Any Soy Ladies out there?

dyme Ive made an app to see my dr next week...I've given up thinking anythign will happen for me this cycle :shrug:

the reason i dont really want to go to the dr is cause i dont want unnecessary tests when we have only been trying for 4 months...but I would like to see if there is anything i can do to help my cycles so im finally going
dyme Ive made an app to see my dr next week...I've given up thinking anythign will happen for me this cycle :shrug:

the reason i dont really want to go to the dr is cause i dont want unnecessary tests when we have only been trying for 4 months...but I would like to see if there is anything i can do to help my cycles so im finally going

Ok, I thought it was some reason I had not read up on that would cause me to wait and not force AF. I've been under a tremendous amount of stress due to work and thought that was the cause of the no show of AF. I went out on medical leave and the day I sent the paperwork over to my employer my cycle came on and that was 16 days after I had just had a cycle so you can imagine my stress. Now that I have been home and resting enjoying my family and life I thought my cycle would be back to normal but it has not been. I was not even able to complete all of my bloodwork until I was home on leave that is how much I have been on the run at work. I am hoping to get everything back to some form of normal before I head back to work in September.:happydance: I want no further delays in having my second :baby:, time is not my friend at my age.:dohh:
Is there a reason for waiting to see the doctor when your cycles are long? I could not imagine going 4 months without a cycle, I am overdue by 20 so far today and I am climbing the walls! If its something wrong with me hormonally, I want to know so I can correct it I am a complete control freak in case you can not tell...LOL....Am I wrong for wanting to force AF?

For me, I just hate to go to the doctor. It's a pitiful excuse, I know, but it's the truth, haha. ;) I just have this irrational fear of doctors and I'm terrified of being told something bad. And before I started thinking about TTC, I never really cared about going months in between periods.

The only thing that made me make a doctor's appointment now is that I want to have a baby and that desire is stronger than my fear of the doctor, or at least makes facing that fear worth it. I realize with my long cycles getting pregnant isn't going to be easy, so I'd rather see a doctor up front than try for a long time before finally giving in and going.
Is there a reason for waiting to see the doctor when your cycles are long? I could not imagine going 4 months without a cycle, I am overdue by 20 so far today and I am climbing the walls! If its something wrong with me hormonally, I want to know so I can correct it I am a complete control freak in case you can not tell...LOL....Am I wrong for wanting to force AF?

For me, I just hate to go to the doctor. It's a pitiful excuse, I know, but it's the truth, haha. ;) I just have this irrational fear of doctors and I'm terrified of being told something bad. And before I started thinking about TTC, I never really cared about going months in between periods.

The only thing that made me make a doctor's appointment now is that I want to have a baby and that desire is stronger than my fear of the doctor, or at least makes facing that fear worth it. I realize with my long cycles getting pregnant isn't going to be easy, so I'd rather see a doctor up front than try for a long time before finally giving in and going.

yer im basically the same, didnt care my cycles sucked, now i just want a BFP sooo bad :blush: so Im going

I tried Parsley to induce AF also Dyme...didnt work for me but it has worked for others I have heard
Wanting & Dandy~

Thanks for the feedback. I too dread bad news from the doctor but it would be even worse for me if there was something that could be done and I did not do it. I am Vitamin D deficient as well and if these crazy cylces can be linked to something as minor as that I am a pill poppin sun lovin fool to get that D level up to normal. I think in my heart of heart it is definately something that can be fixed with some form of hormone therapy so I am hopeful about tomorrow's visit. I will post in here as soon as I can to update everyone, after the appointment we are taking off to my parents for a few days to relax.
Is there a reason for waiting to see the doctor when your cycles are long? I could not imagine going 4 months without a cycle, I am overdue by 20 so far today and I am climbing the walls! If its something wrong with me hormonally, I want to know so I can correct it I am a complete control freak in case you can not tell...LOL....Am I wrong for wanting to force AF? Is that not something I should do and let Mother Nature do her thing and bring the "gift" in her own time? I am not looking to start TTC until September so I wnat to have 2 cycles to get the soy in and do it's thing.

That's the main reason I had the Mirena removed because my cycles had stopped and I only had it in for about a year.

