any other over 35 first time mums?

Kosh,ment to say,no wonder you feel so knackered,your bub is only 2months old,is that right? dose get better. xxx
lovely to see the group keeps growing!! I think it would be great if we could keep this thread going too!! Great to have some pregnant mums join us too - how exciting!!! Cissyhope - how exciting that you'll have 2 under 2 very soon!!! I hope to hear how that goes for you because that's what I'm hoping to do too!!! I heard someone say recently that having 2 is still not as difficult as the first few months of having your first because you've got more experience - I'm really hoping that's true!!!

Rowan - well done to be 3lbs off pregnancy weight already after being pregnant on and off for nearly 2 years!! Does it feel strange not to be pregnant now then? I still keep expecting to feel kicks even though my LO is now 5 months old!!!

Kosh - well done again for starting this thread, really great idea!!

I just worked out that I'm nearly halfway through my maternity leave already - luckily I'm able to take a year off and I don't know what I'm going to do when I go back. I haven't left LO for more than about 15 minutes so far (oh dear!!). I keep telling myself it's just because there's been no need to do it but I've got a feeling there's more to it than that and maybe I don't trust anyone else to look after her!!!!! Anyone got similar feelings? Or any words of wisdom about how to just get on with it and feel happy about leaving her with someone? I haven't really got any family nearby so it would need to be with friends, I reckon. Not sure if this has anything to do with being an older Mum as such, or maybe because I feel so lucky to have her and had started to wonder if I would ever have children then maybe I'm a bit over-protective!!
Hi everyone. I just had my first baby nearly 2 weeks ago and I am 41! He is absolutely gorgeous and makes me smile every day. I have found it hard though - just the mind numbing repetitiveness of feeding, nappy changing, sleeping, repeat, repeat, repeat! My little boy is actually pretty chilled - he feeds every 3 hours on the boob, and sleeps when I put him down. My biggest stress though is not knowing if he is feeding enough. He guzzles enthusiastically for about the first 10 mins, then seems to drop off a bit. By the end he has fallen asleep so I assume he is done. But then he might be wide awake 10 mins later and I can't tell whether he's just happy hanging out, or if I should give him more. Trouble is if I give him more at that point, the feed is well into its second hour and then I start to stress that there is hardly any time for me to do anything else before the next feed!
I'm normally a very organised and routine person, and I'm finding the uncertainty of all of this very difficult!!
Nice to see this group though!!
Aligirl I can relate, I felt a bit like that at the beginning about it all being very repetive and it took me a while to "let" go and just go with the flow lol after that I found my own routine alongside and loved every second of it...
P.s. How do I change my ticker to stop it showing the pregnancy one??!
lovely to see the group keeps growing!! I think it would be great if we could keep this thread going too!! Great to have some pregnant mums join us too - how exciting!!! Cissyhope - how exciting that you'll have 2 under 2 very soon!!! I hope to hear how that goes for you because that's what I'm hoping to do too!!! I heard someone say recently that having 2 is still not as difficult as the first few months of having your first because you've got more experience - I'm really hoping that's true!!!

Rowan - well done to be 3lbs off pregnancy weight already after being pregnant on and off for nearly 2 years!! Does it feel strange not to be pregnant now then? I still keep expecting to feel kicks even though my LO is now 5 months old!!!

Kosh - well done again for starting this thread, really great idea!!

I just worked out that I'm nearly halfway through my maternity leave already - luckily I'm able to take a year off and I don't know what I'm going to do when I go back. I haven't left LO for more than about 15 minutes so far (oh dear!!). I keep telling myself it's just because there's been no need to do it but I've got a feeling there's more to it than that and maybe I don't trust anyone else to look after her!!!!! Anyone got similar feelings? Or any words of wisdom about how to just get on with it and feel happy about leaving her with someone? I haven't really got any family nearby so it would need to be with friends, I reckon. Not sure if this has anything to do with being an older Mum as such, or maybe because I feel so lucky to have her and had started to wonder if I would ever have children then maybe I'm a bit over-protective!!

I understand exactly how you feel, I feel the same way. I don't know what I am going to do, as I'm going back to work in May or June and I have no family here, nor really any close friends, so we have NO idea what we are going to do with Lily. I wish so much I could just take her with me, because I just don't feel anyone will treat her like we do, kwim?.. I am so scared to leave her with anyone other than fam or OH. But, I really need to go back to work, as we are selling our home and building a new one and my salary is a considerable amount. Not that my OH doesn't make good money as well, its just that we need both of our incomes in order to build the house we have had designed. I just dont know what to do! :hugs:

Welcome to all of you!!

I am 37 now but had both of my children when I was 36. Sadly our son Ethan was born sleeping:cry:. Getting pregnant with Morgan so quickly after losing him was my saving grace. I don't know what I would do without her. She is just a precious blessing and I feel so fortunate to have this beautiful little girl.

