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Anyone doing FET in October?

Bumski- so excited for you! Congrats! This is awesome :)

Cynthia you are next for sure! And yeah progesterone would give me cramps sometimes. FX for you on Monday!
Just found out my transfer is set for 10:30!

Question for everyone- Have you given up caffeine? I remember during my first RE consult he recommended no caffeine. I have a small cup daily but even that is starting to make me feel guilty! What have your doctors recommended?
Not long now until transfer Cynthia! 10.30 is perfect, you won't have to wait around all day lol. Can't wait until your PUPO!!!!!
Well I got PREGNANT 1-2 today on a digi!
I am over the moon but still cautious as I'm only 6dp5dt so not even 4 weeks.
I can't believe it, I so hope this is a really lucky thread xx
Yes Bumski, I am thrilled that my appointment is in the morning. Wont have to be so darn anxious all day.

I'm sure it must have felt amazing to see that beautiful word! I'm so happy for you!!
Cynthia - i am still having a cup of coffee most days. My doctor said that was fine. I think once I have the transfer though I will stick to decaf! Good luck tomorrow! Mine is Wednesday so I'm not too far behind you.

Kind of weird how we all had miscarriages a while back and here we are today having to resort to ivf.
Oh yeah not, I didn't notice that. Perhaps that's why we will not stop worrying :/
Only a couple of days for you now not, that's lovely, you can both compare symptoms.
Have you heard anything about your transfer dilia? I hope it moves on quickly for you x
Another thing I wanted to mention, have you girls heard that having sex before FET can increase chances of implantation?
Well I did try this, and then went and had a nice long bath before transfer (blush) but just thought I would throw that one in xx
Bum -I haven't heard that. Does it still help if we use a condom? We have been using condoms bc I didn't want hubby to get exposed to the estrace which I take vaginally.
I heard it was Dh swimmers that help somehow, to be honest I don't know whether I even believe it or not but thought would give it a blast just in case lol x
Bumski - so happy for you! Congrats!

Cynthia- yay for having a time! I did not give up caffeine last time but am going to this time just in case but doctor said I didn't need to.

Not - Wednesday will be here before you know it!
Hi ladies I was wondering if I could join your thread. I am in the middle of my fet cycle. Today is cd 10 and tomorrow I go for my lining check and transfer should be either thursday, friday, or saturday (kinda hoping for saturday so that I don't have to take time off work). I am currently on estrace 3 times a day vaginally (yuck). The plan is to do PIO and suppositories. I really hope it works so that I don't have to go for a third fresh cycle.

Best wishes to everyone... and congrats to bumski!!!
Hi blue! I do the estrace vaginally twice a day and just started the pio shots Friday night. I was supposed to do progesterone supps but I was told I couldn't bc I was doing estrace vaginally. I'm surprised they are letting you do progesterone supps but even more surprised you are doing both pio and progesterone supps!
For my first cycle they had me pio only and the pain was so severe from the amount of oil that i had to inject. For my second cycle they said that i could do half dose of oil and half dose of suppository. Last time I took the estrace orally though - so I will have to ask about the estrace and suppositories mixing - that could be a very colourful mess - sorry for the tmi lol.

I am very nervous about this fet because my first fet wasn't a real shot at things as my eggs were so horribly damaged by severe ohss. I am also very excited that these embies are from the same batch as my precious baby girl so I have a lot of faith in them. And yet I am also nervous if they will survive the thaw and nervous if I were to end up with twins lol. Too many thoughts and getting ahead of myself haha!
Hi blue hope your lining check goes well, not long now until your transfer. Lots of luck to you Hun x

Cynthia, how did you get on today? Fx it all went smoothly for you, a full bladder is not a nice thing, I don't think nerves help much too!
Can't wait for your update x
Hi ladies! Transfer went well today. Luckily both embryos survived the thaw. We transferred a 4aa and a 4ab. Not sure what that means exactly but embryologist assured me that they were good quality. I'm at home now getting plenty of rest :)

Blue-How did your lining check go?

Bumski- You are so right! I was so happy when I was finally able to go use the restroom. Ahhhh....it felt good lol. I was a bit nervous when I arrived at the clinic but they gave me a valium and that made me feel good and relaxed! I'm still feeling a bit out of it at the moment haha.
Oh that's great news Hun, I'm so glad it all went really well for you ;)
Are you planning on plenty of rest for a few days or is it back to normal tomorrow?
Oh and just thought this may make you feel more positive my to embies were 4bb and 4bc, aa being the best grade, and my tests keep getting stronger so it looks very good for yours ;) xx
That is very reassuring bumski!
My clinic recommends 2 days of bed rest so that is the plan :)
Do you think you will hold out until OTD? Can't wait alreay lol x

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