. Those last few weeks are so tough. I know it's stating the obvious, but you're growing a little person inside of you and it takes up so much energy and effort. Big hugs xx
Leeze--That is a great idea about giving him corn on the cob while I try to cook. He loves it, and it would keep him occupied. I'll have to have OH bring his highchair back up again. And I keep hearing about "Baby Yoghurt." What's the difference? Why do you need a baby version of yoghurt?

Rowan--that's amazing that M is walking back and forth between you and OH! She is so incredibly determined! That will suit her very well in life. And your description of your baby Heimlich Maneuver! The image is hilarious! :rofl:

Skweek--I totally agree with the others. I hated cervical checks. They actually don't mean anything anyway. You can go around for weeks at X number of centimetres, so it's not a reliable indicator of anything. If it's any consolation, however, J wasn't engaged even when I went into labour. I think he was still at a -1 or at 0, or something.

Are you feeling any better? I hope you're okay--are the hormones getting to you, or something else? Remember, we're always here for you. :hugs:

Angel--I hope your kitten is okay! You really don't want to give her back, do you? You seem to be rather two minds about it. But the poor thing--FXd that she's not sick.

I'm glad Dom had another good night. And if he needs the woombie, then he needs the woombie. Some people swaddle past one year!

Re: talking--it seems that Martha and Jonah are rather anomalous. It is usually at one year that they start to talk. I wonder if your twins will develop twin-speak! Then they'll be TRI-lingual: English, German and Domsebish.

Re: feeling guilty--well, you're not the only one who wants time away from your LOs. Look how often I am so happy to pack J off to Oma's! I look forward to Wednesdays and Saturdays. I don't feel guilty, though. I'll take sleep or the time to go shopping anytime I can get it!

Re: milk--I really know nothing about it. I give him a lot of dairy though, and when I use milk in a recipe, it's 2%. I know that there is something about whole milk, but it's beyond my ken. Others on here must know. Leeze?

Re: keeping him occupied--unfortunately, he never really liked the bouncy chair. And he certainly wouldn't stay in it now. He is always on the move. Unless I'm wearing him. And that is incredibly frustrating--he's so big now that his head blocks my vision. So I will look to the left of his head to see something, and he automatically moves his head to the left, too. I have no idea how to wear him on my back, either, and wouldn't trust him. Who knows what he'll do if I can't see him!

Re: my back--thank you. But the backache from wearing him is simply from age and being out of shape. It's not the same pain that's in my pelvis and for which I'm getting those injections. BUT, it does actually seem to be working! Things that would typically cause me days of pain don't cause any anymore, and last night, after rocking him for hours, I was in agony today until I took a nap, and when I woke, the pain was almost gone! So, there does seem to be some hope!

Re: my "bad" parenting--Just thought I'd share:

Borboleta--What a great idea about buying next year's costume! I'll have to check it out. Because that bat costume was seriously the cutest thing... Oh, and J won't summersault on his own--I help him. He just loves doing it, so I know now when he puts his head down like that close to me, and then waves his booty in the air impatiently, that I'd better hurry up and flip him over! I'm sorry that you're missing your family. :hugs: It sounds like you're all very close, but T will have a ball visiting Brazil, I'll bet. Everyone will be going nuts over him!

Re: recipes--I'm getting mine all from Gill Rapley's Baby Led Weaning Cookbook, plus a very few that I know how to do thrown in. The choking/gagging thing scares everyone, though. But it stops pretty soon. J learned to manage it by putting his fingers in his mouth at the same time as he ate something and would pull something out if he needed to. Now he just opens his mouth, lets the offending piece fall out like nothing, and keeps going. But I look at the Weaning board now and then and see that TW parents are petrified when they introduce lumpy stuff to their babies as well, and the babies do gag, too. So, it happens to everyone eventually. With BLW, it just happens right away. And then you calm down.

Good luck to your husband! My fingers are crossed!

SK--when J was four months, he was doing something weird with one of his legs and I freaked out. I eventually took him to a physiotherapist that was an expert in babies, and she not only reassured me that he was fine, but she also gave me some exercise sheets to help him along with creeping and rolling and sitting. The sitting one seemed like fun to do, so I worked with him on it. The key, she said, is a wide base, and she emphasized this over and over. You need to sit him up and spread his legs wide. This should eventually lead to the "tripod" position, where he will put his hands in front of him and support himself. Then, because I was bored, I invented a game whereby I put a large bowl in between his legs and put some small-ish balls in it. He spent forever leaning over that bowl, trying to get those balls. In the end, he could sit, AND he could catch and palm a ball. It was pretty cool. Here's a pic (of course...):

This was later, after he had mastered the balls, but you can see a red one I used by his leg. And yup, as Borboleta said, it led right to crawling.

