anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

YOu will get your baby Scerena! It might not be when or how you want or expect, but I firmly believe that if you never give up on that goal, you'll achieve! It is scary to go into something when you know the odds are telling you multiples and miscarriage, but it's a chance that we have to take... or not, if we choose.

I don't really have any cravings - I didn't with my son either. Every once in a while I'll crave something - but it's totally random and I'd have those same types of cravings even when not pregnant, so I don't attribute it to the pregnancy. Early on, I wanted a lot of salad, but now salad makes me sick. It was never a real craving though. I have more aversions than anything else.
Hi Girls!!
Does anyone mind if I join in here? I have been catching up on all your progress!
I am 25, DH 30, been TTC for 18 months and had OD on the 5th April this year.
Before that I had tried 2 cycles of clomid and 2 cycles of femara and I didn't ovulate on any of them.
I am a thin lady, my main side effect is acne and some annoying hair growth!
My gynae started me on clomid 100mg 4 weeks after my op, I am CD7 now and have finished taking it, waiting for my scan next week on CD12.
I am just wondering if you girls know the chances of responding to clomid after OD? I will try one cycle of 100mg, one of 150mg, and if I don't respond it will be injectables time.
I really hope the clomid makes me ovulate, what do you all think?

Hi hun and welcome :hi:

Im also a thin PCOSer but the acne were something else :wacko: especially the ones on my back and chest as I couldn't mask them with litres of foundation :nope: I didn't wear any open tops in the summer and sunbathing in public was a torcher :nope:
I did respond to Clomid even before the OD. But from Ive read and all the research it appears that OD helps about 85% of ladies with either ovulating on their own or with the help of Clomid. And the chances are MUCH higher if you have normal weight. Most of the 15% who don't respond are severely overweight ladies. So I would be very hopeful if I were you.
Are you on Metformin? Have they checked you for insulin resistance? Although Im not overweight I still had relatively high glucose levels so was put on Metformin 2 years ago. Research also shows that Clomid works better in combination with Metforming :thumbup:

Anupur - didn't you have another scan today?

Keisha - I also hope you ovulated at last!!!!
Welcome Blondy13 :flower:
I agree with Maria about your chances of success, hope you'll keep us posted on your progress. :thumbup:

Ladies! :help: I don't know what is happening with me... I am on CD14. Since CD10 I have been getting faint lines on OPKs. Today, I've got some very light spotting - first noticed on my pantyliner and then tiny specks of blood when I wipe. I hoped this was ovulation spotting but I took a CB digital OPK and got a negative. :dohh: I'm on a Femara cycle if that makes any difference. Anyone able to suggest what might be happening? :shrug:

Edit: Oh and I've been getting tugging and my right ovary feels a bit crampy if that makes sense.
Thank you for the welcome guys! I will definitely keep you all updated! I am feeling strangely relaxed this cycle though!

Maria - firstly congrats on the bump, wow you've only got 7 weeks to go!! Are you all ready ? Also it's so nice to speak to someone with the same acne experience. Has yours all cleared up now? I hope so! Recently mine is a bit better after a holiday in Lanzarote but until then I was so self concious about my neck and back also. Finding clothes other than polo necks was horrible!!

Hi Kyla. Not sure about the spotting? Sometimes i think random mid cycle bleeding occurs with no real reason. Are you being scanned on femara?
welcome blondy13! :hi: I agree with Maria - you'll probably have better response after the OD. That being said, there are some of us that had to move on to more drastic measures (like injections and IVF). I believe OD has benefitted everyone on here in one way or another though.

Kyla - I have a feeling the digital opk's aren't as sensitive. The only time I ever got a + with one is the day after I ovulated once. :wacko: Hopefully the spotting is just a sign of ovulation! Are you being monitored this cycle? FX'd for you!
Cridge- thank you :hugs: :hugs: I know very hard to go into it knowing the odds but its something I know I have to do and there is nothing in this world that I have ever wanted or could have wanted so badly in my life, I need this to happen to complete me and I am determined to do whatever it takes...
Glad you dont get the bad cravings and have to bully oh to go out at 3am to get them for you :haha: How about sickenss any of that??

blondy13- :hi: I believe it the op makes your ovaries much more sensitive too- It did mine on the clomid- never have I ovultes on cd16 with a nice size follicle :dance: my lining was still thin though but that was because of the clomid hence why I am no longer taking it, but what I am trying to say is my ovaries responded better and I have hope that yours will too, gl :dust: I too have the odd outbursts of acne and the hair growth annoys me sooo much!
Gl I hope the clomid gives you your bundle of joy :dust: I am starting injectables next month, hopefully you will not need them :)

