Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

Yeah it has been great doing things but I am so over being the one doing all the. Driving all the time! My dad hasn't come down my way once and my sister has only come down once and that was because mum invited her for dinner. I went up there tonight I then have to drive back up there Sunday and Wednesday I'm sooo beyond frustrated!!!!! I asked them if they could come down to me on Sunday instead because I don't want to be using that much petrol all the time and instead dad have me money tonight so he doesn't have to come down my way! Grrrr it makes me so angry!
I really can't wait to go home! Mick gets here Wednesday which I am holding out for but it has been long enough now here and people start to irritate me after a while.

Yeah 21 weeks here is vday and I agree at 20 weeks it is a boy or a girl and seems so strange that you wouldn't save it.

I'm glad that he is sleeping better for you and that his belly is accepting the formula now that you have switched.
We are told no soaps of any kind in the baths here until they are 1 month old lol isn't it funny the difference with pretty much everything! We couldn't use anything anyway for hunter because of his allergies but yeah no soap lol. I always wonder why the rules are different because you guys are not being told this and obviously your kids are fine. You also can't be discharged from hospital here until you've been shown how to bath the baby and they have had there first bath (well in my hospital anyway) did they bath chase at the hospital?

Arrgghhh milk fever does not sound nice at all! But it's good your not in to much pain and its drying up quick for you.
I am not to sure what is wrong with me lately I don't know if its because of everything that is going round at the moment every where but I have been feeling so under the weather the last few days and not last night but the night before I woke up with what felt like a fever and really really nauseous and now tonight I'm lying in bed and I feel really sick again I just really hope I don't get the fever again but now as I am typing this do you remember in my first few weeks I had this and kept waking up a all sweaty and really disorientated and asked you about it and you said you experienced it to lol maybe that is just coming back. That really sucks because that was not nice back then.

I am not looking forward to going back to the weather at home though its already 35 :( it's going to be so hot this and I will be pregnant!!! Not fun at all.

Poor little hunter has been pretty out of sorts since he had his needles, I'm not sure if he is coming down with something or if its from the vaccine or not but he fell asleep last night at 7 which is like 2 hours early and then woke at 7:10 this morning then was asleep again at 10:40 which is so unlike him. It got to 6:30 tonight and he needed to go to sleep and was out at 7:30 he has also been so cranky and tab a temp while we were out for dinner lucky I had neurofen out with me and nipped it in the butt quick! I am secretly hoping he is still cranky on Sunday so I don't have to end up driving there lol. Sounds bad but I am over people and no effort!
My sister said today I know you get annoyed at him not coming down and I'm not using this as an excuse for him but he is under alot of stress these days my reaction was well if he can go into the city on Saturday which is the same distance from him to as it is from him to the city then I think he can make the effort and come to you and she's like aw yeah maybe lol it's so stupid there is always a reason for why but I'm sorry it's more stressful for to drive all the way up to him with a son who doesn't always like the car and driving that distance on my own while I am pregnant but apparently that doesn't matter. Sorry for ranting again I'm just so pissed off about it. And they always want to be doing something. They can't just come and hang out at where I'm staying or just hang out at there house we always have to be going to a play centre or a farm or some where else I wouldn't mind if I wasn't pregnant but I am sooooo damn tired these days the last thing I want to do is go somewhere where I am going to have to try and run around after hunter and be constantly up and down on my feet but no one gets that and when I say no aw can't we just stay in and play out the back or what ever I get what's wrong with you your so flat and down these days I seriously can't keep count the amount of times I've had to say I am not flat or down I am just really tired and pregnant with a toddler not to mention having a low lying placenta and when I do to much I am in serious agony! Lol I really need to go back home. I always forget how selfish everyone in my family is and how annoying micks family is until I'm here and I have to be here for such a long time. :( Wednesday could not come sooner.

