anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Henry - you'll definitely be feeling weird twinges and such. Try not to let it worry you. The first trimester is SO SUPER stressful!! You worry about every little thing. Do your best to just see it as your body preparing for a big baby to grow!

Thanks this made me feel a bit better :flower:
Bride - :hugs: I love this thread, I found everyone so supportive and understanding. A little break will do you some good I think :flower:

Henry - Ah, yes. The first trimester of anxiety and stress. :hugs: I was exactly the same as you. Every scrap of loo roll was analyzed by me after wiping (tmi sorry!) and sometimes there'd be tiny specs of pink - which could be anything, the FS said it's sometimes blood from implantation. There is also the "panic finger".....where you think there is lots of pink on the loo paper then you realise the paper is wet and you can see your own finger! :haha:
Every twinge worried me, I got and still get ovary pain/ache which worried me and it's just a nervewracking time. Best bet is to do as Cridge says, your body is preparing for baby to grow, things are stretching and changing and it's quite strange. Be on the look out for Round Ligament Pain when you turn over in bed, that feels like a sort of twisting, crampy feeling and that sends women into panic when they first get it. Stay away from Google :winkwink:
Thanks Kyla, the panic finger made me giggle! :haha:
You are definitely right about google it can be a scary thing!!!
So glad i have you gals to talk to :hugs:
:dust:Aw Henry, I know how you feel hun, try and take it easy, I over analyse every little thing, even was googling ectopic pregnancies yesterday because I had a cramp like pain on my left side, of course it is gone now and didnt last that long to start with, if I dont feel quesy, which is not very often, I think somethings wrong, if I feel like biting my OH's head off something is wrong, I dont think I'm needing to wee any more often than I did, of course something is wrong and on it goes! Think the best advice I can give is dont follow me lol. When do you go to GP? Sending over soothing :hugs:

Bride, lovely to hear from you again hun, still sending you loads of that :dust: xx

Kyla, well done on the diet hun, thats absolutely brilliant, "panic finger" I can relate too!
cullen - thank goodness im not the only one driving myself crazy! :haha:
I have my gp appointment on Tuesday, but i actually have my post op appointment tomorrow with the gynecologist so im hoping he will do a blood test to confirm. (i have had 5 bfp's so far, the last one yesterday at 14dpo and the test window was positive before the control part was dampened!)

I have another question, i would have said i was two weeks pregnant because i know we must have conceived two weeks ago, but when i use online calculators it says i am four weeks pregnant because the count starts from the date of your last period. I never had one after the od so i estimated two weeks before ov for the sake of the calculation. can anyone shine a light on this?

hope you are all well :flower:
Henry - Pregnancies are always calculated in that way as a rough guide. The foetal age will be 2 weeks, but typically it goes from the start of the cycle so you're classed as 4 weeks pregnant. When you get your dating scan at 12 weeks, they'll take a series of measurements and be able to tell you pretty accurately how far along you are because at that stage most babies are the same size.
If you didn't have a period, they still go on 2 weeks prior to ovulation.
For example, I ovulated late in my cycle, on CD19 so when I went to my 12 week scan the date I'd worked out as my Due Date with online calculators was put back 4 days. Hope this makes sense. :hugs:
Hi all
I am brand new to this forum, but almost 2 years TTC now.
I have read a lot of the 400+ posts as I am off work recovering from OD and you ladies are seriously giving me hope !!!!!
I have been seeing a FS since Apri this year...on medicated cycles since then, DH SA perfect and plenty of was referred privately for Lap n dye....discovered I also had fibroid ; so that was whipped out, also found to have polycystic ovaries. (BMI 25-26, regular cycles, no pcos symptoms) got those drilled too. Tubes clear, no endo so just waiting on AF to arrive to go back on meds and hopefully get real lucky soon!!!!!!

