Anyone else doing IVF/ISCI in June?

Congrats on a little girl, Summer!!! I keep wondering if we should find out the sex but we've waited this long so we can wait a little longer... only 17 weeks to go.

That's great news on the frosties, Isi!!! Any news??

Mummy, I'm so sorry to hear about your mum. Hopefully things will be ok. Bigs hugs to you xox Looking forward to seeing your pics!

Clussy, how are you feeling after your cold?

AFM... doing great here! I finally seem to have some energy back and so does junior. He/she has been kicking me like a good'un and constantly!!!! It used to start in the late evening but now I wake up and they're kicking non stop... Me and DH had a lie in the other morning, just watching my tummy move lol.

MrsJA, Sammy and anyone else I've missed, hope you're keeping ok!

Congrats on a little girl, Summer!!! I keep wondering if we should find out the sex but we've waited this long so we can wait a little longer... only 17 weeks to go.

That's great news on the frosties, Isi!!! Any news??

Mummy, I'm so sorry to hear about your mum. Hopefully things will be ok. Bigs hugs to you xox Looking forward to seeing your pics!

Clussy, how are you feeling after your cold?

AFM... doing great here! I finally seem to have some energy back and so does junior. He/she has been kicking me like a good'un and constantly!!!! It used to start in the late evening but now I wake up and they're kicking non stop... Me and DH had a lie in the other morning, just watching my tummy move lol.

MrsJA, Sammy and anyone else I've missed, hope you're keeping ok!


Thanks hun.... today we got the fertility report and we got 7 EMBIES! :happydance: 7/10 is not bad.... I had a dream last night I got 8 which would have been nice but i'm happy with 7! I have updated my journal with the huge saga we had with the hospital this morning... I am exhausted after trying to work out a plan with them. Its shouldnt be like this....:dohh:
12 week scan - they dated me 12 weeks 3 days yesterday so odd - 31st May although with twins anywhere from 33 weeks to 37 weeks maybe :)

7 embies thats great sammy!! :happydance:


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12 week scan - they dated me 12 weeks 3 days yesterday so odd - 31st May although with twins anywhere from 33 weeks to 37 weeks maybe :)

7 embies thats great sammy!! :happydance:

Thanks mummy!!! OOh scan pix too! Fab!!! Pleased everything is going great for you all! :hugs:
Thanks ladies. Unfortunately, it didn't work out for us this time. I've had a rough couple of days, but my DH has been so so amazing. Its our anniversary today and he's been my absolute rock.

Feeling very despondent and not quite sure what next to do. We're giving ourselves about a month or two to decide what next....FET with the less than perfect morulas, switch FS.....not sure really.

But gosh, I have to say its been sooo much more heartbreaking than any of my previous BFNs. My heart is still absolutely broken and I'm just wondering if I could't get pregnant with THREE embies, if I ever can. It's hard, but I'm just so glad I have my DH.

So sorry about your Mom, Mummy!
Isi, I'm so sorry for your heartbreak. Many of us can say with certainty that we've been there and the heartache of the first round of IVF not working is a blow to your sense of hope and reality. I cried for a couple of days and also felt so very despondent when my first BFN came through. My DH didn't know how to pull me out of the rut but he was who I relied on for all my support so I just leaned on him as much as I could. It takes a while to really sink in and you still tend to dwell on it at moments when you think you're over it but trust that you'll work through it in due time and pick back up where you left off. My 2nd attempt at IVF worked and it was a thrill (I still don't believe it after all we've been through to get to this point) so give yourself some time to digest this all and then make sure you ask your RE as many questions as you can muster on why this first attempt may not have worked and what they may do differently in moving forward.

