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Anyone doing FET in October?

My AF arrived!! So I am doing well! :) Very happy AF arrived otherwise today would have been difficult as last year on Halloween I got AF and was depressed about another cycle failing and DH assured me that by next Halloween we would be pregnant or already have a baby... so today would have been sad to realize that instead I am celebrating AF arriving so I can get started on transfer try 3!

How is everyone else??
Yay dilia!! That is fantastic news!! Wont be long now until you get your bfp!!

Almost done with bedrest! I had a little relapse in obsessive googling but quickly came to my senses and stepped away from that nonsense! It will only drive me crazy and make the tww feel even longer!
Yay dilia! So glad you felt positive today instead of down, because today is the last first day of af for 9 more months Hun, it's countdown to transfer now ;) x

Minno, I never had bleeding before or after transfer but it's not unheard of, if you look through the ivf success thread you will see a few on there that still came out with positive outcomes x

Cynthia, it's so hard not to google everything, how are you feeling in yourself, hope your well and staying positive x

How are you doing not? Hope your well x

Afm, lines are nice and strong now and gp has prescribed me more progesterone and patches so starting to feel more real now.
Can't wait for some more BFPs to come along xx
Bumski- still feeling positive at the moment. :)

Glad your hpt's are nice and dark now! When do you see your doc again??
I think the next thing now is to ring clinic on mon and book the scan which is 3 weeks after that. My gp said to get back in touch after I booked my scan!
Are you still getting af pains? I'm getting them more frequent now x
Not so much af type cramps anymore just little twinges here and there. I'm now regretting the promise I made to dh about waiting until beta! What was I thinking? Lol
Cynthia - Thanks! And it is so hard not to fall into the google trap! I catch myself all the time doing it! Glad you are feeling positive!! I know you will see your BFP soon!!

Bumksi - Thanks! countdown has begun :) Yay for nice dark lines! So exited to for when you get to have your scan to see how many are in there! do you have any guesses? Think it is twins??!

Minno - I have heard many stories about spotting and still getting a positive!
It's so weird how all that ambition to wait until OTD goes out of the window a few days in lol, I'm so with ya on that one. It's so so hard to hold off when you know your close to maybe, just maybe getting an answer.
Twinges must be a good thing, that's exactly how I described it at your point. Mild but noticeable and only here and there x
Great news dilia. Lets get that out the way and on to exciting bfp developments!

Thanks for the reassurances re bleeding girls. See how pessimistic I am?! Well it all kicks off for us tomoro as dh goes in to give sample and we see if eggies survive thaw and if any fertilise. Very nerve wracking!
I've also started the pessaries - waxy knickers ahoy! I've been told two pessaries a day (400mg cyclogest each) 12 hours apart by another lady I talk to only has to take one a day. Is the two pessary dose normal?
Minno - Good luck tomorrow!! And I took two when I was on a certain kind (prometrium I think) and they were 12 hours apart! Just depends on which med you are on! :)
Thanks dilia, I was beginning to worry the clinic were telling me rubbish!
When do you think you will be able to get started again? X
Hi minno, I take two of the same pessaries, my nurse said to not worry about the time so much, so I do one when I go to bed and another 30mins before I get up. Lots and lots of luck for fertilisation tomorrow! Hope they all do their job for you x

All my family keep saying twins but I just don't know, one baby is a miracle and two would be a lovely suprise. Only time will tell x
Got PREGNANT 2-3 on digi tonight so that's me done for now lol! Will be needing hpt rehab at this rate lol.
GL to everyone, I just can't wait for some more BFPs, I'm sure they are on their way xxx
Minno - hoping I can get started tomorrow!! I go in at 8:30 and if estrogen is low I can start!!

Bumski - haha HPT rehab!
Minno-I'm sure your eggs will do just fine! Can't wait to hear the awesome fertility report! Are they doing ICSI??

bumski- I can't wait to find out how many are in there!! I take it you have shared the news with your whole family already??
Hi ladies. Couldn't write on here yesterday because there was some major drama at my clinic and there was talk of cancelling my fet (the dr up and left he clinic and there was no one to do my fet).

Had another scan this morning and everything is good to go and everything is sorted. SO transfer will be on sunday nov 4!!! Eek! Im excited and nervous
I just wanted to let you ladies know - dont fear spotting and bleeding. I had many spotting and bleeding instances on my successful cycle - even 3 days after my transfer. I was sure it was all over, but it is apparently quite common. Very stressful.

Minno - goodluck with fertilization - sending positive vibes

Bumski - so exciting - it must feel so good to see that 2-3

Cynthia - sending positive vibes... I don't think I could hold out to beta...lol good luck!

Dil - gooodluck with estrogen!

Ladies - is anyone else doing PIO? I am and am not excited I was hoping for the suppositories/pessaries.
Good luck today dilia, I hope you are good to go now now, you have waited long enough x
Also good luck to minno! X

That must have been worrying blue, I'm glad they sorted it for you, couple of days and your PUPO! Yay x

Not I hope yesterday went really well for you and your now taking it easy, congrats on being PUPO! Look forward to your update.
Bumski - thanks so much for your good wishes and info about the pessaries. I wonder if I'm absorbing much as I do get some leakage! I am so excited to hear if you have twin buns. When is your scan?
Dilia - I will be thinking 'low oestrogen' thoughts for you. Let us know how you go today :)
Blue- ET on Sunday !!! Yay!! We can be ET buddies!! How are u feeling about it?
Cynthia - how are you feeling? Yes icsi for us as frozen eggs. Dh just left to head to the clinic. Honestly, the drama, it's just as well they don't have to go thru the treatment! Men!!

Baby dust ladies xxxx
Blue - that is awesome about your transfer being on Sunday!! And I didn't do PIO but do estrogen in Oil which is the same type of shot as PIO. It actually was not as bad as I thought it would be! Good luck with it!! And make sure to have a heating pad ready! That is what saves me!

How is everyone else holding up?!?

Well I just got the call and was feeling so positive about this and how my levels would be low and BAM nope levels are high and have to start BCP today. Dang it! So will take those for 10 days and then go back in on the 12th to finally get started!

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