Well it is officially a negative did the digital and came back not pregnant
Sorry to hear that

When the time is right it will happen

I'm just so grateful for my LO as it took us 15months of actively ttc with him.
Now that I am NTNP, it doesn't bother me as much to see a BFN.
How long did it take with your 1st?
I didn't think I would be that bummed but obviously wanted it a bit more than I thought! I am still confused though because my period has already pretty much just gone only spotting which is strange I only had one day of what I would call light flow but I am still breastfeeding so could be that!
It took us 3 and a half years to conceive my lo. I was on herbal assistants from a naturopath and all sorts as my progesterone levels are very very low so some times I don't ovulate for months at a time! The month we decided to stop trying as we were planning a trip to the us is the month we fell pregnant lol always the way so we are just going to try a more relaxed if it happens happens approach I think I just hope it doesn't take as long this time.
Is there fertility reasons why it took you the 15 months or just one of those things?