anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Maria- nope no news here, my temp went back up today but still sure af will be here son as done a ic and bfn, just waiting fir af then no charting/opks etc just relaxing this month...
I didnt know that about sage leaf supplements never even heard of them, I will have to give them a try :) thanks for the info :)

anupur- gl at your next scan :hugs:

Tella- where are you??? have you caved in and tested yet??? :dust:

mommymel- are you ok? you are very quiet lately? :hugs:
Anupur - your right ovary might pull through for you! Don't give up on your body yet!!

Scerena - IC are horrible! I took one on 15dpo (I'm pretty sure) with this pregnancy and it was BARELY visible while the FRER was extremely dark. So don't give up - your chart looks nice!!
Thanks cridge :) I am ready for af this cycle anyway to be honest, just want af soon so I won't be due af on hols!
How are you and bubba doing?
Well, I still have hope for you this cycle! My fingers are crossed!!

I'm doing fine. Still dealing with nausea most of every day, but I'm hoping that will be over with soon. I had to go out and buy maternity pants already because I've grown out of everything I've got. I didn't expect that to happen so soon, but I guess it is my 2nd. :wacko:
hi ladies of the palace.....

i have recieved my script for my meds for ivf...... wow.... what alot of stuff....
i have my first ivf consultation on the 21st May...... i am so so excited.....

Cridge,,,,, you a peach .... too cute..... growing beautifully i can imagine.

Tella..... i am thinking of you, sending you big big hugs...... :hugs:
My Beta just came back negative same as the digi i did this morning. :cry:

Only have a follow appointment on the 24th, so now i have to sit around and wait for answers. Im so annoyed at them right now, i had egg quality issues and if i want to go for #2 in June, i want to start meds asap! Not 2 weeks before im suppose to start my IVF cycle. All meds take like 30days to start taking effect.

So if i have things right we only gonna be able to start with #2 in July then. Especially if he wants to change the protocol to a long one instead of short.
I am so so so sorry hun.... :hugs:

i am at a lose for words..... please ask them for a complete analysis as to what went wrong ?
did they not give you anything to improve your egg quality ?
Tella - a strong hug :hugs: for u my friend. What no u get from hcg beta blood test? I know what u feel its really hard moment for u. Dont take stress. U will get ur bfp soon. I want to suggest u to take a break and go for a holiday. It will refresh and regenarate ur life.​
mommymel - :thumbup: for 21st may. Keep us update hun. Best of luck.​
cridge- 13 weeks wow.​
Thanks girls, you all mean the world to me!!!!!

My first priority is gonna be to get my egg quality up, using supplements and acupuncture. The acu lady said we gonna continue working hard in this month or 2 that im off and get my body right for the next one. Im at the moment in two mind on whether im gonna take just a month off, or maybe more. But will decide after i have spoken to my FS.
Oh Tella - Im heartbroken for you :cry: Ill stop by your journal in a moment.

MommyMel - just 2 weeks until the consultation....Must be an exciting and nerve wrecking time...I have everything crossed for you for the first time IVF success :thumbup:

Anupur - when is your next scan?

Scerena - 15 days of high temperatures looks good....although from personal experience I know it can still mean nothing :nope: Lets see what happens tomorrow/Thur.
Scerena, im cheering for a bfp and a preggers you on holiday!!!!!!!!!!
Tella - :hug: Your siggy makes me so sad! It didn't occur to me that maybe the acupuncturist could help with egg quality! That's hopeful! You'll get it figured out and you'll get your bfp soon! :hugs:

Mommymel - how exciting that you've got your meds and are ready to start a new journey! You IVF girls are so brave! I would never even go down that road partly because I didn't think I could handle it emotionally. My fingers are crossed tightly for you!

