any other over 35 first time mums?

Clio -- I suffer from depression at times, and my MIL is currently in hospital after a suicide attempt....(I never got that bad, fortunately....sigh of relief), so I would much, much, much prefer you tell us rather than keep it a 'secret'....hope not TMI. I was pretty tearful after LO came and was afraid I would have to return to my low-dose meds (the sleeping tablets) on a more permanent basis, but so far so good - as long as I get some decent sleep every week, hence why my OH took LO twice a week before I went back to work (now 3 times per week) OF COURSE, you love J!

I feel low at times, too, but remind myself that I have survived some bad moments, too! (I think it's in Breakfast at Tiffany's where Audrey Hepburn's character says: 'The blues are because you're getting fat and maybe it's been raining too long, you're just sad that's all. The mean reds are horrible. Suddenly you're afraid and you don't know what you're afraid of.” (looked on-line, aren't computers lovely? I settle more arguments with my OH with the help of my smartphone, tee hee!))

thanks, tho, to all for encouraging words re: developmental stuff -- Finn is only 8 months, so is on target -- plus, he had a busy weekend of eating toast for the first time and brown pitta AND sitting up like a big boy! (now, he hates his bouncy chair and keeps throwing his toys around, literally, not figuratively)....

Sabrina: Finn is beautiful:)!! He has a little baby face:). What is his weight and height?

Storm: sorry for the projectile vomit!

Clio and all the ladies: it is so nice to be part of a thread that ladies do understand each other. We might not agree but we don't judge like on the baby club. And Clio, sometimes the lack of sleep is soo hard on us!! I am sure deep inside we all have moments that we questions our feelings about our OHs and LOs. It will pass and we are here for you:).
Hi ladies,

Here is a 40w+2d pic for you - yup and no sign of her making her grand entrance any time soon(Despite all efforts on our part!)

And one for Clio - here is my blanket - my first knitting attempt in over 20 years!!
hey ladies :flower:

Sabrina gorge photos!!! aye adjusted age means a lot - my friends twins were born at 23 weeks and theyve just turned one and they are probs a few weeks behind Martha stage wise - it really makes a difference - plus theyre all soooo different anyway!

skweek love the pic - hang on in there great times to come once your little one is here :)

clio hon dont worry about any judging here - lordy who hasnt had struggles with mental health by this stage of life - I was quite crackers with my PTSD til I got sorted by the Head Dr! Hope you're feelings lighten soon - all the lack of sleep really affects dopamine levels etc so bound to have a knock on affect..

afm - teething hell abated a bit 4 teeth actually coming through and the pain seems to ease once theyve broken through - I can see another few ready to go tho...

got Martha a new snowsuit yesterday from matalan - its fab - would have got next size up too but none in stock - means when its v cold we can get out and about...woo! Walking to swimming baths with friends and their lo's on friday - its too daunting to take M swimming on my own I find!

going to pick new glasses up - m has trashed mine - musnt let her get my new pairs!

shes full of beans - v chatty and trying to walk on her own - and she keeps doing this random pouncing - like a cat or a frog almost?! it looks like one of those things where its a step before a new development and when they get it you go ahhh thats what you were working towards - if that makes sense!?

rant alert - my sil is always very very specific about what presents her dd and ds want - and my goodness can I find what she wants in stock anywhere?! Nope!!! Im not trailing round everywhere anymore..have got an email alert at tesco if they come back into stock but if they dont they can have something else! pah!! what happened to seeing something and thinking oo that would be nice for so and so...

have a good day everyone :flower:
Rowan how did the sleep go last night? I hope another good one?
Poor thing for having molars too! Is it usual for them to come this early? I always thought they must be the most painful cause they are so blunt compared to the incisors. Might be wrong reasoning though.
Yay for walking though yeah that throwing forward thing does sound scary!
But swimming with friends sound lovely too. I am far too shy to show my cauliflower hiney and my wibbly belly in public though. :( Hope you have great fun. It is meant to be very good for preggo ladies btw. Though I am guessing you won't get to actually swim much.
As for specific presents, have you checked Amazon? Always my first port of call. So super easy! Especially when like me you have your card registered with them.

