Anyone else starting IVF October/November 2015?

Hi Zelly welcome to this thread. Infertility is something so hard to share with others that haven't gone through it. Caught up with some mothers today and they asked whether I am going to try for another one.

I wish I could but I can't try naturally so it made me a bit upset. Thank goodness for this board.

Zelly Oct is around the corner very excited for you.

Wanna sorry that your local clinic didn't work out for you but it is great that you can now thank your doctor.

Afm I called today to make an appointment 23 sept. They want to do a few blood test etc hope everything is fine. Don't think I will start my cycle until November. Another problem is my period hasn't came since 20 July very late due to the mini pill. I stopped taking it now but hoping I don't get a painful heavy period due to my endometriosis!

Can't wait to hear about everyone's cycles.

Thanks hun. I think everything happens for a reason so I think ultimatly despite having to drive further for my FET I will probably have a better outcome in the end, with hopfully a BFP! :thumbup:

Good luck with your tests, blood work and appointment. I hope that everything goes great and you can move forward! :dust::dust:

Hey, can I join you? We are looking to start our process at the end of November. We have had three failed iuis, dh has severely low sperm count. He has tried many things to help it, clomid for 6 months, supplements, and varicocele repair. I have "weak ovulation " but responded extremely well to letrozole. We have waited a long time before deciding on ivf because of the money. Our re told us that she thinks that we have really high chances since I have no real issues, especially if we do icsi. We have come to an idea to help out a little. We already have almost everything we need as far as baby items go, so we will not have a baby shower after I'm expecting. Instead we will have a help us have a baby shower. I will have all of our family and friends donate whatever amount they would spend on a gift to our ivf. And whatever is left we will take out a loan. I'm super excited!

Hope I can join in too! My DH also has low sperm ct and quality. Md said we should go straight to IVF and we just had our retrieval this morning. Hope to transfer in Oct depending on how many embryos we have!!! Praying hard for those little eggs! It took us a while to decide on IVF also bc of cost and ultimately decided on taking out a loan. We did ICSI bc they said d/t DH counts it would be the only option! He also did cloud, supplements and varicocele repair which made the latter made all his counts etc worse so that was a HUGE disappointment! And the fact that you have to wait for at least 3 to 5 months after sx. Hope all works out for you guys!!!! Let me know if u need someone to talk to!

Welcome to the group!:flower: Good luck and baby dust to you for your transfer! How many eggs did you get? I hope you get lots of healthy embryos! :dust::dust: I hope you get a BFP! :dust::dust: My DH has a low sperm count also because he had a vasectomy reversal from one he had that was 14 years old! We didn't have any luck after either, but I also have infertility problems too that are listed in my siggy. :dohh:

Hi ladies, can I join? I went for my baseline scan today and they found a cyst. They want me to wait until October to check if it is gone. If it goes I will start in October, so fingers crossed.

Welcome to the group!:flower: Fingers crossed that your cyst goes away and that you an move forward with your IVF cylce soon!:hugs: Good luck and baby dust to you hun! :dust::dust:
A small detail I forgot to mention about my visit with the new DR at the new fertility clinic that I was considering is that he was asking about my old fertility clinic and what the name of the Dr is there. He was saying how they have the spa, massage and acupuncturist there and if I had done any of that before my cycle. I did say that I stuck to the basics although I don't think there is anything wrong with using those services, I am all for whatever will help someone have success during their cycle! However the RE was making jokes about my other DR and how he is into the holistic healing stuff,etc. I just shrugged it off and acted like I thought it was funny. I know he was joking but I am not really sure that was appropriate. Plus the office there is not even close to being as nice as my old fertility clinic. I was thinking, yeah dude you wish your office was as nice as theirs! :growlmad: LOL! I didn't get angry personally because I am not really sensitive to many things at this point since I have been through so much with the infertility stuff. But I could see how he might rub someone the wrong way. When I was reading the reviews about him some people didn't care for his sense of humor. Well regardless I am not going, there and I won't even be going there for the monitoring, I am going to a different fertility office. I was also asking him about that additional test he wanted to do where he looked into my uterus with a camera and if it was painful. He said he doesn't think so since I had twins. jokingly... Hmmm, funny or not? Who knows, well it still doesn't mean it wouldn't be painful to do it. Well thankfully I am not doing that mess anyways.

