anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Tella I Couldn't believe it yesterday but so disappointing this morning :( not even a hint of a pink line!
MariaF I think that's what I'll use on Friday I've used them before. Just keeping everything crossed for now...
Snflwrgrl - congrats on expecting a BOY!! How exciting! I'm sorry your cervix is causing grief, but I'm glad your doc is going to keep a close eye on it!

Mommymel - I hate to say it, but I hope af finds you soon so you can get a move on the next cycle! :hugs:

Scerena - I'm glad you're on your way to a new cycle as well!

Rockabilly - :shrug: How frustrating!!! I so hope you get good news the next time you test. I can't imagine having an evap. :nope: :hugs:

Welcome Nys! I'm glad you found a doc that would work with you! :thumbup:

LPear - So glad the op went well. I hope you have a very speedy recovery!

Tella - :thumbup: Tomorrow's going to be a good day!!

Agape - I never had that side effect with clomid. :shrug: Hopefully it goes away and doesn't become bothersome!

Shout out to Maria! :hi:
Thanks cringe, the crazy thing is its so clear I might be able to post the URL here now...
I wish I'd never told oh til I'd done a few more tests :'(
Cridge- my FS or gp have never offered blood tests before but it can't hurt to ask. AF should be due this weekend so I might have An answer before I could get an appointment il keep you posted
Rockabillygal keeping hope for you.

OPK for the 2nd day negative. Scan tomorrow at the Dr. Excited, scared, nervous, anxious....I have so many emotions but glad the wait to know if Clomid is working is going to be over. Have some increased CM on CD11. Hopeful and wishing baby dust and sticky beans for us all.
Rockabillygal, i am still keeping fx'd for you...

:witch: has arrived this morning full on..... no cramps, or af pains...... :shrug:

i am actually happy she has come, so that she can leave again..... a new cycle brings me new hope, just a chance to start over again and get my BFP

doc has given me the same script again, Clomid 100mg 3-7 , Menopur 5 & 7, progress scan scheduel for Sunday 8/04/2012 @ 9.00am, then will time Trigger and iui....
He said iui will be just after Easter Holiday, a late easter egg in my tummy .... lol

Maria, you are growing so lovely, how big are you now ?
Cridge > you are getting there,,,,,,, i love rasberries..... lol
Tella > i am so excited for you, can you feel your BFP, i can :hugs:
Scerena > much love to you ..... we are getting there....

what ever happened to CMPalmer, she just dissapeared ?
Agape_love- good luck with your scan I hope there are some lovely big follies :)

Mommymel- :hi: sorry af got you :hugs: good luck with this new cycle and you having you little easter egg in your belly :)

Cridge- hows things going with you?

Tella- cant wait to ser your bfp very very soon :) have you started testing yet with your massive supply of tests?

Nothing new with me ladies, I am day 3 of provera cheering on af!
Hi girls, I will update properly tomorrow from my pc. But iui went great, waiting to O now. But DH's numbers where great! 30mil with 100% motility, so now the little :spermy: must just swim and find an eggy! PUPO for the next 13 days! :dust:
Thats awesome Tella. i am so so happy for you...... are you ready for your BFP..... you better get ready quickly.... good figures, it just has to work this time, no excuses why sperm cant meet egg.......
Wow Tella, 100% motility, that's amazing! Does your oh take any supplements to get numbers that high?

I also wonder, it seems like everyone seems to take provera to start af, is it right you have to take that for 10 days? I take norethisterone, only for 5 days, then af arrives 3 days later for me.
Yay tella that is great news :happydance: good luck this cycle :)

Rockabilly- have you done another test yet? I hope your negative one was a fluke test my fx'd that you grt a bfp :hugs:

LPEAR- I take provera for 5 days I take 10mg twice a day, then af should arrive a few days later, are you taking yours now?
Scerena, no I'm not taking anything just yet. I'd heard of people taking provera for 10 days and thought, that's excessive!

I'm thinking I'll wait until my follow up appointment in about two months before taking anything. I'm interested to find out whether I'll ovulate in my own, i really hope so! Was thinking earlier that I've never actually taken a hpt as I've never needed to!
Scerena, no I'm not taking anything just yet. I'd heard of people taking provera for 10 days and thought, that's excessive!

I'm thinking I'll wait until my follow up appointment in about two months before taking anything. I'm interested to find out whether I'll ovulate in my own, i really hope so! Was thinking earlier that I've never actually taken a hpt as I've never needed to!
LPEAR- yes I waited two cycle mine were just too long although I ovulated first cycle :) I hope that you dont need anything to bring on your af :) Maybe mine is a double dose hence why I take it for 5 days? Well good luck and I hope your follow-up appointment goes well x
Drs appointment was great today. He was happy with my response so far. Next scan scheduled for Monday. Today he stated lining is nice and thick and lots of follicles for both ovaries...waiting to see if any will mature. Haven't taken a OPK in two days. Maybe I will tonight.

Lpear I used Provera for 5 days and AF showed up immediately for me. When I started taking Clomid AF stopped the next day.

Tella that is great news. Wishing you lots of baby dust and a sticky bean.

Feeling great today and hope it continues....
Hey scerena I decided to wait and see what happens this weekend with af I'd rather be blissfully unaware than to know for defo it's negative, I'm due today but have only had one natural cycle since OD so I don't know if this cycle will be the same length. I certainly don't feel like its coming today but you never know...
With my FS being away I can't start gonal f again until May so if it turns out we're not pg this month we can just try again next month naturally...
Agape love - hope those follies grow grow grow!

Rockabillygal - hope af stays away, fingers crossed.
rockabillygal > I know it is hard to have them go through it but its important that you have the support when this happens. I think you OH would have been upset if you didn’t tell him and had to deal with it yourself. This is a journey as a couple and you need each other more than anything right now, LTTTC is the most trying thing to go through. Still keeping my hopes up for a BFP though!!!! I admire your strength to not test and wait to see if AF shows!

MOmmyMel > I had the same feelings about when AF arrives, it brings a renewed sense of hope, hope in that it could happen again this month. Im praying for you to get it this month!!!! Grow easter egg grow!!!!
She got her BFP and haven't heard from her again, but im on FB with her and she seems to be doing good, had some food cravings the other day.

Im so ready for that BFP, I cant explain it. I must say I hope the Inofolic helped with my egg quality but it did nothing for my CM, I still didn’t have any EWCM :cry: I wish I could just get some!

Scerena > I have officially began to test and is a POAS addict now. :haha: I hope AF arrives quickly after provera!!!!

LPear > He is taking StaminoGro now but that has only been the last 3 weeks, and his motility has been high for the last 3 iui's but his maturity of his sperm is an issue, so hope the supplements will help with that.

I also used to take it for 5days and then get AF 2-3 days later. WOW never had the urge to test early, that’s impressive. I havent done many untill this cycle it is, but waiting for AF sometimes was a killer.

agape > :wohoo: for great response and a good lining! Cant wait to hear what your scan shows on Monday!

AFM > The IUI went well, not sore at all. We had 30mil/ml with 100% motility and it had good progression. Didn’t get any cramping like the last two cycles, just achy ovaries since Tuesday but that is gone now. So I definitely O'd yesterday. Had acupuncture today and it was awesome as always. Not sure if I told you girls but im a POAS addict this cycle, I bought 12hpts and a digi. Started talking them today, so 11 to go :D You can follow the progression of the sticks on my journal.

Good luck to all yo lovely ladies waiting to O and to those in the TWW I pray it brings you a very well deserved BFP!!!!

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