Storm I am guessing you have your little L back by now? Hope the day went well and you didn't miss her too much. :hugs:
As for the vomiting, does she do that after just lumpy food or also textured? I am trying a few stage 2 pouches on the boys, which are meant to be textured but not lumpy. Sebastian threw up after it today and didn't seem to like the one I gave yesterday for lunch :( Dominic gobbled it up as if he had always had stage 2 foods. Greedy thing lol

Sabrina your little Finn is a total cutie! The dimple in his cheek slays me! Adorable :D And yay for the success with the toast! :D

clio I hope you are feeling better today. Like the other ladies said, please don't think you cannot share. I don't suffer from depression myself but one of my best friends does and she inherited it from her father. Though neither of them have manic episodes, I think I do understand a little what depression is like. I don't know why mental illness has still such a stigma when it should be widely understood that it is a chemical imbalance and not a "spot on the soul". No one shies away from people with diabetes and no one should shy away from this either. You are a great member of our little group and I would hate for you to think you have to hide. I think I speak for all of us when I say that we appreciate you loads and loads. Sending tons of :hugs: and hoping you feel easier soon. :)

Skweek you look FAB! Though I can understand how you are uncomfy by now. Poor thing! I come on here every day expecting to see a post saying your girl has arrived :D I am sure it cannot be long now. FX for you :hugs:

Nothing much new here. We have an appointment at the vets tomorrow. Kitty has been much quieter these last two days and now I am worried she might be ill. Actually I was thinking that maybe the gland on her throat might be her thyroid which if over or under (I forget which one does what) active might explain her aggression. My old cat Schnitzel in Switzerland had that and it made her super swipey. At any rate I hope it is nothing serious. I haven't made up my mind whether to definitely keep her or not. I don't want to give up on her cause that isn't me and she is sweet and pretty etc and maybe she isn't well etc. We shall see.
The boys are ok though Sebastian is a lil cry-ey lately. I know he is teething as I managed to see white little flecks on his lower gum line but he has had this for about a week now and no sign of anything coming through.
Dominic had 3 poo explosions today! Even though he was in number 5 nappies! I think maybe they are too wide for him but since he always wakes with a leak I thought we'd try them. But it seems nothing can contain him. :(
As for adjusted age, my boys were 3 weeks early but the GP said to disregard this in terms of weaning as they are both such big boys. I don't know but I usually lean on this as an explanation why they don't do stuff that maybe they should already? But yeah I know all babies are different. Still, one cannot help but worry as a first time mummy huh? Anyway FOOOD is ready. Got to go lol xxx
Skweek you look great, I remember feeling like I was going to explode and I did :) I have to say I never missed my bump, even with the flabby belly and stitches and leaky boobs I was more comfortable as the heartburn, sore knees, inability to bend, and pelvic ache went so quickly! I was glad to get my body back, even if the new one was complete with muffin top and rubbish bladder control :)

Angel L can gag on anything, she used to projectile all the time, now she usually just brings up a mouthful which is why yesterday was a shock, I'd forgotten the mess! She doesnt cope well with some textures, gloopy is bad... Like jars of porridge are a huge no no (my friend gave me those), but toast is ok! Today she choked on a bit of rice cake and just coughed up that bit... Oh and as for nursery she was meant to be in all day and I couldn't last more than 4 hours I missed her so much...

Oh goody its 9.22, L is asleep and the in-laws have just phoned, they really have NO consideration...

Hello to everyone else, I've hurt my arm, how I don't know and its hurting typing this on my phone :) think I've twisted it with L who's current favourite game is 'upside down girl', it can go on for hours and she never gets bored.. I do!
How odd Storm, I would have expected that the toast crumbs get stuck in her throat and that that would do it. Must be a bit of a gamble introducing new foods to her?
Porridge is ok for Seb and any other smooth stuff I have given him. He doesn't like everything but some combos that I find weird, he positively gobbles. Such as green beans, raisins and pears. That is a pouch by Ella's kitchen, a brand I prefer to jars.
And a weaning question to all of you Do you think that with their adjusted age of 6 months and 2 weeks I should wait another 2 weeks to give textured food or will that make no difference? (Stage 2 food always says from 7 month on) I had tried finger foods on the boys again. I have given a bit of banana and a carrot stick and a biscuit, also by Ella's kitchen. The first two they both just held in their hand until it dropped and the third they licked a bit when I actually pushed it gently into their mouths and then proceeded to smear themselves and their outfits with it but they didn't really eat it. :shrug: So I guess even though Sebastian will insist on examining what ever I hold in my hand, he doesn't really want to eat it after all. Hm.
Hello ladies,

Having one of those days with hubby where we don't have any patience with each other :growlmad:! Oh, we'll..