There's no real reason to not try and force it... but I wouldn't waste Soy on cycles you weren't going to try. Its not like it works better after several cycles. Since most people try to limit it to about 6 cycles (like Clomid), its better to not start it until you actually need it. Of course, that's just my opinion.

Is there a reason for waiting to see the doctor when your cycles are long? I could not imagine going 4 months without a cycle, I am overdue by 20 so far today and I am climbing the walls! If its something wrong with me hormonally, I want to know so I can correct it I am a complete control freak in case you can not tell...LOL....Am I wrong for wanting to force AF?

For me, I just hate to go to the doctor. It's a pitiful excuse, I know, but it's the truth, haha. ;) I just have this irrational fear of doctors and I'm terrified of being told something bad. And before I started thinking about TTC, I never really cared about going months in between periods.

The only thing that made me make a doctor's appointment now is that I want to have a baby and that desire is stronger than my fear of the doctor, or at least makes facing that fear worth it. I realize with my long cycles getting pregnant isn't going to be easy, so I'd rather see a doctor up front than try for a long time before finally giving in and going.

I was scared of being told terrible things when I was bleeding nearly constantly for 2-2.5 years... but it was just a hormonal imbalance... and in the end I felt really silly for letting it drag on. Moral of the story? It'll probably be something simple! :hugs:
Is there a reason for waiting to see the doctor when your cycles are long? I could not imagine going 4 months without a cycle, I am overdue by 20 so far today and I am climbing the walls! If its something wrong with me hormonally, I want to know so I can correct it I am a complete control freak in case you can not tell...LOL....Am I wrong for wanting to force AF? Is that not something I should do and let Mother Nature do her thing and bring the "gift" in her own time? I am not looking to start TTC until September so I wnat to have 2 cycles to get the soy in and do it's thing.

That's the main reason I had the Mirena removed because my cycles had stopped and I only had it in for about a year.

There's no real reason to not try and force it... but I wouldn't waste Soy on cycles you weren't going to try. Its not like it works better after several cycles. Since most people try to limit it to about 6 cycles (like Clomid), its better to not start it until you actually need it. Of course, that's just my opinion.

Is there a reason for waiting to see the doctor when your cycles are long? I could not imagine going 4 months without a cycle, I am overdue by 20 so far today and I am climbing the walls! If its something wrong with me hormonally, I want to know so I can correct it I am a complete control freak in case you can not tell...LOL....Am I wrong for wanting to force AF?

For me, I just hate to go to the doctor. It's a pitiful excuse, I know, but it's the truth, haha. ;) I just have this irrational fear of doctors and I'm terrified of being told something bad. And before I started thinking about TTC, I never really cared about going months in between periods.

The only thing that made me make a doctor's appointment now is that I want to have a baby and that desire is stronger than my fear of the doctor, or at least makes facing that fear worth it. I realize with my long cycles getting pregnant isn't going to be easy, so I'd rather see a doctor up front than try for a long time before finally giving in and going.

I was scared of being told terrible things when I was bleeding nearly constantly for 2-2.5 years... but it was just a hormonal imbalance... and in the end I felt really silly for letting it drag on. Moral of the story? It'll probably be something simple! :hugs:

:hugs:Thanks Megg!

I have been following this thread and reading your advice itching to try your suggestions, another reason I want to press AF into action. :happydance: I remember from one of your previous posts your suggestions regarding limiting the soy and I wanted to try it for Aug. and Sept., if I do not get my BFP I'll wait a month or two and try it again. I got the Spring Valley Brand from Wal-Mart and I got Natural Woman progesterone cream from GNC. I am not sure if I will need the cream but I have it just in case my Doctor tells me tomorrow my progesterone is low.

I am not going to be able to sleep tonight as I am anxious to hear what she has to say tomorrow.:wacko: I hope she can give me a pill to start AF as I feel like you stick a pin in me I will pop I am so bloated.