On a none whinging lala note lol I think pheonix keeps sitting in my back because someday like today I don't even have a newly and I can feel the pressure release from my belly and then my back starts to ache. I've never really thought about it until today when I seriously didn't even feel pregnant and had no bump for a few hours and then bam all of a sudden he did a bit twirl and back to tons if pressure. I preferred it much more when he was in my back lol but I'm sure it would take its till after a while.

Are you feeling any better or more comfortable about the thought of being home with chase?
oh man I'm sorry about your family :nope: i can imagine how stressed you must be, thats really shitty that nobody will come to you and you have to do all the driving and put in all the effort all the time. it amazes me how family can be like that sometimes, i know my family is guilty of it too. but the fact that your down won't even drive down to see you and would rather just throw you cash for gas is ridiculous id be mad too if i were you. luckily you'll be with mick soon and in no time you'll be on your way home and stress free of constantly doing what other people want to do!

yeahhh the summer while pregnant is no fun at all. people always told me how miserable id be and i never believed them and then those 100 degree days came and it was agony. ill keep my fingers crossed it won't be too bad for you, just try to stay inside in the AC as much as possible

yeah they bathed chase for us in the hospital right after labor. I believe i was in recovery when they took him away to do all his vitals and gave him a bath and stuff. the only thing they did was show us a "going home" video, which showed how to give the baby a bath, however i was all fuzzy in the head from the percocet and motrin they gave me that i didn't remember half of it, luckily josh did but i had also you-tubed videos on how to bath a boy a million times lol. i was still scared shitless when we gave him his first bath but it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be.

I'm starting to get the feeling that chase might be colicky :( from 10 this morning until 6:45 tonight he was on and off crying a llllll day. he wouldn't nap and if he did it was for a half hour and then he was hungry again because he was awake for so long crying that by the time he fell asleep it was time to eat. luckily my mom was with him most of the day because i was literally dripping puss from my incision that ripped open (i replied on fbook about this too lol) and i was in pain walking around and i was getting lightheaded and weak. me and josh went out and got him different formula, we switched to gerber soothe, its one of their newer formulas for excessive crying, fussy and colic. he finally fell asleep with just a little bit of fussing after that by 6:45 and its now 8:20 and he's still sleeping so hoping it worked. Im going to go crazy if he's colicky. I'm already down from baby blues, I'm crying like one or two times a day. and it doesn't seem to be getting better. i really hope I'm not get PPD, sometimes i just feel like I'm a bad mother and can't take care of him like he needs or something :( I'm going to give it a couple weeks if it gets worse I'm going to have to talk to the doctor about it.
That is exactly right about my family and it does make me really mad. I actually didn't even go to dads today because of hunter being so sick so I will be handing him his money back. It's just so rude of them really. I have come all the way the least they can do is drive 30 minutes!!

As much as its going to suck I am kinda glad I will be in Melbourne for summer now because its already in the high 30's at home which is like 96-100f and it's only spring so I can only imagine its going to be ridiculous this yr for summer :(

Again so different here lol they don't bath your baby for 24hrs here because apparently something to do with the natural oils or something I dunno. That's cute that they have you a video though. I don't remember when it was that I have hunter his first bath I think it might have even been when I was back home so he would have been like 10 days old mick wanted to have that time as his time he said lol.

Aw no about the colic hopefully it isn't! The poor little thing it's awful seeing them in pain and it must be hard for you guys as well having him crying all the time as parents it can be so confusing!!! You are just learning all his cries and when it's constant it can be so exhausting and emotionally draining not knowing what to do for them. But im sure you and josh are doing a great job already!!! It definitely doesn't help that you have a lovely oozing wound lol but great that you have your parents there that is amazing for you both!!
Fx this new formula helps him to settle and not be in so much pain. I remember when hunter was on formula when I was in the first 5 week hell of trying to breastfeed and he spewed constantly and had wind constantly. I use to water his bottles down a bit more than what the instructions said and sometimes he would get hungry earlier but I didn't care if it ment he wasn't in pain.
It will be just the stress of motherhood especially after a c section Hun it must be very difficult you are not a bad mum at all his little belly is obviously just not taking well to formula but you will he will eventually be fine when you find one to suit him. I never got the baby blues but everyone I know did and its very normal. Don't forget while you were in hospital the nurses had a lot to do with caring for chase because of the c section so when you got home was really like your first few nights and days with him. I would not be so hard on yourself but do keep an eye on how you feel because if it is pnd then it's better to deal with it sooner rather than later.

