Any "plus-size", bigger gals TTC their first? :)

Do we have a BFP count for this thread? Have any of us plus size girls gotten our wish?

Not as of yet. The thread was only started a week ago so not too surprising it hasn't happened yet.

On an unrelated note I see you are in Strongsville. That is so close to me, I'm in Euclid. Small world :haha:

Wow! Yeah! We are not far at all! I don't make it out to Euclid all that often these days, but several of my good friends from college went to Brush High School.

We need to represent for Ohio! Let's get the first east side and west side BFP's!

im in Columbus! :flower: so i guess ill represent central OH, but originally from NJ, so im not one of those crazy football fanatics :wacko: I just started using my CBFM, man it takes forever to read those sticks when im used to my little cheapies taking a minute to show results! :haha: FX'd for all of us this cycle! :happydance:

This is definite cause for us all to be TTC buddies. I say we all get pregnant does this month sound?

sounds like a good idea to me, now if i can get my body to cooperate... :thumbup:
Do we have a BFP count for this thread? Have any of us plus size girls gotten our wish?

Not as of yet. The thread was only started a week ago so not too surprising it hasn't happened yet.

On an unrelated note I see you are in Strongsville. That is so close to me, I'm in Euclid. Small world :haha:

Wow! Yeah! We are not far at all! I don't make it out to Euclid all that often these days, but several of my good friends from college went to Brush High School.

We need to represent for Ohio! Let's get the first east side and west side BFP's!

im in Columbus! :flower: so i guess ill represent central OH, but originally from NJ, so im not one of those crazy football fanatics :wacko: I just started using my CBFM, man it takes forever to read those sticks when im used to my little cheapies taking a minute to show results! :haha: FX'd for all of us this cycle! :happydance:

This is definite cause for us all to be TTC buddies. I say we all get pregnant does this month sound?

sounds like a good idea to me, now if i can get my body to cooperate... :thumbup:

Good luck you guys :dust:
Oh Jo Bean, that sounds like a fun way to spend your time off work ha ha:thumbup: have you any other plans apart from DTD lol ??

I sometimes forgot to temp in the beginning :dohh::dohh:, but figured even if I done it later in the day if it wasnt to different from the previous day then i'm probs still on the right track ???

AF is due Tues 28th, I'm not sure if your supposed to but I'm still temping and whilst its been a steady 98.something or thereabouts for the last few days its gone up to 99.79 today, not sure if this means anything, im trying not read too much into everything i dont wanna set myself up for a fall if :witch: does actually arrive !!


i am 220 lbs and ttc for about 7 month i am fertle now so im going to ttc but does weight really play in trying to concieve?
You ladies have been so busy on here today. So many posts to catch op with!
Panda - that is still good though, better off than on and if you've got an overall net loss of 17lbs since Oct, then that is still pretty amazing! Well done you!
Thanks Jo_Bean! It's hard, but I'm working on it. My scale doesn't like me today. I weighed myself and a few pounds creeped back on :blush: Oh well, I'll just have to work harder this month.

Well another friend is pregnant AGAIN, :( hate being happy for everyone else when all i want is to be able to tell people that im the one expecting, im on cd23 4DPO so this 2ww is killing me, got the hpk and opks on the ready and im going to do BBT and all the other charting things for 2 more cycles then im going to have a break for a couple of months. every minute of everyday im thinking of TTC#1 so i will give it a break but still record af and ov pains just to keep a record. A little down this week as ive only managed to lose 4lbs in just over a week, thought i would have done much better but oh well, will just have to try harder next week. might have to get the help of slim fast milkshakes this month.

Longest 2WW of my life :(

got my fingers crossed for all you ladies, hope we can see lots of BFP 's this month for everyone :) xx
4 pounds in a week is great! :thumbup: I know we always want to lose wait so fast, but slow and steady is really better. I'd be happy if I lost 4 this week, but I think I put 4 back on, lol.

This is definite cause for us all to be TTC buddies. I say we all get pregnant does this month sound?
Works for me, but I'm with MellyBelly on this one. I just need my body to cooperate! :cry:

AF is due Tues 28th, I'm not sure if your supposed to but I'm still temping and whilst its been a steady 98.something or thereabouts for the last few days its gone up to 99.79 today, not sure if this means anything, im trying not read too much into everything i dont wanna set myself up for a fall if :witch: does actually arrive !!


