anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Mommymel- not sure about baby aspirin and iui? But I use to use baby aspirin to make my lining thicker? So I am not sure? I would ask your fs?
I really hope you dont need 3 iui's and that you get your surprise late bfp :hugs:

Snwflwrgrl9- :dance: team blue yay :) have you thought of any boys names??? So sweet you and your oh still managed to find out together :)
Sorry about your cervix, will the progesterone help you to go full term (sorry dont know mich about progesterone)?

AFM- going to take my first provera pill today :cry: had horrible :bfn: this morning- it is weird I knew I would but still is upsetting I guess I was clinging onto a little hope that I would have a surprise... But provera then clomid... Onto a new cycle I go
Hi girls. OD went well, nearly had to stay overnight as i was so weak and couldn't eat as i felt sick, my blood pressure was pretty low too, it normally is a little low anyway but i felt all tingly like pins and needles so could tell it was low. They gave me an injection for sickness, then i felt ok and managed to eat a (disgusting and dry) sandwich!

I was the first to arrive at 12pm, and was first on the list, yet ended up being the last to go in!! Went into surgery at 3.30 for an hour, into recovery where they woke me after half an hour (first words were "are my ovaries ok? Yes, are my tubes ok? Yes, do i have endo? No, how many holes did you drill?" They didn't know the answer to the final one!). Didn't leave hosp till 10pm in the end, was desperate not to stay overnight!

Am in more pain than i thought i would be, my insides hurt! Shoulder pain is bad too. DH is having to lift me when i need to get up. A little bleeding but not much. I thought it would be the cuts that would hurt not my insides, makes sense though! They've signed me off for two weeks.I had three cuts, one in belly button, one in the middle below bikini line, and one to the left about am inch above bikini line. Weird that i had one in the middle, are my ovaries in funny places!?!

Just resting up now, dh is working from home so he can look after me.

Sorry for the long post, just think it helps if anyone due to have od is researching!

Hope everyone is well, will join in a bit more when feeling a bit better. Thanks again for all info on this thread, so helpful, better than any doctor!!
Maria > it went well, see below :dance:

Cridge > Thanks, not the spermies must just swim on Thursday!!!

Scerena > OH yes I am, no more shakes nothing just mix and jab :haha: Only 1 more for this cycle then im done. I hope AF arrives quickly after last pill!!!!!! :hugs: a bfn is always hard :hugs:

Snflwrgrl > Congrats on team blue!!!!!!!!!!! :blue: it is such a sweet way for both of you to find out at the same time what the gender is. I must remember that if my DH cant make it. Hope the progesterone helps with the short cervix and that baby blue will stay in till it is save to come out! Did you guys have names picked out before the scan or not yet?

MommyMel > You will not need 3, you will only need 2!!!!!!!!! Arza was on 1st IUI, you gonna be on 2nd IUI and im gonna be on 3rd IUI :thumbup:

I had a few glasses of wine the day of my neg beta, I couldn’t help myself. I was told by my FS to start with baby asprin the day I started my injections. It helps to thin your blood but that aids the thickness of your lining and prevent blood clonts. I would stop it from now till after AF and then start again. But I think the best is to ask your FS. Im also taking Fertipil-Plus, prenatal vit, CoQ10, Omega 3 oils and he said it was fine.

Lpear > Those positions for the cuts are normal, mine was also there. I didn’t even wake up in the recovery room or at least if I did I cant remember it. I just remember waking with my doc telling my mom and DH what he did, but cant remember the words. The shoulder pains are bad, to me that was the worst of all but it will get better each day. I was also adamant to go home, I hate hospitals.

:flow: :flow: :flow: :flow: :flow: Hope you have a speedy recovery and get to BD'd in a week or so that you can have a quick bfp :winkwink:

AFM > Had my follie scan this morning, and all looks great :D I have 2 on the left of 26mm & 18mm and 1 on the right that is 14mm that might catch up but not sure. Doing trigger tonight and IUI on Thursday morning. It is perfect timing as its my stepdad, that passed away 4 years ago, birthday so I hope it brings us some luck! Im also feeling very bloated and it hurts if I sit forward for to long.

I just went and bought my 12 hpt's and a digital :happydance: Pink ones are 20miu and the blue 10miu :thumbup:


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Thanks Tella, that's good to know. They've stuck the dressing right on my, um, tmi, hair! Not looking forward to taking that off.