We had a great day out in the sun today we has a gorgeous picnic in the backyard with fruit and sandwiches and then an amazing dinner out there as well it was so lovely to just be outside and chasing hunter around kicking the ball, rolling around in the grass! It sucks not having those options at home because its such a desert land and the dogs shit every where :( but we can still go to parks I guess. It was nice to feel good enough to run around with him lol I haven't been able to my whole pregnancy and as much as my belly had a few cramps I had a great time playing around with him like we normally would have.

Arrrggghhh only 3 more days till I see mick and holy shit I can't wait!!!!! I have missed him like mad!

Hunter has been so unbelievably sick from the reaction from the injections and it was so sad yesterday he just wanted mick that when we did FaceTime he just kept crying! I feel so sad for the little tacker because I know how much I miss mick and it must bet very hard for him with not understanding.

I really hope you start feeling better soon Hun just keep your head up and don't be so hard on yourself being a mum is a very hard job but you will get through it and you are doing a great job xxxx
thanks hun :hugs: I just feel so bad because he always looks like he's in pain. I can see him struggling to poop sometimes too :( I'm going to call his pediatrician tomorrow and see if I can bring him in and they can tell me if it gas, reflux or colic. He's been great so far today besides not pooping. he didn't fall asleep until almost 9pm last night after all his fussing poor lil guy but he ended up sleeping until 2am...went back to sleep around 3 and then woke up at 7! so we got a good 8 1/2 hours of sleep last night! now he's sleeping on josh for almost an hour now and no fussing so far (crossing fingers). i just want my baby to be happy!

my mom and dad left this morning and josh goes back to work tomorrow! I'm a little nervous it'll be the longest I'm with him by myself. I don't think id be as nervous if I was feeling better and could move around faster. Chase likes to be held and walked around all the time so i can't wait to feel better so it doesn't hurt to be on my feet too long. I'm thinking of trying his baby carrier out and walking him around that way, he liked to sit up and look around so it might be worth a shot.

thats great you and hunter had such a good day yesterday! a picnic sounds fun and playing in the grass does too :) and thats really good that you weren't in too much pain being pregnant and running around like that! aww so sad he was crying over FaceTime! I'm glad its only 2 more days now until you guys get to be with mick again. hope hunters feeling better from his injections too!

omg i almost forgot chases umbilical cord stump fell off last night! so we can actually give him a real bath tonight!! i hope he enjoys it more since he can actually be in the warm water!
Aw the poor thing!!! Hunter could never poo on formula we had to give him a thing called coloxyl drops to help him go and even that was still a struggle. We did a lot of exercises with his legs and massaged his belly alot that seemed to help. If you think he is colicy the reason he likes to be up is because the acid won't be going back up rather than being laid flat so maybe out something under his mattress like a rolled up towel to prop his top half up a bit for his day naps that should help but the paediatrician will tell you all that when you see them.

I'm sure you will do fine on your own as much as its a daunting feeling the first 2 days may feel weird but after that you will probably find that you like it better I know I did it was easier to get into routine and for you and baby to really get to know each other.
How's the incision going?

Yay about the umbilical cord it looks so gross before it falls off lol I saw the pic on Facebook of his bath he has grown so much already!!!

Well hunter is even more sick and now I have caught it so we are off to the dr today to hopefully get some answers it just really sucks because being pregnant and all I can't have antibiotics!!! But at least they will hopefully be able to do something for hunter.
Mick gets here tomorrow night and I can't wait, it's so hard dealing with the little man on my own I'm use to making decisions about going to the dr if hospital or what to do for him when he's sick as a couple but doing it on my own I feel so much guilt if I do the wrong thing and micks not here I would always blame myself that I should have none better its sounds silly but it just feels strange.

