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Any Soy Ladies out there?

Everything I've read says that you have to choose... they're a no-no to do together!
ok has anyone tried both and which is best im new to this whole thing
ok has anyone tried both and which is best im new to this whole thing

You will find a LOT of people with bad things to say about agnus castus, with the odd positive experience thrown in.

As for Soy - if you know you are ovulating well on a regular basis, you might not really need to take soy.

There is a lot of info out there, sometimes it will seem like too much, but you really need to do quite a bit of wide-reading on the subject and make a decision based on what you think is right for you.

I take soy, as my GP told me my body has to work hard to ovulate (this was after getting CD3 and 7DPO bloods done), and after reading things on here and many other websites, decided it was the right thing for me to take. Previously I had considered AC, but my research made me never want to go near it.

It is very tempting to try everything all at once, as once you want a baby, it can become a bit all-consuming, but you need to listen/observe your body, and work out what is amiss (if anything). If it ain't broke - don't fix it!!

How long have you been TTC & how old are you? Have you spoken to your GP - mine was full of good advice.

EDIT: Just read a bit of your journal, did you have any issues when you were TTC#1, what birth control have you been using up until now?
no problems with number 1 but that was 9 years ago i was 18. use condoms as birth controll as i didnt like the side effects of bcp. im going to try soy for this cycle as im not sure if im ovulating. i cant have blood tests as i am terrified of needles (i know this sounds silly but it is a real fear, i had to be sedated once. i had a bad experiance when the doctor decided my neck was the best option to take blood, since then i cant even watch it on telly without feeling pain)
Holy crap @ taking blood from your neck! :hugs: That's awful! :(
hey ladies, how are you all doing?...hope all is well with you all and hope your weekend is going great.....well I'm on my 4th cycle of soy and every cycle that I have had I have gotten my BFP which I have read to make sure that its the pink color line and not the grey looking and all of them have been the pink so was researching more about it and they are all considered chemcial pregnancys which really breaks my heart...well those 1st cycle I took 120 mgs cd 2-7 and then the 2nd cycle I took 160mgs cd 3-7 and then 3rd cycle I took 160 on cd 1-5 and now this new cycle I'm on 200mgs cd 1-5 I had talked to other ladies on the PCOS board and some suggested for me to up the dosage of the soy to 200mgs to see if it would make a better stronger egg and also this cycle I'm going to be doing the natural progesterone cream 2 days after confirmed ovulation so I'm hoping that I will get another been and it will stick this time around...I want to wish you all the best and hope that you all will be getting your BFP real soon....

hey ladies, how are you all doing?...hope all is well with you all and hope your weekend is going great.....well I'm on my 4th cycle of soy and every cycle that I have had I have gotten my BFP which I have read to make sure that its the pink color line and not the grey looking and all of them have been the pink so was researching more about it and they are all considered chemcial pregnancys which really breaks my heart...well those 1st cycle I took 120 mgs cd 2-7 and then the 2nd cycle I took 160mgs cd 3-7 and then 3rd cycle I took 160 on cd 1-5 and now this new cycle I'm on 200mgs cd 1-5 I had talked to other ladies on the PCOS board and some suggested for me to up the dosage of the soy to 200mgs to see if it would make a better stronger egg and also this cycle I'm going to be doing the natural progesterone cream 2 days after confirmed ovulation so I'm hoping that I will get another been and it will stick this time around...I want to wish you all the best and hope that you all will be getting your BFP real soon....

Oh I really hope you get a sticky bean soon!! :dust:
Hi girls,

I have decided to join you all on the quest for a soy bean! I had a MMC late November and am unsure if I have ovulated since. I had my 21 day progesterone back for this cycle and it was a def no ov... So while I wait for my referal to the FS I thought soy seems a good place to start. Maybe my ovaries just need a little bit of a kick start!

I am starting with 100mg day 3-7. Today is cd4. No side effects so far!
Hi girls,

I have decided to join you all on the quest for a soy bean! I had a MMC late November and am unsure if I have ovulated since. I had my 21 day progesterone back for this cycle and it was a def no ov... So while I wait for my referal to the FS I thought soy seems a good place to start. Maybe my ovaries just need a little bit of a kick start!

I am starting with 100mg day 3-7. Today is cd4. No side effects so far!
Hi ladies. So this is my first soy cycle, currenly 5dpo, no symptoms to report so far. I took 100mg days 5-9 as megg suggested to try and delay my ov till hubby came back from afghanistan. It did the job and held off the eggie till cd 15 (normally ov on cd12). Hubby is home safe and sound and lots of BDing aroun ov, really hope we will get lucky this month. Didn't really have many symptoms with the soy other than really bad spots which went soon after stopping taking it, weird. Lets hope we all get our soy babies this month. 9 days till testing!!!!!!!
forgot to add also been trying epo, preseed and softcups this month, my husband was rather disgusted by the softcups lol, I thought they were great, kept the spermies in where they should be for a lot longer!
Oooo good luck ewok! If soy delayed ov in time for hubbie's return I think it must be a good sign!
Hey gals! I am new here. I just turned 30 and DH is 34. We have TTC#1 since July 08. We had a M/C at 9 weeks June 09. We had a bunch of testing in Nov/Dec and all was good and I tried clomid with trigger Dec/Jan cycles with NO luck. I took this last cycle off and had my first triphasic chart with every symptom and now today, it seems my period is going to start.

I am going to try soy isoflavins 120mg days 3-7 this cycle and I am just hoping for stronger/bigger egg. I do O on my own according to temps.

I really enjoyed reading through these posts, it has been very informative.
Hi bbpac!

Welcome to B and B. I have found all the girls here really friendly and helpful, couldn't have done without them when I was going through my MMC...

Hope af doesn't actually show for you and is just being mean and threatening. Will keep my fingers crossed for you.

ewok - OMG! I'm so happy it worked on delaying ov!!! That's amazing! Good luck, honey! :dust: to you! Side note: EPO and Soy don't always play nice together... just an FYI. If you have another cycle, you should really drop the EPO if you do the Soy. :hugs:

bbpac - Welcome! Hoping you never get to try it and get your BFP instead! :hugs:

Bella - Hey, honey! How are you?
thanks megg, i hope it does the job. Totally didn't know about epo and soy not mixing well, what does it do if u mix them? shame really because i got loads more ewcm than usual using the epo. how are things with you? any sign of AF yet? the dreaded 2ww continues, spent most of today poking away at my boobs to see if they are sore lol, think im loosing my mind! Come on BFP's we need some success stories.
Uhm... As much as I hate to say this, I misspoke! I was quite tired last night and I was thinking you were talking about AC rather than EPO. Now that I'm awake and reading your response, please disregard. It doesn't do anything bad. lol Sorry about that!!!

I have heavier spotting... That's a step in the right direction, I guess.

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