anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Bride to Be - welcome! Yeah, this thread has been my saviour for about 10 months. I got my BFP 8 months after OD. I did try Clomid a few cycles after the OD. But I fell pg in a natural cycle but I didn't ovulate till CD25 that cycle.

LPEAR - well, we could be twins! Except my BMI was 24 before OD. Otherwise age, Pill history, ovulating 3 months after the Pill - all the same! I hope you don't come down with a cold and the OD goes well on monday. Drink plenty of hot tea with lemon - it shud flush any colds out!
Bride to Be - I also counted the day of my op as CD1. I was new to temping after the op, and my temps were erratic as I was on antibiotics for ages but the ladies have advised me it takes a while of temping before you know what will be normal for you. As Scerena suggests, Fertility Friend is a good place to go and there's the free course if you want. Do you mind me asking - how did you lose weight? Any special diet etc? South Beach Diet works wonders for me but it is not working this time round :shrug: so looking for something new.

Welcome LPEAR :flower: Good luck for your op, looking forward to you joining us on the journey towards our BFPs. We will get there.

Cridge - I also had a cold in the early weeks of pregnancy, think it is very common :hugs:
:hi: tella yes it is nice to relax over the weekends :) and yes closer to your iui :dance: what date are you doing it?

Cridge- I have had symptoms but I had symptoms early on and disnt ovulate so I dont lnow :shrugg: sorry you have a cold- I hope that you feel better soon :hugs:

LPEAR- welcome :) the ladies on this thread are lovely :) good luck with your op ononday please let us know how you get on :)

AFM- not sire if OF has helped me :(
1st cycle- 45 days
2nd cycle- cd39 and not sure if ovulated or af on way?
Cycles are still long, very disappointed :cry: cant see my cycles getting any better as seems everyone elses cycles got better mine seem to be getting longer and longer... Seems nothing can make me ovulate properly not clomid (previously) or the op- I really need to consider egg sharing I think...
Scerena - :hugs: I know exactly how you feel as I am not sure if I have Ov'd since the OD either. My first cycle was 33 days and the last one was 36 days :dohh: This cycle I have had very faint OPKs over the past few days where I will test 2 times a day, one will have a super faint line and the other will have no line so taking them as negatives. :shrug:

I looked into egg sharing, I don't think I am eligible as I'm already 35 and you can only egg share up to 35 years 6 months (that's only 2 more months for me) and my son has very mild aspergers, which excludes me I believe because of the 'previous disabilities in existing children' category (even though it's almost certain a genetic thing from his father, my ex). We have decided that June will be our cut off before going private for IVF BUT my BMI is over 35 and I believe it has to be under 30 even for a private IVF clinic, which for me means losing 2 and a half stone and it just seems impossible when I feel so fed up. :cry:

Still, I do think we're early on in the post-op journey and as much as I wanted instant results, I do hope we'll see some improvement soon :hugs:
scerena and kyla - don't lose hope ladies. I didn't ovulate on my own after OD. I brought on af 30 or so days after the op and started on femara right away. I didn't even ovulate on femara until I got to a really high dose. So if I were to judge OD based on ovulating, I would definitely be a failed case. BUT, my hormone levels improved drastically in the first 6 months, and I believe they would have remained improved had I not been on the femara. That alone was my success from OD, and that made it worth it. I do believe chances are good that I would have conceived with the gonal-f had I not had the OD, but I don't regret having the surgery at all.

You might be one of those that doesn't ovulate alone after the op, but I think chances are good you will eventually, even if it means needing the help of clomid or something similar. Trust me, I know how frustrating it is, but don't give up hope!!
Kyla- sorry to hear that you cannot egg share :hugs: Hopefully you will be able to loose the weight for ivy (if it comes to that) Its hard to loose weight especially when you are feeling a little low :hugs: but it will happen for you... So are you not the right bmi for all the clinics??? Yes you are right it is early days and it WILL happen for us right?!

Cridge- Very true and your success story gives me hope as you was in the same situation as us... I hope when af comes that the clomid will work this time, I guess I am kind of worried that it will not work... but we will see, hopefully the drilling will help the clomid work, thanks for helping me to feel more positive :)

I had my first tattoo today :dance: I got my oh's name on my ankle and he got my name :dance:
scerena > Nice, wasnt it sore on your ankle? I was such a sissy when i got mine that they had to inject the site with local anestetic otherwise i would not have done mine.

AFM > Last injection today for me, Accu tomorrow morning and Follie scan on Tuesday. So hopefully trigger on Tuesday night and then IUI on Thursday.