It's such nice weather here and we are stuck inside sick it sucks so bad!! I don't even know if we will be able to go to the zoo and show on the weekend if hunters not better. I can't see anyone either because no one wants to get sick so my mums had to cancel today and I have to cancel dinner with the whole family tomorrow and I have had to cancel on friends for catch ups luckily I am back here in 5 and a half weeks.
oh nooooo, I'm sorry you got sick now too!! is there anything at all that you can take safely? i hope so, i remember getting a cold in second tri sometime and it was awful it lasted so much longer than normal and was so much more exhausting. i hope you both feel better soon! glad mick will be with you tomorrow...or today i guess in your case lol.

sorry you had to cancel all of your plans too especially since your leaving now and won't be able to see them for a couple of weeks :hugs:

Chase was great all day yesterday and so far today too! no crying, i don't get it! If he was colic wouldn't it happen everyday? My friend came over on Sunday and when I made a bottle to feed chase she took it from me and pushed out all the air (i used bottles with drop-in liners), I didn't realize I could literally push all the air out of the liner so its just the formula he is getting. since then he's been great. she said i should do it especially if he is colic and i was only pushing a little bit out. I think he was just getting too much air in his belly and couldn't get it out, he doesn't seem as gassy now either! and he's pooping normally again! either that or the formula is working, or were just learning what he needs better. I'm thankful for her coming over though if that was the case i would've never known!! i felt so stupid!

chase slept soooo well last night. not kidding he finally went down at 9:30 and slept until 4:30. ate. was back to sleep by 5 and slept until 8!!! i couldn't believe it. when i woke up at 4:30 to him i looked at my clock and was like holy shit he slept 7 hours!! i didn't think he was going to go back to sleep but he did it was amazing! he's also been content just sitting in his sleeper on the floor awake until he gets hungry or needs a diaper change. I feel like i might be able to get some things done today! still scared though with josh going to work but i think its going to be okay :)

my incision is okay, it still hurts a bit but not nearly as bad and is still pussing a little too. I go on thursday to get it rechecked to make sure everything is all good. The antibiotics are huge though I have to break them in half and i still gag on them lol i had to throw away one half last night because it kept getting stuck in my throat and i could taste it so i just threw it out, I'm such a wuss when it comes to swallowing pills.

well i hope your feeling at least a little bit better today! mick will be there soon :hugs: ill ttys!!
well I had no sleep last night between not being able to breathe from congestion and a really sore throat I decided to just get up at 6 to no voice!!! so I trotted off to the dr and I have laryngitis :( it sucks I cant talk and the cough is awful! hunter is on the mend though thank god, he still has his cough and is full of snot but his temp has broken which is awesome. Theres nothing they give you for laryngitis your body just has to fight it off and it can take up to 2 weeks im so not looking forward to the next 2 weeks now lol.

that's great that chase has been doing much better you must feel so much more relaxed and relieved!! How did you go your first day? was it as hard as you thought it would be?
and that is so amazing you guys are getting so much sleep good for you all there is nothing better than a good sleeping baby! it will make it so much easier for you when you go back to work knowing he sleeps so well!

that's great that the incision is starting to get better hopefully it will start to heal properly and you can start to feel normal again.

nothing really to tel hear other than being sick lol mick got here last night which was good but I am grumpy and sick so there isn't a whole lot of hugging and romance going on. We dtd last night but I couldn't breather properly and it really hurt for some reason so it was not that enjoyable I felt so bad for him because he was so into it and really wanting to get jiggy but I was just sooooooo not into it at all :blush:
laryngitis! eeeek thats no fun at all! I'm sorry hope you can get over it quickly! glad to hear hunter doesn't have it though and is doing better. did you get any sleep at all last night?