Kyla- great signs that you are ovulating and hopefully it is just ovulation bleeding :)

Ladies... What a weird af I am having???
cd1-Painful cramps that woke me at 6am and just a light af bright red blood...
cd2- light again, then stopped for hours then a little bit more
cd3- TODAY- light again and for hours nothing :shrugg:
I will see if I bleed anymore from now..
I know my lining was thin but that is concerning what if something is wrong with me :( I cannot help but feel worried... Hopefully I will have a proper af after this natural cycle..I would love a 3 day af if it was a proper af you know... Am I being stupid and worrying over nothing ladies?
Hmmmm.... Scerena - when was the last time you tested? If you're having such a light af, maybe it's not af at all...??? I don't want to get your hopes up, but it does seem quite strange to me. Maria had intense cramps and some bleeding - granted, it was earlier in the LP, but .....??? :shrug:

Yes, I've been sick. Haven't thrown up yet (my goal is to make it through without!), but it seems to have gotten worse over the last 4 weeks, instead of better. :shrug: I can't complain though - this is much, much better than with my son!
Welcome blondy13! I had od on 26th March. Am also thin with a bmi of 19. I am insulin resistant and on metformin. I'd be really interested to find out how you respond to clomid. I also didn't ovulate on it prior to od. I'm hoping to start a cycle and try clomid again in a couple of weeks and if it doesn't work will be on to injectibles. Really hope it works you, keep us updated.
hi blondy13, :flower: welcome to this site. I also did OD after the day of ur OD i.e. 6th april'12. My bmi is 23.7. I got my 1st af on 22nd april after OD. Then i didnt ovulate till today. So i will go on medicine next cycle. I did scan this cycle and saw that my follies are grwing. They grow at 15mm then stop. Before od they didnt grow naturally or taking with letrozl also. So I think they will respond with meds properly.​
maria i did scan yesterday on cd20 no follicle grown. So i will go to my doc on monday 14th may. Lets see what he say.​
Blondy - yes, the acne started to get a little better after my holiday to spain, 2 weeks before the OD :thumbup: Then after the OD most of them went within a month. I also did repeat blood tests for testosterone and it halved :thumbup: It was just below the mid-range of "normal" - just a month later!!

Then for the next 7-8 months my skin was getting better and other things were changing too - my nails were no longer thick as spades :dohh: and my hair was a lot less greasy :thumbup: The after about 8 months I got my bfp!

Kyla - random spotting can be sooo annoying! I also hope this is ovulation spotting. Keep an eye on it!

Anupur - Im really sorry you didn't ovulate this cycle :hugs: BUT - try to look at it positively - your body did start to produce follicles. May be the doc will say you just need a little help from Clomid?!

Scerena - remember the week I got my BFP I had light (but very bright!) red bleeding for 2 days and then spotting for another 2-3 days. When was the last time you took a test?
Thanks Blondy13, Cridge, Scerena and Maria, I'm hoping I am ovulating. I am not being monitored at all, other than a CD21 blood test next Friday. I had a light line on an OPK last night, but not a positive - although I have never had a positive even when blood test confirmed ovualtion. FX'd!

Scerena - I also think you should test....I had bleeding a period time when I was expecting my son and even though you don't think you are pg, I think it's wise to test just to be sure. :hugs:

Blondy - I should've added I also suffered with bad acne over the years. I feel cheated about acne as everyone said it would be better when I got older, but it hasn't been. I cannot wear anything that shows my back as it's full of scars. It has been much better since the OD, I am also having a lot less hair in the wrong places. I've waxed a weird patch I get on my lower back and it's not really growing back :thumbup:
cridge- I tested the day before af I think it was? Anway still spotting today TMI (its darker today and just very light spotting) to be honest I think it is where there was a very very thin lining so not much to get out of my system...
Good you havent actually thrown up as of yet :) I cannot believe how quickly your pregnancy is going :) So exciting for you! Does it feel quick to you???

anupur05- sorry your follicle did not grow :hugs: :hugs: do you have any idea of what the next step will be??

Maria- I dont think I am pregnant I think my lining was just too thin to be honest... also the spotting is darker now only the odd spot but not bright red anymore...
Strange things happen but I think this is my af to be honest :)

Kyla- thanks hun :) I might test during the week but I really think it was just a light af to be honest, thinking about it i think my af's were like that on clomid previously I think? How are things going with you??
Scerena - I hope whatever is going on, it stops soon so you don't have to be bothered by it!