ETA: J was 6 months when he mastered sitting, not 4, and the crawling took a while after that--I realize that my wording made the timeline misleading.

Am I caught up? OMG, I think I'm caught up!!! :wohoo:
Oh oh oh!!! I forgot something major:

J WALKED TODAY!!! :happydance: I turned around, and there he was walking! He fell after around 4 or 5 steps, but he had gotten up without the help of anything, and wasn't even aiming for anything, like me, or the couch. He seemed to simply want to go for a stroll!

Oh oh oh!!! I forgot something major:

J WALKED TODAY!!! :happydance: I turned around, and there he was walking! He fell after around 4 or 5 steps, but he had gotten up without the help of anything, and wasn't even aiming for anything, like me, or the couch. He seemed to simply want to go for a stroll!


Yeah Jonah:)!!!! Way to go:)!! Another walker in the group!!! :thumbup:
skweek -- hang in there! It's really uncomfortable towards the end, but try to take it one day at a time (and as long as you can get comfortable (cross fingers), resting your body does help a little)

thanks, everybody for words of encouragement re: crawling. My OH and I were talking last night and I said that it is frustrating not having a circle of 'in person' friends/family (my mother is in the USA, my MIL still in hospital) around, so getting advice from you guys is great! I guess I just worry that I'm doing something wrong and/or not enough, but Finn is such a happy, laughing little boy that I guess I worry too much (he does have a bit of temper, but it's easy enough to 'distract' him with a toy or song and/or coax him back into a bit of a laugh, usually).....

re: sitting up. We're already doing the 'bowl' or toy technique, and yesterday, I sat him up between my legs and only spotted him, so he was sitting up all by himself for a good 5 minutes or so, so yes, I think the floor is better than the sofa, but he loves to sit on the sofa, like mummy and daddy!

clio - our Finn likes to purr, so it's quite funny to hear your worries about the influence of your time-travelling, flying cat on J. In fact, Finn loves his cat sisters and personally, I think having a time-travelling, flying cat is cool; ours are very much lazy, almost boring cats.

Leeze - your LO looks so cute in your avatar, like a little girl, not a baby.....!

better go - OH is working today (Sunday), so have LO all to myself. He's been up since 6.30am and now it's 7.30 and need to get some porridge/oatmeal (not organic and from a jar, because he'll eat anything! oh, and the big toast moment....!)

we had success with two small squares of brown bread toast!

wow were a chatty lot!!! :)

skweek - oh the last few weeks are torture! big hugs hon - youll get there you will - just hang on in there x

clio - yey for jonah!! well done - so very exciting!! re reading - dh is not interested in reading at all...but is v engineering minded and mechanical etc so his talent lie in a different area - i know what you mean about loving reading tho and hoping its passed on - hope J is more settled today

angel - omg dont worry about needing a break hon - you have 2 to look after at once it must be exhausting!

re teeth - marthas front middle tooth is breaking through thank goodness so shes not in s much pain - its taken 2 months! gah!! the molars have also broken through but are very slow!!

borboleta thiago is fab! fingers crossed re your dhs interviews!

we had a good night sleep again - woo hoo and M asleep in her cot! hope this is a new phase! she keeps pouncing like a cat today so funny - and seems determined to launch herself into walking...bit scary!

right Im off to watch strictly dancing while she sleeps _bet she'll wake as soon as I get my cuppa lol!
Afternoon ladies!

Skweek, you are so close and it really is uncomfortable and hard going at the end, not long to go and then you will have your wee bubs!

Clio, that's amazing about J and the walking! Still waiting for L to take off, she is cruising round the furniture at the moment...

SK don't be worrying, all babies are little individuals and they all do what they want when they want. I remember feeling really pressurised as my friends LO was crawling perfectly at 6 months, I don't know why I worried, L took off in her own time and hasnt stopped since.

Leeze M is adorable! When L used to choke she emptied her entire stomach at high speed, it used to freak me out, we've past that stage now though, I think!

Yes Angel, the party was yesterday, it went well, L was really well behaved and my brother and husband had a nice time. Then L had me up nearly every 20 mins ALL night, it was relentless... I think she had wind again, its such a killer...

It's hubbys actual birthday tomorrow, L is due to be in nursery all day, but I don't think I can face leaving her in all day - it kills me :(
Ugh. Bad night again. J has at least one canine coming in (you can see the white dot getting infinitesimally bigger every once and a while), but he's been pulling his ear on the other side, so I think something is happening there, as well. In fact, that's the cheek that keeps getting red.

Problem is that he screams and screams if we don't take him downstairs, where he then has a jolly old time. So we know the meds have kicked in, but he wants to play. All night. He shows he's tired (yawning, rubbing eyes) so we would take him back up, and he would allow us to rock him and rock him and eventually we'd get him asleep on our shoulders. But the second you lay him down in the crib...