first day went good! i had a nice little schedule going...he would go down for a nap, once i would see him start to wake up id quick go make a bottle. wait for him to wake up completely, change his diaper, feed him, and then he would fall back to sleep and i would clean the house or sit on bnb lol. that worked until 7 and then he got cranky and fought sleep until 9:30. seems to be his thing now, fighting sleep until he goes down for the night! last night he stayed awake from 7:30 until definitely had a cranky baby. i read its normal for them to get cranky at that time of night though? hey id rather that then him screaming his lungs out for 4 hours straight :haha: but you're right I'm starting to enjoy being on my own with him, even though its really nice to have josh here with me.

ahh sorry your not feeling it on the BD side of things! i was the same way, it was just uncomfortable and eventually we both just gave up and didn't do it anymore lol. hopefully that doesn't happen to you though, i started to feel really guilty after a while...well kinda :winkwink: lol i actually cant wait to have sex again...4 more weeks! hopefully shorter but i doubt it!

had my incision checked again today, he said its not infected which is great so no more antibiotics needed it just needs to heal on its own. he put this piece of tape over it that i can shower with it on and it'll eventually fall off to keep it covered for now.

i got chase into the pediatricians office that a friend recommended to me, i was so happy! i didn't like the place we first took him, but we had no choice due to insurance purposes but now chase is on joshs insurance and his first appointment is the 23rd and he'll get his second hep B vaccine! she said they were only accepting very few new patients but i think since i was recommended to them it made a difference, so I'm happy!

thats about it on my end. I'm guessing you're on the road back home now? i bet you and hunter are so happy to be with mick again!!

heres a pic of me at 39 weeks pregnant, 1 week postpartum and 2 weeks postpartum. 23 more lbs to go to my pre-pregnancy weight ugh :wacko:


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Hey Hun just thought I would quickly pop on I haven't had time to reply to it all so I thought I would just let you know I am still here lol.
I am really really damn sick :( I'm pretty sure I know have a sinus and possible Chet infection. We are at the drs waiting to be seen. Tmi it's kinda gross but my snot is now turning black so there is definitely a nasty infection going on in there. I feel like I have been kicked in the face several times and I am so so weak. I don't know what I am going to do when mick goes back to work :( I don't even have enough energy to pick hunter up!!
I am hoping that even though I am pregnant they will give me something because this is ridiculous they can't expect me to keep going like this I will end up in hospital.

I will reply to everything when I get home but how are you and chase going? I see your incision isn't infected anymore which is great so hopefully now you will be fast healing! I hope the little guy is still sleeping well for you. Xxx
i figured you were still sick :( that doesn't sound good at all, i hope they can give you something to help so you don't need to just suffer through it. black snot doesn't sound like laryngitis to me, definitely sounds like a sinus infection or something. update whenever you get the chance just feel better!! :hugs:

chase is still sleeping pretty well but he's still having his 2 hour crying fits every night. going to a new pedi on the 23rd so hopefully i can get some answers, think he might have reflux he spits up a lot and hiccups all the time but i really have no clue! his crying fits were going from 8-10pm, last night he was fine so we thought we were in the clear and then it started from 11-1 :dohh: lol
Alright I am in the car on the way home so I am replying lol.

In so glad the first day went well its great to get into a rhythm with bubs isn't it?? Even though it is nice at the end of the day when the other half comes home and gives a hand or just some emotional support if needed. How's it all going now? I have no idea about the cranky at night as hunter was always great when he was a baby so I'm not to sure but that just may be chase and its not to bad as he is sleeping so well at night.

We haven't bd since but then again I have been sick lol I am hoping that when we get back home and I am better and more relaxed we can get back into it lol. God after I had hunter I could not think of anything worse but I think that's from breast feeding they say it suppresses your sex drive and not only that with tearing down there it was strange to even think about anything going in that area hahaha.

Glad you got into a good paed for chase its nice to know they will have good care! Hopefully you get some answers there is nothing worse than feeling lost with a baby!
How's the incision going? Has the tape come off yet? How long did they say it will take to heal?

