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Any Soy Ladies out there?

Yep, I did take it 3-7 Megg. I hoping the temp rise continues! Great to be obsessing with ovulation this month as it takes my mind off symptom spotting. Just being in with a chance would be great. Did you ov naturally without soy? I can't remember... I am interested to see if your LP stays the same taking it 5-9 as that was my worry...

Welcome impatient - loving how many of us are giving soy a go.

MrsW - sounds like a coincidence to me. How much are you taking again?
I think I was ovulating sporadically without it. I don't think it was as consistent as it should have been. But, I also wasn't temping. I really only tried Soy because I hated Clomid so much. I'm hoping my LP is either the same or longer. I'll take a longer cycle if I have to. I'll live! I just wonder if I should expect O around CD16 still or if I'm looking at CD18? I'll let you know.

MrsW - Sounds like it happened too quick to be anything but coincidence. Although, you will like start feeling twinges around your ovaries sooner than later... you might not, but you probably will! :)
Thanks ladies, I'm so excited to see if soy makes a difference for me!! Can someone tell me exactly what to look for and where to find it. What cd should I start if I want to OV early? I'm usually so so so late, assuming I ov at all!
hi ...

im taking 120mg... must of been a coincidence cos im getting the cramps again 2day!! was just my mind worrying as usual lol

when are you likely to O after taking the soy?? and when do you recon i should start to do opks... never done this b4 so sorry for all the questions!!

I'm thinking of taking 120mg days 2-6 as I have a 28 -30 day cycle usually and used to ovulate day 18, last month was 20 and this month 23 though so getting later and later. Do you think this is the best days to take it to try bring ovulation forward? My luteal phase is a fairly pants 9/10 days xx
impatient - What to look for and where to find what? I'm confused... Are you wondering where to get the Soy? Or what changes you might see with it? As far as days, I don't suggest starting before CD3.

MrsW - O should come 5-10 days after your last dose! I'd start OPKs about 2-3 days after your last dose. If you do them sooner, you could get a false positive because of the hormones that the Soy makes your body produce.

jojo - I would start on CD3 at the earliest. You get more eggs the earlier you start, but they are lower quality. That's not usually what we're aiming for. Starting CD3 will usually produce a few eggs of good quality. Starting CD5 usually only produces 1-2 eggs but of very good quality. CD3-7 should lend you to ovulate between CD12-CD17. If you get a good quality ovulation out of it, you're LP might increase as well. So, you probably won't know when you're actually "late" for the first cycle. Hopefully, it'll do the trick and you won't need to do anything else but wait for your baby!!!

AFM... My OPKs are finally taking on some color. I'm hoping I won't have to wait till CD19 for O, but I think it's possible. I have no EWCM yet... just watery stuff... which I know is the next best thing, but I'd prefer EWCM! LOL
morning ladies, I took my soy CD3-7 and didnt O til day 21/22 BUT did get my bfp that first cycle. In effect looking back over my cycle it made me ovulate a day or two later than normal which I took to be a good thing cos it meant I had me a good strong eggy. Hope to hear about the next soy bean soon....
I'd take a 21/22 day O if it means that I follow in your shoes, Moggy! Oh, would I ever!!! Hoping I'm in the next few soy beans! Ovaries are killing me tonight!!!
Megg, I have chucked in a few pre ov temps in line with the ones I took and it gave me crosshairs! Hurray! Little bit of cheating but hey, gives me a bit of pma...
I also adjusted todays temp using the tool ff give you so you were right, it was closer to the 2nd higher one.
Don't want to take over Nic's thread discussing my chart and know you hang out here too.

Come on soy beans, we are waiting (impatiently) for you!
That's great, Lucy! See? You're getting the hang of this! :hugs:
Megg, i was wondering about the soy itself? Not sure what to look for?
I thought for a second that you were in the wrong country for me to have much advice because I saw "England"... Then I looked again and saw "New England" and knew I could help!!!

Uhm... Go to Walmart, Soy Isoflavones... Spring Valley, I think... They're 40mg tablets... It's like $6. Take 4 of them per day all at once CD3-7. :)

LMAO!!! I know...its hard to know what a lot of these ladies are talking about...when it comes to brands and stores! There's not that many of us from the U.S. On here. I have used that brand before and that's a lot cheaper than I thought it would be! I'd pay 100 dollars if it meant I could OV regularly!! Thanks for your help. I think I still have about a week to go. I don't know if I should buy them before AF or not...don't want to jinx myself!!!
If you buy them before AF, I think it's more likely that you WON'T need them because the universe LOVES wasted money! :)
Think my wait for af is nearly over, temp dropped this morning. Which means my luteal phase is oh so rubbish at 9! I will take it 3-7 megg thanks for the advice x
Hopefully, a good strong O will kick your LP into gear too! 9 days is really quite short. I'll keep my eye on you this cycle. I have a good feeling about it! :hugs:
Thanks Hun, we only on our 18th cycle so sure could do with something! X
18th?!?!?! :hugs: I definitely hope this is it for you!!! I really do have a great feeling about it!
Jojo...just wanted to say that I have been looking at the pregnancy chart gallery a lot lately and there are def some charts that have two dips and still end up with a BFP:) Just saying...

AF has started, not proper flow but i'm cramping so maybe count tomorrow as day 1?? Will see what its like before I go to bed, If I do count it as tomorrow I have a 10 day LP same as last month, not that it matters its still crappy lol! I knew I had no chance this month anyway because I thought was having anovulatory cycle then got ill then ov'd on cd23 so didn't even bd after cd 19.

Woo hoo can finally start my soy cycle, this is my last ditch attempt before we go see fs for all test results and maybe start clomid so I will feel like I have tried everything! I'm taking nothing but soy this cycle, I've tried enough stuff now!

Im hoping cycle 18 is my lucky one!!! It does seem a long time but I have a little boy already who is 4 in April. Its funny but we concieved him quite by surprise, even tho I don't remember been careless with condoms! Its certainly been different this time around!! I'm lucky I have him and I'm always very aware of that!!!!


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