anyone else starting clomid next month, or can share their clomid experiences?

Hi hopeful,

I am so sorry for what you are experiencing at the moment. I even don't want to imagine how you feel. I really hope that you are wrong and the little bean is still there holding you strongly.....

Hugs from me :hugs:.
Hopeful, I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this. Fingers crossed you will have some definitive answers soon. There is absolutely still hope that your little bean will be ok! Thinking of you, sending big hugs your way!
Hopeful <3 I really hope this all passes and everything is fine. How are you holding up? Sending my prayers for you my dear, hang in there.
I'm so, so sorry you are going through this, Hopeful. Big hugs xx

Sorry AF arrived Steph. Hope next cycle with the next doctor is the one!

How annoying that you have to wait until Feb, Trina. When are you having your bloods done?

Sounds like you have a good plan for this cycle, Skarcm - are you not on any meds at all?

AFM - I'm 5DPO and thought I would be able to keep busy with Christmas coming up and all, but it's not working. Time is dragging. I decided that I'm not going to test this cycle unless AF is late (I probably said that last cycle, but I really mean it this time - DH is going to hide my test stash!). I am pretty confident after 3 previous ovulatory cycles that I have a 13 day LP, so if AF doesn't show up by 14DPO, I will test.

Not sure what we will do if I get a BFN. My clinic wants me to do 4 more cycles of Clomid unmonitored but I'm not sure how comfortable I feel with that. Maybe I will take a break and then get back on the Clomid...
I'm so, so sorry you are going through this, Hopeful. Big hugs xx

Sorry AF arrived Steph. Hope next cycle with the next doctor is the one!

How annoying that you have to wait until Feb, Trina. When are you having your bloods done?

Sounds like you have a good plan for this cycle, Skarcm - are you not on any meds at all?

AFM - I'm 5DPO and thought I would be able to keep busy with Christmas coming up and all, but it's not working. Time is dragging. I decided that I'm not going to test this cycle unless AF is late (I probably said that last cycle, but I really mean it this time - DH is going to hide my test stash!). I am pretty confident after 3 previous ovulatory cycles that I have a 13 day LP, so if AF doesn't show up by 14DPO, I will test.

Not sure what we will do if I get a BFN. My clinic wants me to do 4 more cycles of Clomid unmonitored but I'm not sure how comfortable I feel with that. Maybe I will take a break and then get back on the Clomid...

Good luck this cycle!! I hope you get a special BFP Christmas gift this year! Hopefully with the holiday season the time will go by faster for you this TWW.
I had my second progesterone blood test on day 32, and it showed I didn't ovulate on day 25 like I thought. So those bad ovary pains I was having I'm assuming was a cyst, I wonder if that contributed to me not ovulating? My FS didn't seem worried enough about it to even do an ultrasound. So I'm waiting to February for meds (talk about tortue), in the meantime I'm just going to try to exercise lots and eat healthy in preparation for hopeful BFP...
Hopeful: I'm so sorry about everything that you are going through right now. I'm praying for you and your little bean. :hugs:

Trina: Sorry you didn't ovulate. That happened to me on my first cycle of clomid. Only my body is wacky and I had a cyst burst on the left, but I did end up managing to ovulate on the right.

Lemonade: I have not taken any meds this cycle, except for my vitamins. I had a +OPK last Thursday and my boobs are sore, so I've put in an email to my doctor requesting a progesterone test this week. She is pretty good about ordering it so I'm hoping she will.

AFM: I'm CD3 and think I may feel to good to have caught the egg, but I'm telling myself that it is still so early that there is still a possibility.
Hi ladies, been a while since I've been on here. I ended up having a 42 day cycle (third month on clomid) as I didn't ovulate until cd27. Specialist has increased dose to 75mg for my fourth cycle. I'm now cd12 and waiting to ovulate. I'll start temping soon so I can see when I ovulate. Feeling a little fed up that in now on my 4th month and no pregnancy yet :(
Mummydonz: I understand your frustration. Hopefully this higher dose will bring you a good strong BFP.

