anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

anupur > Rest is definitely gonna benefit you in the long run, as well as immediately as you can recover nicely from the op and get ready for that BFP and forever baby! :hugs:

Thanks so much, I really hope I get mine this time around as well. I think there was 1 girl at the end of last year on here that was that lucky.

rockabillygal > I think it is the best thing to do now and rather let your body sort out your hormones. And let the OD take effect like it I should!

scerena > im super jealous!!! Wish we could go on holiday now, but that is definitely not going to happen anytime soon. Maybe a break is exactly what you need!

agape > are you starting Clomid mid cycle?

snflwrgrl > Are you able to do more than moderate bed rest at the moment? IF yes then I would do that instead of risking anything futher. IM so sorry you have to go through this and I can only imagine all the questions you have at the moment! :hugs:

AFM > Not much happening here, trigger is almost out. Tomorrow it will be definitely. So a few days of blank tests and then I should see that line coming back again :winkwink:
Welcome to the new girls!

Anupur - don't worry about the op - it will be fine!! It's always a little scary going into the unknown, but you'll be so glad you did it!

Snflwrgrl - I'm so sorry your body is giving you fits!! But I'm glad they're keeping a close eye on you. Can you get a stitch or two in your cervix to keep it closed? I hope your appointment with your regular ob goes well. Stay in bed as much as possible!!
Anupur- Don't be too nervous about the OD. I would do it again if I had to. Once it was all done I kept thinking, that wasn't so bad. Sure, I had some pains after for a couple weeks, but in the end it was definitely worth it and I would recommend it to anyone. I know that the OD is the reason I was able to conceive.

AFM -Thanks for the support everyone. I am leaving for my appt in a few minutes. I'll let you know of any updates. The doctor yesterday told me that they could put a stitch in but, that won't guarantee it will hold baby in. She also said there are risk with doing it at this point - possible infection, could possible break my water and just not a positive on it holding baby in. So, I'll ask my ob about that. I have so many questions - all written down on a paper, so I don't forget! :haha: I am mentally prepared for a Strict Bed Rest to come out of this appointment. Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers!
Snflwrgrl - I am keeping everything crossed! I hope they tell you just how short it is....You definitely need to hold for at least another 6 weeks :thumbup:
Yes, usually they put stitches in much earlier, like around week 16. But hopefully the progesterone and strict bed rest will do the job. Praying for you :hugs:

Tella - I can't believe it's nearly a week into the 2ww :wacko: Oh how I hope it's a BFP for you, girl :thumbup:
Snflwrgrl > GL hope she can give you some peace of mind!!!!

Maria > Yeah time does fly when you not constantly looking at it. But i must say it hasnt been that bad, maybe its because im being a POAS addict, im just looking forward to tomorrow fix :haha:

Anupur > You will be fine, i was petrified and like snflwrgrl said, i also though wow that wasnt that bad. At first i thought nothing was wrong with me and they didnt do anything as it didnt hurt. And i am a complete wuss when it comes to pain, couldnt even have my tatoo (tiny heart) with out a local anesthetic :haha:
agape- I hope your follies grow and you catch your eggy here is some :dust: :dust:

snwflwrgrl- You are in my thoughts, I really hope everything turns out ok I really do :hugs: :hugs:
Good luck at your appointment will be thinking of you :hugs:

anupur05- Thanks I go near the end of may I cannot wait!! Just enjoy your hubby looking after you after the op hun and get plenty of rest :hugs:

Tella- Yes I really need this holiday! We went to Greece 10 months ago (July) and the rest done me so good! Cannot wait to see your lines appear in a few days :dust: :dust: :dust:
Tella and Scerena thank you....

Tella no not mid cycle. AF is due around the 17-18 (really who knows if not induced). My Drs appointment is around the same time.

I am so tired today. Lots of twinges today but I know I may be out this month. Still planning my best friend's baby shower and I have to admit it really does take my mind off worrying and wondering why All The Time.

I admit I was jealous at first......

But at this stage though disappointing ..... the journey gives me hope. My prayer for us is definitely our forever babies and also that we are always WHOLE with ourselves.

I will try to take my own advice and stay positive.

I am going to bed:sleep::sleep::sleep:
Tella -can't wait to hear how the tests go. Come on BFP!! Come on BFP!!!

AFM - my appointment went well. Doctor said my cervix is at 1cm. The normal is around 3 or 4cm. She said for now it is ok where it is, but if it should get any smaller I will be on strict bed rest. I have been taking it easy since Monday when I first got the news. Luckily my job is a desk job, so I don't do any straining/lifting, etc. If I do have to go out on bed rest, I will see if there is some possible way I could work from home....from bed. That will ease my mind for the financial side of things. I have another ultrasound to check my cervix on Monday morning. Hubby will be waiting on my for the remainder of the pregnancy. Maria - I am hoping for another 10 weeks at least. But, as long as baby can survive and be healthy I will take it when it comes.