You can temp throughout your cycle. Usually, if AF if going to show up your temps will drop a few days before hand, but if you are pregnant they stay high. This past cycle was my first temping, and although it was sad to see those falling temps it was kind of nice to know AF was coming ahead of time.
i am 220 lbs and ttc for about 7 month i am fertle now so im going to ttc but does weight really play in trying to concieve?
Weight does play a role in fertility. Many women who are overweight don't ovulate or they do, but not every month. Overweight women are also prone to get PCOS. I'm sure there are other ways it plays into it, but that's all that's coming to mind right now.
Thanks Panda Mao, I'm gunna carry on temping as like u say it's kinda nice knowing what to expect from ur body:thumbup:
Ive had a crazy 2 weeks food wise too it was my birthday and then my friends birthday and things were pretty hectic in between, so the scales are also not my friend today and I have gained a 1lb :growlmad:, but I worked extra hard at Zumba last night and i'm thinking a little extra exercise this weekend will get me back in track :thumbup:
Lots of luck to everyone xxxx
Oh Jo Bean, that sounds like a fun way to spend your time off work ha ha:thumbup: have you any other plans apart from DTD lol ??

I sometimes forgot to temp in the beginning :dohh::dohh:, but figured even if I done it later in the day if it wasnt to different from the previous day then i'm probs still on the right track ???

AF is due Tues 28th, I'm not sure if your supposed to but I'm still temping and whilst its been a steady 98.something or thereabouts for the last few days its gone up to 99.79 today, not sure if this means anything, im trying not read too much into everything i dont wanna set myself up for a fall if :witch: does actually arrive !!



Actually I'm going to tidy the house from top to bottom and wash everything and chuck out lots of old stuff (mainly to make room for all the new stuff I've been buying like fertility elephants and what not!)

I am a bit rubbish at this whole temping thing, I forgot again today! That's because I've been up earlier than normal this week and travelling around with work, London yesterday and Basingstoke today. These early mornings are not helping me to remember to temp!! I am working from home tomorrow so I will start then - only 5 days late! :dohh:

I think that you are meant to temp every single day - in an ideal world you can then compare your temps cycle by cycle and build up more knowledge about your body and notice patterns etc. So yep, keep temping! Then if your temperature keeps going up and doesn't drop off I think that's a really good sign!

I always tell myself not to get too excited but it doesn't work. Every month I find a new reason to think I am pregnant! This month it was a cold sore! hahaha!

extra :dust: for you this morning! xxxxxx
Well another friend is pregnant AGAIN, :( hate being happy for everyone else when all i want is to be able to tell people that im the one expecting, im on cd23 4DPO so this 2ww is killing me, got the hpk and opks on the ready and im going to do BBT and all the other charting things for 2 more cycles then im going to have a break for a couple of months. every minute of everyday im thinking of TTC#1 so i will give it a break but still record af and ov pains just to keep a record. A little down this week as ive only managed to lose 4lbs in just over a week, thought i would have done much better but oh well, will just have to try harder next week. might have to get the help of slim fast milkshakes this month.

Longest 2WW of my life :(

got my fingers crossed for all you ladies, hope we can see lots of BFP 's this month for everyone :) xx

Oh Magic Angel it will be you one day, I truly believe that it will happen for all of us. I know exactly where you are coming from though me and my OH are the only childless couple in both mine and his family and in our joint circle of friends,
Even our friends children are having children and still we have nothing :cry:

On a plus side 4lbs off in week is excellent news every loss no matter how big or small helps.
How long have you been temping if u don't mind me asking ???

I've done it for the first time this cycle and am currently in the TWW at 9 DPO so fingers crossed I reckon we all deserve a break sometime :haha:

Good luck xxxxx:dust::dust:

hi hun, i stoppet temping 2-3 months ago as OH has silly work patterns and was waking me up at silly times so it wasnt working for me, im currently on cd 24 5DPO opks and obvious ov pain this month secures ov for me this month, im currently sitting here with a very bloated belly, really painful nipples and feeling very sick with flavours and smells ive always loved, hating the 2ww and my body is out of whack this month its nothing like how ive always felt every monthh so not sure if body is playing mind games with me, will start temping in next cycle is af shows, thanks for your kind words, we are all in the same boat having to smile and be happy for more and more friends who seem to have drunken one night stands and fall pregnant without even thinking about it. i cant bloody wait for my BFP and i cant wait to see how everyone gets on, on this forum, youve all been a bloody godsend to me :) lots of sticky glue and baby dust to everyone xx
I too am over 200 lbs and wear a size 18. Hubby and I just started ttc, cycle 2 started a few days ago.
PCOS is such a challenge when you are trying to lose weight. I have been reading this book and it keeps saying that it is going to take some serious work to drop the pounds.

I just want to boost my fertility because I don't think I'm even ovulating right now. I just want to cry and give up. That's what I want to do right this second.
PCOS is such a challenge when you are trying to lose weight. I have been reading this book and it keeps saying that it is going to take some serious work to drop the pounds.