I wish all of us "older" moms the best with our LOs.....:flower:


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Welcome to all of you!!

I am 37 now but had both of my children when I was 36. Sadly our son Ethan was born sleeping:cry:. Getting pregnant with Morgan so quickly after losing him was my saving grace. I don't know what I would do without her. She is just a precious blessing and I feel so fortunate to have this beautiful little girl.

I wish all of us "older" moms the best with our LOs.....:flower:

I am so so so sorry about Ethan, you are very strong lady. Congrats on beautiful Morgan :)
Yes, yes, yes, I am 39, 40 on March 17. Grrrrrr This is actually our second, I had a stillbirth 4 years ago, in December. But, oh my, I did not know it was going to be so rough those first couple months either... My LO is a preemie and we had to deal with lots of medical issues.... And let me just say that reflux is the Devil! I hated seeing her go thru everything she did, but dealing with the silent reflux was just horrible. The constant not wanting to feed, the constant crying (because she is hungry and in pain), the drastic weight loss and the fear of another hospitalization.

But, their is a silver lining.. She is doing awesome now and is a totally different baby. I thank God everyday that she is no longer going thru all that mess. I am happier than I ever been and I didnt know that was possible! ok, so I am a bit tired, but I can live with that, as long as my LO stays healthy...

Do you plan on having more? Just curious, you don't have to answer. We most likely are not going to have anymore. xxx

Edit: I also wanted to add, had an emergency Csection because of high blood pressure, then I hemmoraged, almost died in my room before the surgery, they rushed me to surgery and had to have blood transfussions after because of loss of blood. This is the main reason we most likely will not have another. My OH saw all this happen, with 15 nurses standing over me, one crying next to me trying to fan me, another pushing on where I had my csection incession and another with her arm in my V up to her elbow pulling out clots of blood. I passed out, thank God, but OH was pretty tramatized by it all and is afraid of it happening again.
View attachment 349946

I can not believe your nearly 40.... Is that you in your sig Hun with your lo....

You look so young for nearly 40 I honestly thought you looked in your 20's

:flower: xxx
Welcome to all of you!!

I am 37 now but had both of my children when I was 36. Sadly our son Ethan was born sleeping:cry:. Getting pregnant with Morgan so quickly after losing him was my saving grace. I don't know what I would do without her. She is just a precious blessing and I feel so fortunate to have this beautiful little girl.

I wish all of us "older" moms the best with our LOs.....:flower:

Hi Moti, just wanted to say, that I to lost a child, Sophie was born sleeping as well. Lily is also my saving grace. I totally know how you feel!

I am sorry for your loss and so happy that you now have a beautiful LO in your life! :hugs:

Yes, yes, yes, I am 39, 40 on March 17. Grrrrrr This is actually our second, I had a stillbirth 4 years ago, in December. But, oh my, I did not know it was going to be so rough those first couple months either... My LO is a preemie and we had to deal with lots of medical issues.... And let me just say that reflux is the Devil! I hated seeing her go thru everything she did, but dealing with the silent reflux was just horrible. The constant not wanting to feed, the constant crying (because she is hungry and in pain), the drastic weight loss and the fear of another hospitalization.

But, their is a silver lining.. She is doing awesome now and is a totally different baby. I thank God everyday that she is no longer going thru all that mess. I am happier than I ever been and I didnt know that was possible! ok, so I am a bit tired, but I can live with that, as long as my LO stays healthy...

Do you plan on having more? Just curious, you don't have to answer. We most likely are not going to have anymore. xxx

Edit: I also wanted to add, had an emergency Csection because of high blood pressure, then I hemmoraged, almost died in my room before the surgery, they rushed me to surgery and had to have blood transfussions after because of loss of blood. This is the main reason we most likely will not have another. My OH saw all this happen, with 15 nurses standing over me, one crying next to me trying to fan me, another pushing on where I had my csection incession and another with her arm in my V up to her elbow pulling out clots of blood. I passed out, thank God, but OH was pretty tramatized by it all and is afraid of it happening again.
View attachment 349946

I can not believe your nearly 40.... Is that you in your sig Hun with your lo....

You look so young for nearly 40 I honestly thought you looked in your 20's

:flower: xxx

Ahh, I think I love you! Yes that is me with Lily in the pic.. Thank you, you made my day!
Welcome to all of you!!

I am 37 now but had both of my children when I was 36. Sadly our son Ethan was born sleeping:cry:. Getting pregnant with Morgan so quickly after losing him was my saving grace. I don't know what I would do without her. She is just a precious blessing and I feel so fortunate to have this beautiful little girl.

I wish all of us "older" moms the best with our LOs.....:flower:

Hi Moti, just wanted to say, that I to lost a child, Sophie was born sleeping as well. Lily is also my saving grace. I totally know how you feel!

