anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

MariaF - no I didn't monitor my ovulation as was told my by consultant not to do this. Dr has said to wait another week .
Princess - it may then be possible that your ovulation got delayed (or even hasn't happened yet!). Usually you onl get a period about 12-14 das after your ovulate. Although some women do still have periods WITHOUT ovulation.
Tella - I'm feelin' your 2ww for ya girl. Ugh! We'll help you through it!! I don't know what happened last cycle that made my 2ww so much better - I wish I could pass that along because it was so nice to just sit back and let the days go by. GL girl!

Princess - sorry about the bfn! I agree with Maria - maybe you ovulated late or didn't ovulate at all. I would still track temps even if my doc told me not to. It just tells you too much to leave it to chance. I hope the next week brings good news.

Scerena - I think your body is trying to ovulate but just hasn't figured it out yet. :winkwink: I would say the positive tests are a good sign that it's trying, but I would also agree that giving them up for a while is a good plan. Those things make you MENTAL. They do me, at least. :) Is there any way you can get a scan to see if you have follies growing? That way at least you would know if you're close to ovulating or if you should just bring on a new cycle and start fresh.

I know what it's like to hit your head against a brick wall constantly. My body likes to frustrate me to no end. We just have to do our best to keep a good attitude and move forward. It drives you crazy, I know, but what choice do we have? We have to remain in control of the only thing we can control - our attitude and actions. We can move forward, or sit back and do nothing. It sucks, I know. :hugs:
Hi all just to let you no that even though I have had no signs AF has now arrieved.
Very out of the blue as usually get sign about 2 days before.
:hugs: princess! I'm sorry af found you!! At least you know what's going on now and can move forward. What's the plan for this new cycle?
Tella & azra- I hope OD does give me results soon... I need to be patient but way over 3 years its becoming hard I will be ok tomorrow I am just having one of the days... :hugs:

cridge- Nope I cannot get a scan, only my fs can do that for me and they wont untill they have seen me at my appointment. If they dont give me a plan I am absolutely going to break down! Yes does sound like my body is trying... I know I am expecting too much too soon its just hard- Even if af comes and I can try on a new cycle I would be happy with that... opks are definately turning me MENTAL I have never ever had a line darker than the control line until this cycle :wacko:
How is your cycle going hun?

Princess- I am so sorry to hear af found you :hugs:
:hugs: scerena! That's too bad you can't get a scan. :( When is your next appointment? Would you be willing to start af on your own or do you need to see the FS first? I use NPC to bring on af when I'm having a long cycle and it works 100% of the time. If you're interested, I can find out where I get it and give you that information.

I'm just on CD4. I start my gonal-f injections today and will go in every other day for an u/s and blood work. Yeehaw! :dohh: However, af has treated me pretty good this cycle. I'm pretty much done bleeding and it was never very heavy. Only had mild cramping and bloating on day1. I feel like every month I have a "regular" af, it gets better and better.
Scerena - do you have a follow up appointment with the fs? Are you happy with your fs? They are such a hit and miss on the NHS... I also hope thye give you Clomid or something!

Princess - really sorry af arrived but on the other hand at least the uncertainty is over and you can start a new cycle! Are you going to take/do anything for ovulation or just relax for now?
Cridge what is NPC? Will it mess with my hormones? I would like the info for future reference please, I would like to try and have my first af naturally though. So glad your af was ok :) what are the injections like? I might ask my fs if I can try them even though they will probably say no lol! Good luck with your scans- exciting times ahead :)

MariaF- yes on the 21st of feb, apparently im not seeing my normal fs as I got my appointment moved forward... Hopefully I have a nice one otherwise I will sit there and :cry: clomid thinned my lining out last time I took it and when they looked at my uterus etc during the op they said it was ok from what they could tell so was probably the clomid- Plus I didnt have any really mature follicles :( so going to try and see if they can give me something else- even if my body might respond then I will if they give me something for my lining alongside it...

