anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

:hug:Maria so sorry to hear you sad news I was very close to my nan and know how your feeling.

Tella i can def see a line I have everything crossed for you both.

Hello to all the new ladies,its taken me ages to catch up.

AFM af just showing up on cd34 so went from cd22, cd23, cd21 to cd34 post od. I have an app next wed to get the ball rolling for iui, so should i start my clomid tomoro or just wait to start iui? :dohh: xx
Tella- I definately see a line on the blue dye, what sensitivity is the other test??? Can you post a pic?
Was test you took this morning sensitive enough or your pee was it too diluted? I am still holding hope for you :dust: :dust: :dust:

:hi: Emel, sorry I cannot help you as I didnt experience that, but I am sure one of these lovely ladies will be able to help you :)

Afm- Going to take my next clomid pill in a minute with my breakfast, just taking each day as it comes and hoping I can ovulate :)
Maria > Sorry I missed your post yesterday! :hugs: :hug: I hope you feel better soon, by thoughts and prayers are with you! My gran also raised me and when she passed it was the worst day ever! But know that she will be keeping an eye on you and her great granddaughter!

Nikkia > I would start with it, as they most probably gonna make you wait this cycle out if you don't. Maybe they can do a follie scan in cd11 and do iui this month.

AFM > my test this morning was stark white, so that was either a bit of dye that run over or something :shrugg: very down today as I started to believe in it :cry:
Nikkia- sorry didnt miss you out- your post didnt show until I posted my post lol! Will you be getting the iui this cycle or next? I would take the clomid if it will be this cycle or next cycle? Gl at least the length of your cycle improved :)
Tella- I definately see a line on the blue dye, what sensitivity is the other test??? Can you post a pic?
Was test you took this morning sensitive enough or your pee was it too diluted? I am still holding hope for you :dust: :dust: :dust:

:hi: Emel, sorry I cannot help you as I didnt experience that, but I am sure one of these lovely ladies will be able to help you :)

Afm- Going to take my next clomid pill in a minute with my breakfast, just taking each day as it comes and hoping I can ovulate :)

Yesterday was a 10miu blue dye and a 20miu pink dye test. The blue I think had ink that run over, I don't know. The 10miu blue I used this morning was stark white :cry: it is possible but I doubt it. Doing my last one tomorrow morning, followed by a beta. If negative then we move on straight to IVF :happydance:
I wish you luck :dust: :dust: I hope you get nice beta results... otherwise hopefully :oneofeach: for you IF you have to have ivf... But I am staying positive for tomorrows beta for you :hugs:
OMG, my first positive opk today two weeks after od. Was so happy I was crying!! So looks like the heavy ovaries were an ovulation sign.

Emel, i didn't have any spotting but i did have some pain and it looks like it was probably my ovaries growing some follies!

Tella, I'm so sorry it was negative today, fx'd for tomorrow.
Maria - so sorry for your loss! I know it will be tough to go through - but know that your grandmother will always be with you and watching down on you and your little girl.

Tella - Sorry the test has mislead you! Hoping for good beta results. Atleast you have the IVF to look forward to if it doesn't work out this time. Best of luck to you!

LPEAR - congrats on the + OPK!! It is so exciting to see that your body is working as it should after OD. It was always a great feeling for me. Good luck and get busy!! :)

AFM - had an ultrasound on baby today - he is doing great. He is up to 1lb 4oz. No changes with me. Cervix hasn't changed. Doctor said to keep doing what I am doing - bed rest. So, I will follow the instructions and stay in bed.
LPEAR- :dance: yay for the positive opk :happydance: and great timing after the OD- certainly has worked for you :dance:

Snwflwrgrl- I am glad you and baby are doing well :hugs: and glad you are sticking to your bed rest hun :hugs:
OMG, my first positive opk today two weeks after od. Was so happy I was crying!! So looks like the heavy ovaries were an ovulation sign.

Emel, i didn't have any spotting but i did have some pain and it looks like it was probably my ovaries growing some follies!

Tella, I'm so sorry it was negative today, fx'd for tomorrow.

Oh wow Lpear! That is soooo exciting! Hopefully the od has worked for you. Your story is very similar to mine. Do u know of any other lean pcosers? I'm not insulin resistant though... I didn't realise thin people could have IR?
Anyway, I'm very happy for you and hopefully I'm right behind you!
Hi girls - wow, I had a lot to catch up on.

