Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

Well hopefully!! I can't believe how lucky you got on your first try you must be so relieved!! According to my temp chart today I am at the start of my fertility window with my cm and temp and cervix position so let's hope for this month and if so we should be bump buddies! Do you have a little boy or little girl? Where are you from? Are you in the yellow team or do you like to know what's going on? Lol sorry for all the questions just thought I would get to know you lol
Have you had reg. periods even though you are bf'ing? I know when i was bf'ing i didn't ovulate at all.

I have a little boy. 8months old! He is a busy boy, crawls all around the house and gets into everything but I love it :)
I live in the US. I live very close to Canada so I experience all 4 seasons. We get LOTS of snow here!!
Am I on the yellow team? lol not sure what that means? But ya I do like to know everything thats going on, I def. want to find out the sex.

Do you have a boy or girl? How old?
I really hope you do get a bfp soon! We could be hormonal bump buddies together! lol :haha: Dh said my mood swings weren't bad at all last pregnancy.
I have had 4 periods now all ranging from 30-38 day cycles which is quite normal for me. But this month was just strange according to my fertility friend chart I ovulated 3 days ago on cd10 because of my temps and things. But who knows I think I am just going to maybe chart for a few months and see how my cycles are going.
Yellow team means not finding out the sex lol sorry should have explained that. It is such a fun and interesting time when they start getting up and about!

I also have a little boy his name is hunter and he is 1 in 5 weeks, he has just started standing on his own and trying to take a step but doesn't have enough balance yet but he is a little terror lol very very cheeky but so full of personality it's great he is good fun!
I also hope I get a bfp sooner rather than later!
I am from aus and I live in a small mining town up towards the top of the country and it is extremely hot here we barely get any rain all year round. I wish we had some snow here it would be great but we are only like a 6 he drive from snow when it's in season, I prefer the cold weather but its good money living where we do. Yeah I wasn't hormonal either with #1 I was really really sick though I threw up every day for 24 weeks I ended up having a shot at around 14 weeks as I lost 7kgs in the matter of like 5 days because I couldn't eat but also still threw up. It was not fun I was hospitalised a few times but I still loved the whole experience! How was your #1 pregnancy?
Are you bf'ing exclusively? For me I did not have a period whatsoever until I completely stopped bf'ing. When do you plan to start weaning?
Wow you threw up every day for 24wks?? Do they know the cause for that?? Was it just a pregnancy symptom?
My 1st one was relatively easy except for my fibroids. I have about 5-6 fibroids and at around 14 wks I had the most unbearable pain ever. I mean DEBILATING pain, I could not move!! just getting out of the bed and moving one leg in front of the next was excrutiating.
so I went into the docs and they said your prolly constipated!!! so i took an enema and it did absolutely nothing. I did not believe I was constipated.
So i started googling like crazy about what i was experiencing and found a forum about Degenerating Fibroids. All the pregnant women had the same pain as me.

Its basically a fibroid dying because the baby is taking the blood away from it. It happened to me at 14,18, and 23wks. Usually lasted about 3-4days. I had to miss work and be bed ridden.
I really hope that doesnt happen this time because I have to take care of LO and dont know how I would manage!
I have already started weaning and hopefully want him completely finished by the time he is 1. And yeah exclusively bf'ing.
The vomiting was just morning (well all day lol) sickness some people have it there whole way through there pregnancy I was glad mine stopped at 24 weeks it would have been awful otherwise.
That sounds awful about your fibroids! Hopefully it won't happen again as it will definitely be more difficult with another one although my sister said she had a great pregnancy with her second because she was to busy to stop an think about the fact that she is pregnant I'd be interested to see if that's the same for a lot of people or not.
So weird for me this month according to temps cm and cp I ovulated on cycle day10 which is extremely early but considering I didn't ovulate last month I don't think that is out of the ordinary lol. But 5dpo now and I am super super tired and feelin cranky and ill but could also be my hormones being wack again lol. Hopin for a sticky bean this month! How are you feeling? Ps I don't know your name so I can never direct a question to you lol.
CD 10 is pretty early if your periods range from 30-38. My periods range from 28-36 and I seem to ovulate exactly 2wks after that first day of my period according to opk's.
Did you feel like you were ovulating last month according to temps and cm too?

