anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Awww Yay for MommyMel, how lovely to have a little boy on the way :cloud9: The time really has flown, we're just gearing up to celebrate Jude's 1st birthday :happydance:

Shardil - I also echo the advice Cridge and Maria have given. It's really hard not to monitor straight after the op, but relaxing for 2-3 months is the best way. Or at least don't put any stress or pressure on yourself. It takes a few months for our bodies to realise what's hit it! :haha:
After the op, I tried temping and OPKs and CD21 blood tests. I didn't ovulate on my own after the op and I was beginning to despair as I felt I should've seen results and put myself under undue stress. I did respond to meds and my OD baby is just about to turn 1, so take a relaxed approach if you possibly can :hugs: I spotted/bled for just over a week if I remember correctly.:flower:
Hi everyone :flower:

Popping in to catch up, Shardil yeah on getting the op over with, I hope youre feeling ok and I echo what everyone else says, just go with the flow and give your body a chance after the op, I had mine end of July and got my BFP on the October cycle, I think you have this high hope that you'll just get pregnant straight away and it can become a little obsessive, it will happen hun x

Kyla, Jude is 1, seriously already!!!! I hope youre feeling better hun, try to stay positive :))))

Nikkia, glad to hear Rory is enjoying his food, its strange to think that him and Ella are over 6 months isn't it!

Everyone else ok?

Ella is 6 1/2 months already, weve started weaning too, its very confusing lol. She will eat most foods, I'm nervous though knowing what to give her, you read some things that say to give her what youre eating yourself mashed up and others say not to add stocks/sauces etc, well what if what youre eating has these????? Any advice would be welcomed!

She has to have her hips x-rayed, when the HV was out she said that her skin folds on her thighs were uneven and to have her checked out by the Dr at 6 months. We had her with the GP couple of weeks ago and one of the skin folds is still there, that's the only symptom she has, she doesn't have a click, there is great movement in her hips and her legs are even length. The GP said she wasn't keen on having babies x-rayed due to the radiation risk but said she had to refer her based on the orthopaedic guidelines, not entirely happy about it, might speak to her again before she goes :growlmad:
Hey Cullen - lovely to hear from you and wow on Ella being 6.5 months already! I'm sure she is beautiful!

I was VERY confused about weaning because I also still have connections to my Russian friends/relatives and over there things happen very differently! You are supposedly not meant to give them anything sweet as first tastes (i.e. no fruits at all)! Only savoury - stuff like broccoli, cauliflower and courgettes... And you are meant to only stick to a teaspoon of a Single vegetable a day for a week and monitor their reaction :wacko: I figured at this rate we would have tried about 1 thing only by the time she's 18!!! :haha:
Trouble is for one reason or another over there most babies DO have sever allergic reactions to everything! But I do believe that's more down to poor ecology and poor quality of produce...

Anyway, I followed the advice from Annabel K's book (I don't think you are allowed to give out full author names) - do you know who I mean? Basically she said that indeed there was this guidance that babies should avoid this and that but apparently it was not backed by ANY evidence or study. However, what was clinically proven is that those babies who are bf'ed do not get enough iron and other vitamins from mothers milk anymore once they turned 1. So either you start adding formula to their diet or a mixture of healthy meals.
She also said to reduce the rust of refusal STARt with sweet flavours because that's what thei pallet is already used to anyway! And then add the savoury flavours to the sweet ones and reduce the proportion of sweet purée gradually.
I think her approach made the best sense for me, S loved it and thrived! She does however mention that if there is a family history of food allergies you do need to be more careful!
I still cook for S separately. But that's because for us I use a lot of spices, alcohol and seasonings. I don't quite think she's ready for that :haha: But she still gets proper meals like cottage pie, lasagne, fish pie, sausages and mash, chicken stew, etc. and has done probably from about 8-9 months. At 6 months I was just offering purees fruit and veg and then slowly started making the meals more fun!

I am so glad you are getting her hip checked out!!!! One of my good friend's daughter had to have 2 hip surgeries aged 2.5 because they missed she had a dislocated hip. I will omit all the horros of what they went through and just say that the tiny amount of radiation from the X-Ray is nothing in comparison'
Also, I thought they did an ultrasound scan on babies under one and only older kids were xrayed?!