Congrats to anyone with recent BFP success, and hope ye have great 9 months

To everyone else I hope I can join you on this tough road, and hopefully we will all become mammies together in 2013
Hi Joy, welcome to the thread :flower:
I started off lurking on here before making my first post after my op and I am so glad I joined. The ladies here are all wonderful, supportive and understanding.
Hope you recover well from your op, how are you feeling? Is your FS putting you on meds first cycle? Quite often they like our hormones to settle down before meds. The hardest part is having continued patience, hopefully you'll find support here I'm sure. :thumbup:
Hi Joy, welcome to the thread :flower:
I started off lurking on here before making my first post after my op and I am so glad I joined. The ladies here are all wonderful, supportive and understanding.
Hope you recover well from your op, how are you feeling? Is your FS putting you on meds first cycle? Quite often they like our hormones to settle down before meds. The hardest part is having continued patience, hopefully you'll find support here I'm sure. :thumbup:

Thanks Kyla
You must be soo excited to be pregnant this Christmas, enjoy it and hope you are feeling good!

I am not feeling too bad this week, its been a slow recovery mostly because i also had a fibroid removed also. Im still off work and will be until Christmas week....will prob go back then as I am a nurse and dont want to let rest of my team down that week. Im mostly office based, so will just mean being on call etc

Yes I was on Femara 7.5mg on Day 3, HCG shot trigger @peak, and Cyclogest post peak for Progesterone support as I have had low PG in LP (spotting etc) before OD and my FS is happy for me to go back on this. I am also on Omega 3,Vit D, Vit C, and Fertility Plus
Think I am also going to add in some baby aspirin ...I have been reading lots this week about its benefits.......

Have appointment in January 17th for my review so think he may add Metformin then too as the PCOS was always a query with me; wasnt so clear from my scans, BMI25/25, and had no other symptoms.... In mean time I am trying to be super good with low GI/low carb diet as sweet things and rubbish are my big downfall, and I always put weight on this time of year

Thanks for the welcome, I was on another blog but I loved the vibe from this one, and love that we are all literally in the same boat re this.You got it right re the patience, I want to be pregnant this month and we didnt even DTD at peak time this month as had surgery then!!!!!!!!!
Hi joy! :flower:
I only joined this thread about 4 weeks ago and love it! From support after my od (which was 4 wks ago today!) to celebrating my bfp, to answering all my many questions lol, everyone has been great so I'm sure you will like it here! :thumbup:

Post op appointment tonight! So excited to tell him about my bfp but worried too incase he's like 'nah it was a load of false positives!' :wacko:
Anyways I better go back to work but i will give u and update later with how I got on
wow thanks henry didnt realise you got your BFP so fast..........wowwweee..congrats!!!!!! and best o luck this eve!!
Hiya all :flower:

Joy, welcome to you hun, another Irish lass, even though I'm north side :) Hope you recover well from the op, never know could be you in the same position as our star Henry, fingers crossed that your time here waiting on that BFP will be very short :hugs:

Henry, good luck with the appointment hun, let us know how you get on, I'm sure your Dr will be delighted with your news, probably give you a wee scan too x

Well, my morning sickness can officially be called sickness now, just made it to the bathroom in time last night, sorry tmi, amazing though how good you actually feel after being sick, now theres a statement I never thought I'd say lol, I seem to be worse around 4-9pm, of course immediately I brush my teeth in the morning I seem to be heaving but nothing in my tummy to bring up so its just gut wrenching and nothing else, ooh this is a lovely conversation :blush:

Anyhow hope everyone is well xx
Hey and welcome joy4us I'm from Dublin where are u from ? I've joined here in march and all the girls are so supportive and welcoming its great to talk to others who no how u feel . Hope your feeling better after od I didn't find it that bad at all had two weeks off work take time to rest and heel you will be back to work before u no it :)
Henry how did u get on ?
Cullen Morning sickness sounds great cant to have it ;-) hope your feeling ok xx
Henry - Hope you got on well at your appointment. :flower:

Cullen - Morning or rather anytime sickness is not nice. Someone suggested switching to a fruit toothpaste rather than a mint one to stop the gagging? Never tried it myself, but worth a go maybe?

