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Any Soy Ladies out there?

Thanks misskat! When do you usually ovulate? Do you think it will stay the same? No side effects sounds good. I tried Chinese herbs few weeks ago and got chest pain, may have been unrelated but got scared and didn't want to risk it!

My new cycle will be 18th ttc so will try anything, soy looks a good option to me before clomid in April. How long you been ttc? X
i haven't a clue when i ov' as i have stupid cycles from 20-50 days in length, july i got my BFP, but sadly mmc in oct and since then i have only had 2 visits from af (first cycle 58 days - second cycle 70 days)

dec i also found out i have pcos, so dh has sa tomorrow then we are waiting an appointment from fertility specialist......so like you thought i'd give soy a try first.
Welcome to the thread, Jojo! Hope it does the trick for you!

misskat - 160 is equivalent to 80 of Clomid... It's probably fine! :)
morning all, welcome newbies, nice to see more ladies joining team soy! I hope u all have great luck with soy, i personally think its amazing. I took 100mg days 5-9. So Megg I Did some more tests yesterday and this am so after £35 pounds worth of tests im now happy to say it is def a BFP!!!!!!!!!! just need to eat loads of super glue now so that i have a nice sticky soy bean! Haven't been to sleep all night worrying, wish i could switch my mind off! misskat sorry about your mmc I know how hard it is to get over having a mmc, Soy might even sort your cycles out, it seems to help people with long cycles ovulate within 5-10 days of the last dose. jojo I didn't have any bad side effects from the soy other than bad acne for a few days which i can live with!
ewok - OMG! I'm SOOOOOOOOO happy to hear that your new tests have totally confirmed it! That's amazing! CONGRATULATIONS! Good for you, honey! :hugs:
misskat sorry to hear about your mc, I hope your get a sticky bean real soon! Its frustrating enough with a cycle of 28 - 30 days so I can't imagine having cycles that long. My friend has pcos though to give you some good news, she had clomid and caught second try on 100mg (50mg didn't work) since having her baby her periods come every 6 weeks and she is now pg with her 2nd naturally on 2nd month ttc so it even did her good having a baby!

Hi meggs thanks!

Ewok congrats on your bfp, lots of sticky's sent your way!!! eek how exciting!!!! Lets hope its catching hey :winkwink:

thanks girls, megg any side effects from the soy yet? did u go with 200 after? i will be stalking u all from now on hoping u can join me soon. not ready to go over to first trimester yet so think in going to just hang around here with u lot if u will have me lol!?
ewok - No side effects yet... Well, nothing outside of the ovary twinges! I know them well! LOL They keep me confident that something is going on. I did go with 200mg. I've taken CD5 and CD6... Today will be CD7! Woo! I'm happy to have you stalk me for sure... Definitely hoping to join you! And, YES! Of course, we're more than happy to have you in here! Please do stay! Stay as long as you like! :hugs:
Welcome Jojo, nice to have you here.

Ewok - hurray for the confirmed bfp, so happy for you hon! We will all be keeping everything crossed for a sticky bean for you. Try not to worry! And of course stay here with us. Hope you will pop back in and keep us updated even after you do move to first tri... x

I am cd12 and on my 2nd high on my cbfm. Think I may possibly get my peak a day early judging by today's stick. I feel a bit ho hum about it all this month after finding out I didn't ovulate last month. Doesn't help that I am struck down with the lurgy too. Not really the best for romantic babymaking...

My referral was made yesterday to see the bg/gyn so if soy doesn't work this month I think I will be on clomid the cycle after...

So my bbt thermometer arrived today. I am excited to have a new ttc 'tool'! I think I will practice this cycle as it is a bit late to start.

Good to hear you don't have any side effects Megg.

just wanted to say a big thankyou for your help, i had ov pain for the first time since ttc today so there is hope yet
Hmm... Not sure, Bella! Some people just don't get the pain! Don't be sad... It sucks! My ovaries are already making me miserable!
how you all doing ladies? I'm waiting for af to arrive, this is first time i've been eager for the witch to come lol! Just want to get on with soy cycle now! No idea when witch will arrive, I didn't ovulate until day 23 which is late, I had 30 day cycle last month when its been 28 for a while and my luteal phase is just anyones guess! I started bvits got from 9 days to 11, next couple of months dropped to 10 and stopped all vits etc half way thru this cycle so no idea how that will affect LP especially with such late ovulation.

I totally get how you feel fed up with your ovaries!!!!
I usually have lots of ov pain so maybe having none is a good sign for me and my ovaries are finding it super easy to pop out a couple of lovely ripe eggs! Peak on cbfm today - hurray! CD15 which is normal for me... xxx
excellent bella good luck catching that egg! xx
That's great, Bella! That's way more important than ov pain!! :)
bella's mamma, don't worry at all about the lack of ov pain, i didn't have anything either. I think for some soy makes their ovaries really painfull but for me it didn't, I don't think the pain/no pain makes a difference to the egg quality, so go and jump on ur fella for the next few days, hopefully u will be joining me in two weeks time, closely followed by megg. xxxx
evening all, hope we're all ok.

need some advice - not sure if ive had ov pain today?? not sure if i usually get it, but i'm trying to listen to my body more. i'm cd13, have had stretchy cm about 2 days ago....this evening ive had a sharp pain, on my left side a little lower than belly button level.......if i was getting ov pain would it be there or lower?

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