Anyway, I'm keeping my fingers crossed and if God forbid something is wrong I can put you in touch with my friend because she now knows everything there is to know about a dislocated hip!!!!!
Hi is almost two weeks post-op...and I am 100% back to normal...thank god....:thumbup:....however I have been using opks and no sign of ovulation :nope: and did not get aunt flo yet either....I know you all said that ovulation may not occur spontaneously after....but what about aunt flo? remember I never had any naturally for a year since I came off bcp....I really hope this next appt. with the gynac is Feb 28th.....if this does not step will be ivf......:cry:
Hi everyone :flower:

Cullen - Lovely to hear from you :hugs: Hope the weaning is going well. It's scary when you first start weaning because there is so much info out there and it's really confusing and it's easy to over worry about things. I've just popped on now quick, but I'll be back on later with some ideas that we did. My biggest tip is not to start giving pudding or finish with something sweet, as babies are programmed to prefer the sweet, so will soon turn away from savoury because they KNOW you'll bring out the sweet in desperation for them to eat.

Shardil - The day of your op is CD1... so you're coming up to CD14 now, hence why you may not have seen any ovulation or Aunt Flo. So this could be a good weekend for babydancing :winkwink:
Try not to worry :hugs: it's so hard, but relax, you may not see results this cycle. The op starts a process of change in your body and that takes a bit of time. Also, you may be one of the PCOS ladies who OPKs don't work for, and you'll put yourself into lots of stress worrying about that, and stress is no good for our body.
Try OPKs over the next few days, expect AF about a month after the date of your op, but don't worry if you don't ovulate or get AF. That, for the first few cycles is not an indicator of the op's success. :flower:
Hi ladies....well I had kinda made up my mind to give up on opks since I had the surgery since Jan 25th.....and nothing yet.....but today I just remembered and decided to test with one of the cheap ones and it came really dark...first time I decided to double check with the clearblue one that shows the smiley face...n omg...i got the smiley face :) i am really happy for that......any advice would be really appreciated from you gals.....oh and happy valentine's day.....thanks again especially to dearest Maria F, Kyla, Cridge, Tella and Cullen :) will keep you all posted :thumbup:
Yay Shardil!!! Do you have any other symptoms? Like increased discharge? Pains on the side perhaps?
Enjoy bd'ing!! And fingers crossed you'll get a beautiful BFP in 2 weeks time!
But even if not - getting a positive opk is already HUGE progress! It means there's hope your body will start working all by itself!!
Wow! Made it to the end of the thread lol, I have been reading this from the beginning, has taken me about a week :)

Can I join you please? So glad the thread is still going, thankyou all so much for staying around beyond your BFPs and births! There are so many threads out there where someone asks a question about OD but never comes back to say how they got on, so this thread is great, I feel like I know you all!

So, I am Sarah, I am 31. We have been trying for two years for this baby, after we lost our first son in sept 2011 due to pre-term labour. I was diagnosed PCOS in October 2012, but suspected it even when trying for Bertie as I had such long irregular cycles.

I have been on metformin since I was diagnosed, had hycosy which showed clear tubes, then six rounds of clomid which made me ovulate on time but no BFP. I go in for my OD on Friday! I don't feel like I need to ask you anything as the thread has pretty much answered every question I had haha. But just wanted to join the conversation and say hi :)

I will be on cd 15 on the day of the op, so I am thinking/hoping I will ov fairly soon after (within a couple of weeks) without having another AF first. I know you all say count the op as cd1 so I will do that and hope to ov around day 14. Ether way I will start OPKs at 10days post op and hopefully will be up to start bd from then!

I had an emergency c section with Bertie, so I figure the recovery can't be harder than that? Although to be fair I hardly cared about how I felt physically after that, as he was with us in SCBU for two days, then we lost him, so my physical recovery was the last thing on my mind.

Looking forward to this time next week when it is all over and hopefully I will have been told all went ok! I guess my biggest fear at this point is being told there is some other problem and we have yet another hurdle to face.
:hi: Sarah and a warm welcome to the thread! :friends:

Congratulations on making it all the way through :coffee: and thanks. We've all been such a source of support to each other, it's always rewarding to repay that support forward with ladies and share our journeys beyond OD.

It must've been so difficult for you to have the emotional stress of 2 years of ttc after your loss. I have everything crossed for you that your op will lead to your rainbow baby. You're in the right place for support. :hugs:

Everyone says the recovery isn't actually as bad as they feared, you'll be fine. The gas pains were freaky and it's uncomfortable but we quickly bounce back.
The operation has a great success rate, often women will finally respond to Clomid or in the event you need extra meds (like I did) then letrozole/femara has a great success rate in Clomid resistant women. Yes, count the day of the op as CD1, and as hard as we all know it is and it's been said many times, do prepare to allow a few months for your body to 'reboot' and settle. Are you taking a good pre-natal vitamin? I strongly believe in them, as well as sperm friendly lube such as PreSeed.
Anyway, welcome again, even though you've read the thread do feel free to ask any question you need.