Joy - Great post op plan then. I also highly recommend using a sperm friendly lube, such as PreSeed. I am convinced PreSeed helped me and loads of others swear by it.
My op was in December last year, so it's nice to be expecting one year on.
This is a lovely thread, I was so glad I joined after lurking for a bit. When I first lurked, I remember that one of the ladies was in the early weeks of pregnancy, and someone said "oh you're an olive" and because I wasn't logged in, I had no idea what they meant by that!!! :haha: Do ask any questions, the acronyms sometimes take a bit of getting used to, but always ask as there is no such thing as a silly question here. :hugs:
thanks for the well wishes ladies, appointment went well!
When i told him my news he literally was jumping about in his chair saying 'yessssssssssssss that is the best result ever' He was like a guy when theyve just scored a goal at football or something lol! He is usually very reserved so i was quite surprised!
Then he went 'oh im sorry, congratulations first of all' haha! He was obviously quite pleased with his handy work!
He estimated me to be 4.5 weeks and has booked me in for a scan in january when i will be 8wks.
so happy :cloud9: just hope that everything goes well!

Cullen i totally know what you mean about the morning sickness. As much as i dont want to be sick i so do because its another symptom. Was actually my consultants parting words to me tonight 'see you in January when your hopefully feeling sick! :haha:

:happydance: Henry!! How lovely of your FS. I like the scan plan! :haha: Looking forward to your update in January.
I didn't really get morning sickness with either DS or this one, so don't panic if you don't get it, it's normal and very, very lucky!! :thumbup:
Thanks for the welcome ladies!:flower:
Cullen the morning sickness sounds terrible, but also weirdly wonderful! Hope it lessens for you soon

Im from County Meath, and work in Dublin about you?..feeling much better thanks, did some crombo shopping today!

Kyla thats very positive would love love love to be in the same position next year!! Thanks re the Preseed ....using it over 1 yr+ now , hopefully will help things along now . Really interested to learn whats an Olive???

Henrythats such an exciting response from your FS :happydance::happydance::happydance:
just goes to show they love to see us getting our BFP :happydance:
I'm in Dublin was attended the rotunda public doc got my od done there in march my bmi is 30 and I've pcos so I'm gonna try to shit this weight lost two stone at the start of the year but got married and went on honeymoon so trying to get back into the swing of dieting ! Just been referred to the hari unit my first appointment is on jan so I'm gonna do iui . Where are u attending ?
This site is brilliant I love it
Henry so happy everything went well for u fs sounds lovely
Joy - If you look at the pregnancy tickers you'll see different fruits and veg which the size of the baby relates to. At 9 weeks pregnant the embryo is the size of an olive. I'm currently a squash :haha:
Interesting re the low GI diet, when I got pregnant with my son, 7 years ago I did so first cycle, no meds or anything and it was straight after I'd been on the South Beach Diet for 6 weeks. It's brilliant for insulin resistance and I think it recharge my ovaries so I really recommend it if anyone wants to try it, it's hard work as it's strict for the first two weeks but it worked for me!
Congrats on your recent wedding:happydance::happydance: bridetobe

I am with a Napro clinic in the Beacon if you have ever heard of them? They have a 'try to fix you' approach, and have had lots of success with simple enough therapies. They dont offer ivf/iui though so would need to move if I need those( fingers crossed I wont!) Its a private clinic but without the major fees of a usual fertility clinic. Alll about tracking the body's natural cycle through Cervical Mucus.......It was a good first step for us, as like you we are not long married ( just over a year) and while I wanted to get ball moving, didnt want the full bang of fertility clinic iykwim.

Kyla great advice totally agree re the South Beach ....but could not face this for Xmas....going to do Phase 1 of SBD in Jan...trying to be super good ( with few planned slips ) for rest of 2012!! .....My 42yo sister did the SBD all summer and got a much longed for first and big surprise BFP ....she is only in a relationship for past 1.5 yrs so wasnt trying ....I totally think doing SBD and losing weight gave her BFP. She had never been PG altho was in relationships for most of her 30's.....she is due in April!

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