I just want to boost my fertility because I don't think I'm even ovulating right now. I just want to cry and give up. That's what I want to do right this second.

:hugs: i think i read somewhere that losing even 10% of the weight can make a if only that were so easy!:dohh: but dont give up! we will all get there eventually :hugs:
Well another friend is pregnant AGAIN, :( hate being happy for everyone else when all i want is to be able to tell people that im the one expecting, im on cd23 4DPO so this 2ww is killing me, got the hpk and opks on the ready and im going to do BBT and all the other charting things for 2 more cycles then im going to have a break for a couple of months. every minute of everyday im thinking of TTC#1 so i will give it a break but still record af and ov pains just to keep a record. A little down this week as ive only managed to lose 4lbs in just over a week, thought i would have done much better but oh well, will just have to try harder next week. might have to get the help of slim fast milkshakes this month.

Longest 2WW of my life :(

got my fingers crossed for all you ladies, hope we can see lots of BFP 's this month for everyone :) xx

I have not been online in days and am glad to see this thread is blowing up with support for eachother! It looks like we are on the same cycle. Today is my cd 24 and 7dpo. I had an IUI on Saturday and am on my first 2ww! Lets hope we both get our BFPs! I think 4 pounds in a week is pretty good. Congrats! Losing weight is hard! Lots of baby dust to you and everyone else! :flower:

I am 31 and TTC our first. We started trying in January of last year but my hubby started working away around the same time and we found it really difficult to DTD at the right time so basically gave up :wacko:

Thankfully he is now working locally so we are back on the baby making train. :happydance:

I am trying to lose weight and over the last few months have lost 20lb. I still have a lot more to go but am hoping that even this small amount will make a difference.

I too am tired of watching everyone around me get preggers and have plenty of days where I convince myself that I have something wrong with me and it will never happen (a miscarriage and an ectopic in the past have left me with inly one tube) but I am determined that this is our year.

I will be kick starting the diet again and getting back into exercise so I will hopefully lose more weight, I am also going to be using conceive plus and will be making a chart of my periods and predicted ovulation dates so I know when we should be DTD.

I need this to work I cannot wait any longer :wacko:
Well another friend is pregnant AGAIN, :( hate being happy for everyone else when all i want is to be able to tell people that im the one expecting, im on cd23 4DPO so this 2ww is killing me, got the hpk and opks on the ready and im going to do BBT and all the other charting things for 2 more cycles then im going to have a break for a couple of months. every minute of everyday im thinking of TTC#1 so i will give it a break but still record af and ov pains just to keep a record. A little down this week as ive only managed to lose 4lbs in just over a week, thought i would have done much better but oh well, will just have to try harder next week. might have to get the help of slim fast milkshakes this month.

Longest 2WW of my life :(

got my fingers crossed for all you ladies, hope we can see lots of BFP 's this month for everyone :) xx

I have not been online in days and am glad to see this thread is blowing up with support for eachother! It looks like we are on the same cycle. Today is my cd 24 and 7dpo. I had an IUI on Saturday and am on my first 2ww! Lets hope we both get our BFPs! I think 4 pounds in a week is pretty good. Congrats! Losing weight is hard! Lots of baby dust to you and everyone else! :flower:

hi maureen how are you ? glad to finally find someone on same cycle as me :) would be good to compare notes every month :) i hate 2ww as you just cant wait to test but you know you are nearing af so mixed emotions everytime, specially when you've been TTC for sooooooooooooooo long... you got any symptoms? i think my mind and body is trying to play games with me this month... grr... oh well, its a learning curve and every month you get to know your body better so i guess theres always some good in bad, thanks for the kind words, sending lots of sticky baby dust back your way :) x

I am 31 and TTC our first. We started trying in January of last year but my hubby started working away around the same time and we found it really difficult to DTD at the right time so basically gave up :wacko:

Thankfully he is now working locally so we are back on the baby making train. :happydance:

I am trying to lose weight and over the last few months have lost 20lb. I still have a lot more to go but am hoping that even this small amount will make a difference.

I too am tired of watching everyone around me get preggers and have plenty of days where I convince myself that I have something wrong with me and it will never happen (a miscarriage and an ectopic in the past have left me with inly one tube) but I am determined that this is our year.

I will be kick starting the diet again and getting back into exercise so I will hopefully lose more weight, I am also going to be using conceive plus and will be making a chart of my periods and predicted ovulation dates so I know when we should be DTD.

I need this to work I cannot wait any longer :wacko:

Hi! 20lbs is fantastic! I know the problem with timing too. We have that problem. Why is it that at the best time of the month, something else is happening, or that's the one time you have a stupid fight and don't DTD?

Well good luck and stick around here, we seem to be building a team of lovely ladies on this thread! Everyone is gorgeous xx
Morning Ladies,

How are we all feeling today ??

