Anybody else due in October?

Ok sooo I'm unsure of the accuracy of that last post now.. I didn't want to say anything but its definitely on my mind... I know it seems odd to post about this now since theres a few who are pregnant but I assure you I am not faking this.

For the past year-ish we stopped using condoms (hubby hates them, like many men lol) and resorted to using the pull out method (which I know isn't 100%, more like 70..) anyway about a week or so ago Emery kept patting at my tummy saying baby, I didn't think anything of it because, well how would she know if there was a baby in there or not? I posted about that on my facebook (not the pulling out thing obviously lol but about emery thinking theres a baby in my tummy) where 3 people commented saying this happened to them or someone they knew and sure enough they were pregnant..they said kids just some how know it.. not sure if I believe that or not.. but by my calculations my period should be here tomorrow or the next day (maybe the day after that at the latest for it to be "on time") either-way.. its due soon..

I know its a long shot (though definitely not impossible) to get pregnant off the pull out method..I looked it up and it said 1 out of 25 will get pregnant using this method within a year... soo who knows..but I just don't feel how I normally do around this time, I don't feel like my period is coming (though admittedly I have started it without feeling that its near before, but usually I know its coming) in fact the other day I just had a feeling that I was pregnant but the next day I didn't feel that at all today I don't know what to head says no way but theres a part of me that kind of thinks so.. Idk because I'm not feeling any "symptoms" so idk if I'm just in denial and I am pregnant or if I'm not but all these babies around me (between friends and family) and that event I mentioned earlier from last week just has me thnking to much.. I did get around to talking to hubby about maybe trying (for just one month) in June.. so idk if this is just baby fever or if I should take this seriously..honestly I'm kind of hoping I'm not at this point.. waiting until june to try would be a lot better option since that would put me due in march, around the time we will FINALLY be buying a new home anyway.. hubby isn't home today and I am slightly tempted to take a test just to see.. but I don't want to waste the money on a test just to start bleeding again within a few hours lol..even the dollar store test because I had to be late for that to show even the slightest faintest line.. (plus it wouldn't be FMU) I'll be getting a frer if i am late but going to TRY to contain myself until Friday if no period by then..I'll keep you guys posted.

I won't be like "crap crap crap" if I am though lol it'd be a welcome surprise.. just one I'd like to hold off on if possible. I did do the due date estimator just tose though.. that says November 6th.. Going to go post about this in another thread to get some input.. have a nice day ladies :)
Keep us updated!!

As for me, Spent most of yesterday at hospital. Swollen face, feert and hands, High BP, protein in urine, Urate levels increased in blood. Now being monitored regularly for Pre-Eclampsia.

Have a scan tomorrow to check size of baby and depth of waters, they will recheck bp and urine. Have to be seen every week now until she is here
I will :) I really don't know what to think.. I keep going back and forth with "I feel pregnant" and "theres NO way!" lol.. Its probably just my need to know.. Still nothing indicating AF is near though. Hope all is well with your scan and bp :)

EDIT: well... today is the day I expect myself due.. though I won't count myself "late" until friday since I am only about 90% sure of my period's due date.. still no signs its on its way... I do have a bit of gas pains though and have a sudden acne break out (so embarrassing! ugh).. I just want to know, I don't care either way at the moment I just want to know! lol its bugging the heck out of me!
Well ladies.. I caved and took a test today instead because yesterday I was going pee like EVERY hour, I was tired as heck but had a hard time falling asleep (actually thats been the past couple days for me) then I woke up at 2:30 am having to pee (I NEVER wake up having to pee unless I am pregnant) and I was starving too!

Test was negative though, so now I'm even more confused! Still no signs AF is on her way.. I mean I do have a few light cramps but nothing like I normally get.. the only thing that could go either way for me at the moment is I feel like I continually need to go if theres blood coming out of me (like when AF comes) but I felt that way with my daughter too..) I have 2 more tests.. I'm probably going to try to wait until either saturday or Sunday to test if nothing happens before then.. If nothing comes up by monday I will give the dr a call.

Not knowing is stressing me out lol eventhough I don't care either way what the result is.. I just want to know for sure!
Congratulations to you too, Mrswichman! And I hope you don't have Pre-e Mrsb. yikes!

This little baby will be due about 2 days after Avah's birthday. I feel terrible about that but my husband did want another baby two years apart from Avah. This will be our last (I HOPE). I'm sending my husband for the V. I had a relatively easy pregnancy with Avah but I really don't like being pregnant. I won't mind once I get to the 2nd trimester, but I'm just 7 weeks and I feel awful almost all the time.