Thinking of you and sending you tight hugs filled with optimism for the future.:hugs::hugs:
Thanks so much, Clussy. I really needed to read that. I can't believe how heartbroken, sad and devastated I feel. I had a brief break yesterday when my DH tried to spoil me for our 2nd anniversary, but this morning it returned with a bang. I just feel so sad and hopeless.....I'll be seeing my FS this week....and I also want to have a chat with the other FS I was considering earlier. I still don't understand how it didn't work with 3 of them. I really pray with all my heart that I can soon be where you lovely ladies are. I'm also trying to find some counselling. Hopefully, that will help me get back some PMA.
:hugs: oh hunni I am so disappointed for you. It too failed for me first time with 2 embies, it's hard to understand why when you have 2 or 3 it doesn't work :( Time is a great healer I found and once I got over the shock of it not working I then didn't mind waiting a bit to try again, then when you're ready you can try again. Myself and my DH were so negative the second time round I truly thought it wouldn't work but to my surprise here I am. Keep going and you will be where we are soon xx
Hi Isi,

I'm so sorry sweetheart. There are many of us here on the thread who understand the heartbreak of an IVF BFN. You're right when you say it's not the same as a normal BFN - I found it so much harder than that. You have invested so much financially, emotionally and physically in the cycle, it is such a disappointment to find that it hasn't worked. I think you just have to let yourself grieve a little bit for that hope that you had, let your DH take care of you as best he can, and eventually you will be able to look ahead again.
Mummy, Clussy, myself and many others are proof that failing on the first round doesn't mean you will fail on the second. You will have your baby in the end Isi, I know it.
Sending you all my love,
Jess xxxxxxx
I saw your post in your journal the other day, Isi. I'm so, so sorry. ICSI worked for us first time so I can honestly say I have no idea how you or some of the other girls on here feel. I do know how bad I felt when I had the bleed though and we thought it was all over for us, and that's probably only a tiny proportion of how you're feeling. Good luck with whatever you decide on the FS. Hang in there, girl. It will happen, I'm sure of it xxxxxx
Thanks so much my darling friends. You guys are truly awesome. Thanks so much for supporting me through this. Thankfully, the dark cloud is beginning to shift and I'm beginning to feel hopeful again.

I will most likely have my frosties thawed and transferred in the New Year. I pray that works out. If it doesn't, I've decided not to do a fresh cycle with my current FS. Their after-care support has been anything but ideal. I went back to my long-time Ob-Gyn yesterday and had a long chat. He's also an FS, but I didn't use him as I thought he wasn't aggressive enough. But it turns out he really does know me best. So, if the FET doesn't work, my next fresh round will be with my old doctor.

Thanks so much for letting me whine. I'll still hang around here, if that's okay. Besides my journal, this is where I feel most at home. You ladies are so awesome....Mrs JA, Clussy, Tickled, Summer,'re all truly special. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Darling Isi, I'm so so so sorry to hear your news.
Hope you're ok, I'm glad to hear the cloud is lifting a little at least. This fertility journey is so hard, I honestly have doubted my sanity on several occasions over the last couple of years.
However it sound like you have a really good plan of action ahead. I think that really helps when you have a plan and a goal to focus on.
I know this is going to work out for you, you are such a lovely friend on here and you deserve this happiness. January will be here in no time and we will be cheering you through the dreaded two week wait again before you know it!
I'm so glad you feel at home here and yes don't you dare think about abandoning us, we need you and your uplifting spirit!
Sending you loads of love and hugs Isi, keep that lovely chin up xxxx
:hugs: Isi, glad the dark cloud is starting to shift a little bit. It's incredibly hard to move on for a while but once you start to get PMA that really helps. I'm so pleased you've had a good chat with your old FS and feel he's more suitable. I found when it didn't work for us I didn't know what to do or where to go and again the after care was not good. I was in tears and no one even called me back it was horrendous. Finding a good FS helps to get that positivity back :)

I love that this thread has been active and still going, it's the only thread I've been on where even months down the line it's still going :happydance:
Hi there Sweet Ladies! How's everyone holding up? Summer and Tickled, are you both obviously showing now?

Would you believe that I'm already in maternity clothes (except for a particularly baggy pair of jeans I had bought pre-pregnancy to try to have a cute pair of non-maternity jeans during pregnancy. I have had my belly pop in the last few days. It's insane. I wasn't counting on showing until 20 weeks or so! The thing is, I've only gained about 5 lbs so I didn't think that would merit the belly that I have. I mean, it's not tremendous of course but we know our bodies best so when we see ourselves pooch out a good bit, we can tell. I've had close coworkers start patting my lil belly already too though so obviously it's not just me. Maybe Thanksgiving feasting didn't help it.... Well, either way, I'm back at the gym and doing the elliptical and any other light workouts to keep some movement also going.