Scerena - I hope the temp stayed nice and high today! FX'd it's been a good morning for you!
Tella- I am so so so so sorry hunni :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I really feel so sorry for you :hugs: I wish I could give you a real hug :( It will happen Tella, try and be strong and do all the things you said like getting your egg quality up and relaxing a bit (easier said than done I know), I am having this next month off ttc not going to obsess over it at all... :hugs: Things will look up for you soon hun :hugs:
Aw thanks... I doubt it very much I am not pregnant just waiting on af I am sure she will be here very soon shes just playing games :haha:

Maria- I forgot to take my temp today :( but I dont mind af will be here soon lol! I have had a nice chart before and af came so I dont really take too much notice of it to be honest. Plus by now I am sure I would have a definate line... so just casually waiting for af...

cridge- Omg your pregnancy is flying by I cannot believe how quickly it is going :) you will have to share a pic of your baby bump if you are comfortable doing so??? I hope the nausea goes soon for you :hugs: I forgot to temp today :(

Mommymel- Yay for getting the ball rolling with ivf :dance: I will be away we fly out on the 21st so I wont even be able to see how things went for you until I am back :( so I am wishing you luck now and I hope everything goes great for you :hugs:

Pink mum- I never knew that! Brainy you :) you ok?

fluter- yay for ovulating :dance: are you ttc number 1/2? Have a lovely vacation it sounds lovely :)

shorty88- :hi: welcome to the thread, I dont know anything about metformin but I do about clomid, I am sure one of the ladies on here will advise you on metformin very soon :)

AFM- Had a fs appointment today... I am definatly doing injectables :happydance: My af isnt here yet so could have started them next cycle but I wont be able to get monitored as I will be away for two weeks, so I will be starting after this next cycle hopefully af will not take too long to show after a natural cycle... so 1 natural then on to the next step. I only get three months worth on the injectables- so praying they work... otherwise its on to egg sharing for me...
Scerena - you forgot to temp?!!! How could you do that to us? :haha: Well, if af isn't here, my fingers are still crossed for you!! Did you test again this morning? If you're still using i/c, forget it! I don't trust them!! I'm glad you have a plan and are moving on to injectables in a couple of cycles. I hope you don't need them after this cycle or next, but it's great to have a plan to be moving forward!
:nope: I did not test this morning I have no tests and really trying my hardest not to buy any...
I know I cannot believe I forgot to temp! I couldnt find my phone under my pillow to check the time so I was sat up and moving around trying to find it and I couldnt so I dint bother with the temp when I finally found that and my thermometor as it would not have been accurate.
I am loving having a plan that does not consist of clomid!!! I have no hope to be honest for this cycle or next as its a natural one, so looking forward to the injectables :) I will be pestering you for tips etc :)
I'm cd1 today- no opk's/ no temps/ no tracking anything this month- no point as off on hols in 12days so going to relax this month :)
Wish I could have done my injectables this month though :( but either way I would have to miss one cycle as would be on holiday at some point..
Today is cd18. I went for scan. RO (14, 8, 10 & 9 ) LO (15 & 12) ET 6MM. So right ovary 12mm folli grow into 14mm now. Sonographer told me to go for next scan on friday 11.05.12. Hope it will grow continue. Please god please.
Tella - :hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm so sorry. I really feel for you. :cry: I have everything crossed that your accu will work on egg quality. Do you take co-enzyme Q10 at all?

Scerena - A month off could do you the world of good.:flower: Yay for the injectables plan. :dance: FX'd this is what you need.

AFM - CD12 of my first Femara with Metformin cycle.

GL to everyone, we're overdue a BFP on this thread, so dust to all

Scerena - sorry af got you :hugs: But at least you'll know you'll have a worry-free holiday (where are you going by the way)? Do you have any Clomid you can take with you? If not - is there a plan of action for the when you come back?

Anupur - your body might just need time to adjust after the OD. The hormonal changes you are going through are huge!!! But it does look like things are moving in the right direction :thumbup:

Kyla - do you have any scans to see what follies are doing?
Hi Maria - nope, no monitoring. Just going for a CD21 blood test. I have noticed some pulling sensation on my ovaries, like a tugging when I stand up, although I got that too with clomid and wasn't necessarily ovulating then. But I feel like something is happening at least.

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