Maria - :hug: I'm so, so sorry about your grandma! I'm glad you were able to visit her somewhat recently. I hope you're doing okay and that you're able to feel peace at this tough time. :hugs:

LPear - congrats on the + opt!! Get busy girl! GL!

Snflwr - I'm glad that baby is doing well and that it seems the bed rest is at least keeping you stable!

scerena - hoping the clomid works for you this cycle!! FX'd! My symptoms are actually on their way out, or so it seems - I've been feeling pretty good yesterday and today. :thumbup: They really do come and go though, but I did forget for a bit that I was even pregnant the last couple of days. I've heard baby's hb on my doppler yesterday and today, so I'm very excited about that!

Shout out to all the other girls! Sorry, I had a lot of posts to catch up on and got a little lost along the way. I hope everyone is doing really well!!
:hi: ladies,

i have been having a ball over the easter weekend,,,,, was awesome....

Mariaf i am so so sorry about your Gran, not everyone understand how devastating it can be when we loose them, especialy when we are so close to them.... i hurts not having them around physically, but rest assured, she is watching and she is with you every step of the way...... your baby now has a special guardian angel to watch over him/her.

my Gran is gone a year ago (jan), but i still cry and miss her dearly.... so many things reminds me of her,,, she taught me so much about life, and i also wanted to have a baby before she passed on, i guess it was Gods will to take her before i could, his pland are greater than ours.....
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, God bless you all.

Cridge > i am happy all is going well..... i cant wait to hear my baby's hb soon,,,,, i have been so broody this weekend, even my hubby noticed how i was with my sisters baby..

afm > I am schedueled for IUI tomorrow morning at 7.30AM. We did the progress scan on Sunday morning, my LHS has not much going on, only about 1 or 2 small follies of about 6mm... on my RHS is about 6 follies, 2x19mm, 2x16mm, and about 2 small ones,,,,, but now, i hope they have done some growing in the interim , what worries me is that i have developed some thrush, i used cream only yesterday morning and last night, it seemed to of cleared up a bit. i am not going to use it again and hopefully it will clear. My pharmacist said its safe to use while ttc with iui, but not to use it within a 24hr period of the procedure,,,,, and not for a few days (3) after iui....
has anyone had thrush before iui, i dont want to destroy the little chance i have.... :shrug:

baby dust to all........
Thanks for the luck ladies. Bbt dip this morning so looks like i haven't o'd just yet. First day back at work today!

Emel, I believe MariaF is lean and got her bfp 8 months after od. I really didn't think I'd be insulin resistant as i didn't realise you could have it if you were lean, but i had a glucose tolerance test and it came up as slightly resistant. I thought it was very strange. I've lost a stone since being on a low gi diet and the metformin. I can't really afford to lose anymore!
Scerena > I seriously doubt anything will come from my beta, but thanks for all the dust keep it coming, going to need it for my IVF twins :winkwink:

LPear > :wohoo: Im so happy you got your smiley, they are the best sight after OD (besides a BFP)!! Hope you caught that eggy!!!!

Snflwrgrl > Im glad to hear that your little man is doing good, hope your cervix gets better in the next few days!

Cridge > Im glad the doppler is giving you peace of mind!!

MommyMel > This is gonna be your BFP IUI!!!!!!!!!!!

AFM > All my tests since Sunday has been negative and I have been reading up on the blue dye tests. They are renowned for creating false positives with a thin blue line which is actually the blue from the control line that runs over. I will never ever in my life by blue dyes again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just wish we had FRER's in South Africa, I don’t understand why we have to be so far behind the rest of the world :glowmad:

So this is my plan of action:
Stop progesterone today
AF Saturday
CD3 Scan on Monday and start with meds
Acupuncture on Tuesday
Acupuncture on Thursday
Acupuncture on Saturday
CD9 Scan on Sunday ?????
Acupuncture on Monday
CD11 Scan on Tuesday
Hopefully retrieval on the Thursday the 26th
Fertility Massage on Sunday to get blood flowing
Transfer of my babies on the 1st of May
8-10 days bed rest (literally) Gonna watch lots of series
11 May get my BFP so I can tell my IVF success to everyone!
Thanks for your warm thoughts ladies. My Mum is now in Moscow getting everything sorted. I am still devastated that my Grandma didn't even get a chance to see my pregnant photos :cry: This is the saddest part about losing people - it's all the wonderful things in life they won't be able to experience :cry:

Emel - I was a lean PCOSer...Well, I was never skinny but my BMI was around 25 which is "normal". Metformin took about a year to have a positive effect on me and the after the OD my cycles varied from 23 days to over 40 days. I did take Clomid twice I think after the OD - just to help things along (we don't get monitored on Clomid anyway). But fell pregnant in a natural cycle with ovulation on CD25 :wacko: It was also perhaps THE most stressful cycle and the "relax and it'll happen" approach certainly didn't work for me!

LPEAR - congrats on your positive OPK! How is DH's sperm? You have a pretty good chance, girlie :thumbup:

Tella - Im so sorry about the stupid test that gave you false hope :nope: I sadly had lots of similar lines on Clearblue over the 2 years TTC - they are horrid!! I also can't believe it still hasn't hapened for you, sweetheart :nope: It is the hardest thing to put our bodies through all the treatments that we have and it STILL doesn't happen. Of course I have everthing crossed that IVF will get you the take-home baby...or two :winkwink:

Scerena - do you have any scans on the Clomid to monitor progress?

MommyMel - everything is crossed for you for tomorrow and then for the 2WW :hugs:
Beta just came back negative as suspected so onto IVF it is for us.
Tella :hugs: sorry, I have high hopes for you with the ivf :hugs: such a busy month you have :dust:

Maria- yes I have my scan next tuesday morning at 10.30 :)

Mommymel- i hope your follies have grown :) good luck with the iui :dust:

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: ladies :) we need some :bfp: this cycles COME ON FOLLIES AND SPERMIES!
:hi:everyone. I just want to thank everyone for their replies. I am recovering beautifully about 4days after OD. I got small bleed for 3days after OD but nothing much and today it went away. Now i just feel some stitch pain at my belly bottom. I have appointment with my fs on 13th april for stitch removal and next step of our treatment.
Maria- I am so sorry to see the news. I can understand how u are feeling because I lost my grandfather 5yrs ago.​
Tella- Fringer crossed for ur IVF my dear. This time u will get definately ur bfp. :hugs:
Lpear- congratulation for +opk. :happydance: Iippeee i am getting some positive hope from u. Keep posted us.​
Snflw- I really happy to know ur little one is doing well. :) :thumbup:
Mommymel- Good luck honey. U will find :BFP: this time. Now just 2ww.​
:dust: :dust: all of my friends.
Thanks girls, im also very excited about the IVF, i've always had this feeling its gonna take IVF to get my bfp. But now i wonder, some ppl know i did the IUI's but i dont want them to know about the IVF, do you think i must say im doing another IUI or just say im on a Break and when i get a bfp then just keep quite about how. And if someone asks just say it happened? But then i run the risk of hearing "see you should have just relaxed, and it would have happened earlier" speech, and im not good at just listening to it. I find the ignorance some people have when it comes to TTC annoying beyond belief!

anupur > :hugs: im so happy you recovering well! my af was also light after op'. GL, hope you O soon!

Scerena > Cant wait to hear your good news.

Something interesting to read for all of you, if you have endo:
Anupur - glad it all went well. Make sure you get lots of rest.

Tella - sorry to hear about the negative, wishing you all the luck in the world with the ivf.

MariaF - dh had an SA in August and it was all done apart from motility at 30% instead of the minimum 40%. So he ramped up taking the vits and he did another in January. The count rocketed from something like 70 million to 122 million, but the motility went down to 10%! The viscosity was also hyperviscous which i believe means it didn't liquefy. Apparently this is what would cause the low motility, however the viscosity was fine in August. We've got him taking some better supplements, drinking loads of water and cutting down the booze. He's doing another SA soon, they've said we can't do iui if it is still on the low side, straight to ivf. Because it changed so dramatically I'm not too worried, he'd been poorly for a month before the last sa. I just hope that caused it. Prior to the August test we'd also abstained which we didn't know was wrong!

Opk was + again this morning and - this afternoon so i must be about to ov!

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