Are you all also still working out?

Isi, were you able to have a nice glass of something this weekend?

Warm hugs to all! :hugs:
hi girlies,

I'm not in maternity clothes yet, holding out as it still feels too early! The consultant told me yesterday that I'll look 40 weeks pregnant at 28 weeks! :wacko: so far I've lost 4 pounds hehe but I am eating and trying to eat regularly just small meals.

I never have worked out lol I hate it but I do have an active job so hopefully that helps!

They have booked me in for a definate c section as I'm following the advice they gave me. It all seem premature and like I'm tempting fate booking everything in but fingers crossed all will be ok. I still can't believe I'm here :)
Hi ladies,

How we all doing?

I've been in Thailand for nearly three weeks, so apologies for the radio silence!

Isi, I've been thinking of you honey. FET worked for many of us, so here's hoping it will work for you in the new year too.

Clussy, I'm showing a little too! I have gained 3 kilos so ummm, there is definitely some fat involved in my case and not just baby, lol! I've had to buy quite a few maternity things.

Sending you all lots of love xxx
Hi ladies!

How are we all doing?? All set for Christmas? 3 weeks today and it will be Boxing Day! lol

How are you keeping, Isi? *hugs*

Good to have you back, MrsJA! How was Thailand?

I'm definitely showing, Clussy! I bought a couple of bigger blouses to keep me going but I've got to the stage where my boobs just keep inflating, everything is being pushed up and out by my stomach and the buttons are close to bursting *note to self* buy stretchy clothing next time lol.

Have you been given a date for you C-section, Mummy?

AFM, I saw the midwife a couple of weeks ago and still have a little sugar in my urine, so it's just aswell they're doing the glucose tolerance test on the 17th. They've also booked us in for ante-natal classes in February and they're talking about giving us a tour of the maternity unit in the new year... all seems a bit real now!Only taken 25 weeks lol. The last couple of weeks I've been woken up early by junior kicking me. Me and Dh then lay there watching my tummy move and do the same in the evenings. I can feel the wriggling and rolling around and a couple of time I've tapped my tummy and got a kick in response... absolutely amazing :D

Going to try and upload a pic of Bump... 17 weeks and 25w4d


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Hey Isi hope you're doing ok :hugs:

Welcome back MrsJA

I have been given a date for C section of 10 May which will be 37 weeks although they said 50% of twins comes earlier than that but even if they do i'll still be having a C section as the consultant reckons this is safer for twins. I'll do whatever they suggest so C section here I come :)

lovely bump tickled!! ;)
Hi Girlies
Clussy, yes I would say I am finally showing properly now. ALthough i've been living in maternity jeans for weeks! No I stopped working out altogether during my last FET cycle and since the progesterone injections in my bum I seriously cannot even run still, the pain when i have any kind of impact on my feet is ridiculous!!
Glad you're doing so well, I keep getting so shocked at how far everyone is coming along but for me it is dragging so much!
Mummy sounds like you're doing well! Can't believe you have your C Section booked in already! Gosh does that make it seem very real??!
MrsJA, wow Thailand! How fantastic! Did you have a wonderful time? Glad to hear you're doing so well.
Tickled, fantastic bump!! I'm still a rookie compared to that but it is coming along slowly but surely! Hope all goes well with your glucose test. I cannot wait for hubbie to be able to feel the baby move, it must be soo magical.
Isi, hope you're holding on in there, like MrsJA says we have quite a few success stories on here with the FET so please don't give up hope. And if you have any questions about the process or anything do just ask!
Blue, thinking of you too, hope all is well with you.
AFM well I FINALLY felt a little kick on Saturday! Anyone else feeling any movements yet? Obviously Tickled you're a pro now! It's not really been consistent since but every now and again I feel her, it's fab!
Had my 20 week scan yesterday which was wonderful, everything is absolutely fine with her the only thing is at the moment my placenta is covering the birth canal but they say it should move before she decides to make an appearance and the bonus is I get another scan out of it at 34 weeks!
Other than that just soooo excited about Christmas!

Hope everyone is well, loads of love xx

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