What do you girls think? Weird stuff right?:wacko:
Wanna: Yeah he doesn't sound like a very nice person. Might be a good thing you decided to go with your original clinic:thumbup: I think it's important that you find your RE likeable, especially if you end up needing more IVF/FET tries than just 1. I'd only consider going with someone like that if he had insanely better results compared to other REs but he probably doesn't.

I found my RE at the clinic we did our IUIs at to be very nice but we didn't have much to do with her during the actual treatment, it was 3 of the nurses I had much more contact with (1 of them I wasn't very fond of but she seemed to be good at her job so put up with her on the days I had her).

Wow now I'm really nervous about meeting my RE at the hospital:wacko: I just checked out the Fertility Clinic Unit's webpage and can only find 1 RE but that can't be right, not when they have about 350 couples at a time:wacko:

UPDATE: So I was on reddit in the "raised by narcissists" section and this one woman wrote this after mentioning how wonderful having kids is but that the first year is this (she was commenting someone that had her narcissistic father tell her not to have kids because they're a mistake):

it actually was the worst year of my life due to lack of sleep, human interaction, and even basic necessities like 'being able to use the bathroom for just a few minutes without a baby crying outside the door thinking you've died and left them forever.'

I took a bit of offence to this so wrote to her:

Be careful saying things like this as infertile women, like myself, would do just about anything to experience that! I've been trying for almost 2 years, have had 6 failed IUIs with injectables and will be starting IVF in Oct/Nov. So yeah, comments like that are a red flag to couples dealing with infertility.

And a couple of people, perhaps including her, downvoted me so I went from 1 point to -1. Don't know what's up with that.

To make things worse, she wrote to me and told me she tried for almost 2 years and needed medical help to have her baby :wacko: She told me she wants to be honest and be open about how difficult it is to have children so anyone wanting kids is better prepared. I just don't get it.
Hi everyone, can I join? I will be doing a FET with my transfer set for early November. I have just come off of my IVF cycle which resulted in a chemical. I am still kinda dealing with that emotionally but am looking forward to this FET.

Good luck to everyone!
Wanna: Yeah he doesn't sound like a very nice person. Might be a good thing you decided to go with your original clinic:thumbup: I think it's important that you find your RE likeable, especially if you end up needing more IVF/FET tries than just 1. I'd only consider going with someone like that if he had insanely better results compared to other REs but he probably doesn't.

I found my RE at the clinic we did our IUIs at to be very nice but we didn't have much to do with her during the actual treatment, it was 3 of the nurses I had much more contact with (1 of them I wasn't very fond of but she seemed to be good at her job so put up with her on the days I had her).

Wow now I'm really nervous about meeting my RE at the hospital:wacko: I just checked out the Fertility Clinic Unit's webpage and can only find 1 RE but that can't be right, not when they have about 350 couples at a time:wacko:

UPDATE: So I was on reddit in the "raised by narcissists" section and this one woman wrote this after mentioning how wonderful having kids is but that the first year is this (she was commenting someone that had her narcissistic father tell her not to have kids because they're a mistake):

it actually was the worst year of my life due to lack of sleep, human interaction, and even basic necessities like 'being able to use the bathroom for just a few minutes without a baby crying outside the door thinking you've died and left them forever.'

I took a bit of offence to this so wrote to her:

Be careful saying things like this as infertile women, like myself, would do just about anything to experience that! I've been trying for almost 2 years, have had 6 failed IUIs with injectables and will be starting IVF in Oct/Nov. So yeah, comments like that are a red flag to couples dealing with infertility.

