scerena - I think that's definitely a positive! congrats!!
I have my cd3 appointment tomorrow - hoping to start gonal-f in the next couple of days.
I've decided that I have seen all the benefits from OD that I am to see, so I feel like I shouldn't be posting my status updates on this thread anymore. I'm not going to leave you gals, but I think I'm going to start a journal to post my own updates. I'll post the link once I get it going.
So others can possibly benefit from my experience, I thought I'd sum up my OD experience:
OD on June 27, 2011 to lower testosterone and stimulate ovulation.
4-6 weeks later, still no ovulation and testosterone level had doubled

Brought on af by NPC and started taking Femara
about 8 weeks post op, testosterone level was in normal range - lower than it has ever been

Still not ovulating - even on femara.
3 failed femara cycles, finally ovulated on the 4th round (10mg) Femara, then almost failed the 5th cycle (10mg again) - finally ovulated after adding an additional 25mg femara.
6 months post op, testosterone back up to levels higher than pre-op. I have a feeling I have the femara to thank for my levels going wacko again, but there's no way to know for sure.
So that pretty much sums up my OD experience. I would do it again if I could and next time around I wouldn't use Femara (or clomid) at all. I could tell each femara cycle that it was messing with my hormones and although I'm glad I was able to ovulate a couple of times on it, for my overall health, I wish I had just gone natural. I think the OD would have kept my testosterone levels down longer had I let it be.
So ladies - I'm on to gonal-f. The link to my journal is in my sigi. I'd love for you to stalk me if you're interested, so stop by and say hi!