any other over 35 first time mums?

we go to a few - theres a mix of ages and i just plonk myself wherever there are babies now :)

the first time i went to one I thought oh dearie me is this my lifestyle now but then i thought this is my lifestyle now and you better get swimming in it lol couldnt do without them now - i go to a church playgroup, a sure start group and an independant group and also one at the local library - martha loves them and goes quite demented without them - boo hiss as its the holidays!
I really should start going as I know no other mums personally. Plus the group organisation in our area seems really great. They have a twin club on Mondays and baby massage on Fridays. They have something on every day of the week but these two are the only ones that seem appropriate for my boys' age group. But so far I only went once to sign up. I think I will wait after their next set of jabs and then hopefully will go. :)
We go to one baby group too. Started at the hospital ( they have a group there) and I got to meet one mom who's son is one month older than mine and I new another lady that had a little girl who is 4 months older than thiago and the other day I met a lady that used to come to my Zumba classes ( I am a fitness intructor:) and she had a baby that is 2 months older than my son. So we just meet once a week and hopefully the group will get bigger. One of the moms is older than me (41) and the other are 10 years younger.
It is funny how ADD we get with kids. You start a conversation and all of a sudden you either not pay attention to what the other mommy was saying or vice versa!!! And forget getting somewhere on time this days!!!! It never happens! I tell my hubby " don't even start yelling that we are late now because we have a kid and things are different:)".
And my house is a total mess!!! I was soooooo organized and clean ... Now I don't even bother trying to keep up:). Toys everywhere and he is just 5 months!!!! Maybe is a good thing I feel like I am more lay back about things this days:).
We were going to baby group until summer hit, I quite enjoyed the time out of the house with him. It was nice meeting other Mommys too.

Zumba instructor woweeee I love Zumba!
We were going to baby group until summer hit, I quite enjoyed the time out of the house with him. It was nice meeting other Mommys too.

Zumba instructor woweeee I love Zumba!

I love it too:). It is such a fun class:). How many times a week you do it?

So today we started feeding Thiago his first veggie: squash:). He loved it! Ate the whole thing:). So proud of my little man!!! I wonder if he will still love it when I have to cook him green beans :growlmad::haha:.
So today we started feeding Thiago his first veggie: squash:). He loved it! Ate the whole thing:). So proud of my little man!!! I wonder if he will still love it when I have to cook him green beans :growlmad::haha:.

Yay for Thiago! :happydance:

Yesterday I discovered that Jonah has been growing in his bottom front two teeth for around a week now. My husband had given him a huge stainless steel spoon to play with. Every time Jonah put it in his mouth, my husband was certain that he heard a little "clang." He swore he had teeth, and made me check for them. And J has teeth!

I went to one playgroup/library thingie. I sat J between two girls. He got really, really excited, and immediately stole one girl's toy, and then pulled really hard on the other girl's hair. Wonderful. I haven't gone back.

I'd like to try Baby Swim classes. I like to think that my child exhibits exquisite talent in swimming, which can be observed during his bath time hi-jinks. It's time his talent is shown to the world.
yey for teeth! we have 2 more coming through at the mo - gah! poor martha! they seem to hurt most just before they are through i find

we go to some groups where theres a few babies but mostly toddlers racing around but martha loves to watch them - dont worry re pulling hair hon :) one of those things theres always some child stealing anothers toy etc but its all learning isnt it

martha is really intense in the bath - she splashes like a machine - theres no like smile or laughing its just power splashing with intense concentration on her face then every now and again she stops for breath and to let her dad wipe her face then back to it! dh hides behind the shower screen lol (i sit in the bath with her) (with my cossie on is that too prudish?)
So today we started feeding Thiago his first veggie: squash:). He loved it! Ate the whole thing:). So proud of my little man!!! I wonder if he will still love it when I have to cook him green beans :growlmad::haha:.
Very cool! :) Personally I prefer green beans to squash but I am sure babies don't! lol. Also I noticed that Thiago is 5 months today. Congrats Thiago! :D
wow, really glad i bumped this thread, i can't keep up with all the replies now!:thumbup:

clara - welcome! :hi:

kizzit - my LO didn't sleep for hours either! how old is yours now? is he better or worse?

