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Any Soy Ladies out there?

Uhm... As much as I hate to say this, I misspoke! I was quite tired last night and I was thinking you were talking about AC rather than EPO. Now that I'm awake and reading your response, please disregard. It doesn't do anything bad. lol Sorry about that!!!

I have heavier spotting... That's a step in the right direction, I guess.

Glad to read that - you had me worried for a while last night, and I'm sat here deliberating taking EPO today - I will wait no more and take it.

I hope your spotting turns to full flow soon, and you can get back on this crazy ride!!
well im finally back to figuring things out whats going on with my crazy body. wentback to the gyn today for my post opp and he said now he wants to do hormone tests and the 3rd day test(forgot what its called). he put me on megestrol wich is the same thing as provera and then i will start taking the soy.then i test every 6 weeks and take the megestrol again if negative test...........hoping for the best and a little soy bean to go with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im back on taking soy iso this month. I took a break from last month. On my cd 3-7, 120 mg. Hope this helps. Also usuing softcups too :thumbup:
well im finally back to figuring things out whats going on with my crazy body. wentback to the gyn today for my post opp and he said now he wants to do hormone tests and the 3rd day test(forgot what its called). he put me on megestrol wich is the same thing as provera and then i will start taking the soy.then i test every 6 weeks and take the megestrol again if negative test...........hoping for the best and a little soy bean to go with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dang, thats a long ass cycle :nope:. Im glad your getting help from your gyn :thumbup:.
I'll learn not to complain as much about my cycle after seeing your ticker, Sma! It's Shanna, yeah?
yup megg i love it u rember my name and even spell it right......yah i know my cycles r CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!ive only had like 4 periods in a year so now that i had the laprascopy my gyn is looking into things more....hes kinda leaning towards premature ovarian failure now but thats only going off missed periods....yah 100 something days is crazy................lets hope things all fall into place
Yay for getting the name right! Woohoo! I have everything crossed that it's not Premature Ovarian Failure, honey! I'm sure they'll find something else! :hugs:
Just wanted to go on record with the fact that I've decided to definitely do 200mg CD5-9 this cycle. Maybe it'll work?
can i join you all.....i'm on cd 6, and am taking soy on cd3-7.

i have pcos, and think since my mmc in oct my ovaries need a boost in some way.
yey for your cd1 megg, finally! Hope you get lucky with the soy this month. i have really sore boobs, hope it not just the soy playing tricks on my mind, im only 7dpo lol! every month i convince myself im pregnant, one of these days it will be true! glad i can still take the EPO seems to work quite well. im on holiday with friends in scotland at the mo with my friends 3 month old baby, im sooooo sooo broody!
Welcome misskat! Of course you can! I don't have PCOS, but I think my ovaries also need the boost after the MMC in Dec. We'll get there together!

ewok - The Soy has never made me have preggo symptoms post-O... not like Clomid does. Sore boobs can be attributed to the post-O progesterone rise... So, it might not mean anything, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't... ya know? It could go either way. Pensively optimistic is my goal! :hugs: Do you keep taking the EPO after O? I read it can impede implantation if you take it after O. Just curious. I can imagine the broodiness you have with a 3 mo old in Scotland!
Thanks for the warm welcome. So how many soy babies have been made on this thread? I've read back and found a few - it helps with my pma!

I'm in the last day of soy tabs cd7.

Dh has a sperm analysis on Thursday so got to make the most of the next 2 days as we can't bd for 2 days before the test.

When should I actually ovulate? I don't usually have a clue when it happens with me having such long cycles?

Feel so positive that this is our month!
You should ovulate 5-10 days after your last dose. Charting helps.

As far as how many soy babies have been made around here... I know that it worked for me but ended in MMC... I know of several though that are still going strong and already in 2nd tri! :)
Sorry to hear of your mc. I also had a mmc in oct and have just finished my second cycle since.

Have also been told I have pcos, so feel my body has just gone into shut down sine the mc.

Hoping soy gives me a kick start
hi misskat29, I am after the post mc ovary boost too! Lets hope it works for all of us.

I am now on cd9 having taken 100mg 3-7. I didn't have many side effects except for insomnia and a little bit worrying - slight pink cm... Hoping it is the soy and not something more sinister. Anyone else had this?

Megg has the soy affected your cbfm readings?

My hubbie is having swimmers tested tomorrow (cd10) so I am hoping I won't ovulate early as we will have missed some crucial days....
misskat - Hoping it does the trick then, for sure. Sorry about your loss, honey.

Bella - Haven't had the pink CM with it. I stopped using my CBFM because it would never give me a Peak and I found myself having to visually read the sticks anyway. I gave it 3 months and it never got it right. So, I gave up.
hi misskat29, I am after the post mc ovary boost too! Lets hope it works for all of us.

I am now on cd9 having taken 100mg 3-7. I didn't have many side effects except for insomnia and a little bit worrying - slight pink cm... Hoping it is the soy and not something more sinister. Anyone else had this?

Megg has the soy affected your cbfm readings?

My hubbie is having swimmers tested tomorrow (cd10) so I am hoping I won't ovulate early as we will have missed some crucial days....

The soy definitely affected my CBFM readings - the first month I tokk 100mg, and I had 2 highs before my peak (previously 4, but it was only my 3rd month of using the monitor). The past 2 cycles, when I upped my dose to 120 & 150 I went straight to peak from Low. Got my first peak 4 days after the last tab all 3 times, and changed to CD4-8 for the last 2 cycles to increase my follicular phase.
I wish I O'd that quick with the Soy! Maybe I will with the higher dose this month! Totally jealous though... CD16 is no fun... and taking it 5-9 instead of 3-7 this time will just serve to make it even LATER! :(
Thanks Leilani, was wondering as I am cd10 today and still on low and my oestrogen line looks as dark as it has ever been (yep, I am one of those crazy people that label and keep their sticks!). No sign of any LH either... Ho hum - I will be patient!

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