So I went back to the drs and I have a sinus infection which is what I thought and she said she wouldn't give me anything!!!! I am so annoyed. My eyes and my cheek bones are so swollen with fluid and my face is killing me! I haven't had any black snot lay night or today which is a good sign but I am far from better. As said she could give me ammoxilin but didn't want to and that I would be fine I was so ready to jump over the desk and lunch her in the face lol she made me so angry. I don't think I had laryngitis at all to be honest I think that maybe I just had a really sore throat from breathing through my mouth from my sinus and nose being blocked and that caused me to lose my voice. I'm pretty sick of dr's not getting it right these days it's like they are just getting qualified at home vet the net or something.

We are only like 2 and a half hours from home right now and I am soooo excited!!
As sick as I was we took hunter to the show yesterday so he could see the farm animals and things omg it was so cute he had a ball! I on the other hand was in agony walking around for so long and being sick :( the things we do for kids.

It's so nice now that he's older and we can enjoy these things with him :) but I must say at the same time u am really looking forward to some baby time

Do you have a date that you are heading back to work?
oh my gosh what cute pictures!!! he looks so happy to see the little animals ! it looks like so much fun to do stuff like that, i can't wait!

glad you finally figured out you had a sinus infection but no good she wouldn't give you amox. its safe during pregnancy i don't understand why they wouldn't give it to you and just let you suffer through it thats so stupid. i hope you're starting to feel better though, I'm sure its nice to be in your own home right about now.

incision is doing good, it still hurts though. The tape hasn't fell off yet i might give it another week and peel it off. i wonder how long I'm going to be in pain for. i seriously never want to have a csection again. the thought is far off from now but i really hope i can have a vbac when the time comes because the recovery from this is just horrible.

chase fights his sleep sooo bad during the day. the only place he would fall asleep is in our arms and the second we put him down he would wake up and start crying until we picked him back up again lol its cute though! he was going to sleep at 10 every night but for some reason the past 2 nights he hasn't been going down until 1am! so his crying fit moved from 11-12, and then fought his sleep for a good hour. but omg he slept for 8 hours straight last night!!! 1am-9! i was up before him! it was amazing, i probably shouldn't get used to it though haha.

nothing else is really new here. I think i told you about the guy that came into my job drunk and we had to go to court for it? well both court dates ended up getting canceled and i just received a subpoena in the mail to be at court on thursday! I'm so mad. i called to try and get out of it but of course the officer isn't on duty today and has to call me back tomorrow. i could drop chase off at joshs dads while i go but i just don't feel too comfortable doing that just yet. or i can bring him with to court but what if he starts crying or needs to be fed or changed? i dunno what to do!
He had a ball it's such a joy as a parent watching the little ones grow you have so many rewarding moments ahead of you Hun its great!

Well I have gotten even more sick its as if I can feel the infection through my whole face! I am in soooooo much pain it's all through my eyes, ears, sinus, jaw, glands and down the back of my neck I can't sleep and I just want to constantly cry from the amount of pain in my face :( I went back to the dr's yesterday and said this is ridiculous so he gave me the antibiotics thank god! But it's going to take so much longer to get rid of now because they have left it! And now Michael is sick as well so he is taking tomorrow off work to look after me and rest as I can barely move my head from the pain so I can't really pick hunter up or anything.

Glad the incision is good but really sucks about the pain! I wouldn't like to have a c section either I have heard the same from everyone about the recovery time it's pretty major surgery and you have to do it and deal with becoming a mum either for the first time or multiple times! You poor thing I hope the pain eases for you soon!

A lot of babies fight the sleep durin the day I have heard. My friends baby who sleeps through the night still doesn't sleep very well during the day but I suppose you would rather that when you are getting so much at night. I don't understand. Babies lol they are so tired yet fight it so much lol. Gosh 8hrs I am in some serious need of that I can't wait till this illness goes! He will start to get into a sleep pattern in the next few weeks I would say he is just getting to know everything now its all new for both of you.