Oh no - time has been going very slowly for me!! The last couple of weeks went a lot faster than any 2 weeks prior, but still not fast. I still feel like I'm just a little bit pregnant, which is an improvement from feeling barely pregnant just a couple weeks ago. I guess it's a true statement, but I also feel like I've been pregnant :haha:
Thank you again for all the welcomes girls, you seem really lovely :)
I hope everyone is having a nice weekend!

Lpear - I will definitely keep you updated with how I get on with the clomid, I haven't been temping or opk'ing because I'm being scanned, so a bit nervous for Wednesday to find out if anything is happening!

anpur - It sounds like after the OD your body is trying to do something, it just needs the extra push of some drugs - do you know if it will be clomid or letrozole you'll try? Good luck tomorrow!

Scerena - I guess it makes sense for you to have a light AF when your lining is thin, I know I always do. But I guess testing wouldn't hurt - did I read you're going on holiday soon?

Kyla - i hope the cd21 blood test brings good results for you! Acne really sucks doesn't it, mine is definitely getting better than it was but no where near gone yet - I used to feel embarassed about looking people in the eye at one point. It makes me want to go back on birth control just to control it!
Hi Ladies

Sorry I haven't been in touch properly for a while.

Blondy - I really hope you have a fat follie or 2 on Wednesday. I have never seen a dominant follicle on a scan before, I look forward to that day!

Kyla - FX'd you are ovulating.

Scerena - hope you natural cycle brings your BFP, how amazing would that be!

Cridge and Maria - hope you and your bumps are doing great.

Anupur - sorry your follicle didn't grow any more, but it does sound really good that you had a 15mm follicle without any meds, think how big it would get with meds!!

AFM - Was feeling so down in the dumps after finding out I didn't have any decent follicles, was so hopeful that I was going to start ovulating after the OD, obviously not!! Feeling a bit better now, I am hoping to start clomid in a couple of weeks. I am a bit gutted as I was hoping to go onto injectibles if the clomid doesn't work but I have just found out they are about £800 a month including scans, I thought they were £400 but that price didn't include the meds themselves! £400 would have been manageable, but £800, probably not. I REALLY hope that Clomid works for me as I can get a prescription on the NHS and then pay for follicle tracking scans at £90 each.
Have my follow up appointment next Thursday so I will find out what the next steps are then.
On a positive note, DHs recent SA was a lot better at 40% motility instead of 10%, a vast improvement. He still has 'hyperviscous' semen though so we are waiting for him to see a urologist at the end of June.

Hope everyone is well.
LPEAR - you may remember I had a very similar experience. Ovulated beautifully 12 days after the OD and didnt ovulate the next cycle :dohh:

Then took Clomid the following month and ovulated on day 18 or something.

I hate how they dont offer us any follicle tracking on the NHS :nope:

Do you have a plan of action if it had to come to IUI? Will you get any on the NHS?
LPEAR- I am from Hampshire too :) sorry things are costing a lot more than you thought :hugs: how come you cannot get injectables on the nhs? I am and my follicle tracking is all free- what clinic are you with?
Hope the clomid works for you and you wont need them :hugs:
Great news on your oh's sa :)
Yes would be amazing to get a natural bfp but I will be drinking etc so if I did I would be so worried...

Cridge- awww sorry it feels like you have been pregnant forever :hugs: good thought that it is starting to go a little faster for you :) when you find out the sex of te baby and can go shopping hopefully that will make time go a little quicker for you :)

Blondy13- yes goin in a week to the Dominican republic for two weeks so excited! How are things going with you?
How spooky Scerena, I'm in North Hampshire! I got told by my consultant that you couldn't get injectables on the nhs! I was seeing him privately at that point do maybe that's why. Oh that's given me a some hope! I am actually seeing Mr Curtis at the Royal Surrey in Guildford and have my scans at the Surrey Park Clinic. I will ask the consultant when i see him in the nhs next Thursday.

Not sure about IUI on the nhs Maria, i haven't been able to find out but that is something i am going to ask the consultant next week. Medicated IUI is £1100 per cycle privately, eek!

Scerena do you know what the funding is in Hampshire for IUI?

I am also off in hols, going to Kos on 26th May for 10 days! I am not drinking alcohol at the moment, it says in Metformin leaflet you are not supposed to, I really miss it! Does anyone else on met drink? I feel cheated, like I want to make the most of boozing while I'm not actually pregnant!!!

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