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Anyone doing FET in October?

I really am going to try and wait until OTD. It was just so heartbreaking last time to see that bfn. I think the only way I may break down is if I'm having major symptoms. I know I need to be careful because of the progesterone but it didn't give me symptoms last time. Did you have any symptoms??
The only thing really was twinges and pains in my stomach, 1-2dpt light af pains, then 4-6dp5dt a sharp pain just in one area over and over but had more af type pains today and felt a bit queasy a few times today. tbh if i wasnt going through this fet i wouldnt have paid a massive amout of attention to it.
How are you feeling? excited or nervous? x
Excited for now. I'm sure in a few days I will manage to convnce myself that it didn't work. The tww can make your mood be all over the place! Sure you girls can relate!
lol yeah, i stormed out the house at 4dp5dt after dh told a neighbour (that he hates) that we were currently in the middle of our ivf :blush:, it was only when i arrived at my mums in tears i actually stopped to think how much i was overreacting and that also made me think hmmmm, im not acting like me. maybe......just maybe!
Ladies may I join? I have been stalking this thread for a while lol I am in the middle of a fet with donor eggs. Had lining check today and egg thaw is planned for Thursday with icsi by lunchtime! Transfer likely by the weekend. We only have five eggs to play with so im just praying that they survive the thaw and at least one fertilised ok!
Starting suppositories on wed - what joy can I expect with these lovelies?!

Congrats bumski on bfp - fantastic news! Good luck Cynthia!
Welcome Minno! Time to break out those pantyliners when you start the suppositories. Other than they they aren't too bad. I guess some may experience pregnancy like symptoms while on progesterone so just keep that in mind :)

Not much longer now Minno! Best of luck!
Welcome Minno! Like Cynthia said you will need pantyliners cuz they can create a bit of a disaster down there!

Cynthia - So excited for you!!! Glad it went well today! FX for you!!!!
Welcome minno!
Cynthia - the day after my transfer on my fresh cycle I was crying to my hubby that I didn't think it was going to work. I haven't even had my transfer yet and I'm already feeling the same negativity. I really think it is the progesterone.
cynthia that is great news that your transfer went well - i totally forgot about the full bladder - ugh! I hate that part.

My lining check was ok. It was 7.6 and it needs to be 8 - i meet with the dr tomorrow to find out details of when transfer will be. My current dr just up and left the clinic so a new one is temporarily replacing her and may change the course of action. I will find out tomorrow. I wonder if it would have been 8 if i hadnt missed 2 doses of estrace. Oh well nothing I can do about it now. I hope tomorrow we get the go ahead and that transfer will be on sat. fingers crossed for me lol
FX for you blue that you can transfer soon! :) sorry about your doctor leaving!
Thank you girls for making me feel so welcome. This is such an exciting thread - so much going on! You made me chuckle about the 'disaster' downstairs with the suppositories. Oh joy! Going to tesco today to buy panty liners by the bucket load! Clinic said to lie down for 15 mins after insertion but bet it won't make much difference.

How is everyone? Notoptimisitic - I recognise the negativity and am feeling it myself and not yet pupo. Terrible eh?
Cynthia- how are you feeling? How are you keeping yourself occupied in the 2ww?
Blue - almost there with the lining, it can go up in a day so hopefully you will be moving ahead to transfer shortly.
Dill - where are u at in the process?
Not-I'm sure mid tww I will be having the same feelings! We have all be ttc for so long that it sometimes feels like it will never happen. We must have some little glimmer of hope if we are going through all this trouble! It will happen for us!

How are you feeling Bumski?

Minno- I'm feeling pretty good. First time around I was so stressed and anxious but I'm feeling much more relaxed this cycle which feels really nice. Of course this may all change in a few days! haha.
I have a series that I want to watch on Netflix so that will help while I'm on bedrest. There are some things in my house that need some major organizing so that will help keep me occupied as well. I think my hubby may be taking a couple of days off of work in a couple of days so I'm sure we can go out and watch a movie.

Blue-Can't wait to hear how your appointment went!

Dilia-Any sign of AF yet? You were taking provera correct?
Hi girls, welcome minno! :)
That's great you get to do your FET soon, 5 is a great number to start with, will keep everything crossed for as many as poss fertilising, your doing icsi right? So hopefully they will do really well. Lots of luck with it all Hun x

Hi blue, your lining is not too far off, like minno said it can't increase so quickly, hope tomorrow goes well for you x

Hi Cynthia, how are you Hun? Hope your enjoying your relaxing time and enjoying being PUPO, I hope time goes by nicely for you, looking forward to your BFP ;) x

Hey not, I was so down 4dp5dt because I was SURE it hadn't worked and I had just wasted all this time and excitement for nothing, I have never felt so negative, I was trying to come up with a plan for WHEN it failed to keep my mind occupied. I would have bet everything I owned on a bfn from this. You just never know Hun, it's your time to be a mummy now xx

How are you feeling dilia? Hope your keeping well and staying positive, not long now x
Minno - yeah I would lie down for awhile after inserting but it was still a disaster!

Cynthia - Sounds like bedrest is going well!! That is smart to have a show lined up to watch and keep occupied! :)

Bumski - how are you feeling?!?

So I took my last provera yesterday so just waiting for AF to show herself! I had some cramping in bed last night so was hopeful she would show this morning but nada! Hopefully soon! Though I have a feeling it wont be until Thursday based of other cycles and when i took progesterone. But we will see! As long as it is here by then I will be ok!
That's great news dilia! Not long now hopefully until af arrives and then quickly leaves again, what cd will the clinic be aiming to do your FET on do you know yet or is it a wait and see situation? X

I'm feeling ok, nothing really to report symptoms wise, just the odd pull and twinge in my tummy, retested AGAIN and it's slightly darker than yesterday, just want to see those lines exactly the same colour, not far off but still not there, I can stop obsessing then, who am I kidding! Xx
Bumski- I will be the same way with tests! So my clinic likes to do no earlier than cd 21 but I am going to ask about that because last time levels and lining were great on cd 11 and then when I got closer is ehrn I started spotting and lining went down around cd 14 so I want to know if it wad s fluke or was I really ready and by having to wait my body started to go down from nothing happening.
Hey bumski, I really am enjoying being PUPO! Its a great feeling knowing there are two little embryos in there and hopefully getting nice and comfy :)

Hubby asked the cutest thing earlier. He wanted to know if I felt any different yet. I wish!
Bumski, thanks for your lovely welcome. So thrilled for you that you have your bfp at long last. My friend who went they ivf tested 12 times in a row! So I think it's very normal to want to see the two lines and make sure everything is as it should be. Did u have a blood test too or just hpts? I have about 5 in my cupboard unopened - they're probably out if date now ha ha

Cynthia it sounds like you will have a chance to enjoy being pupo and I so admire you for that. I am anxious already and not even there yet!

Blue, good luck for scan. Look forward to hearing all about it.

Dill - liners at the ready!! Hope af arrives shortly and u can get going with fet!

Girls, did anyone have any bleeding either before or after transfer or in the 2ww? My biggest fear is af will arrive before I get to transfer or test. My cycle is very erratic now on account of me being a fossil (43)! The though of seeing blood before testing is really upsetting me.
No bleeding for me Minno. I have the same fear as well. Sometimes after a little cramping I'm afraid to use the restroom for fear of seeing blood when I wipe!

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