Good luck everyone in the next few weeks with OPKs, HPTs, ODs, Etc.
Snflwrgrl - fingers crossed for you! So does this mean your Dr is not going to put in a stitch?
Take it as easy as possible. Try to avoid stairs by all means!
I'm glad the appointment went well snflwrgrl - but I'm still so worried for you! Do what Maria says - take it easy!! I hope your doc continues to check you FREQUENTLY!! Take care girl!
Thanks for all the positive attitudes!!!!!!!!

Snfwrgrl > Yay im so glad it is not as bad as we thought. But i would still be very quiet when at home and i will keep you in my prayers for a heathy baby and that he will come when he is due not a day sooner :winkwink:
I have now done almost everything there is to do for fertility. The only things they have not yet done is checking for endometriosis and OD. I have been on Metformin for around 6mo and am on Gonal F and Femara. Apparently I am not responding still so OD is recommended. Since I have already tried 2xs unsuccessfully IVF, I am scared that it is another rabbit trail and I will end up at zero. Has anyone else tried other methods, only to succeed with OD?
:hi: burnished welcome my doc also recomend me for OD. Tommorow is the day of my OD. After OD fertily treatment easily move on success. Here is many woman who did it and then it help conceive easily. So i think it will help to get my :bfp: as soon as possible.
Snflw try to avoid stairs and longtime standing. Take rest properly and dont take stress. Everything will be fine dear. Just think the time of holding ur baby in ur hand. U will get positv energy by thinking this. :hug:
Thanks all my frnds for giving me positv hope. I call my doctor today and confirmed my booking and he assured me every thing will be fine. He tell me to go tommorow at 7am. He will operated me at 8am so wish me best of luck my frnds.​
Anupur > Good luck for your OD.... Wishing you all the best hun....... rest alot......:coffee:

:hi: Burnished , welcome........ OD Has help me to start ovulating again.... it didnt happen immediately for me. I never even knew i had PCOS until my fs showed me all those black spots (on the scan), he booked me in the same week for the op,,,,,, i am thankfull.....
When you get your BFP soon, you will confirm it was all worth it.....
:hugs: to you.....

Tella > when are you testing to confirm your BFP :winkwink:

Cridge > how are you doing, any new symptoms yet ? i hope your pregnancy will be a breeze.... :hugs:

MariaF > half way there almost..... times flies when you have fun hey........ happy and safe pregnancy to you too...... :kiss:

Snflwrgrl > Please rest as much as possible,,,,, take things easy and think "happy thoughts " your baby needs you to be extra cautious, for you both..... sending you lots of :hugs:

Agape > Grow Follies grow,,,,,, i hope there are a few big ones there :winkwink:

Scerena > How are you doing hun..... :wishing you all the baby-dust in the world.... :winkwink:

afm > Finished Clomid and Menopur last night...... now just for those follies to grow.... progress scan on Sunday morning at 9am, i am actually loooking forward to it, i have a good feeling about this cycle...... maybe a easter egg or two in my belly ... :winkwink:

DH gave me such a terrific back massage last night, i dont even remember when i fell asleep..... it was soooo good...... any chance of it happening again tonight :shrug:

:dust: :dust: and :hug: to all you beautiful ladies......
Anupur - thinking of you :hugs: Good luck for the OD!

Tella - do you plan to carry on testing? Is the trigger out fully?

MommyMel - fingers crossed Easter Sunday will have good news on your follicles and then a BFP will follow shortly :happydance:
Maria & MommyMel > Im very relaxed about this cycle. Ive been testing all the way and today's was completely negative on a 10miu but it’s a blue dye so hope it is trustworthy. I wil continue to test every morning till my beta day with my 10miu and on Monday I will use both the 10miu and the 20miu just to be safe :winkwink:

MommyMel > Fx'd for 2 good eater eggies.

Anupur > GL, you will be great!!! Your bfp is in the pipeline.

Burnish >Welcome :hi: OD has done many wonderful things for most woman, you won't be sorry afterwards. GL

AFM > Going away for the next 4 days so it might be difficult to update, but will try. You guys must have a wonderful easter!
Oh, Im going away too Tella. I really hope I come back to the first faint BFP from you :thumbup::happydance:

Have a great Easter everyone :bunny:

Happy Easter to all ......
have a happy and safe easter ..........
Mommymel - I'm still feeling pretty good. :thumbup: I have to keep food in my belly or the nausea gets bad, but it's very manageable at this point. I'm hoping to luck out with this one! I can't even imagine going through pregnancy without throwing up - it was almost second nature with my son. I'm now on progesterone suppositories because my progesterone took a dive, but hopefully things will be okay with that as I haven't had any spotting at all.

Tella and Maria - have a wonderful trip away!! Can't wait for Monday, Tella!!

By the way, CMPalmer found out she's having a girl!! :)

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