I am feeling ok. Stomach feels achy and crampy alot.
DH and I were planning on telling family at thanksgivng about our preg. We were going to have LO where a shirt that says "I've got a secret:", and then on the back say "I am going to be a big brother"

I will be about 7wks by then and my first appt isn't until 9wks.
I keep debating if I want to tell them then or not. I am worried if something were to happen and have to tell them the sad news.
With my 1st, I waited until after my first appt. at 6wks(i had some spotting so I had an early scan)
Its so hard waiting until the first scan!! I keep worrying about the baby and just want to make sure the baby is ok. I havent had any spotting, just really achy down there.

When did you tell your family with 1st?

My name is Dawn. :xmas3:
LO's name is Stephen. :baby:

I really hope its a sticky bean for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dust:
Hi kristie! Wow what a day i had today :cry:
I went shopping with LO and when I came home I had the most intense cramping on my right side. I called my parents over to watch LO and told them I wasn't feeling well and that i was going into the doctors since they don't know i'm preg.
I went into the ER and they had me take a urine test and when i went to take the test i started bleeding! I started balling my eyes out! :cry:
They gave me an transvaginal ultrasound and said they couldn't find the sac since its so early but the urine test did confirm I was pregnant.
So right now I am not sure whats going on. The bleeding is very light now and the cramping is somewhat gone.
My hcg level is at 400 and they want me to come back in 2days to get my blood redrawn.
When i got home I had to tell my parents what was going on since they watched LO for 4hrs! WHat a day!!!!! I pray everything is ok!
I didn't have anything last month at all just thought it would have been like my cycles use to be although when I fell pregnant with little one 3 months leading up to the pregnancy I had 28 day cycles and ovulate any where between cd12-14 but I think if I really did ovulate on cd10 this month it will be because of how weird my last cycle was and no ovulation.

It is a hard decision to make oh and I have decided that we aren't going to tell our family till Christmas we are going I give them a copy of the scan or test picture in there Christmas card which I will be 8 weeks then if I am pregnant this month. Because it had taken us so long last tune to fall pregnant I messages everyone at 5:30 in the morning when I got my digital test lol I was way to excited to keep it in but regretted it as I started bleeding the next day and almost lost the baby at 10 weeks so I will definitely wait this time and if I haven't bled by the time Christmas comes I will tell everyone.

I am so sorry you are goin through this! I can sympathise so much I remember when I had all my bleeding the doctor told me there was nothing they could do just go about my daily routine and If i am going to loose it I would anyway idiot doctor!! But it is not a nice feeling but hopefully it isnt anything to serious as you had spotting last time it could just be the left overs from your period that happens to a lot of people!
I have my fx for you that it is a super sticky bean!!!!
Again so sorry Hun its a scary time :(
Well the bleeding has stopped and cramping is gone!!! That is good!!
So the only bleeding I had was at the hospital and it was only when i wiped and it was red.
It didn't make it into my panties. I really hope its just little bean digging in!!
You had bleeding with your LO too?
I know, the first trimester of pregnancy is the scariest I think!

That's a cute idea to have the scan in a xmas card! I thought about taking a xmas family portrait with a bow wrapped around my belly and send it out with xmas cards.
Do you have any names picked out for your next one? Do you like to find out the sex?
Aw yay that's a very good sign it also could have been from the scan your cervix could have been irritated!! But definitely a good sign all has settled down now an I'm sure your bloods will show good results!!

Yes lots of bleeding for my with lo it started the day after my bfp and then went on till I was 14 weeks, I live in a small mining town where the doctors aren't that great and he couldn't even remember all the tests I had to have done when you first find out your pregnant and a very important one is blood group because of the rhesus negative which I am and when I was about 10 weeks and still bleeding I flew back to my home town where the tested my blood immediately and found that I was a negative and I was given the anti d but also told that because I had been bleeding for so long my baby would probably die which was awful but what they eventually found was that I was pregnant with twins and I had what is called a vanishing twin so the bleeding was really a miscarriage but I was very lucky to keep both as my son is a positive blood group and it is very uncommon that my blood doesn't fight there's and force a miscarriage so he is our little miracle baby!
I really like the belly pic idea very very cute!! It would just be a lovely surprise for the family to see that in there Christmas card I think!