JoBean - are u getting excited for your time off work, what fertility elephants have you been buying ha ha, I might have to get me some of these things. Did you remember to temp today ?

magic Angel - your symptoms sound promising for this cycle I have everything crossed for you xxxx

Bbbunny - Welcome along, sounds like you have already done really well with your weight loss and surely this can only help you TTC.
What is the conceive plus you are using if you don't mind me asking ???

Maureen - I am loving this thread it's nice to know you aren't alone and there are other people out there who can help, advise and share your journey :thumbup:

afm - today I am feeling emotional and down I have a feeling AF is just around the corner and although I tried not to get excited this month as per usual I was convinced I was Preggo :cry:
It doesn't help when the most un maternal person I know who shares an office with me starts telling another work colleague how she best hurry and start TTC as time is no longer on her side and she's the wrong side of 30 and how difficult it is to conceive because our eggs are drying up etc etc, I actually felt like physically harming her for about 10 seconds then I just felt sad !!!!

Anyways the weekend is here and I will lift my spirits as myself and my OH are off to a fancy dress 40th tomorrow as The Blues Brothers so that will be fun and once :witch: has reared her ugly head at least I know I have another shot at it !

Lots of love, luck and :dust:
As always
Hi Jo.

You sound rather chirpy today considering that you think AF is coming. I get to that point where I just get that feeling in my head, that :witch: is on her way, so I suck it up and start planning for the next go.

RE: temping - I totally slept in today and then rushed around like a headless chicken getting up and walking the dog before starting work. I am working from home today (thankfully otherwise I would have been v late) so I am currently deciding whether it's worth bothering taking my temp now or if I should just start tomorrow. Why can't I remember!!!!?

If I did it at the same time of day every day would it make a difference if it was in the evening? Or should you do it in the morning?

I've not bought anything else yet, still waiting for my Fertilitea to arrive, preseed came yesterday and also the Baby Making Bible book - although this depressed me as when I was reading it to work out what type I was, stagnent Qi or Cold or damp heat whatever, I kind of thought I was all of them and then just started to think that I was actually a complete mess and that was why I wasn't getting preggers! So I put the book down and drank some honey and cinnamon. Might go back to the book later on.

Am so looking forward to time off work! Also it means I can call in here more often and see what's going on! haha!

Oh it's nice that you are off to a party, something else to fill your mind up and have a good laugh. Would love to see what you and hubby look like as the blues brothers!!!!

Hope you have a fantastic time at the party hun xxxx

I was looking at your signature, we really are similar aren't we! What is Clomid? did you have to get it prescribed to you?
Morning Ladies,

How are we all feeling today ??
afm - today I am feeling emotional and down I have a feeling AF is just around the corner and although I tried not to get excited this month as per usual I was convinced I was Preggo :cry:
It doesn't help when the most un maternal person I know who shares an office with me starts telling another work colleague how she best hurry and start TTC as time is no longer on her side and she's the wrong side of 30 and how difficult it is to conceive because our eggs are drying up etc etc, I actually felt like physically harming her for about 10 seconds then I just felt sad !!!!

Anyways the weekend is here and I will lift my spirits as myself and my OH are off to a fancy dress 40th tomorrow as The Blues Brothers so that will be fun and once :witch: has reared her ugly head at least I know I have another shot at it !

Lots of love, luck and :dust:
As always
:hugs: Some ladies are just insensitive. I totally feel you on that one. Hope you have a great time at your party though :thumbup:

RE: temping - I totally slept in today and then rushed around like a headless chicken getting up and walking the dog before starting work. I am working from home today (thankfully otherwise I would have been v late) so I am currently deciding whether it's worth bothering taking my temp now or if I should just start tomorrow. Why can't I remember!!!!?

If I did it at the same time of day every day would it make a difference if it was in the evening? Or should you do it in the morning?

Your temperature needs to be the first thing you do in the morning before getting out of bed. You need at least 3 hours of consecutive sleep and then when you wake up you temp. The reason is because this is your at rest temp. When you are up doing things your temperature fluctuates depending on your activity so for ovulation tracking it is worthless since the rise in temps is pretty small. Doing them before you start moving around for the day is the only way you're going to get a reliable temp. As for remembering it, I wish I had some sort of advice to give you there. I started temping beginnning of last cycle and I haven't forgotten once and that is unusual for me! :haha: I do set an alarm every morning for 7am whether I am getting up at that time or not (mostly not, I work shifts and a lot of nights) so for me that alarm is specifically to take my temp. I guess that makes it pretty hard to forget. Good luck!
Thanks for the welcome everyone


Here is a link for info on conceive plus hope its allowed

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