And a couple of people, perhaps including her, downvoted me so I went from 1 point to -1. Don't know what's up with that.

To make things worse, she wrote to me and told me she tried for almost 2 years and needed medical help to have her baby :wacko: She told me she wants to be honest and be open about how difficult it is to have children so anyone wanting kids is better prepared. I just don't get it.

I hope you like your RE once you get to meet them! :thumbup: Good luck! :thumbup: I think it is a good idea to write down any questions that you might have and have a note pad and pen to write down what the RE says. My mind always draws a blank when I am in a situation like that. :dohh:

I am sorry that the lady on the message boards you are on upset you with her comments about being a mom. Big hugs to you hun! :hugs: Yes, being a Mom can be challenging, but the love you feel for your child and all of the wonderful moments you share with your child outweigh those difficult times.

Hi everyone, can I join? I will be doing a FET with my transfer set for early November. I have just come off of my IVF cycle which resulted in a chemical. I am still kinda dealing with that emotionally but am looking forward to this FET.

Good luck to everyone!

Welcome to the group! :hugs:This is a lovely group of ladies! :flower: Girls, this is my friend from the boards, the two of us go way back! :winkwink: Good luck with your FET hun! :dust::dust:
Wanna: Yeah he doesn't sound like a very nice person. Might be a good thing you decided to go with your original clinic:thumbup: I think it's important that you find your RE likeable, especially if you end up needing more IVF/FET tries than just 1. I'd only consider going with someone like that if he had insanely better results compared to other REs but he probably doesn't.

I found my RE at the clinic we did our IUIs at to be very nice but we didn't have much to do with her during the actual treatment, it was 3 of the nurses I had much more contact with (1 of them I wasn't very fond of but she seemed to be good at her job so put up with her on the days I had her).

Wow now I'm really nervous about meeting my RE at the hospital:wacko: I just checked out the Fertility Clinic Unit's webpage and can only find 1 RE but that can't be right, not when they have about 350 couples at a time:wacko:

UPDATE: So I was on reddit in the "raised by narcissists" section and this one woman wrote this after mentioning how wonderful having kids is but that the first year is this (she was commenting someone that had her narcissistic father tell her not to have kids because they're a mistake):

it actually was the worst year of my life due to lack of sleep, human interaction, and even basic necessities like 'being able to use the bathroom for just a few minutes without a baby crying outside the door thinking you've died and left them forever.'

I took a bit of offence to this so wrote to her:

Be careful saying things like this as infertile women, like myself, would do just about anything to experience that! I've been trying for almost 2 years, have had 6 failed IUIs with injectables and will be starting IVF in Oct/Nov. So yeah, comments like that are a red flag to couples dealing with infertility.

And a couple of people, perhaps including her, downvoted me so I went from 1 point to -1. Don't know what's up with that.

To make things worse, she wrote to me and told me she tried for almost 2 years and needed medical help to have her baby :wacko: She told me she wants to be honest and be open about how difficult it is to have children so anyone wanting kids is better prepared. I just don't get it.

I hope you like your RE once you get to meet them! :thumbup: Good luck! :thumbup: I think it is a good idea to write down any questions that you might have and have a note pad and pen to write down what the RE says. My mind always draws a blank when I am in a situation like that. :dohh:

I am sorry that the lady on the message boards you are on upset you with her comments about being a mom. Big hugs to you hun! :hugs: Yes, being a Mom can be challenging, but the love you feel for your child and all of the wonderful moments you share with your child outweigh those difficult times.

Hi everyone, can I join? I will be doing a FET with my transfer set for early November. I have just come off of my IVF cycle which resulted in a chemical. I am still kinda dealing with that emotionally but am looking forward to this FET.

Good luck to everyone!