borboleta - :thumbup: veggies! we too started recently and i'm surprised at how well he's doing. (love your LO's name btw)

clio - i've only now started to go to baby groups and i too feel 'different' to th rest. i look younger than my age, but i'm a foreigner and i always feel a bit self-concious in those situations

angeluk - i started to go to baby groups very late (as i'd said, first months were very difficult for me) but i'm glad i did as gael loves them. teh only problem is that some of them overlap with his naps so if he'stired i end up not going - i can't afford to have a grumpy baby all day!
Yesterday I discovered that Jonah has been growing in his bottom front two teeth for around a week now. My husband had given him a huge stainless steel spoon to play with. Every time Jonah put it in his mouth, my husband was certain that he heard a little "clang." He swore he had teeth, and made me check for them. And J has teeth!


I'd like to try Baby Swim classes. I like to think that my child exhibits exquisite talent in swimming, which can be observed during his bath time hi-jinks. It's time his talent is shown to the world.

same here!! :winkwink:
I'm feeling like a genius right now. I just gave J a Rubbermaid spatula, and he is just chewing on it like there is no tomorrow. Oh, and now he's dropped it in favour of bringing down some standing lamps. So much for being a genius. WHY did I encourage mobility? The novelty has really worn off. And now he's into the diaper pail. Oh my god. Excuse me for a moment...

Okay! These are hard to keep up with! But I like it.

yey for teeth! we have 2 more coming through at the mo - gah! poor martha! they seem to hurt most just before they are through i find

Two MORE already? We didn't notice the first two, but I understand that they're the easiest. Which ones are coming through now, and are they worse?

martha is really intense in the bath - she splashes like a machine - theres no like smile or laughing its just power splashing with intense concentration on her face then every now and again she stops for breath and to let her dad wipe her face then back to it! dh hides behind the shower screen lol (i sit in the bath with her) (with my cossie on is that too prudish?)

LOL! Sometimes, they are just so ODD in what they do. Oh, and I didn't even bother showering or bathing with J. I let my husband do it. Talk about prudish. Now we just let him have the bathtub to himself.

borboleta - :thumbup: veggies! we too started recently and i'm surprised at how well he's doing. (love your LO's name btw)

Anyone doing BLW? J refused to take the cereals and purees into his mouth, so I gave him a cucumber stick instead and we went from there. I think it's going well, but I have no idea how much he's actually taking in. It's gotten to the point where I inspect his poo...

clio - i've only now started to go to baby groups and i too feel 'different' to th rest. i look younger than my age, but i'm a foreigner and i always feel a bit self-concious in those situations

When did you move to the UK?

It wasn't only that I was older than everyone and that J was being a bully, but I actually couldn't read the huge pieces of paper that had the songs written on them because I had forgotten my glasses, and my hip was killing me from all the bouncing I had to do with J. So I REALLY felt old. And apart from terrorizing other babies at the start, J couldn't have cared less about them. But I'll try again; apparently there is a library group downtown with older moms. But I agree, the groups often interfere with his morning nap.

UK moms--do you have to pay for these innumerable groups? I can't believe how many you have available!
Okay, has anyone ever been tempted to do CIO with naps? Seriously, this kid will not sleep. I thought I had him down for a fat nap, and he's now wailing after 30 minutes. He is sooooooooo tired! How can he not sleep????
Anyone doing BLW?

yes, me! :thumbup: we only started a week ago, it'sgoing slowly but i can already see some progress i think
J refused to take the cereals and purees into his mouth, so I gave him a cucumber stick instead and we went from there. I think it's going well, but I have no idea how much he's actually taking in. It's gotten to the point where I inspect his poo...

same here!:haha:
clio - i've only now started to go to baby groups and i too feel 'different' to th rest. i look younger than my age, but i'm a foreigner and i always feel a bit self-concious in those situations

When did you move to the UK?