We finally had to let him CIO last night. It was getting ridiculous. It took 20 minutes, but after ten minutes the crying was intermittent. He was up again two more times, but allowed us to rock him back to sleep, which was such a change from before. We didn't dare try it the night before, and he was misery all night long (unless downstairs) and the next day he screamed at anything and nothing because he was so tired from cavorting around during the night. He's now been napping for two and a half hours, which we haven't seen in a long time, so hopefully his extreme grumpiness due to exhaustion will resolve itself. I want my happy boy back!

SK--yay for the sitting and the bread! It's so amazing to watch these incredibly rapid changes. And I agree with StormJet; it all happens at it's own pace, and in the end, all evens out. And if F was a preemie, doesn't that make a difference? Don't you have to subtract at least a month from the supposed "normal" timing of each developmental milestone?

Oh, J is up. Got to go!
I don't believe it after saying L hadn't projectiled in a while she just did - twice....
thanks, clio - I always forget the 'adjusted age''s some pictures of LO and as per advice, loads of pillows behind (and he was able to resit after a few tumbles backwards) and a big bowl of toys and/or duckduck -- he's playing with blocks that my grandfather made for me and my brother, which my mum send over from the USA earlier this year....

sorry to hear about the projectile vomiting, storm, I thought Finn was happy and gobbling up his cottage pie, and all came back up (or most of it) and onto him, me, everywhere....but he laughed so hard that I think he was fine...sigh.

clio -- I would think the grumpiness is due to tiredness, at least, if Finn is getting cranky, I just try to rock him and hope for a nap...sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and teething screws up everything!

now, it seems that my OH is trying to bite the baby and the cat is very interested....hum....



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So I've been sent back upstairs again, dosed with a mood stabilizer and have instructions to sleep (I'm waiting for a tranq to kick in, so I'm pouring out my troubles to you guys until then. Poor you.). The sleepless nights and renewed pain in my hip have triggered aspects of the illness, but we know the signs and if we can catch it in time, we can usually nip it in the bud.

I currently truly and utterly believe that I do not love my son. Not an iota. I know it's my mind playing tricks on me (I once went manic and believed that I didn't love my husband anymore. For weeks I was trying to get up the courage to tell him I was divorcing him until he discovered I hadn't been taking one of my meds--I ran out and didn't refill it--and I came back down to reality.)

It'll be okay; I'm something called an ultra-rapid cycler, which means that I go up and down very quickly. If not caught early, I spiral out of control, but that hasn't happened in a while. After 20 years, you know the signs. Especially Eric and my mother (hence why I'm up here on Eric's orders). We're hoping I'll wake up and my mind will have stopped with the trickery. It's worked before.

My poor SIL had terrible PND after her first son was born. He was colicky for the first 4 months, then wouldn't sleep ever once the colic had passed. She had to remind herself for an entire year that she did actually love her son.

I hope I'm not making anyone feel uncomfortable. Mention of mental illness typically does. But I love and trust everyone on our thread, and writing soothes me. Also, please don't worry about me. I'll be fine.

Right, eyes are closing. Fx'd.
Clio you should never worry about talking about your mental illness, no one would judge if you had a physical illness and we are all here to support each other. DHs mum is manic depressive so we know all about highs and lows. I'm pretty sure I suffer from mild depression, my crying with the loss if my mum and an ultra demanding baby has been unbelievable. Fingers crossed for you that tomorrow brings some little rays of light. Ps a mum who doesn't love her baby doesn't read tob him, make up storys, cook him fab food and carry him about physically hurting herself - this cloud will pass. Tomorrow is a new day and if it isn't better then we will be rooting for the day after. Much love and support xxxx
Hi ladies. Way too much to remember and i've only got a couple minutes. Clio, I'm glad you feel able to share here. We're always here for you. I've had moments of questioning if I love LO or OH. Then when I fell in the sling it had such an impact on me emotionally that it reminded me how much LO means to me. But, I do also sometimes feel emotionally numb and like I give so much and feel a bit resentful etc. I'm hoping it's all normal really and that it's ok to feel some darkness in with the light that I also sometimes feel. It's good that you can recognise your changes in mood and can talk about it. I really believe in the power of talking. You asked some food questions ... Re baby yoghurt - it's got no added sugar and is sweetened with fruit juice. And re milk, my understanding is that it's best to give full-fat but I normally just give the 2% stuff because it's what we've got in the fridge and I give her such a small amount of it anyway. Got to go, she's stirring. Xx
Back again! One-handed while breastfeeding. Sabrina, Finn is gorgeous! What lovely photos. Re crawling, Kia didn't crawl properly till about 4 weeks ago. She was definitely at least 10 months. I know it's hard not to compare them to others but they all do things a their own pace xx

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