Hi ladies! Can I join? I miscarried November 11th... By November 15th my HCG was 0. I had only known I was pregnant for four days. I have no idea when I "o" but I have all the same symptoms that I had last month when I found out I was pregnant. Big blue veins on my bb's, pulling/stretching pain in stomach, fatigue, and I seem to cry at everything... But all I have gotten are BFN... I should get AF today... No sign yet...
I ended up testing just after I last posted and It was negative. Will test again tomorrow but I'm not expecting a positive. I'll try and find the thermometer tonight and start temping. It only just occurred to me that maybe the spotting I had was a period? Wish my body was easier to understand.
That's good about the pains! Fingers crossed its definitely ovulation
I was sure I was pregnant and that I'd finally get that BFP today but nope. Witch isn't here either and at this point I just wish my body would decide one way or another. Although Im sort of hoping for a negative because at this point I feel like if I am pregnant, my hormones must be off to not be reading on the pee stick. I could have miscalculated my O date or maybe the miscarriage is still doing funny things to my body. I really don't know and I'm just frustrated. End Rant.
@Armywife- I hope you do ok with that wait! I tested on 4dpo. lol
@pink- I completely understand and feel for you.