1997 - so i shouldn't feel that 'odd' but i still do! :haha:
It wasn't only that I was older than everyone and that J was being a bully, but I actually couldn't read the huge pieces of paper that had the songs written on them because I had forgotten my glasses, and my hip was killing me from all the bouncing I had to do with J. So I REALLY felt old. And apart from terrorizing other babies at the start, J couldn't have cared less about them. But I'll try again; apparently there is a library group downtown with older moms. But I agree, the groups often interfere with his morning nap.

sorry, had to laugh! :winkwink:

UK moms--do you have to pay for these innumerable groups? I can't believe how many you have available!

yep, many are free!:thumbup:
aye many are free which is fab but some i go to are £1.50 but you get a cup of tea and the kids get a biccy and jiuce!

omg i thought m was being a bit quiet sat with ehr toys (shes by my feet) and she was only crawling! must have wanted to try while i wasnt watching!

she has the bottom two front teeth and the top front right one is coming through and also another bottom front i can just see the gum starting to split - shes been trying to pull herself up on stuff today and yest which is a nightmare as ofc shes far too young and not strong enough!And now shes opening dhs drawer oh lordy shes a menace!!! best go :) soooo inquisitive
Okay, has anyone ever been tempted to do CIO with naps? Seriously, this kid will not sleep. I thought I had him down for a fat nap, and he's now wailing after 30 minutes. He is sooooooooo tired! How can he not sleep????[/QUOthe TE]

Clio you.are too funny!
about. The CIO I have not.tried.with myson.because he is farely easy to be put down but I baby sit a lot of babies in the past and once baby and you got the hang of CIO it was great. Baby slept well and felt great aftedwards. And I did try a lot of the other techniques before with the other babies like driving them around;; rocking for 1 hour; pat kn the booty ... you name it I did it. I always thought the CIO was the best.
Thank you for liking my baby's name:thumbup:. He is half Brazilian (me);and half American (daddy). We thought his last name was English enough and he needed some Brazilian flavor to his name:).
yey for teeth! we have 2 more coming through at the mo - gah! poor martha! they seem to hurt most just before they are through i find

we go to some groups where theres a few babies but mostly toddlers racing around b martha loves to watch them - dont worry re pulling hair hon :) one of those things theres always some child stealing anothers toy etc but its all learning isnt it

martha is really intense in the bath - she splashes like a machine - theres no like smile or laughing its just power splashing with intense concentration on her face then every now and again she stops for breath and to let her dad wipe her face then back to it! dh hides behind the shower screen lol (i sit in the bath with her) (with my cossie on is that too prudish?)

I laughed. So hard at the tub comment!!! My boy is the same so I can relate :haha:.
kizzit - my LO didn't sleep for hours either! how old is yours now? is he better or worse?


She is ten months (today) and is a good sleeper now, goes down about 7 and sleeps thru for 10-11.5 hours, I must admit I hate when she wakes really early (anything in the 5's is too early for me!) but compared to how it was she's great!! She naps well now too which is fab because she's pretty demanding when she is awake!!

Re CIO, I haven't done CIO as such (we did a mild version of cc when we first implemented a routine around 5.5-6omths) but I would allow her to cry if she was tired and needed to sleep (this sometimes happens now but more of a whinge than a cry) maybe try some cc? Popping in every few mins to placate them (hand on chest, soothing voice etc) until they eventually learn to settle for naps aswell as night sleeps.

Re blw I didn't do it, I did a mix of spoon feeding and finger foods and still do. For me, blw wasn't really appropriate, oh and I eat later than her and often spicy foods etc but she is good with sandwiches, fruit/veg sticks, chunks of cheese etc, I think they all get where they need to be in the end!
kizzit - my LO didn't sleep for hours either! how old is yours now? is he better or worse?


She is ten months (today) and is a good sleeper now, goes down about 7 and sleeps thru for 10-11.5 hours, I must admit I hate when she wakes really early (anything in the 5's is too early for me!) but compared to how it was she's great!! She naps well now too which is fab because she's pretty demanding when she is awake!!

Re CIO, I haven't done CIO as such (we did a mild version of cc when we first implemented a routine around 5.5-6omths) but I would allow her to cry if she was tired and needed to sleep (this sometimes happens now but more of a whinge than a cry) maybe try some cc? Popping in every few mins to placate them (hand on chest, soothing voice etc) until they eventually learn to settle for naps aswell as night sleeps.

Re blw I didn't do it, I did a mix of spoon feeding and finger foods and still do. For me, blw wasn't really appropriate, oh and I eat later than her and often spicy foods etc but she is good with sandwiches, fruit/veg sticks, chunks of cheese etc, I think they all get where they need to be in the end!

that's exactly the problem we may have - we too eat later than LO (and often too late) but i am hoping we can adjust our schedule so that we all eat together.

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