anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

WOW Congrats Arza

H&H 9 months for you and bean!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im so glad my OD buddy is knocked up :lol:


I would also have thrown him with something! I''ve never heard about a false positive from clomid.
Thanks Tella!!!

U be positive my OD buddy, it is your turn soon - U just gotta believe it hun!!!

Wish you all the best with the IUI, take it easy, be positive, and hopefully our children can be born at the same time or almost same time too as we had OD!

Oh Arza - I knew your BFP was around the corner when you "gave up" TTC because of the stress and depression it was causing you :thumbup:

Massive Congratulations and of course you and bean will be in my toughts! Wishing a very H&H 9 months!! Except I don't think your ticker is right - you start counting from CD 1 of your previous cycle. So if last sunday you already had nice dark lines there's no way you can be just 3 weeks gone - more like 5 weeks!!!
I am so, so pleased for you :happydance:
Arza - I just realised that it also took you 8 months to conceive since the OD - same as me!!!

Also - Clomid does not contain any HCG and you'd think a doctor would know that :dohh: Only special HCG injections can affect the test results!
Hi Maria,

Thank so much Maria. I had really given up TTC, I did take Clomid, but that was it! It still hasn't fully sunk in, I want to scream and shout, and tell the world, but at the same time want to take it easy.

Yeah, I got that when I did the calculation for my ticker but didn't think it was right so changed my dates, but I am useless at being pregnant, so much I do not know yet, so much I need to get to grips with. So I must be 5 weeks then - I will change my ticker.

I have loads of questions for you, I will probably be popping in to your journal or PM'ing you!

I love your sweet potato!
Hi girls!

Arza - Congrats!!! I've been wondering about you and hoping that good things were happening. So glad to see you got your BFP!! :dance:

Tella - that follie sounds great!! :thumbup: It amazes me how quickly the follicular phase goes by! I can't believe you're about to ovulate. Fingers, eyes, and toes crossed for you!

Scerena - I'm excited for you this cycle. I hope you get your bfp!!

Princess - so you're testing tomorrow?! Good luck!! Can't wait to see the results!

Maria - I hope you do stalk my journal!! I've really enjoyed and appreciated all your wisdom. I feel like we're very similar in our quest for knowledge about our bodies.

You are all so nice! :hugs: I don't plan on leaving the thread!! I've just felt for the last couple of weeks that I probably shouldn't be posting my own status updates on here anymore as I truly believe that I've seen all the benefits I'll see from OD. This thread has been so amazing and helped me so much and I want it to continue to help those that are considering or that have had OD. I figured that a new cycle was a good time to start my own journal where I can keep everyone updated on what's going on with me. :kiss:
Hi everyone!

Im really pleased to have found this thread! I had OD yesterday! It went well. My gyn told me my tubes were great, they removed a cyst that was actually on one of my tubes, and there was no signs of endo. He was confident that i would finally start ovulation within the next few weeks! I am so excited. Im crossing my fingers (and everything else for that matter!) that it works.

Good luck to all of you. Im looking forward to hearing how you are all doing!
CONGRATS Arza!! :happydance::cloud9::happydance: Wonderful news.

:hi: Janex, welcome to the thread. The ladies here have been so supportive and it's been great to see a few BFPs. I had OD done on 29th January and I'm just at the start of my post OD journey so fingers crossed for great things for us all. Have you been using ovulation test strips or basal body temperature temping at all?

Scerena - yes this is my first month temping, really excited as I hope that I will learn a lot more about what's going on with my cycles. I'm so relieved to get a natural AF, I will start with me POAS addiction around CD10. :happydance: for your +OPK, really hope this month is the one for you!!

I had a bad reaction to the penicillin last night, with a terrible upset tummy, so I have stopped taking my course and I feel a whole lot better already. I think I must've been mildly allergic to it as I have been feeling a little spaced out!

Fingers crossed for more news of :bfp:s on this thread xx
Cridge > It did go by quickly! Just hope my TWW goes by just as quickly!

Welcome :hi: Janex, hope you recover quickly and that you get your BFP quickly afterwards.

Kyla > Sorry about the reaction but atleast you knew what it was and were able to stop it and feel better fairly quickly. :hugs:
Welcome Jane! Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Kyla - did you ever have a scan done to check the inflammation out? I'm glad you are feeling better now.
Tella - just 1 days to go! And then you'll be in the most exciting 2WW :happydance:
Arza- :happydance: yay have a H&h 9 months congratulations :happydance:

Cridge- thanks hun I dont feel as if I have ovulated yet for some reason... Please post here too as I am rubbish at following journals hun! I have my own and forget to update it :haha: how are you finding your cycle so far?