Shardil - Fab, fab news!! :cloud9: A belated Happy Valentines to you too :flower: Keep us posted and good luck.
Hi Sarah and welcome!! Good luck Friday! I had my OD in early march and a BFP 8 months later :thumbup: But I also started having more or less regular periods after the OD!
Do you not get a period at all? Do you have any weight issues? What about DH? Are his swimmers all fine?
I'd stick to Metformin if it's not making you feel ill!! I was taking it throughout pregnancy and my yrine still showed Hugh sugars but luckily blood was clear. And I believe I have metformin to thank for that!
Do you mind if I ask what happened to your little angel? Was he born premature? What pcos to blame at all? I'm SO very sorry for your Los and I wish you THe speediest BFP and a forever baby!!!!!
Let us know how the op goes!

Shardil - any more opk's? How are they looking now?

Would be nice to hear from the other girls and new mums, though I know everyone is really busy!
Hi Kyla and Maria, and thanks for the warm welcome :)

Yep I am taking prenatals as well as omega 3 supplements at the moment. My BMI is a healthy 20 so no worries there.

I did respond to clomid, at 100mgi had two or three eggs each cycle but no BFP. No male factor issues, so we are hopeful if we can get me cycling regularly it shoud happen.

I don't mind talking about Bertie at all Maria, infact thankyou for asking :). I went into labour suddenly and unexpectedly at26+3. I ended up having an emergency section as he was footling breech and there was no time. He was born less 20mins after I arrived at hospital! They never found a reason for the premature labour, and have since assured me it has nothing to do with PCOS. That is frustrating as with no known cause, how can they prevent it happening again? Still I try not to think that way, I will be high risk and will have extra scans, cervix checks etc next time. I do wonder if it was a progesterone issue, as I do have a short lp, but who knows. I will raise that with them when the time comes.

They told me my blood and his were fine, placenta was normal, could have been incompetent cervix but they didn't think so. Bertie was perfect, just tiny, and I had no infection. So it's very frustrating not to know why.
I am just so grateful we got to meet him and have him for two precious days, so many don't even get that time :cry:

We opted against a post mortem as we washed and dressed him after he passed, I couldn't bear to have him disturbed and we didn't see what it would add anyway.

I pray every day for my rainbow baby and really feel that the OD may be just what I need! I can accept it taking a while longer if it at least gives me a regular cycle so I feel we have a chance.

I do ovulate on my own, but very late and variably. Bertie was from a day 83 egg! Makes it very frustrating knowing when AF comes that's it for three months! That was the nice thng about clomid, knowing i would o by day 20at the latest. So keeping fingers tightly crossed it will be different from now on and I can achieve that without meds, I hated how clomid made me feel!
Oh Sarah, your story made me well up :cry:

I do think pcos is often overlooked when it comes to pregnancy problems. Because our hormones are out of whack often w
Oh Sarah, your story made me well up :cry:

I do think pcos is often overlooked when it comes to pregnancy problems. Because our hormones are out of whack often with high testosterone and low progesterone.
Incompetent cervix is most often caused either if you had surgery on your cervix or low progesterone. So taking progesterone supplements is often the first cause of treatment before they stitch it up.

I'm glad they told you you'll get extra monitoring because from what I heard the nhs don't offer any special screening until you've been through this horror at least twice :nope: which is totally pathetic and disgusting!!

So if you feel like you aren't getting enough from the nhs please try to go private! Ideally they should start monitoring your cervix from around 14-16 weeks and carry on till about 30 weeks. They should also take more bloods and check for the levels of male hormones. And also progesterone.

Also I hate to say it but from experience it sounds like girl pregnancies seem to be easier for pcos sufferers. I know so many stories when pregnancies ended badly and most if them where with boys :nope:

Have you also had all your swabs because something as simple as bacterial vaginosis can actually lead to prematire births!
Thanks Maria, yes your suspicions match mine. I am convinced it was due to my hormones, if they say it wasn't a physical problem or infection (yep they took swabs at the time and will again during pregnancy) then it must have been hormonal, right? I do have low progesterone and a short lp.....I have been wondering if the OD will help with that? I will be insisting they check it anyway.

I am pretty confident in the care I will receive, they have told me I will have cervix scans, swabs, stitch if necessary and steroid shot around 26weeks so at least baby will have a chance if it happens again. I intend to also ask about progesterone. And don't worry, I will be going privately for extra if I am not satisfied with what the NHS do!

Having met many many angel parents, most of whom now have one year olds, I have followed all their pregnancy care for their rainbows and I have to defend the NHS and say it was excellent for most of them. Yep, it's twice or even three times for an early misscarrige, but a neonatal death or stillbirth, the care next time is generally very good. The hardest things for a lot of them were people not reading the notes and asking "is this your first?" at scans and things.