Great news: thiago is crawling:)!!! :happydance: it is the cutest thing:)! He sometimes thinks he is a pro and just runcrawls and falls sideways. It is hilarious! But his favorite thing to do yet is being held by the hand and walked around. Our poor back!!!!

Angel: you made me laugh about the poo explosions :haha:. Have you tried the pamper cruisers? They might hold his poo better :haha:.

Rowan: I hope you had fun swimming:)!!! Does M likes it?

Swkeek: lovely bump:)! Welcome to the overdue mommies:)! Lovely inst it?:dohh:
I am so looking forward to getting my body back!! even though it will be with flabby belly and rubbish bladder control!! HAHA
I sure as hell am hating this waiting game! Seeing the midwife tomorrow morning again and then off to the mall for walking! Oh and don't forget walking up and down every set of stairs I come across!! Going with a friend just for safety sake! FXed it gets labour started!!
I am so looking forward to getting my body back!! even though it will be with flabby belly and rubbish bladder control!! HAHA
I sure as hell am hating this waiting game! Seeing the midwife tomorrow morning again and then off to the mall for walking! Oh and don't forget walking up and down every set of stairs I come across!! Going with a friend just for safety sake! FXed it gets labour started!!

Did she give you a date for induction if little missy doesn't want to come out on her own? I begged for a date and he was out after 1 week of being overdue :happydance::). I was sooo happy for not having heartburn anymore:)!!!!
a quick answer for angel re:weaning (running out of the door in a minute); Finn was a month early, but I started weaning around 5 1/2 months, and now that he has upper and bottom teeth are on stage 1(pureed) and 2 foods (mashed); last night, he tried a bit of fish finger with his hands (they give cod at creche and I wanted him to 'test'). Basically, I followed his chronological age rather than adjusted age for vaccinations and weaning and his adjusted age for developmental stuff (so I don't stress....), if that makes sense?

However, I do traditional weaning (with a spoon), but we did stage 1 from 6 months and now, only some stage 2 stuff from 8 months+....

bye!!!!!!!! (off to work with a sore throat, growl!)
I am so looking forward to getting my body back!! even though it will be with flabby belly and rubbish bladder control!! HAHA
I sure as hell am hating this waiting game! Seeing the midwife tomorrow morning again and then off to the mall for walking! Oh and don't forget walking up and down every set of stairs I come across!! Going with a friend just for safety sake! FXed it gets labour started!!

Did she give you a date for induction if little missy doesn't want to come out on her own? I begged for a date and he was out after 1 week of being overdue :happydance::). I was sooo happy for not having heartburn anymore:)!!!!

I'm seeing the MW this morning so half expecting to get induction date - most likely next week sometime. Hopefully if sweeps don't work then just that looming induction will get me started.
Am going to walk about the local mall with a friend after the MW appointment. Plenty of stairs that I will put to good use!! :haha:
Skweek, how did it go with the midwife today?

Clio still thinking about you.

Must run L home - yay!
went well thanks!
Still only 1/5 engaged which I am fine with.
She did a stretch and sweep as I was 1cm dilated. Had loads of BH since then and suffering with my back at the mo. So FXed this is the start of labour!!
Oh skweek here's hoping your little one is on the way, so exciting!
Wow - feeling very excited for you Skweek!!! I know it's really hard at this late stage but still try to get as much rest as you can. xx
hey, gang -- am off sick today from work (sore throat, sinus pains - grumble), so am back to bed....assessment was okay yesterday -- Finn is 16lbs, 27 inches so is average for length and a little slim, but his daddy was tall and lanky as a baby, so they are not worried. He had a hearing test and has to go back as they suggested he might have problems -- very minor of not hearing the lower sounds in his left ear, but as the test was rather informal, am not too worried, plus with teething and a cold, hard to determine anyway.

skweek - agree with other posters - try, if possible, to rest as much as possible!

nothing else here, guys -- sorry, am going to crawl back into bed; OH took Finn to creche, so I will get a morning in bed with the cats to try and shift this cold....

Skweek any update? Any more cramping?

SK sorry to hear you are feeling unwell, get some well deserved rest and I hope you feel better soon!

L is poorly at the minute, she had diarrhoea last night and then projectile vomited her bottle, more runny bum this am, the smell us horrendous, poor wee site. Honestly less than 9 hours of nursery over 2 days and she's sick, should have seen this coming...

Not much else to report, too scared to take her out today incase of explosive yellow stink nappy, so it looks like the poor dog is in for a dull day :(
skweek - very excited for you
:hi: and :hugs: to all

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