Hi Shardil - I was fine going up steps provided I did it slowly. You will be on painkillers of course.
I found the pain was more internal than the stitches, I didn't even know where one of the stitches was as I was a wimp and refused to look!! To me, it's like that trapped wind pain. I did suffer afterwards as I had an internal infection and I needed antibiotics but this is rare and no-one else on this forum seems to have had the same - but I managed with it and I really am a scaredy cat when it comes to pain so I think you'll be fine. We've had a lot of successes on this thread so it's quiet at the moment as many girls are busy with their babies, but I think the fear of the pain is worse than the actual experience for most cases.
I'm a jeans and t-shirt girl too, I took some loose joggers for post-op going home and wore a massive t-shirt nightie or loose pj's while I lounged around recovering. They put massive plasters over my stitches which provide padding, my hubby had to change the plasters as I couldn't bare to look
You will get some gas pains afterwards as they use air to inflate your tummy so they can get a good look around, and it takes a little while afterwards for the air to go. I took Windeze for this, and peppermint cordial is great too - although I don't like the taste
Your first night may be uncomfortable, so definitely try to make it to bed rather than the couch.
Driving wise, I had my op on 29th Dec 2011 so I didn't need to drive for a while as I didn't need to go anywhere.
Ask as much as you want to hun, you will be nervous but I am confident you'll be back on here to report it wasn't anywhere near as bad as you fear