Anyone else doing IVF/ISCI in June?

Hello Ladies
How are we all doing, Isi I've just filled in your thread, what a great idea, I would have spent hours drooling over that!!
Clussy, i will get a bump picture and then attempt to get one on here, like you i'd love to see how everyone is doing. Well done you for waiting til the birth, i think it's a lovely idea if you can hold out.
Isi, how are you doing? not long now til you start, how exciting!! Will your protocol be different this time if you're with a different FS??
MrsJA how did the gender scan go??!!!! can't wait to hear!
Mummy, hope all is ok with your Mum, must be so hard for you. But hopefully those little twins of yours keep you strong.
Tickled, not long now!! How is the third trimester treating you?? Are you all prepared now?? Gosh certainly sounds like you're going through it, hope you're feeling ok and managing to get plenty of rest?
Blue how are you getting on?? Are you allowing yourself to believe it yet??
AFM my little girl is getting more and more active by the day which I love. Got my bump measured for the first time on Monday and I am bang on where I should be so very chuffed. Am a little bummed out though as it is looking more likely that it will be a c section for me due to placenta issues, just a bit gutted as I was booked in for a natural home birth so not exactly how i'd imagined my little one entering the world but the main thing is she gets out safe and sound! xx
Thanks for filling the thread, Summer :hugs:. That's awesome that your girl is doing great :hugs:. I don't think I'll be on a new protocol.....will confirm that when I go to the clinic in a week or two.

Hi girls!!

Clussy, I finally got to see your bump pic after DH changed a few settings on my laptop. Not sure why I can't see certain pics :wacko: But you look great!! I'll see if I can get an updated bump pic sorted out later. I'm not doing any yoga but I do have a DVD for before and after birth but I don't have the energy to do anything just lately :dohh: We're also waiting until the birth to find out the sex... so much more exicting! :happydance:

Is Baby A still kicking like a good'un, MrsJA? And have you found out the sex yet?

Blue, how are things going with you??? :flower:

Isi, I'll be sure to fill out your thread! I'll have to get my notes out and check things, as my memory isn't what it used to be :haha:

Mummy, I hope the heartburn and MS has cleared up... And I hope you're feeling better after your flu and tonsilitus :flower: Are the kicks getting stronger and more noticeable now?

Summer, sorry to hear that you might not have the home birth that you planned but like you said, the main thing is she gets out safe and sound :thumbup:

AFM, we had an appointment with the midwife this afternoon. It was just a regular check up but I was so worried because I hadn't had many kicks/punches since Monday but still had my ten movements in twelve hours. The midwife said it's perfectly normal, they bigger they get, the less room they have so the movements won't be as strong but more gentle. They're measuring just fine for 31 weeks, good strong heartbeat, weight approx 3.9lbs, head down but not engaged and I'm now getting lots of nudges in my ribs which is a little uncomfortable but reassuring :cloud9: I've also started getting Braxton hicks... yikes, they're weird and uncomfortable, especially when you're half sleep and wonder what's going on! :haha: Cold has almost gone but I still have a lovely husky voice :haha: Carpal tunnel is actually getting worse and the splints don't seem to help anymore but there's nothing else they can do. I'm on holiday at the moment and I have next week off too. Then I'm in work for three days, another two weeks off, in for two days and then maternity leave starts February 16th :happydance: So I'm getting plenty of rest, because seriously I'm struggling to make it through the day without one or two naps :wacko: But there still seems to be so much to be done. We've finished the nursery, we're just waiting for a rocking chair to be delivered next week. How's everyone else getting on with their nurseries??

Hugs to all and sorry if I've forgotten to mention anyone :blush:
Oh gosh, I have missed so much! :blush:

Glad to see all you ladies moving along! I can't wait to see some bump pics on here!

afm, 37 weeks next week! Had some issues with pretuerm labor at 33 weeks, but I have amazing docs so my little lovebug is still cooking! I promise I will keep up now! things have just been so busy, but I am sitting my bum on the sofa now ;)

Love to all! xx
Great to see you, Wish2bmama!! Pre-term labour? Yikes, that must've been scary!! It's good to know that everything's ok now ;)

I don't have a new bump pic to share but I do have a video... Baby Southam hasn't been very active since Monday but they seem to have a new found energy since yesterday and tonight they proved it! They're back to their good old self :D The video doesn't seem to pic up all the wriggling but you can definitely see the kicks.
AWWWWWW!!!! How cute!!!! I love it!!! Very good looking kicks there! :D
How's everyone doing???????

