anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Cridge- I hope they give me loads of scans when I get my bfp! Aw bet you cannot wait to see your baby again soon :) do they give you copies of the scan this early on??

Kyla- soz refresh my memory how many cycles have you had since?

Nikkia- sorry you are fed up :hugs: yay for loosing 10lbs and being able to plan your twins wedding all exciting :)

Kat and Keisha - Congrats and wish you both a H&H 9 months! So happy for your both. :happydance: Looking forward to reading your progress!

Cridge - I wish I had as many scans as you. I have my 3rd scan next Monday, wel'll find out the gender. I think this may be my last scan! :cry: I hope the second 20 weeks goes as fast as my first 20 weeks!

Tella - I was worried too when I had to go in for a scan on my cycle day 2! Very heavy bleeding. They were prepared for me though, they had extra padding for me to sit on. :haha: After a few visits on cycle day 2, it was nothing to me too. It sounds like you had a great visit with the doctor and I hope things go well for you this cycle. I am really hoping to see your BFP this cycle.

scerena - I always took my clomid cd2-6. Good luck this cycle!!
snflwrgrl9- :hi: how are you and your bubba??? Do you have your 20wk scan soon???
I ams till on my long cycle :cry: waitiing for a new cycle before I can try clomid again, thank you for the good luck :)

Scerena - this is my 3rd cycle post op. The first was 33days long, the second 36 days. Both times with light periods. I'm pleased I'm actually getting a cycle but I don't think I am ovulating at all as all my OPKs have been negative. :shrug:
Kyla- when will you next be able to see the FS? I would tell them you are not ovulating and they might give you some clomid/femara or something to try?
Its good you are havin periods but you really need to be ovulating- so have you had no positive opks on any cycles?
You have had quite a temp drop (your lowest temp this cycle) hopefully if your temp stays up after today it could be a good sign :)
Cridge > Im busy reading it at the moment, it is a very thin book, only 120pg or so. It is very religious and refers to the promise of god to woman to bear a child and how she "mastered" the pain of childbirth.
The injection was exactly the same as the Ovidrel so not bad at all, the ice on the skin helps a lot and I also only inject in my stomach not in the muscle.

Keisha > It is great if you don’t feel bad, I think it is still coming thou lol

scerena > If you are a Christian then yes it is beautiful and worth the read. I really hope you O soon!

Nikkia > its great to have something to divert your attention off the TTC. IT is very hard we all know that one to well, I pray you get your BFP soon and that OD will do its magic for you as well. Good job on the weight loss, im terrible at it. When I know im not allowed something, I crave it :haha:

Kyla > I also battled to get a + OPK in the first few months after my OD. And my cycles was about 33 days long with O on CD19, so don’t give up. When is your follow up appointment?

Snflwrgrl > Thanks :hugs: I ended up only spotting yesterday, so I worried for nothing. They also have the covering but I have been lucky so far and CD3 is always light but I thought it was gonna be heavier this time. I really hope this is our lucky cycle as well, I would really rather spend that IVF money on baby stuff!!!!

Wow only 3 scans, that’s crazy. We luckily also get a scan every 4 weeks although our health insurance pays for it.

AFM > Af is gone and I had my first Accu session for this month, and it was very sensitive. All the needles gave me a good jump when inserted :haha: She also put me on ProCreation D which helps for egg quality and endometrium and then after O I will be going onto ProCreation R which helps the uterus and implantation. I cant find much on the internet regarding it, so will just trust her.

Doing my second injection in 40min time, I really hope this is gonna help and let me get my BFP!!!

I bought a cute black dress today that was on sale but it will look so good when I have a belly in it :thumbup:
scerena - I got a pic from my last scan. It's near the last page in my journal if you want a look - not much to see at this point though.

snflwrgrl - we have our 3rd scan on the same day! :thumbup: I think yours will be much more exciting - I can't wait to find out what you're having!!! Have you been feeling pretty good lately?

tella - sounds like a good book - I'll have to see if I can find it. I'm happy you're getting acupuncture - I really do think it helps!

kyla - when are you able to see the fs again? I would definitely ask about still not ovulating, although I think it's still pretty soon after your op to worry yourself completely!
Thanks Scerena - I didn't think anything of my temp drop, that's given me some hope! I haven't had any positives at all, just the odd mid-cycle very faint ones. I've never had a clear positive on an OPK, even when my bloods confirmed ovulation, but I don't feel there are any other symptoms.

Cridge & Tella - I'm waiting for an appointment with my FS. I had a rubbish appointment 6 weeks post-op and they're going to see me again but no appointment date has been set.

Tella - I'm sure you're BFP is around the corner. :hugs:
Tella- Thank you, and I hope these injections help you to get your bfp soon :hugs:

Cridge- I will have a look through your journal in a bit :)

Kyla- opk's do not work for every one, I hope that the temp drop is a good sign, hopefully tour temps go up and stay up... fx'd
Hi girls hope I can hope you don't mind me joining in found this while I was searching google looking for ovary drilling success stories ! Just a little about me ttc about 2 years now about 8 rounds of clomid with glucophage and never ovulated once doctor told me to lose weight before he would do ovary drilling so lost 2 stone and got ovary drilling done on the 8 th of march after it been cancelled twice !!! So I'm just looking for other peoples stories , seems the drilling worked for alot of you :) any help will be appreciated :)
:hi: Welcome bride to be!

There are many success stories on this thread and everyone is lovely. If you read back through the thread it seems OD has helped everyone in one way or another.

