anyone else 1dpo today(or around there)..

When you put them all together in a progression, I agree that you can see a transition to lighter. If it makes you feel any better at all, the same thing has happened to me with Wondfos. Two cycles ago I got several undeniable Wondfo lines, under the time limit, at 6 DPO. They were gone by 7 DPO mid-day, period came 11 days later, heaviest, longest, and most horribly cramping/painful one I've ever had. I'm sure it was a CP.

The cycle after, yet again faint lines at 6-7 DPO, this time on Target Brand blue dyes and Wondfos. Well I was like... I'm not going through this again, went to the doctor and had a serum hCG done. It came back < 1 miU/mL, WHILE still getting faint lines on the blue dyes, Wondfos, and even on a FRER. Now granted the faint faint FRER line was not anything like these FRERs, but it has caused me not to trust faint lines on any tests, especially at 6-7 DPO, the days that implantation is likely to start. Last cycle my AF started right on time, 14 DPO, so I really don't think any conception or attempted implantation had occurred.

I agree with you that faint faint FRERs could be a fertilized egg hitting the uterine lining, trying to implant, and failing, but then one would expect the wave of + tests to hit two days later (around 9 DPO), not the day of.

I really thought FRER evaps were impossible, but now I have literally seen myself get a faint line when my serum hCG was negative, so my confidence is forever shaken.
the cbe faded out as well. first was a few days ago, there was a super faint line.. and today .. nothing at all.


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When you put them all together in a progression, I agree that you can see a transition to lighter. If it makes you feel any better at all, the same thing has happened to me with Wondfos. Two cycles ago I got several undeniable Wondfo lines, under the time limit, at 6 DPO. They were gone by 7 DPO mid-day, period came 11 days later, heaviest, longest, and most horribly cramping/painful one I've ever had. I'm sure it was a CP.

The cycle after, yet again faint lines at 6-7 DPO, this time on Target Brand blue dyes and Wondfos. Well I was like... I'm not going through this again, went to the doctor and had a serum hCG done. It came back < 1 miU/mL, WHILE still getting faint lines on the blue dyes, Wondfos, and even on a FRER. Now granted the faint faint FRER line was not anything like these FRERs, but it has caused me not to trust faint lines on any tests, especially at 6-7 DPO, the days that implantation is likely to start. Last cycle my AF started right on time, 14 DPO, so I really don't think any conception or attempted implantation had occurred.

I agree with you that faint faint FRERs could be a fertilized egg hitting the uterine lining, trying to implant, and failing, but then one would expect the wave of + tests to hit two days later (around 9 DPO), not the day of.

I really thought FRER evaps were impossible, but now I have literally seen myself get a faint line when my serum hCG was negative, so my confidence is forever shaken.
I once read that HCG starts to be made the second conception happens BUT it is not detectable until after implantation. So I feel if the egg hits the lining and tries to implant it's possible. At least that is what I feel, I know we all have different bodies and different experiences. You can also go from dr to dr and get totally different advise ya know from one to the next. I really think we all know our bodies best. I am for sure not making up how I feel, or how I felt the two others cycles. (body known your pregnant, almost like mom intuition/instinct ya know. We all know our bodies best)
do you chart WantsALittle1? just wondering if you temps are dropping like mine? it's like a slow slide :(
I do believe you know your body best and I believe firmly that if you felt pregnant, with the very nice line you got at 7 DPO, you were/are PG. I did not mean to imply that you weren't hon. I was only trying to say don't give up hope, because what if those were all evaps and your BFP is around the corner! That's what I'm telling myself, sigh.

When I had my CP, I got into a huge argument with a friend. She insisted that I was never pregnant, 6 DPO BFPs are impossible, and all my lines were evaps. It broke my heart. I know it was a CP. I have no doubt.

Regarding my temps, around 10 days ago I started waking up at 4 and not being able to get back to sleep at all. My normal testing time is 5:30, so my last 7 days have a mix of 4 am fresh wake temps and 5:30 am been-tossing-and-turning-for-hours temps. I do not see a drop yet, but I will have it tomorrow (I always do at 10 DPO) if I'm not PG.


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Oh I know you weren't, I was just writing out all my thoughts I guess <3 No one else to talk to about this ya know<3
trying to find a comparison of how my cart looks online but having a hard time. I found this though, looks just like mine eh? It says normal for ovum death.. guess that means af really is on the way .. few more days of dropping temps I guess and we do all over again. My LP is usually around 13 though so might be short this month

At least your temps are still up, that's good!