You would think that with having a new born and a c section they would let you off? I really hope they do they are asking a bit much of you if they don't. Hopefully you can just go in and do a video statement and not have to go to the actually case. The system is so fucked sometimes!!

I don't really have any news on this end either other than I have a 26 week app tomorrow as I haven't had one since I was 20 weeks so I am a bit behind eekkk lol. It will be nice to see Phoenix on the scanner though see how much he has grown and what not. I am dreading going though as I don't really want to leave the house lol.
Its 3:40am here and I have been up for a while cant sleep :( on a brighter note even though hunter has been in my bed since he got sick he is still sleeping through the night! As soon as I'm better he will go back in his but I really don't think I could get up and down to him in the state I am in right now. Well I guess I should try and get back to sleep which I doubt I will but its worth a try. I hope you hear good things back from the officer xx
Thought I would update my bump pic as I haven't in ages!
you look great!!!! love your bump!! you seem tiny for 27 weeks i love it!!! :)

how are you feeling today? hopefully the antibiotics start kicking in soon for you. good for you for going back to the docs by the way and insisting on the medicine. i don't understand why they didn't just give it to you in the first place knowing it was safe during pregnancy! how are you enjoying being home??

you had your appointment today too right? hope everything looks good with bubs!!

AFM I'm seriously going out of my mind :( I hate even saying this but i didn't think id be having such a hard time. Chase just cries alllll the time. i don't know if i should call the PED and try and get an earlier appointment or if he's colic. he has a lot of reflux symptoms too. theres just so much i want to talk to them about and the 23rd seems so far away. he'll be content for maybe 20 minutes and then he starts kicking his legs and screaming in pain. sometimes i think he's constipated but hell do it even after he poops! I hate saying this but I'm having a really hard time bonding with him :( it feels good to tell somebody though. i just keep telling myself "this will pass" but then i feel bad that i can't enjoy him as a newborn like i should be :(
Yeah I feel as though my belly isn't growing hugely but omg I have put on 6kgs already and I am not happy at all about it so I am going to start walking and eating better it was so hrd at Mick's parents house because they eat so badly and are really lazy and I am a sucker for just going with the flow but I am going to do my own food shopping this time so I can just get up and do breakfast lunch and snacks as I would at home.
It sucked as well because mucks mum loves just cramming hunter full of junk like packets of chips and Lollies and juice rather than the fruit and crackers and what he has at home

Starting to feel better now but still shit lol I think I will be fine by monday though i don't felt as unwell I just still have the clogged sinus and the pain sometimes.
I had my app yesterday and everything was fine but my placenta is still low :( only 5 more weeks for it to move. My Dr he left town now and I really don't like the new one :( I was so comfortable with Wendy and this one just kinda treats you like another patient where Dr Wendy made you feel like you mattered and took the time to sit with you. Oh well only 2 more appointment with her before I go back.

Aw hun im so sorry your feeling that way I don't know how it works over there but do you have a maternal health nurse that you can go to? It would have been the one that came out to you when you were home for a week or so? It is really hard being a first time mum and dealing with the stresses. One main thing is just try to stay calm and relaxed the more you tense up the more chase will also. When he's crying and your feeling overwhelmed try something like running a bath and laying him on your chest with a facewasher over him to keep warm its relaxing and bonding he may or may not like it but its worth a try. When hunter got bad with his gas I would burp him after like 5mls or at least 4-5 times a bottle so he was nit suppressing anything. Youmwy have to try a formula like soy or something depending on what the paed says but I would be trying to get him to a Dr or health nurse sooner because it will only make things worse the longer its left. You are doing great and none of this is your fault it just happens sometimes. I wish I was there to give you a hand its awful feeling really alone at such a hard time big :hugs: hun
well you definitely don't look like you gained 6kgs! i think you look great! i understand what you mean about being a sucker for just going with the flow, i wanted to eat healthy after the baby but we go to joshs parents house sometimes for dinner and he always makes some kind of pasta with bread and butter and its so fattening but i just eat it anyways because i don't wanna be rude. i dropped 20lbs in 2 weeks and have only lost 1lb since last week errr 20ish more to go lol

thats great you're feeling better I'm sure its easier to take care of hunter now too. sorry about your doctor leaving though its nice to have someone your comfortable with and then sucks when you have to deal with somebody else that just "goes through the motions." does she think that your placenta will move up at all in the next 5 weeks or she can't really tell? i really hope it does for you!