I am packing my soy and my cream for my trip just so I can stay on target. I think I want to do soy days 5-9 at night 3 pills at 120mg. Hopefully that will work first time out. Fingers, eyes and toes crossed for luck!:happydance:
Haha! Sounds like a great plan! :hugs: The pills you're looking for are Provera! They'll get you started! :)

I like the sound of 120mg CD5-9. I think that's a great way to start! Good luck, sweetie! Keep us posted! :dust:
so took 120mg soy cd 3-6 forgot last day!!1

normally 45 day cycle... so now on cd 30 & 31 heaps of ewcm.... and cd 30 31 32 33 ive had lots of sharp pinching twinges going on downstairs...

i think i may have ovulated cd 31/32 not for deff tho as didnt chart or temp this cycle!!

im now left with akward twinges and im very bloated!!! todays cd 33

sound like af is coming and i didnt O at all?? but then why ewcm?

millions questions sorry lol

Some people get EWCM just before AF shows. Not sure, honey! Keep us updated! :hugs:
provera is great...its the only thing that actually got me started after along time. i was supposed to do 10 days of 10mg and only did 5 days of 10mg and still started but it does bring on some bad cramps
Hey Ladies I have spent the last two days reading everyones stories about using Soy! I decided that I would join all of you! I feel like I already know a lot of you because I have been reading everything about you ladies almost non stop but to sleep I started at the beginning and went to the end!

Some things about me!
I am Melissa and I have been TTC for 8 months and 6 cycles. I have PCOS :( and I hate having it! I am seeing an RE but dont have the money to do a round of Clomid at the moment because I am out of Job...we have money to try and what not just not 900 dollars for all the NON since. So started to do some research about soy, because I herd it is the natural, Clomid! After Finding so many ladies that it helps get there cycle on track I am going to start as soon as AF shows her face! I am on CD69 and I cant wait for her to show her face so I can get going on the next cycle! :)

Well here is what I am taking per my RE
1500mg of metformin
1600mg of Folic Acid
Vitamin B Super Complex
and I will be taking 120mg of Soy CD3-7 :)

I hope this is plenty enough about me! :) I cant wait to see more BFP for Soy BABIES!
I had my appointment today and the Doctor confirmed that I ovulate!!!:happydance: She agreed that my cycle is not the quoted 28 day cycle but the blood work came back strong for ovulation about the time I took that second test last week. It would appear that I ovulated around CD37-CD38 which would line up to the need to winkwink: that overwhelmed me last week. Anywho she would not give me anything for AF since I am about 8 DPO and AF should be popping out in about a week. If she does not make her entrance in a week I am off to get parsley to help her along. She did give me a lab slip to go get my HSG tested and another progesterone test done. I'll probably squeeze that in tomorrow or Saturday. I do not think the HSG is necessary as we were not trying this month but it's all on the same slip so I'll do it.

I am glad to know the pipes are working and I can stay on target for a September TTC date.:cloud9::cloud9: I am going to try the soy once AF shows just to make sure eggs are strong.
Good luck, missa! :hugs:

Fantastic news, Diva! I hope your TTC journey is short and sweet!
Diva! That is Great News! I had my HSG done and I found out I have a tube closed! :) So when I O' I need to make sure that it is on the right side! :)
Diva! That is Great News! I had my HSG done and I found out I have a tube closed! :) So when I O' I need to make sure that it is on the right side! :)

Thanks Missa! With the one tube closed does'nt your body ovulate on the unblocked side consistently? I thought a HSG test was to determine pregnancy it checks tubal function? Perhaps that is something I need to consider that I may have a blockage if that is the reason she wants me to take a HSG Test. I thought it was for pregnancy only. Forgive my questions, I had my first and only child 8 years ago and TTC now is a whole new world. Back when I had him it was not like this.
Dyme-Diva: HSG is a hysterosalpingogram, which is an X-ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes, where they pass a dye through your tues to check for blockages.

HCG is Human chorionic gonadotropin, the hormone your body produces when you are pregnant, and is a blood test.

I'm thinking your test is HCG, not HSG, as it would be a bit odd to have an HSG test ordered with a blood test!
Also with a blocked tube: Your ovaries probably aren't aware of the blcokage and you will ovulate from whichever side has the champion follicle on each month. If you only have one functioning ovary, than only that ovary can have the champion follicle, so you will always ovulate from that side. At the start of each cycle both ovaries have antral (or resting) follicles on them, and as the follicular phase progresses one follicle becomes dominant and that one goes on to produce a mature egg, the other follies barely grow and release their immature eggs which are like garbage and totally useless.
Haha! I had to "Thank" both of those posts, Leilani... You kept me from having to type out the same thing! :hugs:

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