I do believe you know your body best and I believe firmly that if you felt pregnant, with the very nice line you got at 7 DPO, you were/are PG. I did not mean to imply that you weren't hon. I was only trying to say don't give up hope, because what if those were all evaps and your BFP is around the corner! That's what I'm telling myself, sigh.

When I had my CP, I got into a huge argument with a friend. She insisted that I was never pregnant, 6 DPO BFPs are impossible, and all my lines were evaps. It broke my heart. I know it was a CP. I have no doubt.

Regarding my temps, around 10 days ago I started waking up at 4 and not being able to get back to sleep at all. My normal testing time is 5:30, so my last 7 days have a mix of 4 am fresh wake temps and 5:30 am been-tossing-and-turning-for-hours temps. I do not see a drop yet, but I will have it tomorrow (I always do at 10 DPO) if I'm not PG.
oh here we go found a real life chart
will be ordering ovulation tests again, you have ones you like? I have gotten the BFP ones from early pregnancy tests. com but wonder your experience with others.. maybe there are better ones that are cheaper.
Boy does that peak temp the day of your first BFP really suggest that something tried to implant that day, ajr...
Boy does that peak temp the day of your first BFP really suggest that something tried to implant that day, ajr...

*sigh* oh well. :(

going to put the rest of my FRER far FAR in the cupboard so I stop wasting money. Gonna go to $ store today and see if they have any hpts in stock, if so that is what I will keep low in arms reach if need be for now.
If this is indeed a CP, did you mention this would be your third in a very short period?

This is why I am a fan of early testing. A lot of people are against it, or even say "If I'm having chemicals, I don't want to know" but to me, there is a huge difference between not conceiving, and conceiving but not implanting, when it comes to trying to figure out fertility-related issues.

If this is indeed a recurrent chemical situation, I would think that progesterone might be a culprit. Have you ever had your progesterone looked at post-ovulation?

And didn't you mention that you are still BF? My OB told me that BFing can make it hard to get pregnant. I think the idea is that prolactin might suppress progesterone? So I weaned my 18 mo the first month we were officially trying, the month I had that CP actually.
Yes I'm still bfing . Just makes me super sad as like i mentioned before, edd would of been my own birthday. Guess just not meant to be. Will give obs office a call as yes, I do think 3 cp in 4 cycles. Horribly depressing :( I have had infertility issues I. The past, my first child was ivf. We tried for 7 years. The other two children were conceived by accident. 2nd one I did not know I was pregnant until 2nd trimester, I had taken a million tests when my hormones were all crazy but all tests back -. Must of been like know I felt pregnant from the time of conception but tested way too early, ended up not testing again until months later when belly was bigger! Crazy. But true. Third child just happen. And well now here we are trying for 4th and seems we have a problem :/
hit the $store.. don't want to pay shipping and exchange right now so just bought local inside of on the net. All ready for next cycle :)


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Super stocked up! And you had asked about Ov tests. Personally I liked the Target brand ones! Never used the CB digis or anything. I like that cheap ones that I can use 3-4 times a day :)
This is why I am a fan of early testing. A lot of people are against it, or even say "If I'm having chemicals, I don't want to know" but to me, there is a huge difference between not conceiving, and conceiving but not implanting, when it comes to trying to figure out fertility-related issues.

I agree with this. I think a lot of woman that think the test is giving them a false +.. aka dud.. faulty test.. really are having a cp and the test is just picking up the little that is there. I hate seeing people always saying this nice pink line they had(and now gone) was a faulty test.. more then likely its not the test.
in-between children I have taken tests here and there because I just "felt pregnant" everytime i would get a super super faint + then next day -. I think we all have lots of cp and just don't even thing about. I thought all those years I just thought I was crazy, hormonal and crazy for thinking I saw a line one day and not the next.. but I think cp is very common. just sucks when you are intune with you body and ADDICTED to testing all the time.. because then you seem to catch them like I have in these last 4 cycles :( I did call ob's office and left message will wait for them to call back and see what they say.
Super stocked up! And you had asked about Ov tests. Personally I liked the Target brand ones! Never used the CB digis or anything. I like that cheap ones that I can use 3-4 times a day :)
Yeah I know, that's what you have to do though at the $ store. if you don't buy when you see, tomorrow when you go backALL are gone and they don't get stock for weeks! I should of honesty bought more but I did not want to spend more then the cash I had lol
yeah I will try and control the over testing next cycle. I have bought the 50pks from online before and totally test too much!
hiya girls hope your all well not been on for a couple of days been busy getting school stuff ready these school holidays have gone so quick xxx
ajr, I hope you get some answers. I think some blood work is definitely reasonable to request, and maybe they can even catch the hCG still in your blood right now

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