Not long until your scan right?xx
Scerena - sorry the OPKs are messing you around, they're horrible aren't they. I wish I could cut the urge to use them out all together. Don't give up home for a natural AF post op, mine came on CD33. I also understand that the reason the post op appointment with the FS is at least 6 weeks after the op is that this is time on average most women have had a visit from AF, as the body takes time to settle down to all the prodding around. :hugs:

My ttc plan for this new cycle is to monitor BBT, use preseed, no meds. Cheapie OPKs from CD10 and then if I get a questionable result to use the ClearBlue ones with the smiley face. My appointment with the FS is next Wednesday, and I understood that he'd be putting together some sort of plan. I do have 50mg Clomid in the cupboard I saved from last time when they moved me up to 100mg so if I don't get given anything I will treat myself to a dose on a later cycle. :winkwink:

I also totally understand the rows the stress of ttc causes. My DH is so annoyingly laid back over this, saying it will happen eventually, but I feel like I don't have "eventually" to wait and I want to throw myself on the floor like a toddler and kick and scream. He just doesn't see any urgency at all, and I can't get it across to him. He's scared of us ending up with multiples, and we've had rows about this because I said when we see the FS he has to not show any fear of multiples in case they think he isn't consenting to any higher risk treatment. :dohh:

Feeling a bit down today, it's exactly 2 years since we started ttc. I know many ladies on here have been ttc for longer, milestones are just so bleugh aren't they.

I'm curious if anyone on this thread has tried accupuncture for ttc? Lots of well meaning people keep suggesting I try it, but I am not so sure about it and I'm scared of needles :blush: so I'd worry about that too.
scerena - NPC is Natural Progesterone Cream. It can only help, not harm your cycle. If you go too long without progesterone (by not ovulating), then you become estrogen dominant, and that starts to mess things up as well. NPC is bio-identical to the progesterone you produce when you ovulate. So it's good for you! Much better alternative to provera.

Kyla - my DH wasn't so much laid back, but he acted as such. Mostly, he just couldn't deal with the stress. BUT, he has the same attitude of "it will happen eventually" or "if it's meant to be, it'll happen". Well, here we are, almost 10 years after our first was born and we still have nothing to show for that kind of attitude. It's definitely good to take a break every once in a while, but I say "boo hiss" to the laid back attitude. :haha: If you feel the need to get going, then you should follow that feeling.

I think the risk of multiples is pretty low. If you have a good doctor that keeps an eye on you, then you shouldn't have to worry about that.

I've done lots of acupuncture over the years. Don't worry at all about the needles - you seriously can't feel them. It's very relaxing and it has helped my cycle in one way or another every time I've done it (some times every week, sometimes every other, and other times once a month). Of course, it never helped me get a bfp, but then again, I never stuck with it more than 6-9 months at a time. Those kinds of things take time. I would say try it for 3 months and if you notice NO difference, then quit. Beware though - they typically like you to take loads of herbs, and if you're taking them in pill form, you can be taking WAY more pills than you might prefer.
Wow so much has happened on here since I was last on!

Arza - congratulations on you BFP! :happydance:

Tella- great news on the big follie! :thumbup:

Scerena- sorry your having such a hard time of it, I think our bodies just need time to adjust as the other ladies say.

And sorry to anyone who the witch has got. :growlmad: As for me I'm on cd 22, no idea if I have ovulated or not as yet, 2 slightly darker OPKs on cd16 & 17. Waiting for my thermometer to arrive so tat I can start temping. From what I have read here I think it will give me a much better idea of what's going on.

Kat x
Kyla- My FS appointment was was like 5 months- originally may but I got it changed to feb! I am not doing ANYMORE opk's at least for this cycle now. Your plan sounds great :) Milestones are always hard hun :hugs: I hope you feel better soon, stay positive that this is your cycle :)

Cridge- Oh right I done provera before so the cream definately sounds better :) I jusst hope that my cycle comes on its own soon fx'd if not I will be pestering you for the details :haha:

Kat- I am better today :) I hope your thermometor comes soon so that you can start temping- you will definately have a clearer picture of when you ovulate and when roughly af is due. Gl :)
Kat - yes, temping can be very informative! Although of course it will take a month or 2 to get an infomative piece of chart :thumbup:

Scerena - what dose of Clomid were you on? Did even the 50mg thin you lining? Hopefully they will offer you something else on the 21st!