Great follie sizes btw, hopefully you'll only need one if those hpts and it'll be a bfp!
Hi everyone I've been keeping an eye on everyone here and hope everyone is ok!!
I am posting today as I finally got a BFP on a early predictor hpt this morning so rushed out and bought 2 clear blue digi which both were BFN!
Do you think I could be too early to get bfp on cb? I am on cycle day 27 and poss 13 dpi period due on saturday (if I have a natural cycle again like I did the first month after op)
This is my second month post OD and after trying for 4 years I really hope this I it I'm too scared to trust the first test!!
Hi everyone I've been keeping an eye on everyone here and hope everyone is ok!!
I am posting today as I finally got a BFP on a early predictor hpt this morning so rushed out and bought 2 clear blue digi which both were BFN!
Do you think I could be too early to get bfp on cb? I am on cycle day 27 and poss 13 dpi period due on saturday (if I have a natural cycle again like I did the first month after op)
This is my second month post OD and after trying for 4 years I really hope this I it I'm too scared to trust the first test!!

The digi's are not as sensitive as the early predictor ones, i would wait a day or two before testing again. If you can maybe post a pic of the BFP and let see how it looks, fx'd that this is it for you girl!!!!!!!!!!!

I would only do a digi personally after getting a clear line on a 10miu!!!

:dust: stick baby stick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Tella I'm keeping everything crossed! I did try to post a pic but couldn't work out how to do it on my phone and my laptop is busy! Typical! Haha il see if I can get one uploaded :)
Hi there everyone! This is pretty much my virgin post here. Hehe. Was googling for ovarian drilling a few days back and got referred to this thread and just couldn't stop reading from page 1! Took me 2 days from front to back. Lol.

I'm 31, BMI of 29 and has been TTC for 2 years. Last year, me and DH consulted a FS in a government hospital and was given clomid to try for 3 cycles. However, after taking clomid for 2 rounds (with no success and no further consultation), we decided to switch to a more reputable FS in a private hospital as we heard his success rate was high.

So, earlier this year, we went for our consultation with the new FS and it was the best decision we could have made. The consultation was more thorough and so comfortable. Probably being a private hospital = more expensive = better service. Lol.

Moving on, we informed him of our situation. That I've been having really painful periods and constant BFNs throughout the past 2 years.

He did a uterus scan and through that, he found 3 fibroids, total of 10cm big. He recommended a myomectomy to remove them and said that he will also check for blocked tubes as well.

A few blood tests after that, and we were told that I scored really low on progesterone, which typically means I'm not ovulating. Thus, FS said that he'll do ovarian drilling as well to improve ovulation.

So, I had abdominal myomectomy on March 12. Doc came over after that and said he found that I had endometriosis as well, thus he removed it, with the fibroids and did ovarian drilling. Fortunately, my tubes are not blocked. Yeay for that!

So now, I'm on 1-month hospitalization leave (or 1-month holiday as mentioned by my bosses, LOL), recuperating at home. The incision is healing very well but doc advised us to let the uterus heal for 6 months before we can TTC again. No clomids were given as he wants us to try naturally first. So, that's like way in September. Lots of waiting. Lol.

I just wanna say that I appreciate this thread a lot! Reading so many stories with women who are going through the same thing, I really feel that I'm not alone in this and that I should continue to hope for the best.
LPEAR- I hope that you get better soon hun :hugs: Have a speedy recovery :)

Tella- I am loving your hpt stash :dance: are you going to test from friday? What lovely follies you have :happydance:

Rockabillygal- Can you post a pic of your test?? Try upload it to from your phone and then copy and paste the link onto here? I agree with Tella that the CB digital is less sensitive gl :)

Nysz- I am glad that your op went well :) Most docs recommend trying naturally for a few months so hopefully you will get you bfp naturally :) The ladies on ehre are very supportive so welcome to the thread :)
Nysz > GL with the next 6 mont of wtt, its hard but will be worth it.

AFM > just did my last trigger, and it hurt so much more than the first two! But it done can't wait for Thursday!
I have set up a photobucket account, uploaded the pic but now, because I haven't posted more than 10 times in not able to post a link to it on here haha aaaaaagh
I have a weird question.....did anyone feel like their tongue was swollen after Clomid? After finishing the 5 day (22nd -26th) clomid, today I feel like my tongue is swollen and a little sore.
Welcome and Hi to everyone......