I had my OD on 29th December last year, I've also been ttc for 2 years now - also with 8 rounds of clomid - and I'm lucky enough to have a 6 year old son. I conceived him naturally, having lost weight which restored my periods. Congratulations on your weight loss, I've been told many times that a weightloss of just 5% is enough to kick start ovulation again, and my FS told me that weight loss has more effect on the ovaries than Clomid so you've really done well to increase your chances. Having said that, I need to lose loads of weight, nearly 2 and half stone to get my BMI under 30 in case I need IVF in future. :dohh:

How are you feeling after your op? It will take a while for your hormones to settle down, although some ladies have been lucky and got pregnant right away. Are you doing anything to monitor ovulation - temping or Ovulation test strips?
Thanks kyla
I read most of this thread while I was out sick after getting the ovary drilling. Feel great after getting it done feel so much better in myself was in a bit of pain and my stitches are sore but other than that I feel very positive . Have a follow up appointment end of April with the consultant so will take things from there. Having losing the weight made my cycle pretty regular every 35 days which is great for me. Still have weight to lose I'm working at it. Have started temping but not sure really what my temps should be and If I should count day one as the day I got the drilling done sorry for all these question :)
Welcome bride to be :)
Well done on your weight loss and getting the OD done :)
No success story for me yet I had mine done in january and am on my 2nd cycle...
Im not sure when you should count day one from as I was day 3 (on my period) when I had my op done...
If you sign up to you can chart there and add your link to your siggy so we can all have a peek :)
Plus free charting lessons if you need them???

How is everyone its very quiet on here lately??? Hope you are all well?? X
bride > Welcome :hi: OD has been a success in one way or another for most of us. I might not be preggers yet, but I also didn’t O before OD and now I O regularly on my own and on clomid/femara. MY FS told me to take day of OD as day one, and I had a 36day cycle that month.

Scerena > Its been very quiet lately, hows your cycle looking? I Really hope you will O soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AFM > Not much happening, only taking my heaps of pills. Cant wait for the weekend :happydance:
:hi: tella :)
Not sure on my cycle, havent been temping or opk'ing so I guess I could have ovulated, im not sure if I have 100% or not.
All the pills etc will be worth it when you get your bfp :)
What is happening over the weekend? Or are you just looking forward to not being at work?x
Just not working and being able to relax plus it brings me closer to my scan and iui next week :winkwink:
welcome bride to be! :hi: I think most people count the op as cd1. I didn't really, but I had to bring on af about 30 days after the op, so either way....

I definitely believe that everyone on this thread has seen some benefit from od. Some get their bfp almost immediately, and for others on here, it still took a long time (Keisha - how long did you wait?). But with or without a bfp, I believe the op has helped everyone somehow.

Scerena - do you have any symptoms of having ovulated? Sore nipples, for example. Do you have any typical symptoms that you can watch out for? What's your cf been doing lately?

Tella - it's always just a big waiting game, isn't it?! Next week is going to bring good things!!

afm - I have a killer cold. :nope: Half my head is stuffed up and sore and I'm not sleeping well. Blah. Other than that, I feel really great - which I can't decide is a good thing or something that I should be nervous about.
Hi everyone, i hope you don't mind me joining. I have been reading this thread for a few weeks and have finally finished! This is the best thread ever, thank you to everyone who has contributed, it has been invaluable to me. I feel very positive after reading the success stories and I feel like I know you all now!!

A bit about me, I'm almost 28, dh is 31. We have been ttc for over a year so nothing compared to some, though it feels like forever. Came off bcp and no periods, was tracking ovulation with bbt and opk. Ovulated 3 months after coming off pill. Well, that was the last time. Was diagnosed with pcos in Aug 2011. Was then diagnosed as slightly insulin resistant in January this year. Started metformin, am currently on 1000mg a day but building up to 1500mg.I have 'lean' pcos with a bmi of 20. Only other symptom is slight acne. Prior to going on the pill had regular periods, so still finding it all a bit strange. Have tried 3 cycles of clomid but no ovulation. Have only had two natural afs in over a year. Have also been having acupuncture every two weeks for a few months now.

My consultant suggested od which i am having this Monday. The only thing i am worried about now is that it won't go ahead. Been sneezing today so hopefully i am not coming down with something, presuming that would affect things. Anyway, look forward to keeping up to date with everyone's news.
Hi Bride to be - Welcome! I had my OD on April 18th 2011. I counted the OD as day 1. 14 days later I ovulated, for the first time (that I know of). Then AF came exactly 14 days later. Since my OD I had regular cycles. Which never happened before that unless I was on the pill. My FS had me on Clomid 100 following the OD for 6 cycles, with the last one having an unsuccessful IUI. I had to stop going to my FS after that, due to financial reasons. My cycle stayed on track, and 2 months later I got my BFP - completely natural - no meds! It will definitely be a roller coaster ride, but I really feel if I didn't have the OD I would NEVER have gotten my BFP.

I am really curious to see what my cycles will be like after my pregnancy. I hope they stay on track so I can try for another little one! If not, I will be very thankful for the one that I have.

The girls on this thread have taught me a lot - I hope we are able to help you too!

Cridge - I had a terrible cold that started at 6 weeks and lasted for about 2 months! I really think it is a symptom of pregnancy as I have heard many others say the same thing. It didn't mix well with the nausea for me. I hope you are feeling well!

Enjoy the weekend everyone!! :thumbup:

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