SJDSmommy, if it's any consolation my husband and I have been using the pull-out method for nearly 6 years and I've only ever gotten pregnant the three times we didn't pull-out. I lost the first baby, the 2nd was Avah, and even though I told my husband to pull-out this last time, he didn't. I wanted to wait another year! Oh well. I'm happy, just scared. I'm also convinced this one is another girl. I wasn't sure at all about Avah but I'm almost POSITIVE (I'm probably wrong, haha!)
You might be right.. I knew the gender with my 2 by instinct too. With Emery it was so strong I was buying pink stuff before our ultrasound to confirm lol.
I will add though that 2 is definitely a hand full but I wouldn't trade having 2 so close for anything. Mine are 21 months apart and they are seriously eachothers best friends! Its got its hard times but the good outweighs the hard for sure. Good luck :)
I got my first wrong but I got my second right. Just due to the pregnancy being completely different I was sure the gender was the same lol. I was right.

Our gap is 17 months so I'm expecting it to be hard, it's hard now! Lol

Sorry your in limbo SJD
Thanks :) well..still no news either way.. Soooo tempted to test again.. Why is this happening to me lol
I tested two days before I expected my period on a dollarama test. It was a VERY STRONG positive.
With my son I didn't test until I was 5 days late, used a clear blue digital. I knew I was pregnant but didn't want to be disappointed if I was wrong so was afraid to test. I believe I was about 6 days late when I finally got a positive on a dollarstore test with Emery.. I got a negative with one at either 2 or 3 days late and even though I had that pregnant feeling I just thought I would just be expecting a late AF. I never took a frer until after I got my positive on a dollar tree test.. I took the frer that same day and it was a darker line but not TOO dark. I haven't tried a dollar store one this time.. Maybe I'm just one of those people that has to wait longer.. or maybe my period is late for another reason, who knows..
yep.. stll negative. AF usually shows up in the morning and still no period either. Wish my dr was open today so I could do a blood test..

Last night I started to feel sick.. over the past couple days my sense of smell has increased, I can't STAND hubbys morning breath and I can usually tollerate it.. thankfully he works nights on the weekend lol.. I started feeling sick last night but I think thats due to my gas pains because it always lets up once I burp.. my back is currently killing me, I'm having bouts of hot and cold flashes, on and off constipation and tmi but lots of creamy white mucus.. all signs point to yes other than the negative test... Oh and I am also craving pepsi.. I'm not a big soda drinker, I drink one or 2 a month at home and other wise only if we go out for lunch or dinner someplace.. I like soda but don't drink it much.. but with both of my pregnancies I wanted pepsi... I thought it was because I was told I shouldn't have it so my brain just told me I wanted it.. now I'm not so sure.. lol so if I'm not then this is one screwed up cycle lol. I am getting cramps now but its mostly in my sides rather than my pelvic area so idk.. I'm just hoping that if I am pregnant that nothing is wrong =/
Oh my God.. lol my son just told me a little girl climbed into my tummy and I'll make her come out of my "pee pee" hole.. LOL I recently explained to him thats how he was born.. (like 3 weeks ago) so odd that he would say that..

Edit: on a side note I've been getting breif on and off contraction like cramps in my sides and back.. it terrified me but I did a google search and apparently other's have had the same thing and ended up being just fine.. I may go pick up another package of tests tomorrow if no af in the morning..
Oooh SJDsMommy that sounds exciting and what a cute thing for your son to say. I hope you get the right results, whether that be BFP or AF. Keep us posted.

I'm nearly 10wks now. Molly's very interested in my bulging tummy. I tell her 'there's a baby in there' and she says 'sssss' (we always say 'ssshhh quiet round baby' about her baby cousin) and kisses my tummy and lays on it.

Hope everyone's toddler pumpkins are doing well, always nice to see this thread updated xxx

Think this baby will be bigger than her sister
Lol don't fret too much, i was bigger with my 2nd pregnancy too but Emery was 5 oz smaller than her brother.

Well ladies, its another day and so far nothing new to share, its only around 7:40 here though so who knows.. I haven't tested today.. I ran out of tests yesterday but i left my sons car seat at my grandpas house on friday, he spent the night there thursday and i went with my mom on friday to pick him up and have dinner and she already has carseats in her car so it just slipped my mind.. My grandpa said he will.bring it by today though so once he does i'll head to the store. Still feeling like i need to rush to the bathroom to wipe constantly but.nothing more than CM..

I don't remember if my last period was january 29th or 30th but i'm just going with the 30th..with 29 day cycles and that puts me at cycle day 32 today.. 16 dpo i believe.. Atleast thats when we had sex that week and i should have been ovulating around then..
Well ladies, I have my answer. AF showed her face minutes ago, big bright and red. Not sure why I have all these symptoms or why I'm later than normal but since we weren't trying I'm just glad to have an answer either way.

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