Im gonna buy 12 hpt's this week, and start it the day after iui :lol:
:hi: tella, yay I hope you can trigger on tuesday evening and get your iui thurs :) good idea with the hpt's and will help ease your mind a little :)
I cant really explain it, its not on my actual ankle bone its above it, it was more uncomfortable/annoying than painful, the most painful part was when it went over the bone... Where is your tattoo? And what did you get?? X
Thanks for the welcome ladies. Will let you know how it goes.
Hello new ladies i wish you both the best of luck. Mommy mel how are you?
Hi Ladies.

i am okay,,,,, not great but ok...

I tested on saturday morning (13dpiui) and got a neg.....
iam going for my blood test now,,,,, and i am hoping against all odds that i will still get a bfp......

If not, i am prepared for 3 iui at this point.... hoping and praying i will not need 3.....

welcome to all the new ladies......

How is everyone doing ?
Mommymel- sorry about your negative, I hope that you get a late bfp too hun, you really deserve it :hugs:

AFM- I haven't ovulated this cycle, I am cd41 and took a random temp this morning (as I gave up around cd29) and it was 35.92 which is very low for me and definately not a temp that shows I have ovulated :cry: Now I have the dilemma-
Do I wait for a natural af and then start the clomid, just incase theres a egg waiting (or would it be rubbish quality now)?
Or do I start the provera to get my period and start the clomid??
scerena > I got a heart on my bum on my bachelorette party :dance: But im a really sissy when it comes to pain so wont do that again lol!

If it was me, I would take the Provera and start a fresh cycle with the clomid. Im not sure if late O impacts your quality of the egg, but have to sit around wondering when its gonna happen would frustrate me. Atleast you know that once you start your clomid you should O in the next two weeks.

MommyMel > Fx'd for a late implanter and a bfp this afternoon!!!!

AFM > CD10 today, not much happening. Took my last injection yesterday, had accu today and have my follie scan tomorrow morning at 8am :happydance: Fx'd for IUI on Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So sorry it's a BFN MommyMel :cry: Would you start the next IUI straight in the next cycle?

Scerena - personally I would start Provera now. I remember how impatient I was when it came to starting Clomid. I say you've waited long enough this cycle and I would just start with Provera tonight or tomorrow :thumbup:

Tella - can't wait for the news from your scan :happydance:

LPEAR - how did it go??
Mommymel - :hug: So sorry about the bfn!

Scerena - I know exactly how you feel - I didn't want to bring on af if I had a follie growing - you never know. BUT, I would go ahead and bring on af. Start fresh and get going on clomid!

Tella - my fingers are super crossed for you!!
:hi: ladies...

Maria- Yes I am going to test in the morning (the fs requires this) and then I am going to start the provera I am too impatient now lol! How are you and your bubba doing?

Tella- Yes I agree time to start the provera :) Good luck with your iui thurs :) you must be a pro at the injections now :)

Cridge- yes I agree time to start a fresh medicated cycle :) nearly 8 weeks wow cridge your baby is growing fast :)
Oh, best of luck for the new cycle Scerena :thumbup: have you ever taken Provera before? Do you know how soon af arrives for you on it?

Tella - just 2 days till the scan! I have everything crossed it works for you this cycle :dust:
Maria- Thanks hun :hugs: I took it last year think I took the pills for 5 days then af followed within the next 5 days from what I remember? :)
MommyMel - so sorry it was a BFN. I hope your first IUI is a success!

Scerena - best of luck this cycle. Would be grat if you test tomorrow and you get your surprise BFP!

AFM - I had my ultrasound today and we found we are on TEAM BLUE!! It's a Boy! Unfortunately, I couldn't find out while I was there at the ultrasound. DH couldn't make it, so ultra sound tech put the photo in a gender card and sealed the envelope. DH and I opened it together at home. We are very happy.

Unfortunately, it wasn't all good news. Baby is very healthy, however, the doctor said my cervix is too short and could cause premature labor. So, I was put on progesterone suppositories....YUCK! I have to go back to the doctor every week for a vaginal ultrasound.....yippee! As long as baby is healthy and I can keep baby in until it is fully developed, I will do what I have to do.
Thank you Ladies, :kiss:

MariaF > i am going to start my next iui as soon as AF decides to show..... my doc feels it will be good to get into it straight away..... how are you and baba doing,,,,, please post us pics of your preggie tummy (when you comfortable), i would love to see that big tummy,,,, lol :winkwink:

Scerena > i dont feel too bad, i mentally prepared myself for 3iui...i dont know how i would feel if the 3rd one was not successful.... argh ! :shrug:

Cridge > how are you and baba doing , any new symptoms,,,,,, :happydance:

AFM> i had a long relaxing bubble bath last night, then gave myself a nice pedicure,,,, and did my hair with a purple streak either side...... i was sp tempted to have a glass of wine, but rather not,,,, :coffee:

I was wondering, should i continue taking baby-asprin and Fertile-Plus, will it not clash with the injections for iui ?
Does Baby Asprin make your linning thin ? :wacko:

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