Welcome to the group! :hugs:This is a lovely group of ladies! :flower: Girls, this is my friend from the boards, the two of us go way back! :winkwink: Good luck with your FET hun! :dust::dust:

LOL, yes we do go way back! thank you so much, so happy to be on this roller coaster again with you!:happydance::happydance:
Welcome ttcbaby we might be doing a FET Together. So sorry for your lost. When we had our miscarried four years ago I cried my eyes out and refused to go to work for a little while.

With time it gets better and especially with a bfp!!!

How many are you thinking of transferring? We only have one so hoping this is another good quality blastocyst that turns into another adorable baby
I hope you don't mind me butting in! KatO79 - do kind of understand what that woman is saying. Although form our perspective (I am due to start IVF too) having a baby is EVERYTHING and the idea of complaining when we achieve that seems unimaginable, we have to remember that life is not a bunch of roses for those who have young babies. They have a huge amount of stress and responsibility and their life has changed, sometimes not how they are expecting. I am most not having a pop at you at all. But sometimes I have to remind myself that the whole world can not always consider my feelings, and that other people who can have children, have a hard time too and sometimes they need to talk about it. As I'm sure we will when it is our turn.
Welcome ttcbaby we might be doing a FET Together. So sorry for your lost. When we had our miscarried four years ago I cried my eyes out and refused to go to work for a little while.

With time it gets better and especially with a bfp!!!

How many are you thinking of transferring? We only have one so hoping this is another good quality blastocyst that turns into another adorable baby

Awesome we can do this together! We are transferring 2 which is what the dr recommended. She said we have 4 so two FET but I'm hoping we only need one! She is adding heparin to my cycle as she feels it will help with implantation.

I got my FET calender today and wow fets take really long. Starting with BCPs then lupron in September and FET transfer isn't till November 10th!!
Welcome to Cherub714, Asterimou, ttcbaby117 and Lilly Pud:flower:

I hope you don't mind me butting in! KatO79 - do kind of understand what that woman is saying. Although form our perspective (I am due to start IVF too) having a baby is EVERYTHING and the idea of complaining when we achieve that seems unimaginable, we have to remember that life is not a bunch of roses for those who have young babies. They have a huge amount of stress and responsibility and their life has changed, sometimes not how they are expecting. I am most not having a pop at you at all. But sometimes I have to remind myself that the whole world can not always consider my feelings, and that other people who can have children, have a hard time too and sometimes they need to talk about it. As I'm sure we will when it is our turn.

I totally get that having a baby is hard work and challenging and I don't mind people saying that. I objected mostly to her saying it was "the worst year" of her life though, I found that harsh and sad, especially when she took almost 2 years to conceive:nope:

ttcbaby117: I'm so sorry for your loss :( I hope that your FET goes well and you get a super sticky BFP :dust:

wanna: I might just do that although I don't have many questions about the actual IVF. I've read a good deal about it and understand what it's about. It would be questions about our situation if anything.
Thanks Kat. This truly is a is a roller coaster ride. Im just happy to have all you ladies to help me through it
Thanks for the welcome ladies and hello to all the new ladies :)

I am currently waiting for AF to show so I can call the clinic to book my next appt on day 19 to get all the drugs ill be taking. Had my blood test results through which show my egg reserve is good and should respond well to stimulation which is good

Hope you're all having a nice weekend. Raining where I am and meant to all weekend. Great!!!
@Zelly, thanks! :flower: I hope you have a good weekend also. DH & I are just relaxing and staying in this weekend sinCe he has a lot of school work to do, so it is a lazy weekend for us. The Weather has been really pretty though! The leaves already started to Change here, and I noticed them baCk at the beginning of August. I Can't believe that Summer is almost done and Fall is almost here already!

AFM, I had my phone Consultation today with my original RE and it went well. I told him that it was thanks to them that we had our twins and told him how they arrived early at 28 weeks, and are healthy despite developmental delays. We talked about my 3 remaining embryos and he said that they are of very high quality so based on my First IVF where we put back 3 embryos and I ended up with the twins. He recommends just putting back 1 embryo just because of what happened to me with the twins and because the embryos are of such great quality.