Thanks for your kind words and support xx

Well, three days to go!! Eeep! I am off work now for two weeks, so I have my best and oldest friend coming to stay today, to try and take my mind off it lol. Bad timing but my hubby goes away on Sunday for a training course (planned before I got my date) so my mum is coming to stay for a few days so I'm not alone. I think she is looking forward to the chance to fuss over me again hehe!

I will be sure to come on and let you know how it went!
Aw! Sounds like you've done your research and sounds like they are on the ball with your care. I do still find that you have to do a lot of your own research and almost prompt them to do things otherwise they wouldn't mention things themselves :wacko:

I think the most important this to remember is that you CAN get pregnant naturally. OD should help regulate your cycles.

I had a repeat blood test about 2 months after the OD and my LH:FSH ratio went down from 4:1 to about 1.5:1 which was amazing! I also suffered with very bad acne and very greasy skin and I started seeing improvement almost immediately after the OD.

Have you ever taken B-Complex vitamins? My LP is on average 11-12 days so it's ok, if I take B-Complex in a cycle it increases to 13-14 days!!! I found Kira Hormonal balance that you can get from Boots really very good so I'd recommend that after you have your op.

Glad you have people coming to stay with you. I had two laparoscopies and felt a lot rougher after the first one. Struggled walking up and down the stairs for about 4-5 days. Whereas after my second I was back on horseback after 8-9 days! So you just never know what your recovery process will be like.

Less than 2 days to go :happydance:
Welcome Here :hi: :flow:

Just want to wish you good luck with your op, like Maria said it is good to have people around you especially those first 2 days thereafter i managed to start moving quickly and within 5days i was up and running. But it is true Maria, they say every lap gets easier, its like your body gets used to the gas and can dispose of it easier.

My heart goes out to you with Bertie and i know my MC is no where in comparison but i feel the same, im happy to talk about it as then i feel like ppl acknowledge that bean was there and not like it never happened and should be ignored. :hugs:

I pray that OD will help you with your rainbow and that you will quickly fall after OD!!! So many has had awesome results and for me even though it hasnt been a rainbow yet, i O on my own where i never use to even without PCOS. I have 32day cycles without any problems and meds. Clomid also didnt work before OD but after it worked but i switched to Femara which is awesome and far less side effects.

Good luck girl :flow: will be thinking of you on Friday!!!!!
Thanks both. The hospital rang, my op is cancelled! Te consultant has decided I am not suitable for day case and need to stay overnight, therefore I have to go back on the waiting list :( They can't explain why he feels that way, even though I have never heard of it being anything other than day case. Also can't tell me how much longer I will have to wait. I am so utterly frustrated right now.
Hi Sarah! Welcome! :hi: I can't believe you've read the entire thread!! It took me ages to do that when I first joined, a couple (few?) years ago. :wacko: Way to go!

Oh no! I can't believe they've put you back on the waiting list - that seems really strange!! I've never heard of anyone staying overnight for OD either. :shrug: I would definitely look into it, if you can!

I was so sad to read of your experience with Bertie! :cry: It does seem strange, but I would agree that it would have to be hormonal. I can't think of why else something like that would happen that they're not able to test..?? :hugs:

But Bertie was a CD83 ovulation??!! Holy cow - that's awesome!! That gives me hope that maybe my body will do something eventually. I have never really ovulated on my own (maybe once or twice as a teenager), and I still don't even after OD. But I do think that OD helped my body for a short time, at least. I really hope you're able to get in!
Oh Sarah :hugs:

Your news just brought back all those memories of being let down and messed around. After more than 18 months ttc we were finally out on the waiting list for IVF. Have been on that list for 4 months, doing all tests etc only to find out our GP referred us to the wrong hospital and the past 4 months were a write off :nope:
I had to call every day and beg to expedite our referral. I felt so belittled. You are already an emotional mess so to go through blow after the blow just sucks!!!

I had both laps done privately through work insurance and I stayed over night both times. Personally I'm really glad I did!

Did they not even indicate how long you have to wait this time?!?!
Hi Sarah,

:hugs: Oh no. I have heard of women staying overnight for OD for a number of reasons, sometimes the consultant just wants to check on them the next day, sometimes they've had a funny reaction to anaesthetic before and need closer monitoring. Alternatively, perhaps they want to discuss with you what they find and rather than send you away all groggy as a day case and making you wait so many weeks to come back to see him, perhaps a good nights rest and a chat the next morning is better to formulate your plan from there.
I hope it's something like that and you won't be kept waiting long. :flower:

I'm sure that they'll be giving you lots of TLC after your experience with Bertie and perhaps this change of plan with the operation is part of that care and they've not explained it well so far. Are you able to phone up and ask for their reasoning?

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