no maternal health nurses here, at least not that i know of. i wish we had something like that! I called the doctor this morning and they told me to come in right away. I explained to the doctor what was going on who I've never seen in my life and he was great. first he made small talk with me and josh getting to know us both and asked how i prepared myself to be a mother and whatnot. he said chase is 100% healthy, theres absolutely nothing wrong with him, but he is colic :/ he said i need to stop listening to people telling me what they think is wrong with the baby that thats his job and i have nothing to worry about. i did start crying and he said the same thing you did the more anxious and worked up i get the more worked up the baby will get. he said theres no need to switch formulas as it won't fix colic, and he doesn't think its the formula. we pretty much just have to wait it out. he said my hormones being all over the place probably aren't helping my anxiety either and that if i feel i need medication its okay and to go talk to my doctor. he really was great and in a weird way i feel better that he told me it was colic. at least i have an answer and i don't have to worry that theres something wrong now, we just have to get through it. going to be a hard couple of months lol
Naw that's Hun there's nothing worse than feeling like a fatty lol. It was awful to because there is a 5kgs difference between my scales and the scales at the drs yesterday I don't think hers were correct lol I almost died when I weighed myself there lol. It's going to be easier to eat better now I am home and the weathers nice.

I am going on a play date today with 2 friends which will be good I am pretty much all better now other than a really really annoying cough it will be good for hunter to play around also.

I'm so glad you got into the drs and have some answers as to what's going on. It is really hard when they are constantly crying but at least you know what from. It sounds like you got some good advice and were very happy with the dr which is great.
But like I sAid about the baths for relaxation or even taking off your top and his clothes and having complete skin to skin can help soothe them alot it worked a charm with hunter it may look strange but most babies love it :)
Have a look at this link it has some great helpful tips to soothe a colicky baby hopefully you find something to suit you both
thanks for the link :) I'm definitely going to try some skin to skin tomorrow night when his crying gets bad. I did really well tonight I didn't cry at all!! he still cried on and off from 7:30-10 lol but i didn't get worked up at all. something clicked when the doctor talked to me, i dunno what but something did. I just tried to put myself in his shoes. I talked and talked and talked to him (i sounded like a nut job having an hour long conversation with my newborn about random things lol) but it worked for a bit!! I also downloaded a white noise app on my phone and laid it next to his hear and rubbed his belly and that kept him calm for a little too. the crying is inevitable, i know but it'll be okay as long as i keep this mindset. i even got laundry done and cleaned up the house a bit! its such a mess, makes me wonder why the hell i cleaned so much while i was pregnant lol

ohhh a playdate sounds fun! where did you guys end up going or doing? glad your feeling better too so you can enjoy yourself while your out! do both friends have kids also around hunters age?

lol about the different scales...makes you wish you could set your scale at home to heavier so you feel better when you go to the doctor right haha.

how has your MS been by the way? are you still getting sick at all?

I dunno if you remember last year (crazy we've been chatting for almost a year now), when i told you about the really really bad hurricane we got that caused power outages and whatnot? well seaside heights, a beach in new jersey got destroyed, boardwalk, rides, everything. They finally rebuilt everything and today an ice cream shop on the boardwalk caught on fire and the winds were so bad the fire spread down 6 blocks of the boardwalk and destroyed it all over again. there were over 400 firefighters there, so crazy and so sad. i don't think anybody got hurt though which is good

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