Kyla- temping will teach you soooo much :) lets actually hope I have ovulated im not convinced I have a feeling my body is playing horrid tricks on me! You are so lucky to of had a natural af I wish I did already im cd32 today :wacko: so are you using anything else this cycle? And wht is your bd plan? Sorry about your reaction, glad youre feelig better :)

Janex- hi, welcome! All the ladies are lovely on here! I am glad your surgery went well and I hope you have a speedy recovery so that you can get on your way to making your :bfp:

Tella- your cycle has gone soooo quick! Im excited for you I really am eeeeek :)

MariaF- how are you???

AFM- well i think my cycle is messing me around- I do not feel I ovukate and my temps havent confirmed this as of yet :( they are still low :cry: what was that opk about???

Well, me an oh had a row last night- Sometimes ttc gets so much for me that I take it out on him and I feel soooo bad :cry: he told me to give up using opk's he said 'you cant trust a stick to tell you that you have missed your chance' think he has a point as mine seem to playing the most horrible games it has really upset me... Sometimes I feel ttc is turning me into a complete b*tch! With another long cycle just like before the op- looks like im on my way to another 60something day cycle with no ovulation. I just feel like whatever I do I am constantly hitting a brick wall...

Im sorry about the vent, I am just angry with myself and angry with my body not ever doin what it is meant to do!
Princess - really sorry about the BFN. When do you think you ovulated? When's af due?

Scerena - I totally understand about rowing with OH :nope: I still remember the rows we had and it gives me shivers :nope: I used to get hysterical. I used to scream the house down (poor neightbours!) and tell DH so many horrible things I'm still ashamed of it :nope: I really think LTTTC was the most testing stage in our relationship. I know they say having a baby puts a strain on your relationship but I hope it won't be as tough as what TTC was!
Maria- omg I am the same my neighbours must think that I am a crazy woman! Ltttc really is testing me and im not sure how long it will be until I can just calm down- prob not until I see a :bfp: I am going to try and give up the opks and just bd everyother day and temp as its all becoming stressful- then hopefully at the fs appointment they will give me medication when they see my cycles are still all over the place...

Im so glad that you understand how stressful it is and I too feel bad and I throw in his fce that he doesnt understand because he has children :dohh:

Just feel like rubbish atm I wish I didnt feel like this :( x

Princess- sorry about your :bfn: :hugs: how many dpo are you?
Scerena > :hugs: I think we have all been in the boat you are in now. Maybe consider not doing any OPK's till your next FS appointment. But make your DH a deal and say you will stop using them if you can try and BD every second day. Then you know you atleast have you bases covered incase you do O and also you can relax abit and give your body a chance to kick into gear hopefully before you appointment.

And yes everything seems to be happening quickly now but then again tomorrow this time im in the dreaded TWW and i think that is gonna feel very long. FX'd it doesnt and we believe the TWW is just a formality to confirm the + HPT :lol:
MariaF - AF was due a week ago so been told to give it another week then test again if AF still has not arrived.
Tella- Thanks for the reply hun :) Oh will bd every other second day he doesnt mine that ;) but I just have to make sure we fit it in around our schedules but I'm sure we will as we use to this month has been a hectic one I think... Definately giving them up until at least then... Just feel so crappy I just want to have a normal body so I have some sort of chance each month!
Yay tww for you soon... I really hope you get that :bfp: hun bd bd bd! xx
I know how you feel girl, i have had those arguments over and over: why me, why so difficult a million times but it still doesnt make it easier.

But i must say OD will give you results, it just needs time :hugs:
Princess1712 - Sorry for the -ve result. I know it must feel really horrible, but you have to be strong hun! Keep the hope alive.

Scerena - We have all been through this phases, trust me your neighbours don't think you are crazy coz they fight too! LoL! Fighting is good, as long as afterwards you do not keep things to heart and have the courage to kiss and make up.

You have recently had your OD done right, it is too early to lose hope - some women do fall PG straight after th op, but some take time, but I do not know of any lady on this forum from beginning i.e the founder Sonia Louise till now that has not had positive results from OD, if nothing else, atleast all the ladies with PCOS have had better skin, improved cycles and even weight loss! Trust me I have read this forum from beginning to end.

Tella - How are you Mrs? Excited? Not long now!!! Best of Luck for the IUI, and remember +ve thinking!
Princess - this is reall strange :shrug: If af was due a week ago you should have gotten your BFP by now or af should have arrived....Did you monitor ovulation this cycle? Do you know for sure you ovulated? How many DPO are you? This must be reall frustrating...

Tella - what time is the IUI tomorrow? At least it's nearly the weekend. By Monday you'll already be 4DPIUI so only another 4-5 days to go till you can start testing :thumbup: Unless you are going to sta strong and wait till the official test date!

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