Any solo mum's out there?

Those look so cool! I'm a sucker for gadgets lol, I might get some. That's so spooky about your friend dreaming you'll have a girl. My firend has been doing the same, and me! It's funny because I've always wanted a boy or boys, but since i started ttc I cant shake the feeling I'm going to have a girl.

Well I'm officially out! :cry::cry::cry:

AF came today, its light but definitely here. 4 days early ugh. I'm sad but not too much as this is only my first cycle ttc. So onto cycle 2! I'll definitely be temping like a maniac, I cant even be sure i o'd this month :/
Awwww that sucks - sorry to hear :( even if you know it's only the first month etc, it's still gutting. All the best for next month though! Positive thoughts and baby dust!

My af isn't here yet - due today. It's such a waiting game, but another test was negative -
So I'd say it's gunna be here. Like you, I'm not even sure I ovulated this month.

And that's funny - who knows whether these gut instincts mean anything - but it's still something to think about in the waiting games! :).

The gadget is cool - a bit pricey mine is worth about $90 - but by the time you buy countless urine ones anyway - $90 isn't so bad. I don't know what they cost over there though :).
It's true. I didnt feel to bad when the witch came, but after a few hours i became really sad. Just sucks :( But im already planning for my next donation.

How are you feeling, i wouldnt give up until af definitely shows.
It's true. I didnt feel to bad when the witch came, but after a few hours i became really sad. Just sucks :( But im already planning for my next donation.

How are you feeling, i wouldnt give up until af definitely shows.

Yeah :( every cycle is like that! But I find the witch better than constant negatives :( hang in there though! You'll get your bfp!!

the past 2 months my cycle has been a bit interesting and I'm not sure of I'm ovulating, so af was due yesterday - but for all I know I could have ovulated late - and it's due in a few days. We'll see. My test yesterday was negative - so I'll just wait now until af shows - if she's not here in a few days - I'll test again :). But I feel really warm, and have a sore tummy, and a Metallicy taste in my mouth - could be either pregnancy related, or a sign af is on her way :) I hate the waiting game! Even worse when it's extended! 2 weeks is hard enough hahaha.
Hi all! My name is Mo and I am a 34 y/o single mother by choice to be! I haven't met my dream guy yet so I'm concentrating on meeting my dream baby! I had 1 IUI but it was timed late so I'm moving on to iui #2 next week! I'm on CD 2 and believing that I will be done after this one!

So glad to meet you all!
Ooo I've read that a metallicy taste is a really good sign. Hang in there hun. Got my FX for you!!!

I'm really beginning to doubt whether I o'd this month too lol. I had ewcm the previous month, but remember i was going on about just having creamy cm this month. I know my opk would detect my body trying to o, but my temp didn't raise too much, so im not sure.

Hey Mo! Welcome. So nice yo have you here. So it's your 2nd iui next week? Exciting. I hope you get your bfp.
Yes, it's my 2nd IUI next week. I have studied my cycle and went in a day late last time. This time, I plan on being on time and on top of that little eggie! I got my AMH and progesterone levels drawn last week and they were good. I'm getting my FSH level drawn today for a complete picture.

I'm praying and believing for a BFP! Getting pregnant around Thanksgiving and finding out around Christmas would be the best feeling!
Yes, it's my 2nd IUI next week. I have studied my cycle and went in a day late last time. This time, I plan on being on time and on top of that little eggie! I got my AMH and progesterone levels drawn last week and they were good. I'm getting my FSH level drawn today for a complete picture.

I'm praying and believing for a BFP! Getting pregnant around Thanksgiving and finding out around Christmas would be the best feeling!

o00o - good luck with your second IUI :) Will be praying for you too!! A BFP would be a great xmas present!!

And Melody - Still no AF, but still no BFP either :( Last month I was just under a week late. And I was the same with the CM. I did have some ewcm - but not as much as normal. And not really on the right dates either. Our cycles seem so similar - weird! The dates are similar, and even the symptoms of whether we actually O'd or not hahaha! Ohwell - If AF comes, then I'm already preparing for next month :) Maybe my cycle has decided it's closer to 35 days rather than 28! I'm always been a 28 day er - for ages - i was never late. But now, man it's all over the place lol.
K.N, you're not out until the ugly fat lady sings! And seems like what seems normal never is when you start TTCing! Lol!
And seems like what seems normal never is when you start TTCing! Lol!

Totally true!
As soon as the 'ttc' gets put into the cycle, it all gets mucked up huh. Staying positive though
Lots of BFP's on the boards - so we'll all get ours soon; a couple of people from this thread have had theirs - so there is hope :)

Still no AF.
Aww KN it does seem like there's a lot of similarities with our cycles hehe. I have no idea what my body is doing, and just as i think i notice a pattern, it decided to screw me over lol.

Lovelymo is right though, nothing's normal or even abnormal when it comes to ttc so stay hopeful. I'm paring this is your month! You too Lovelymo, we will get our BFPs!

Has anyone heard of Geritol? I've just started taking it lol.
Welcome Mo.

Fingers crossed for you all.

What's geritol, melody?
It's a multivitamin tonic with lots of iron in it as well as other stuff. Apparently it helps with fertility. Some women refer to it as 'a baby in a bottle' lol.

I read up on it a lot before i ordered it. I'm anemic and the iron content really appealed to me. But I must say, im feeling great!
I tried Geritol the month I did my first IUI. Granted I believe I was too late and that's why it didn't work but I chucked the geritol after it didn't work. Couldn't stomach the taste anymore!

Are you getting the liquid or pills, melody?
Lol yeah it tastes disgusting:sick: I usually have a glass of water near by to chug as soon as I've taken it. I have the liquid.

There's nothing concrete out there to say it definitely works but i thought it would be worth a try, especially as im anemic..

You excited about your next IUI mo?
Even with juice as a chaser, it still was bad. I don't even think it was the taste so much as the smell!

I am very excited about this IUI because I believe this one is the one! I already know my due date and all! Lol!
Hey guys! I'm out - Witch caught me yesterday. Talked with my donor - and we're gunna meet up early december for my next ovulation - and so we'll try then, but then we have decided to skip January and February because I said to him that in Feb I'll be in Aussie, so that month is out - plus January - I just wasn't keen on travelling abroad if I happened to get pregnant - I'd only be 4 weeks pregnant, and I'd hate my self if I misscarried or anything. He was fine for that. So hopefully next month is the month! Or we'll be waiting till March :(.

I haven't heard of geritol - but it sounds good. I'm also low in iron, so I might look into it. I've been looking into a few fertility teas etc and that sort of thing; but it's so hard to know what actually works - and what's just money making.

Goodluck with your next IUI lovelymo! Will definitely be thinking and hoping for you :)
Thanks, K.N! I'm super excited and will keep you guys posted!
Aww KN so sorry the :witch: got you this month :sad1: I've only had one cycle of ttc and i already felt so low after af came. I hope you're ok. Onward and upwards to the next cycle with me yaaay lol. It would be awesome if you got a BFP in time for Christmas. I hope you don't have to wait till March.

So far I cant fault the Geritol. Obviously I don't know if it will make me pregnant, but I'm enjoying the benefits of having higher iron levels. It can be hard to know what works and what's just rubbish.

I know of a few things which so many women have said helped them:-

Geritol - an old wives tail mostly but there's a lot of bfp reports
Vitex - herbal pills, supposed to be good, but i stated taking it
last month, and im pretty sure it shortened my cycle.
Soy Isoflaves - works like a natural alternative to clomid

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