I think I am going to take his advice, and that was also what the other RE said as well. I woud be really scared if it was twins again due to the risk of having preemies again and my short Cervix. It would be wonderful to have a healthy full term baby and pregnanCy without the lengthy NICU stay! So I will just do the 1 embryo and if it doesn't work than I would use my 2 that are left in another FET. My fertility CliniC offers finanCing so if we needed it DH and i would take advantage of that to help out with the Costs of repeating the CyCle again. We disCussed the meds I would be on for the FET and the DR will be putting in the RX's so I Can order them soon. I didn't do birth Control for my first IVF so i won't be on that this time. I will be on lupron, ESTROGEN, PROGESTERONE SHOTS, AND THE VAGINAL INSERTS.

I am still debating on the time frames as to when we will do the FET though and I haven't made my mind up if I am ready to do it in OCtober or November or wait until the Spring. I won't want to drive the 4.5 hours in the winter so if I didn't make it by Nov, than I would be looking at Spring. DH wants us to wait longer to have #3 and have the twins be turning 4 by the time the next baby arrives vrs them being 3. I think he just feels overwhelmed right now. I still am trying to make up my mind what to do as far as timing for the FET. :wacko: DH seems set on waiting now though so I am disappointed because I wasn't ready to wait as long as he wants to wait now. I am not getting any younger!
I am still debating on the time frames as to when we will do the FET though and I haven't made my mind up if I am ready to do it in OCtober or November or wait until the Spring. I won't want to drive the 4.5 hours in the winter so if I didn't make it by Nov, than I would be looking at Spring. DH wants us to wait longer to have #3 and have the twins be turning 4 by the time the next baby arrives vrs them being 3. I think he just feels overwhelmed right now. I still am trying to make up my mind what to do as far as timing for the FET. :wacko: DH seems set on waiting now though so I am disappointed because I wasn't ready to wait as long as he wants to wait now. I am not getting any younger!

Hmmm I don't think I'd wait another year in your situation either. Isn't your DH out a bit late with saying this? I'd have a talk with him and see if you can't find a compromise if he's really set against doing the FET within the next 3-6 months.

AFM AF is on her way (starting to cramp and bleed) but I had a feeling she would so not too disappointed:shrug: I honestly think we have an issue and really do need IVF to get pregnant. AF is definitely delayed by at least 1 day which is good, I'm hoping she'll be delayed again by 1-2 days more next cycle as well so if we'll be doing the short protocol, we can start right after our 1st meeting with the RE.
Sorry about AF KAT. For us LTTTCer's it is always hard to see her rear her ugly head.

Anyone have any advice on what supplements to take or what we can do to help during a FET?

I did a lot of supplements during my second IVF and I do believe they worked as I got many more eggs and of much better quality. I would like to do something for my lining during my FET but have googled and haven't really found anything concrete which I found shocking.
Good question ttc baby I am really not sure.

I have another problem my period haven't returned properly since stopping breast feeding. I emailed my RE he said he will fix it for me. I assume I have to take drugs?

I fear my transfer won't be for a while
Sorry about AF KAT. For us LTTTCer's it is always hard to see her rear her ugly head.

Anyone have any advice on what supplements to take or what we can do to help during a FET?

I did a lot of supplements during my second IVF and I do believe they worked as I got many more eggs and of much better quality. I would like to do something for my lining during my FET but have googled and haven't really found anything concrete which I found shocking.

Thanks ttcbaby117, although I was like almost 100% sure she was going to turn up as I hadn't been experiencing any of the symptoms I had during my chemical back in April 2014.

Hmmm I have no idea what actually works but found an article with some suggestions:

I'm assuming you're already taking prenatal/pregnancy vitamins with folic acid?

Good question ttc baby I am really not sure.

