anyone else 1dpo today(or around there)..

PS. Just wanted to add that my HPTs, these last three cycles, have always gotten darker just before AF hits me. It's the weirdest thing. I'll have evaps/squinters until about two days before AF, and during those two days I start to see a progression of slightly darker lines and then boom, she gets me.

Also, are you going to do anything different this next cycle? I got a new BBT thermometer and am going to try to be much more consistent with wake up time. I am also starting OPKs, one a day, today. The OPKs because I want to informally see what my LH does for the entire cycle, to hopefully give me some insight into what my hormones are doing and whether there might be anything hormonal going wrong. I usually start OPKs at CD 8 because I have Oved on CD 10 before. But even on CD 8, I always have a line that's about half the darkness of the control line. I have never gotten a truly blank OPK and that worries me a little bit because I thought that at least for a couple days there should be almost zero LH? Hoping to see if my LH is ever truly baseline at any point during my cycle.

Nope don't think will do much different. Well, undecided if I want to tempt. To much commitment. I do get a good OPK line so I think I will just rely on that :/
(posted in sept thread)I hate this cycle and I think I hate FRER tests. maybe I never got a line at all. So frustrated with these very expensive tests which I spend SOOOOO much on the last few cycles. Here is the one I took today and pretty much think it's my CD1, I am spotting which might turn heavy by end of night.. no clots yet and I will say if the (med) spotting stops I would def test again tomorrow, but I doubt it will. Just think these tests are crap :(
Wow, that is quite a line. It's just baffling to me. I used to think FRERs were the gold standard, but I think I agree with you. I am going to stick with Wondfos only next cycle.
Wow, that is quite a line. It's just baffling to me. I used to think FRERs were the gold standard, but I think I agree with you. I am going to stick with Wondfos only next cycle.

I know horrible. Totally af today heavy and bad cramps, worse then my reg period :(
Pretty strong sign that it was indeed a CP, so so sorry you have to go through this :hugs:

I wish I knew if I had a CP or just several batches of really tricky awful FRERs. I got a pretty nice line at 13 DPO, and had thought my BFP was on its way back, and now all this. So confusing
Well just out if curiosity, took a test today . Def 100% negative. For sure another cp :( all those faint lines were real lines because as you can see, there is no hint of a line anymore 3 days in to af.
I agree, looks totally BFN, really does seem like a CP on both our parts.

This cycle I am planning to ask for progesterone bloodwork after ovulation to make sure my level is getting high enough post-Ov to support a pregnancy. Might also preemptively just ask for betas on 5-8 DPO to see if I can catch the tiny bit of hCG before it disappears.
I agree, looks totally BFN, really does seem like a CP on both our parts.

This cycle I am planning to ask for progesterone bloodwork after ovulation to make sure my level is getting high enough post-Ov to support a pregnancy. Might also preemptively just ask for betas on 5-8 DPO to see if I can catch the tiny bit of hCG before it disappears.

I know ((hugs)) better luck this cycle. You are trying right?
Oh yes defo we're trying. I think we'll give it a good year of actually trying and if nothing happens, I'll probably just go NTNP and move on with my life and stop thinking about it, but right now we're still in the game.

With DD and DS we got PG first cycle both times, so I assumed it would be just as easy this time around but things change over time I suppose. I am a bit worried that I have adhesions from my two C-sections blocking my tubes, or even worse that I am perimenopausal at 33 and maybe have some low progesterone as a result. My Mom was perimenopausal at 32 and fully menopausal at 37, so early menopause runs in our family. Hoping to get some answers when I see the OB on Tuesday!

PS. It's nice to have an exact cycle buddy--CD 4 today! Are your cycles usually 31 days? Mine are usually 28-29, and when I have a 31-day cycle, the next one is usually a lot shorter, so hoping I don't have to wait as long for ovulation this time around :)
How is your cycle going? I think with the cp cycle is off a bit. Might be shorter and might o early today is cd10 and have wet cf and an almost + opk.
My cycle is totally messed up, for sure. I am just certain I had a CP, haha, no doubt. Temps are still getting really high every other day, and after tiny amounts of brown spotting CD 8-9, I started bleeding red again today at CD 10. Haven't looked at CF yet because I'm still spotting/bleeding. OPKs still negative for me. Had bloodwork done at CD6 and my progesterone was 0.31, FSH 8, and still waiting to find out what the AMH was. My NP suspects early menopause--happened to my mom at 32, and I'm currently 33. So she is starting me on progesterone suppositories this cycle because she suspects that is why I've had the two losses.

Great that your OPKs are almost +!!!! Means you shouldn't have to wait too long for Ov :) Given any thought to temping again this cycle, or are you done temping?


Edit: Woops, just noticed that you did a temp, so that answers my question!
Haha yeah seems the same here. I put spotting but it was heavy spotting periods of time almost light flow but was just for the little bit of time during the day then nothing until the next day. And lol, yes tempting until o confirmed. Do you do more test to check for sure early menopause? Wow just too young for that eh, no fair, sorry. I don't have on appointment until the 18th so is there an over the counter progesterone I can get just in case!?
I think the only other thing they could look at regarding periMP is estradiol on CD 3. She didn't look at that this time, for some reason. The good news is that even if I'm periMP, since I am still ovulating and my cycles are pretty regular, I think I'm early enough that I can still get pregnant. The FSH is on the higher end but still okay, so egg quality is probably okay (but won't know until the AMH comes back). I think the main issue is going to be the progesterone, I just don't think it's getting high enough for a pregnancy.

Regarding over-the-counter supplements, I'm not sure. I have never taken progesterone before--this is going to be my first time, but I'm not starting until 2-3 DPO. Have you been doing OPKs for the last few days, or did you just start it today? Have you seen a progression?
Hum, will google a bit to see what's out there. I had to get rx when I did ivf and it's not covered by extended and was very pricy. not that I would not pay it but def would need to talk with Dr yo get rx and my next gp appointment is not until next Wednesday :/ nope today was first day.
My extremely negative OPK today, looks like my pregnancy tests from last cycle, hah

I didn't realize that you had done IVF before. How was your experience? And is there any way you could move the GP appointment up?


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My extremely negative OPK today, looks like my pregnancy tests from last cycle, hah

I didn't realize that you had done IVF before. How was your experience? And is there any way you could move the GP appointment up?

Yup def negative
I guess I can call and see but I even question taking at all. It says not to use even the cream while nursing. Is the reason that it decreases milk supply? I would think that happens anyone in the 2ww in a normal cycle anyhow as I can tell by youngest nursing pattern after o
Oh and sorry about ivf, it was good. We tried for almost 8 to get pregnant with no luck. Turned to ivf and had our first child. The other to were unplanned surprises. Blessed to have the all! My period/fertility came/improves after the first pregnancy, guess my body needed a hormonal kick start lol I hear that happens often!
I do think progesterone suppresses prolactin, or at least the other way around maybe. There is definitely some connection between the two

So interesting about the pregnancy kick starting your fertility! That is really fascinating!
Well opk being weird today as you saw in. Picture it was like practically + yesterday but is only half that dark today. For some reason my urine us SUPER light (in colours) and just does not seem concentrated at all today! Urine even first thing in the am was almost clear! And do far along day
Here is today's opk . Odd
So weird,I'm thinking that opk yesterday might if been a short surge. What do you think, you think that test looked ++? I never used the $store opk before. Every test today not even close to as dark yesterday's. and i have ewcm + cervix is soft and open. We bd at 1am when DH got home and will bd tonight before he goes to work just In case this is indeed early o. Will definitely keep testing though!!

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