Agape love > i can relate, my tongue gets a little numb and tastes strange, a little sore at time too......... perhaps a side effect. :shrug:

AFM> still no sign of AF, doc is getting ready for my 2nd IUI cycle, i have my script (same as the 1 before), so i am ready and geared up again.:thumbup:

my boobs are still sore, very seldom i get it before AF, but due to my high progesterone that i had, i guess that the reason why its so painfull...... :dohh:

so i am gonna wait till :witch: appears, so that we can wressle again ... lol

have a wonderful day ladies.....:kiss:
Ok ladies so now im reeeeally confused I used the same brand test as yday but got bfn this morning both were used with fmu. I haven't posted enough times to post URL links on here but my photo bucket name is rockabillygal4 and would really appreciate it if someone could take a look at both tests and let me know Im not seeing things with ydays bfp :(
Rockabillygal > how quick did the second line appear.

the Second line on the 27/03 is evident, clearly visible.,....
the 28/03, cant really see properly,,,,,
Test again on Friday if AF does'nt show, should give you a more accurate answer.

this has happened to me thrice, i did not even show my husband (thank God), its so heart-breaking, i just left it as evaporation lines.... i didnt even want to analize it, was too sad...... argh

i feel for you Rockabill,,,,, its makes this roller-coaster even harder.....
sending you :hugs: :hugs:
Thanks Mommymel, yesterday's came up within the 5 minute timeframe and I'm looking at it now ita defo pink and defo there clear as day! But tody has nothing mit wven a hint of an evap.
The tests have a sensitivity of 12.5IU/I so here's hoping that huge cup if tea I had before bed has diluted my urine, can't hurt to think positive!! I think il see if I have the patience to wait and see if AF comes this weekend or at least wait a few days :) thank for looking for me :)
Tella- Sorry that you injection hurt :hugs: thankfully you havent got to do anymore for the rest of the cycle, is that right?
Cant wait to hear about the size of your follicles on thursday :)

agape_love- I personally havent had that clomid side effect, but mommymel gets it too so I guess it is so try not to worry too much :)

Mommymel- Have you tested if af hasn't arrived yet??

Rockabilly- I would agree with what mommymel said and to test again in a couple of days :hugs: Hopefully then you will have a clear answer :hugs:
i did Beta test @15dpiui - BFN

af still not here though....... :shrug:
agape > I didn’t have any side effects from clomid. Hope it comes right quickly!!!

MommyMel > Good to hear you are ready for the next round!!! I pray it will be your last one, bring on that bfp!!!!!!!

Rockabillygal > WOW yesterdays was very clear, I just pray you didn’t have enough HCG in your urine this morning. But like MommyMel says, skip tomorrow and test on Friday, fx'd for a bfp on Friday!!!!!

Scerena > This was my last one as my bfp will be here in 2 weeks time :winkwink: I don’t get scanned again on Thursday, just the IUI,

AFM > My ovaries are very uncomfortable when I sit in certain positions, especially on the left but I suppose its from the follies that is growing their last little bit. Im hoping the right one of 14mm yesterday has caught up and is 18mm by tomorrow.

Accu this morning was awesome, very in tune and the qi is flowing nicely.
Snflwrgrl - congrats on Team Blue :happydance: How short was your cervix? I think in the UK they will put a stitch on it if it's less than 1.5cm at your stage. It also means absolutely no exercise, no sex or any lifting - anything can contribute to early cervix dilation. Look after yourself :hugs:

MommyMel - Im pretty sure progesterone can delay af by up to 3-4 days so it's not uncommon for ladies to have 16-17 day LPs. I hope af turns up soon enough so you can start the next IUI asap :thumbup:

Tella - Oh, boy, do I still remember HOW painful those ovaries could get :wacko: I remember it hurt to even walk - when I moved my legs the pain was shocking! Let alone sneezing or coughing. But it should only be that bad for less than a day. Best of luck for IUI tomorrow :hugs:

LPEAR - Oh, yes, the pain can be quite strong. I think many people underestimate how serios a laparoscopy is! I know before I had my first one I didn't think twice about it! The way the Dr described it to me sounded like a very minor thing! Lord, was I surprised at the amount of pain and discomfort! So when I went in for my second one (when I had the OD) I was fully prepared -but actually I was probably 3 times in less pain than after the first time. Take care of yourself and make sure not to try and get back to being active too soon - if you start doing too much too early the healing process will just take much longer!

Scerena - how did Provera go? How many days worth of it do you have?

Rocka - being at work I can't log into Photobucket. But I just wanted to wish you the best of luck! It would be amazing to get another BFP on this thread :thumbup: Do you have access to the FRER tests? They pick up HCG as low as 7 :wacko: And I found them the most reliable and also the clearest!

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