Any news Wish2bmama?????? Have you been induced yet???? :D
Here's my bump a few days ago (23 weeks)

I was taken to hospital on friday morning early as I had some contractions! not good! They came from a bug I caught I think - sickness and the other end!! Triggered my body to go into some sort of panic but they stopped the contractions phew! Got back home yest and it's good to be home :)

Hope you are all well! xxx


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Yikes, mummy! Must've been a scary time but at least they managed to stop the contractions! And that's a gorgeous bump you have there! :hugs: Are you on any kind of bed rest now or are you able to carry on as normal but just take things easy? Are you ready for LO yet? Have you bought everything??
Hi Ladies
Was just popping on here thinking I hadn't heard from you lot for a while!
Hope you're all well, Pink, you are so close!! How are you feeling?? Love the scan pic, we just had ours on Friday which was just the best experience ever!
Mummy, goodness, what a scare that must have been, hope you're ok and you and those babies are resting up.
Isi, how are things with you, you're starting again this month aren't you?? Crossing everything for you hun.
MrsJA/Clussy/Blue How are you all getting on?
Wish2bmama was just about to ask how you were and noticed your signature! CONGRATULATIONS on your baby boy! How wonderful, hope you're all doing well.
Mummy, what a scare! I'm happy to hear that you're at home and doing well. Those 2 LO's need to stay nice and cozy in their womb incubator. Perfectly beautiful bump!

Wish2Be, Congrats on Liam's birth! Looking forward to checking back on your journal to see how everything went!

Isi, how are things going?

Tickled, 34 weeks! Nice! How are you feeling?

I'll have to get DH to take a pic of my bump this week to post. We haven't taken a pic in a couple weeks. So far so good here. I feel wonderful and have no solid complaints. I feel my sweet lil Joonbug (nickname for the LO) kicking around in there all the time and it's so soothing to me.

How's everyone else doing?
Yikes, I didn't see that!!!!!! Congrats on little Liam, wish2bmama!!!!

Love your scan pic too, Summer! It took us four attempts over a week to get that pic! They refused to move and all we ever got was the back of their head or the side of their head with a finger in his/her ear. Not the most co-operative of babies... :haha: Even the sonographer called them a 'reprobate' :haha: I think he/she looks just like DH, so I'm pretty sure it's a boy but I could be wrong...

Great to see you Clussy and glad to hear you're feeling great too!! Looking forward to a bump pic :thumbup:

AFM... I think I have the start of yet another cold. I've had a sniffly nose, dry throat and a muzzy head for a few days but nothing major. If I do have one, it will be the third one since November after DH had his flu jab. He's currently in bed with a really bad cold bless him. The Carpal Tunnel is easing up a little... no pain but I still have the constant pins and needles and no feeling in my fingers. I was worried I had SPD because I have pains in my left thigh and get very stiff and have to hobble around when I first get up but the midwife doesn't seem too concerned. We had our first ante-natal class on Friday! Very enlightening and we met one couple who have the same EDD! It looks like everything is fine for me to have our planned water birth :happydance: Oh and I'm starting to get some sleepless nights... just as I'm dozing off Wriggler decides to kick/punch me and I jump a foot in the air and give DH a heart attack :haha: Alot of the time though, they just wriggle and squirm sooooooo much and rub my tummy button that they wake me up and I feel so sore and uncomfy. The midwife said it will get worse because each day they will have less room and they're gaining about half a pound a week now... Great! :wacko: I've also been getting alot of Braxton Hicks just lately. Boy are they uncomfortable :S I used to get them maybe two or three times a week but now it's maybe 5 or 6 times a day!!!!!!

And here's my 34 week bumpage......

How are all you lovely ladies keeping???


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Hi lovely ladies. I was really missing my favourite IVF girls :flower:

Tickled, that's a lovely bump you've got there. So glad everything is going well :hugs:

Clussy.....awww "Joonbug"....that's so sweet :cloud9:. Can't wait to see another scan picture. So glad everything is going well.

Congrats on Baby Liam, Wish2bmama!!!!

Happy 29 weeks, Summer! I'll bet you can't wait to see your little girl., that must have been a scare. So glad everything is under control. Lovely bump picture :).

Hi Mrs JA :hugs:

Well.....round 2 kicked off for me last night. Considerably less excited this time.....hope the excitement picks up soon. But otherwise, I'm fine. My best friend is getting married in a few weeks, so its been manic! But a good way to keep my mind occupied :thumbup:
tickled - fab bump! sorry you're feeling poorly hope u feel better soon!