About DH's...yes, mine was EXTREMELY laid back and this what caused the rows :nope: We were LTTTC for 2 years and even at the end of it he STILL didn't really know what ovulation was :dohh: I had 2 laparoscopies (a diagnostic one and the OD). The OD one was in March of 2011- 18 months into our TTC journey. I was at my lowest points that winter, preceeding the OD and we rowed a lot. What I found shocking was when i asked DH what diagnosis I had, what implications it had on my fertility and what procedure I was going to have done - he had NO CLUE! Like not at all :nope: And that's after I spent all my time talking about PCOS, ovulation, hormones, OD, etc. I felt devasted :nope: Because I thought he just didn't give a sh*t. I had a major breakdown then....

BUT - then I saw the flipside and re-assessed things. I have 2 good friends who are also LTTTC (still, sadly).Both their DHs are the complete opposites to mine and know everything about their wives' cycles, conception, ovulation, sperm, implantation, their diagnoses, etc.
I was witness to one of their discussions and it made me cringe :wacko: Basically it turned out that my friend's DH inspected her CM together with her, was there when she peeing on the OPKs and was holding her legs up in the air after BDing. He was also the one reminding her to POAS, he was stocking up on OPKs, and researching infertility.
Now, maybe I exhaggerate here - but it felt SOOOO unnatural to me :wacko: I was stressed out JUST by listening to their converation about cm, colour of the opk's and planned BDing positions for that night :wacko:
Other girl's DH was very similar - also constantly asking her about cm, reminding her to do OPKs and forcing her to BD at the right times.

I think these two examples completely opened my eyes that I preferred my DH to remain as he was - a bit ignorant, but still very caring and supportive - but I definitely preferred him OUT OF MY KNICKERS :dohh::haha:
MariaF- yes both 50mg and 100mg thinned my lining :( my last fs was on about clomid with injections but I dont have a clue lol!
:haha: I think i prefer my oh the way he is- I certainly dont want him in my knockers inspecting cm etc NO WAY thats not my way of doing things x
Marie, that is soooo funny about your friends oh's! :haha: it's good that there into it all but would be a bit ott for me. Each to there own though!

AFM, I had to leave work at lunch time as I have felt really nauseated all morning, extremely exhausted, have lower back ache, feel bloated. So not really sure what's happening or even if it's anything to do with cycles etc. x
:hi: Kat, Hope your well? I haven't been able to come on here for a while my laptop broke so had to go out and buy a new one! :(

I'm ok thank you, on cd23 and have been feeling tired, getting ovary pains, bloating, achy boobs and constant abdominal cramping (not the same as af cramps) the past 3 days so not quite sure wots goin on either lol. My opks are all over the place. My cervix was quite high last week but my opks didn't really turn positive for ovulation and i haven't really had an good quality cm either so don't think i have :(

I did however take an opk yesterday mornin with fmu (i kno they say not to) but it was quite dark and when i did another around 5pm you could hardly see the the test line so i'm 100% confused :shrug:

Good luck with the temping :thumbup: I use to temp aswel so i will probably start doing that again on the next cycle, just hope af comes next week atleast i kno my body is trying to get back to normal. :)
Had a few cramps after the iui but the O pains started this morning and seems like it has gone now. So hoping I just O'd. I have progesterone for the next 14 daysm. Have a hcg blood test in 12days, so on Valentines day :D.

DH's numbers where great! 30mil /ml post was with 100% motility and good energy.

I'm super excited , and believe this is my bfp in the making!
Tella- What an amasing attitude you have! I am right with you in having high hopes for this cycle for you! How lovely would that be to have a valentines :bfp: Your oh's numbers are amasing especialy the 100% motility I expect they are hunting your egg already :) how exciting :happydance:

Kat- Sorry you are feeling rough :hugs: what cd are you again???

Paulapuddle- I too have had a confusing cycle- I hope you get a positive very soon and you can get bd'ing :)


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