Anyone ever been pregnant but had a negative hpt till really late?

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I'm sorry about the result :hugs:

Hopefully, your doctor can shed some light on what is going on with you.

I hope it is nothing to worry about and that you can get back to ttc very soon :hug:
So sorry to hear that. Maybe the blood tests will reveal something that will point your Dr. in the right direction.
I'm sorry Josephine I really hope the results of the progesterone test sheds some light on whats going coz it's not nice being left in limbo, good luck and let us know what's happening hun x
Thanks everyone! Will keep updating... next docs appt on tuesday... my symptoms do seem to have died off a little, just really have cramps, bloating and itchy tummy, and itchy palms!!
I just got back from another docs appointment - I came away with mixed feelings.. she says my day 21 progesterone was 43.. apparently this is good and means im ovulating, and all the other bloodwork was thats great! :) Also she said she will talk to the fertilty doc about sending me and the oh for further tests as we've been trying 18 months now so at least Im getting somewhere there. This is all good news for the future but i want to know whats wrong with me NOW!

She didnt really acknowledge how much pain I am still in tho -was having such bad cramps last night i couldnt move.. didnt suggest further testing on it either - she felt my tummy and said my bowels were fine, she asked if i was constipated and said she could prescribe me laxatives if i wanted?!! I didnt see how this would help so said no..

Im due on again on thurs so I asked her if I miss the next period could i get a blood hcg test - she said I could get another urine test. grrr. no blood test for me it seems. I asked if there was no possibility I could be pregnant but she didnt really answer. guess she cant say. but 43 seems a high progeterone level to me...
I can still feel *something* in my tummy.. its uncomfortable when i bend over, lie down, walk, or pretty much move in any way! Still having itchy tummy and my nipples are sore like never before. Im annoyed she didnt send me for any other tests.. gr..
Jo, that's great news that you are being referred to a specialist. I think they will be much better equipped than your GP to figure out what is up with you.
Good luck with everything :hugs:
Well ladies, Im afraid to say my story doesnt end well. On friday I had a double shift at work, I worked 7.30am to 4.30pm as a nursery nurse, then 8pm-2am as a barmaid. I was worried about it beforehand as I knew it was too much to do. I was walking to the pub where I work when a stange feeling came over me, like something was going to go wrong that night.

About 9.30pm I stupidly moved a barrell in the cellar, only by an inch or 2 but it was enough. About 10 minutes later I started bleeding and having a lot of pain. I prayed it would stop but it didnt. It just got heavier, its now monday and Im still bleeding/ Its been vey painful and Im sure I felt mini-contractions before I also passed an inch long jelly substance.

Am very upset as you can imagine :cry:
Have u gone to the doctor??? I really think u should see ur doctor to confirm if u had a miscarriage
Josephine, I'm really sorry to hear you've not been well. If the jelly like substance was dark red, almost black then I would say that was a clot. Maybe you should tell your doctor about it as such large clots are not normal :hugs: I've had them along with the contractions so I know how horrible they are. Big bug hugs to you xxx
That would be upsetting! :( Sooo sorry to hear that! I hope it wasn't a MC and it was just a delayed, Super Af. Def have that checked out as clots that big are generally not good anyways. Best of luck to you!!
think you should see another doctor hun to be honest it doesnt sound like they were even listening to you!!! really hope you havent had a MC! xxx i have everything crossed for you xxx
Josephine, I'm really sorry to hear you've not been well. If the jelly like substance was dark red, almost black then I would say that was a clot. Maybe you should tell your doctor about it as such large clots are not normal :hugs: I've had them along with the contractions so I know how horrible they are. Big bug hugs to you xxx

Thanks, I have had a few black ish clots and I have had them this big but this was like a light red, kind of thing iv not seen before! Our bodies are complicated I suppose and even if we dont see those 2 lines it doesnt mean that something isnt happening in there! Maybe it wouldnt have been a viable pregnancy, and maybe I shouldnt have worked too hard..
Last time i had a chemical, I went to the doctor and he said there was no way of them confirming,.. so not much I can do, If I feel poorly or bleed for weeks I will go back, the pain has lessened since having the mini contractions and passing that.

I will certainly be more careful in the 2ww and other limbo times, Im hoping that really this is a good sign, as my cycles are finally regulating after nearly 2 yrs off bcp, and *something* is finally happening rather than nothing at all.
I'm sorry hun. At least you know where you stand. I would say that I don't think the amount of work you did is likely to have caused anything to happen and isn't worth worrying about in the future. I work in a pub and would refuse to move full barrels when not pregnant even because the darn things have squashed my fingers before. Don't mind the empties though ;).

I'm just saying try not to worry and think about what ifs, your regulating cycle is a great sign and you'll find it'll happen when you don't see a single sign or symptom and think it's a useless month.

i tested negative with my dd till about 3 weeks after my period was due. good luck :thumbup: xx
Sorry af came but honestly I'm not surprised. You would have gotten a positive test way before now if you were ever pregnant. The clot was probably uterine lining. Better luck next month. :dust:
Sorry af came but honestly I'm not surprised. You would have gotten a positive test way before now if you were ever pregnant. The clot was probably uterine lining. Better luck next month. :dust:

The amount of attention we all pay to our bodies at these times means we know whats normal, and this certainly wasnt normal to me. I really think it may have been the start of a pregnancy that just didnt make it.
Now my tummy has shrunk again, all the water I've been retaining has come out, my cravings and appetite are gone.. I would really like to have this pregnant feeling back soon.. Im hoping it means good things are nearby for me and my body is ready for pregnancy now.
Thanks for all the support everybody :flower:
I had a feeling something was up but I didn't get a BFP til I was past 5 weeks gone. 3 negative tests within seven days of that one too.
Jo, when I had all my clots last year my doc told me it was my body's way of clearing something out of my uterus. I had two D&Cs and still knew something was left behind. I was right. I kept passing clots but my body was unable to get the last bit out on its own. I woke up from my third D&C and just knew it was all out. It was as if my whole body breathed a big sigh of relief.
I totally understand your feelings of being better now and that your body has finally let go. It's sad but still good news that this episode (whatever it was) is finally over.
Good on your body for sorting itself out and getting ready for a successful pregnancy :thumbup:
Thats just how I feel petitpas! Like its all gone now, and my body is relaxing again. I've lost so much of the water I built up I feel deflated!!
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