Clussy - can't wait to see another piccie, glad you're feeling so well! wish I could say the same! :rofl:

Wish2b - congrats!!!!!!!!

Isi - good luck with this second round, I too was very much less excited in fact it was more a chore and I had a lot of NMA but it worked and here I am! It's good to be occupied with the wedding so good luck and keep us posted!!!!
Helloooo My Sweet Ladies!

Isi, how are things going over there? You should probably be scheduled for a retrieval here in the next week or so, right?

Tickled, sorry to hear about the cold and the braxton hicks. You're really soooo close now though! I envy your being able to reach out and practically touch your due date! All set over there, w/your bags packed and just waiting on your lil ones to come 'a knocking? Lovely pic! So much life going on your lovely bump!

Mummy, how you doing over there? Feeling any better?

Summer, sorry to hear about having to go the c-section route, but as long as your lil girl is happy and healthy, that disappointment will be way overshadowed.

MrsJA, how are you feeling over there? Hoping all's well w/your LO and you and that you're basking in the 2nd tri glow. We're *this* close to the third tri!

AFM, I'm feeling great and have been upping my workouts to get the blood and endorphins flowing. I'm very careful to listen to my body though and not push it. My DH surprised me this weekend by putting our nursery together (painting the walls, picking up our crib, putting together, picking up bedding and putting in place, etc...) all while I was off having my girl's day. It was the BEST surprise to come home to. And boy did it drive it in... we're having a baby! I'm enjoying feeling this good because I'm a week away from 3rd tri and know that it gets much more uncomfortable. In the meantime, life is good! Hope you ladies are doing fabulously!

Here's my 26 week pic:
wow looking good clussy! I'm about to do my next bump piccie tomorrow hopefully!

I am feeling better now, finding things hard going but feeling pretty good (touch wood) the anti acid tablets are helping my voice come back no end and that's got rid of the cough now which is pure bliss. the heartburn has improved because of these tablets so that's great too. I get exhausted just raising my arms or walking for 15 minutes but I'm doing ok as I'm still working and did a 12 hour day on friday stood on my feet for lots of it! it's a physical job! Got another one of those on friday so hoping I'll continue to do well!

Clussy you look fab! pregnancy suits you!

We're trying to sort the nursery at the moment but the furniture has been out of stock for AGES and it's holding us back now! want to start nesting and cleaning but it's providing difficult!!

Hope all of you are well and Isi good luck, looking forward to an update from you xxxx
GAH! I am sooo in love with my little man! He is just adorable and SUCH a good baby! Of course I have like NO time for anything anymore, but I love it! I love being a new mommy! Just had to share with all you wonderful ladies :kiss:

:hugs: to all the growing bumps and soon to be growning! xx
Mummy, Summer, Clussy, Blue, MrsJA, how's everyone getting on?

Isi, how are you keeping? I see you're stimming, is everything going ok?

Wish2bmama, how's life as a mummy?

I'm 38 weeks today! 2 weeks to go... getting very uncomfy now and trying to walk is like trying to walk with a bowling ball between your legs lol. Oh and on Sunday me and DH should've been going to a friends for a Sunday roast with her and her hubby. Turns out they'd all arranged a surprise baby shower for me and got it touch with a load of friends through Facebook. I was a little emotional as no-one's ever done anything like that for me before. We got some lovely things from everyone.

Had a check up at 36 weeks to be told Baby Southam is 3/5th engaged!! And then we were told I had yet more protein and sugar in my urine and also a trace of blood (which could mean the start of a UTI) and my blood pressure was way too high. They booked me in to a ward within the hour and kept me in for 24 hours to be monitored for pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes. So I also had the diabetic nurse come round and show me how to check my glucose levels (four times a day) until LO is born :/ They let me go home after 24 hours and put me on Labetalol to keep my BP down and had to go back a couple of days later to ADAU for a check up. BP was even higher than before and they kept me their for five hours and kept LO on a trace monitor. All seems fine now but these last couple of weeks have really dragged. We just want LO with us now so we can stop worrying...

I knew pregnancy wouldn't be problem free, but geez, it seems to be never ending! lol. All worth it for the end result though :D
Aww, that was so sweet of your friends to do that :hugs:. So sorry you've had some scares....but I'm glad everything's fine now. I bet you can't wait to meet your LO :cloud9:

Yes, I'm stimming. Had my first scan today, and I am responding well. 16 follies at the moment. EC could be on quite excited about that.

How's everyone doing.....Mrs JA, Clussy, Summer, Mummy.....hope you're all great and the pregnancies are going brilliantly :hugs:


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