I have another problem my period haven't returned properly since stopping breast feeding. I emailed my RE he said he will fix it for me. I assume I have to take drugs?

I fear my transfer won't be for a while

I don't know much about it but your RE will probably give you some sort of drug to induce AF. I hope it works and that you won't have to delay your FET :flower:
I am still debating on the time frames as to when we will do the FET though and I haven't made my mind up if I am ready to do it in OCtober or November or wait until the Spring. I won't want to drive the 4.5 hours in the winter so if I didn't make it by Nov, than I would be looking at Spring. DH wants us to wait longer to have #3 and have the twins be turning 4 by the time the next baby arrives vrs them being 3. I think he just feels overwhelmed right now. I still am trying to make up my mind what to do as far as timing for the FET. :wacko: DH seems set on waiting now though so I am disappointed because I wasn't ready to wait as long as he wants to wait now. I am not getting any younger!

Hmmm I don't think I'd wait another year in your situation either. Isn't your DH out a bit late with saying this? I'd have a talk with him and see if you can't find a compromise if he's really set against doing the FET within the next 3-6 months.

AFM AF is on her way (starting to cramp and bleed) but I had a feeling she would so not too disappointed:shrug: I honestly think we have an issue and really do need IVF to get pregnant. AF is definitely delayed by at least 1 day which is good, I'm hoping she'll be delayed again by 1-2 days more next cycle as well so if we'll be doing the short protocol, we can start right after our 1st meeting with the RE.

Yeah, I have been talking to him about the FET cycle for a while now, he seemed to be on board a while back when I first started talking about it, but I think as it is getting closer and becoming a reality he is starting to freak out and wanting to wait longer. :dohh: I also think that since the twins are developmentally delayed and are taking longer to reach their milestones, that DH thinks they will be a lot of work still and not where most full term 3 year olds are.

I think the fact that DH is in college full time working on his masters has an impact on his view of everything. Thankfully DH only has one more semester of college classes left after he finishes up the one he is in now. I think he has about 2 weeks left in his current semester and than he gets about 2 weeks off for his break in between classes. So the only tough thing is he finishes up in the winter, so if he gives me the green light to do the FET I would be driving in the snow 4.5 hours to my clinic, otherwise I would be a waiting until Spring. I am still holding out hope that I can sway him to give me the green light sooner than later, and get this done in the Fall!

Sorry about AF KAT. For us LTTTCer's it is always hard to see her rear her ugly head.

Anyone have any advice on what supplements to take or what we can do to help during a FET?

I did a lot of supplements during my second IVF and I do believe they worked as I got many more eggs and of much better quality. I would like to do something for my lining during my FET but have googled and haven't really found anything concrete which I found shocking.

i wish I had some suggestions hun! I could also use this information as well! In general I am going to try to eat really healthy, cut out my caffeine, cut out artificial sweetners, get back on my prenatal vitamins and take my folic acid again! I am going to do a google search as well and see what I can find and let you know if I come up with anything helpful!:thumbup:

Good question ttc baby I am really not sure.

I have another problem my period haven't returned properly since stopping breast feeding. I emailed my RE he said he will fix it for me. I assume I have to take drugs?

I fear my transfer won't be for a while

Sorry your AF isn't coperating! :hugs: I hope it comes soon so you can move forward with your transfer! Good luck! :dust::dust:
Good question ttc baby I am really not sure.

I have another problem my period haven't returned properly since stopping breast feeding. I emailed my RE he said he will fix it for me. I assume I have to take drugs?

I fear my transfer won't be for a while

He will give you some pills which will induce a bleed so you can start your fet. I believe it is called provera. You should be okay, he will get you sorted.

Sorry about AF KAT. For us LTTTCer's it is always hard to see her rear her ugly head.

Anyone have any advice on what supplements to take or what we can do to help during a FET?

I did a lot of supplements during my second IVF and I do believe they worked as I got many more eggs and of much better quality. I would like to do something for my lining during my FET but have googled and haven't really found anything concrete which I found shocking.