AFM: I did not take any fertility meds this cycle. I just wanted to give my body a break. I did get a positive OPK last Thursday. I emailed my doctor to see if she would order a progesterone test. Her nurse ordered and had me do it yesterday, even though I think that was actually a couple of days early. Anyway, the results are back and I did ovulate on my own, so now I just wait and see what next week brings.
Skarcm, wonderful news about your ovulation!! Keep us posted. Hope you don't mind me asking, but before you were on clomid were you ovulating on your own as well? I'm on a 2 month break from meds and am hoping maybe the clomid woke up my ovaries...we will see. I'm on day 39 of an anovulatory cycle and I'm spotting so I think AF will be here any day.
Skarcm, wonderful news about your ovulation!! Keep us posted. Hope you don't mind me asking, but before you were on clomid were you ovulating on your own as well? I'm on a 2 month break from meds and am hoping maybe the clomid woke up my ovaries...we will see. I'm on day 39 of an anovulatory cycle and I'm spotting so I think AF will be here any day.

Trina: when my weight was down I did ovulate on my own, but now that I'm more over weight it is to much. I have diabetes and a thyroid problem, which on top of PCOS makes loosing weight very tough.
Skarcm, wonderful news about your ovulation!! Keep us posted. Hope you don't mind me asking, but before you were on clomid were you ovulating on your own as well? I'm on a 2 month break from meds and am hoping maybe the clomid woke up my ovaries...we will see. I'm on day 39 of an anovulatory cycle and I'm spotting so I think AF will be here any day.

Trina: when my weight was down I did ovulate on my own, but now that I'm more over weight it is to much. I have diabetes and a thyroid problem, which on top of PCOS makes loosing weight very tough.

I'm so pleased for you that you are ovulating on your own this time around. FX for you this cycle!:)
Hi, girls, I started this month for first time taking clomid from CD2 to CD6. My question is: Can clomid make you ovulate early? I am CD11 at the moment and I had some ovarian pain at CD8. My temp started rising but it is not a jump? Thanks. GL. :kiss:
Hi, girls, I started this month for first time taking clomid from CD2 to CD6. My question is: Can clomid make you ovulate early? I am CD11 at the moment and I had some ovarian pain at CD8. My temp started rising but it is not a jump? Thanks. GL. :kiss:

Hi, I'm now on my fourth round but on my first cycle I had terrible ovary pain and ovulated early on cd12. However, that progressively got later. Last cycle I ovulated cd27. I'm now on 75mg so we'll see this month. I'm also taking it days 2-6. Hope this helps.
Hello girls.
Just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and lots of baby dust for the new year!
Skarcm - great news that you ovulated naturally. How many DPO are you now?

Welcome Daisy!

Thanks SS! How is baby?

AFM - No need to test, AF showed her ugly face today, right on time at 13DPO :(:( Feeling pretty down that I didn't get a BFP for Christmas, or in 2013 at all.

I'm still not sure what I want to do re: Clomid, but I know that I do NOT want to take it over Christmas. I really can't handle the crazy side effects over the festive season. So, I guess you can add me to the "taking a break" club for now. I am hoping that I ovulate naturally, but I doubt it given my past record. I will either take Clomid later in my cycle or induce with Provera at CD 30. Not sure!

Good luck everyone :)
Hi ladies, can I join you? I don't think I'll ever catch up on an 88-page thread, but I'll try to keep up from here.

Quick summary on me: I conceived DD after 8 months of trying; she will be 3 in February. When we were ready for another, we were thrilled to conceive again on our 2nd cycle of trying, but sadly that ended in m/c at 6 weeks. :cry: Now we have unexplained secondary infertility. I have never had any trouble ovulating on my own, and my periods are regular, but we've tried for 3 cycles after my HSG (this cycle will be my fourth since HSG, but we are taking it easy since I'm to ovulate just before Christmas and it's going to be so hectic as it is). So I guess Clomid is the next step. I'm meeting with my Dr to discuss it on the 31st of this month.

Wishing you all the best. <3
Skarcm - great news that you ovulated naturally. How many DPO are you now?

Welcome Daisy!

Thanks SS! How is baby?

AFM - No need to test, AF showed her ugly face today, right on time at 13DPO :(:( Feeling pretty down that I didn't get a BFP for Christmas, or in 2013 at all.