I am sorry for your loss and so happy that you now have a beautiful LO in your life! :hugs:

View attachment 376375

gosh ladies, so sorry to both of you, I found it hard enough having a m/c at ten weeks so I admire you both and so happy you have gorgeous little ones now xxx
Welcome to all of you!!

I am 37 now but had both of my children when I was 36. Sadly our son Ethan was born sleeping:cry:. Getting pregnant with Morgan so quickly after losing him was my saving grace. I don't know what I would do without her. She is just a precious blessing and I feel so fortunate to have this beautiful little girl.

I wish all of us "older" moms the best with our LOs.....:flower:

Hi Moti, just wanted to say, that I to lost a child, Sophie was born sleeping as well. Lily is also my saving grace. I totally know how you feel!

I am sorry for your loss and so happy that you now have a beautiful LO in your life! :hugs:

View attachment 376375

Snowflakes - Thank you. I'm so sorry about Sophie. I know you know how I feel. I'm so happy that you have Lily.:hugs:
I had a loss at 6 weeks and was devastated. I really can't begin to imagine how painful it would be to have a baby be born sleeping. Huge hugs to you both and your beautiful angels. Xxx
And snowflakes, that's really tough that you need to go back to work in the next couple of months. I'm trying hard not to think too much about it but I know it's going to be really difficult. Xx
And for the new mum, sorry I forgot your name and I'm doing this on my phone while feeding with the other hand, I remember doing very little else other than feeding LO, changing her, winding her and trying to grab something to eat myself for about the first 5 or 6 weeks! If my LO falls asleep when feeding I normally offer her the boob again when she wakes up but if you think she's fed ok before falling asleep then you could leave it a little while longer and she'll most likely let you know when she's hungry! Xx
I'm a first time Bio-Mom (hehe) at 37- just turned 38 in Dec ;) I've been a step-Mom to my oldest for almost 6yrs now. So lots of experience with a child, but not so much with a newborn.

I have to say, you know you are going to love your child... but from the second I saw her I could not imagine my life without her! I just have so much love for her that it's overwhelming at times... maybe some what hormonally enhanced (as I'm not back on the birth control pill after being off from age 32- since hubby was fixed when we started dating!)- but after 2 reversals, lots of tests and finding out I have a low egg reserve and finally fertility help... we got our Little Girl!!!! I feel SO SO blessed... not only because we were finally able to make her after so many months of trying, but because she is such a good baby. She is just so sweet and funny and cute and a good sleeper and I could go on and on... she has her "moments" like any baby does...

But honestly, I feel like she is what we were waiting for. SHE is the reason it took so long to conceive- cause any other time, any other month, any other eggie or sperm... and she would not be the Little One we have... and calling her my daughter puts a huge smile on my face!

I certainly do have some challenging- as I have some aches and pains I'm trying to overcome and deal with- but most have been around for years (due to being hard on my body with sports in High School)- and I'm seaking chiropractor care and acupunture and I'd try just about anything at this point... but otherwise, I'm doing great with being a Mom. I do wish I had some of my 20-somthing energy back at times though... LOL.

I would say I'm much better mentally prepared though being older and wiser ;) Least I like to think so.

Kudos to all of you... and hugs :hugs:
Kosh,ment to say,no wonder you feel so knackered,your bub is only 2months old,is that right? dose get better. xxx

:thumbup: 3months tomorrow!

Kosh - well done again for starting this thread, really great idea!!

I just worked out that I'm nearly halfway through my maternity leave already - luckily I'm able to take a year off and I don't know what I'm going to do when I go back. I haven't left LO for more than about 15 minutes so far (oh dear!!). I keep telling myself it's just because there's been no need to do it but I've got a feeling there's more to it than that and maybe I don't trust anyone else to look after her!!!!! Anyone got similar feelings? Or any words of wisdom about how to just get on with it and feel happy about leaving her with someone? I haven't really got any family nearby so it would need to be with friends, I reckon. Not sure if this has anything to do with being an older Mum as such, or maybe because I feel so lucky to have her and had started to wonder if I would ever have children then maybe I'm a bit over-protective!!

I started to feel the same way. I used to be relatively relax about sending my LO to nursery, until the other day I read a post here that made me realise that prob childminders won't rock him to sleep...:nope: my LO is very demanding and needs physical contact, he won't cope if left to self-soothe...I should try and not stress myself now, but I am really worried how/if is going to work. I would be devastated if he was left to cry! :cry:

(we also do not have family here)
Welcome to all of you!!

I am 37 now but had both of my children when I was 36. Sadly our son Ethan was born sleeping:cry:. Getting pregnant with Morgan so quickly after losing him was my saving grace. I don't know what I would do without her. She is just a precious blessing and I feel so fortunate to have this beautiful little girl.

I wish all of us "older" moms the best with our LOs.....:flower:

:hugs::hugs: i am so so sorry for your loss moti :hugs:

ps: morgan is gorgeous!

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