We have Nate for a boy and I absolutely love Addison wynta lee for a girl but my husband likes summer, what about you got any names picked?
We choose not to find out the sex we loved the surprise last time as much as I tried to windle my way into making oh let me find out but in glad I didn't buy Ivan understand why people do for the organisation!
Wow, what an experience with your first! :hugs: That must of been really hard to go through all of that.
I am not sure on what rhesus negative is. Could is possibly have an affect on your 2nd as well?

Nate and Addison are cute names! We have Zachary for the boy and Maggie for the girl.

I am feeling so good today. I really truly believe all is well with baby. I feel perfectly normal again, So i really don't believe I am miscarrying.
I cant wait to find out my beta numbers! I will find out this friday. I'm thinking maybe it was my fibroids wreaking havoc. They said my fibroids were so large , they couldn't find the sac.

You feeling pregnant yet?!?!? :)
wow exciting news i havent been here for a while lol, well i have givin in to the opks and now my POAS addiction has returned arghhh lol. im just starting to get a line on them today so i hope O is on the way :)
Yes it was very scary we also found out at my 20 week scan that hunter has 3 kidneys 2 on the left instead of 1 which we have to go to hospital every 3 months and have scans to make sure all is ok, but he gets that removed sometime next year which I am not lookin forward to but at the same time kind of am as I will be glad we don't have to go into hospital very 3 months.

Rhesus is like I am a- so if my husband is a + which he is there is a chance baby will be a + and for some reason - blood groups like to fight off + blood groups and sometimes force you to miscarry if you don't have the anti d shot. You usually have them through out your pregnant I think there is 3 of them you but if you bleed which I did you have to have one immediately to stop your body from creating antibodies to attack the baby I am just very very lucky that with the amount of bleeding I had for some reason my body didn't make any anti bodies.
But there should be a problem this time as I know I am a negative they will give me an anti d straight away!

Yay to feeling great again! So happy that little bean is a keeper for you!! I'm sure your betas will be fine but its a long time to wait till Friday I would I insane, but at the same time I think when you have had one baby you would know if something wasn't right I would think.

Not to sure if I am feeling pregnant yet I have been getting a lot of pinching and pulling feeling in the uterus area and very very tired but then again my 10 month old is an insomniac lol such a terrible sleeper! I'm not gonna lie I am a massive poas addict and have already tested and of course nothing lol I don't know why I do it I knew 100% nothing would come up I just couldn't resist lol.
Ps love the names I really like Zachary!!!
We tend to choose unusual names I'm not to sure why it kinda runs in with my siblings my nephews are clay and xavier lol and hunter is quite unusual well for Australia anyway

D1kt8r: lol I am poas addict also I think I would do it every day if I could I don't know what for lol just addicted my husband hates it! I think I am going to try opks next month if I'm not pregnant hopefully it will bring some luck to us both!
wow exciting news i havent been here for a while lol, well i have givin in to the opks and now my POAS addiction has returned arghhh lol. im just starting to get a line on them today so i hope O is on the way :)

Lol sorry to hear about your addiction. I love using opks! Lots of babydust to you! :dust:
I can't believe I am here again so quickly ovulatin early is a new thing to me!! But these are the tests I have taken over yesterday and today bottom one yesterday 7dpo middle this morning and top just now and the line on both middle and top have come up straight away can you see them?
I think this one is easier to see?? What you think? I am going to test tomorrow morning and if its not any darker I am just going to wait a few days
awwwwww yes the second picture I can see it! That is super early!! I hope its a :bfp: for you!! fx'd!!!

Got my beta back early. I didn't realize they post it online , pretty convienent! It went from 438 to 653 in about 40hrs i believe. So I have to go back friday and test again.

I felt so good tuesday and now yesterday and today I have felt absolutly miserable. My right side hurts so bad. I have been pounding back tylenol like candy.
My husband believes I had this exact thing with DS. I do rememeber having right side pain but I dont remember it being nearly as bad i thought.
Hoping its just the corpus luteum cyst causing problrms.
Aw congrats so happy lo decided to stay in there!!
I am so so hoping that it is and not a stuff around like last time!! All though I do feel different so fx that is a good thing!
Feeling good today but got my hcg level back and it dropped :cry: So now I am waiting to hear back from the doctor to see what the next step is :cry:

I am now going from ntnp to ttc. This lil baby was a part of me and I want so bad to have another one.
As soon as I am able to, I am going to try again.

Kristie: Did you test again?

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