I'm still not sure what I want to do re: Clomid, but I know that I do NOT want to take it over Christmas. I really can't handle the crazy side effects over the festive season. So, I guess you can add me to the "taking a break" club for now. I am hoping that I ovulate naturally, but I doubt it given my past record. I will either take Clomid later in my cycle or induce with Provera at CD 30. Not sure!

Good luck everyone :)

Lemonade, welcome to the taking a break club :). I hope you have a lovely Christmas and will enjoy your time without any side effects. I hope you enjoy the holiday season, and here's hoping you get a Christmas taking a break BFP :)

Welcome eyemom! As you ovulate on your own you will likely have no issues ovulating on clomid! Clomid can give a stronger ovulation resulting in a better chance of successful pregnancy. Best of luck to you hun!

AFM, here I am on my anovulatory clomid cycle. I am on day 45 and just spotting brown, I only need a liner all day. Ive had a week of spotting now.
On my other anovulatory clomid cycle I spotted for 4 days then had full AF, so I don't know if my hormones are a little crazy from the clomid or what..or maybe this very light spotting is my AF this cycle? I had progesterone tests done day 23 and 32 and my progesterone was only around 1.3 at the time. I have had sore breasts off and on, just hormones out of wack? I'm happy I'm on a clomid break as I would have no idea when to start my next pack. Does anyone have any insight as to what I should do? My doc has me taking a break until February before I can start back on clomid, in the meantime should I just wait out this spotting or have it checked? I haven't tested but I may do that just to rule it out, although as per the progesterone tests I highly doubt I'm pregnant.
Skarcm - great news that you ovulated naturally. How many DPO are you now?

Welcome Daisy!

Thanks SS! How is baby?

AFM - No need to test, AF showed her ugly face today, right on time at 13DPO :(:( Feeling pretty down that I didn't get a BFP for Christmas, or in 2013 at all.

I'm still not sure what I want to do re: Clomid, but I know that I do NOT want to take it over Christmas. I really can't handle the crazy side effects over the festive season. So, I guess you can add me to the "taking a break" club for now. I am hoping that I ovulate naturally, but I doubt it given my past record. I will either take Clomid later in my cycle or induce with Provera at CD 30. Not sure!

Good luck everyone :)

Lemonade, welcome to the taking a break club :). I hope you have a lovely Christmas and will enjoy your time without any side effects. I hope you enjoy the holiday season, and here's hoping you get a Christmas taking a break BFP :)

Welcome eyemom! As you ovulate on your own you will likely have no issues ovulating on clomid! Clomid can give a stronger ovulation resulting in a better chance of successful pregnancy. Best of luck to you hun!

AFM, here I am on my anovulatory clomid cycle. I am on day 45 and just spotting brown, I only need a liner all day. Ive had a week of spotting now.
On my other anovulatory clomid cycle I spotted for 4 days then had full AF, so I don't know if my hormones are a little crazy from the clomid or what..or maybe this very light spotting is my AF this cycle? I had progesterone tests done day 23 and 32 and my progesterone was only around 1.3 at the time. I have had sore breasts off and on, just hormones out of wack? I'm happy I'm on a clomid break as I would have no idea when to start my next pack. Does anyone have any insight as to what I should do? My doc has me taking a break until February before I can start back on clomid, in the meantime should I just wait out this spotting or have it checked? I haven't tested but I may do that just to rule it out, although as per the progesterone tests I highly doubt I'm pregnant.
Welcome eyemom! I hope your journey on Clomid is short and that you have #2 on the way soon :)

I'm not sure Trina. I guess you could ask your doctor if you can induce a proper AF with Progesterone, but then again it might not get any heavier if you have a thin lining anyway. I don't think there is any problem with starting Clomid without having a full AF as long as you are sure you are not pregnant.

AFM - I'm having the weirdest AF ever. I'm pretty much only spotting old/brown blood (sorry if that's TMI!) and have been since 13DPO. That is usually how my period starts, but only for about the first 12 hours, not 3 days! I recorded it on FF as light flow, but I'm not sure it's even that. Am I 15 DPO or CD 3?! I have no idea. I have tested and it is negative, so I don't think I'm pregnant. The only thing I can think of is that Clomid has really, really affected my lining and I don't have anything to shed (would also explain why I'm not getting pregnant). Anyone have any experience? It's so weird.

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