Thanks ttcbaby117, although I was like almost 100% sure she was going to turn up as I hadn't been experiencing any of the symptoms I had during my chemical back in April 2014.

Hmmm I have no idea what actually works but found an article with some suggestions:

I'm assuming you're already taking prenatal/pregnancy vitamins with folic acid?

Thanks! I will check out the website. I do take a prenatal with DHA and folic acid but that is really it.

AFM AF is on her way (starting to cramp and bleed) but I had a feeling she would so not too disappointed:shrug: I honestly think we have an issue and really do need IVF to get pregnant. AF is definitely delayed by at least 1 day which is good, I'm hoping she'll be delayed again by 1-2 days more next cycle as well so if we'll be doing the short protocol, we can start right after our 1st meeting with the RE.

Yeah, I have been talking to him about the FET cycle for a while now, he seemed to be on board a while back when I first started talking about it, but I think as it is getting closer and becoming a reality he is starting to freak out and wanting to wait longer. :dohh: I also think that since the twins are developmentally delayed and are taking longer to reach their milestones, that DH thinks they will be a lot of work still and not where most full term 3 year olds are.

I think the fact that DH is in college full time working on his masters has an impact on his view of everything. Thankfully DH only has one more semester of college classes left after he finishes up the one he is in now. I think he has about 2 weeks left in his current semester and than he gets about 2 weeks off for his break in between classes. So the only tough thing is he finishes up in the winter, so if he gives me the green light to do the FET I would be driving in the snow 4.5 hours to my clinic, otherwise I would be a waiting until Spring. I am still holding out hope that I can sway him to give me the green light sooner than later, and get this done in the Fall!

Good luck hun, I do hope you can sway him also! Maybe once school is over for him, he can think about it with a less cluttered mind.
Yeah, I have been talking to him about the FET cycle for a while now, he seemed to be on board a while back when I first started talking about it, but I think as it is getting closer and becoming a reality he is starting to freak out and wanting to wait longer. :dohh: I also think that since the twins are developmentally delayed and are taking longer to reach their milestones, that DH thinks they will be a lot of work still and not where most full term 3 year olds are.

I think the fact that DH is in college full time working on his masters has an impact on his view of everything. Thankfully DH only has one more semester of college classes left after he finishes up the one he is in now. I think he has about 2 weeks left in his current semester and than he gets about 2 weeks off for his break in between classes. So the only tough thing is he finishes up in the winter, so if he gives me the green light to do the FET I would be driving in the snow 4.5 hours to my clinic, otherwise I would be a waiting until Spring. I am still holding out hope that I can sway him to give me the green light sooner than later, and get this done in the Fall!

It's most likely a combination of school and the twins being behind. Perhaps when he gets closer to being finished, he'll relax a bit more. Try and talk to him during his 2 week break were he's more relaxed and probably easier to talk to.

AFM AF is pretty much over but I don't know, my heart is definitely not in it this cycle so looking forward to our meeting on the 28th which is still a little over 3 weeks away:dohh:

A friend of mine (she's turning 33 but is mentally closer to 21 if you get me and pretty insecure about herself) is now talking about marriage and having kids with her most recent boyfriend that just moved in with her - he's 21-22 :wacko: She met him in college as she's started trying for her Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (although DH and I think she lacks the right personality to be an engineer, especially as a leader). She talked about me and her being pregnant at the same time, her with her 1st and me with a 2nd since she wants to wait a bit although I had to break it to her and tell her there may very well not be a 2nd even if we're so fortunate as to get pregnant with #1. She seems to have a back-up plan that if the relationship doesn't last, she'll use a sperm donor. It worries me because I don't think she can handle having children, I don't think she realizes what a lifetime commitment they are and is blinded by the cute. I can just imagine her sharing too much about her problems with her kids if e.g. he ends up leaving her later on after they've had the kids.

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